june 1993 $5.00 YEAH, BUT DOES HE HAVE THE GUTS TO RUN HIS OWN BUSINESS? Here's to the productive risk takers in Nevada. Entrepreneurs. They're the backbone of our economy. We salute them. And we support them, with financing, services and expert advice. ~BANK. C l993 U.S. B~nk . Mo:mber FDIC. ~BUSINESS Taking ~OURNAL The PUBUSHER/EDITOR Lead In Lyle E. Brennan ASSOCIATE PUBUSHER Managed Chuck Dandy ASSOCIATE EDITOR/ ART DIRECTOR Care. Barbara L. Moore CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Christopher Lee Because we know managing health care delivery helps Mark Luczak control costs, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nevada has Tom Martin taken the lead by providing results in managed care. R. Keith Schwer We've organized one of the largest provider networks in Nevada, contracting with the best hospitals and physicians ACCOUNT .EXECUTIVE to provide cost-effective care state-wide- the choices Chuck Dandy you expect and the value you need . Our commitment to caring for the people of Nevada The Nevada Business Journal is listed in Standard Rates &Data, #20A-Business-Metro, State & Regional. spans 25 years. For information, contact your broker Advertisers should contact Chuck Dandy at (702) 735-7003, or write to: The Nevada Business Journal, or Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nevada at 3157 Bel Air Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. Demo­ 228-2583. In Reno call829-4000. graphic information is available upon request. Circula­ tion may vary from month to month. The Nevada Business Journal corporate offices are located at 3157 Bel Air Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. NBJ is published bi-monthly, bulk postage paid. Sub­ scription rate is $27.00 per year. Newsstand price is $5.00 and special order single copy price $7 .00. All contents 1993 copyright, and reproduction of material appearing in NBJ is prohibited unless so au­ thorized by the publisher of NBJ. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send previous ad­ dress or mailing label & new address. Allow six weeks. BlueCross Blue Shield EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS: Address all submis­ sions to the attention of Chuck Dandy. Unsolicited man­ of Nevada uscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. NBJ assumes no responsibility for Good Clwice. unsolicited materials. DISCLAIMER: Editorial views expressed In this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. 4 Nevada Business journal • May!June 1993 May/june 1993 IC 0 NTE NT S Volume 8- No. 3 Features D NCRC Approaches One-Year Goal Consortium of Nevada banks moves quickly to provide affordable low-income housing. m Hiring a Turnaround Specialist In periods of uncertain economic transition, hiring a turnaround special­ ist may the best survival strategy for the '90s. SUMMERLIN SUMMERLIN IS NUMBER ONE .. ...... .. S-3 WESTERN TECHNOLOGIES: Still going strong ....................... S-20 S UMMERLIN'S NEIGHBORHOODS: The Hills ...................................... S-6 LEWIS HoMES: The Hills South ............ ................ S-9 Nevada's largest The Pueblo ........... .. ..... .. .. ......... S-11 homebuilder ......................... ... ... S-21 SUMMERLIN CALENDAR ................ S-15 PENTACORE ENGINEERING: Spelling success ......................... S-22 GC WALLACE: Land planning Summerlin Top Executives: and civil engineering ... ........... ... S-17 THE PUEBLO AT SUMMERLIN: Summerlin President Mark Fine, center, meets with Vice President for Advance First retail center in Planning James A. Veltman, left, and SUMMA CoRPORATION: Premier The Pueblo village ............. ...... .. S-23 Vice President for Community Develop­ ment Richard E. Oglesby at Fo/ded Circle office space in Summerlin ...... ... S-18 -a sculpture created by noted San Fran­ SUMMERLIN SUMMARY: cisco artist Fletcher Benton- in front of The Pueblo Medical Center. HARRISON DooR CoMPANY: A synopsis of Summerlin's Photo by Tom Craig I Opulence Growing with Summerlin ....... ... S-19 neighborhoods ............. .. .. ... ... .. .. S-23 Departments EIJ Executive Profile: Larry Lewin Moving up at the Riviera. ti:J Office Systems: Electronic Mail- Why you need a policy Some legal and security issues to be aware of. m Nevada Briefs: Lechters moves into new Hughes Center facility • U.S. Bancorp plans new Nevada headquarters in Reno • Ten·acon expands into Nevada with office in Las Vegas • B of A launches loan promotion. Larry Lewin, vice president of El] Business Indicators & Analysis: Construction activity in Las Vegas casino marketing at the Riviera. should continue to buoy the Nevada economy. Page 39. \VeHave $400 Million That Says \Ve Believe In Nevada Business. At Bank of America, we know that we'll even discount the po}nts and many business owners have been pay half the appraisal fee up facing some tough times lately. to $2,500. In this economy, it's been hard to Second is our DirectLine® Equity, cover your overhead, let alone grow. which uses the equity in your home Of course, there isn't anything to extend a line of credit. It's more that $400 million couldn't fix. flexible, because the money isn't So we've put together two loans just for real estate. Plus, we've made to put this cash into the hands of it even more attractive by waiving business people who can use it. all the opening fees, including the To create new opportunities. New appraisal fee. growth. First, is our Commercial So stop by a Bank of America Real Estate Loan, ideal for people branch soon. Because with $400 who are thinking of expanding their million to lend, we mean business. office space, buying or refinancing their own building. With this loan, BANKING ON AMERICNM m Bank of America Offer good 1hrough July 30. 1993. Cenam res!nctlons apply. © 1993 Bank of Amenca Nevada. Member FDIC CRCApp che One-~ ar Developer Marc Simoncini receives a check from NCRC President Jackie DeLaney for the long-term mortgage on the Manhattan Place Apartments. Supporting NCRC in !his efforl are represen­ talives from member inslilulions and olher community representatives. Back Row: Andy Scudder/- First Inters/ale Bank Mendy Cavanaugh -Firs/ lmersrme Bank Dave Funk - Sierra Bank Barry Harrison -First Western Bank Wayne Snyder- Nevada Banking Co . David Downs- American Federol Mike Ramos- City of Reno Front Row:J Jackie DeLaney - NCRC Marc Simoncini- Owner Larry Tuntland - First Interstate Bank Mamie Chinn Hechrer - Nev. Housing Div. lndra Chhabra- Citibank John Warden - American Federal CoNSORTIUM The Nevada Community Reinvestment but the numbers were smaller, even 10 Corporation (NCR C) should meet its first­ years ago," she said. "And now with a year goal of a commitment to provide new influx of people, most of whom will OF BANKS MOVES 500 housing units for low-income Ne­ work at jobs from $6 to $8 an hour, the vada families, according to its president, social dynamics have changed." Jackie DeLaney. She pointed out that housing in catego­ Formed in July of 1992, Delaney said ries which low- and moderate-income QUICKLY TO PROVIDE the goal of 500 new or rehabilitated units groups can afford should be built at a for the state's low-income families was standard acceptable to the market at set then. "Currently we have $5.7 in com­ large. "When you have two or three fami­ mitments for more than 200 units, and lies living in a home or apartment so they AFFORDABLE LOW- another $6.2 million will be committed can afford the rent, or many households for nearly 300 more units that are going paying more than 50 percent of their in­ through the pipeline.now," she said from come for housi ng, there is an unsatisfac­ her Las Vegas office. tory social result," DeLaney said. "If we INCOME HOUSING. She said the NCRC, a consortium of 13 jump out now, we will be prepared for Nevada banks that have initially commit­ future growth." ted $20 million for affordable housing, The NCRC was formed as a catalyst to was formed because sheer numbers of help private developers, public agencies growth over the past decade have created and nonprofit groups that want to move an unprecedented need. "There has al­ ahead with affordable housing projects. By Tom Martin ways been a need for affordable housing, "We're here to help everybody, including ~lay/June 1993 • Nevada Business journal 7 NCRC public-private partnerships. There are so many angles, that we must work together," said DeLaney. She said the primary use of the NCRC commitment will be for mortgages on projects that will be made possible through various grants as well as funding from municipalities and other lenders. "We will provide a below-market interest when the project is completed. There is not exact figure on the interest rates we would offer, but it could be as much as two percent below market." DeLaney said the NCRC offers three basic products: (1 ) Acquisition and reha- • bilitation loans for properties throughout the state; (2) permanent takeout financing for newly constructed un.its; and (3) new construction loans with permanent financ- ing in rural counties. ' She pointed out the NCRC will appiy the same criteria to mortgage loans as any primary lender. "Each project will have its bottom-line cost, per unit and as a project. We must have sound loans-even though there is more risk - and a source of repayment," she said. DeLaney stated the objectives of the NCRC are to provide financing for: • The highest possible number of units affordable to families of low and moderate income; • Units with the longest-term of affordability; • Projects where the need is greatest; • Projects where the residents have a mix of income levels; • The highest possible number of units that accommodate larger families. The first project to receive such a mort­ gage loan from NCRC is a good example ofhow the organization works. The project provides four-bedroom, two-bath units to (702) 592-4098 or 1-800-285-9007 families earning less than 60 percent of the median income.
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