Journal of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America 1946 Digital Copyright Notice Copyright 2017. The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America / The Archives of the Episcopal Church All rights reserved. Limited reproduction of excerpts of this is permitted for personal research and educational activities. Systematic or multiple copy reproduction; electronic retransmission or redistribution; print or electronic duplication of any material for a fee or for commercial purposes; altering or recompiling any contents of this document for electronic re-display, and all other re-publication that does not qualify as fair use are not permitted without prior written permission. Send written requests for permission to re-publish to: Rights and Permissions Office The Archives of the Episcopal Church 606 Rathervue Place P.O. Box 2247 Austin, Texas 78768 Email: [email protected] Telephone: 512-472-6816 Fax: 512-480-0437 JOURNAL OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION OF THE rote.5tant -i fopa (cIburrb IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania From September Tenth to Twentieth, inclusive, in the Year of Our Lord 1946 WITH APPENDICES PRINTED FOR THE CONVENTION 1947 COMPOSITION, PRESS WORK AND BINDING W. B. CONKER COMPANY HAMMOND, INDIANA CONTENTS PAGE National Council .............. vii Joint Committees and Commissions .. ...... ix The Courts . ...... .. xviii Index to the journal of the General Convention ... xix Index to the Appendices ... .. xxxix Officers of the House of Bishops. .... 1 House of Bishops . ........ .. 2 Journal of the House of Bishops. .. .. 7 Pastoral Letter . .......... 58 Special Meeting of the House of Bishops- Birmingham, Alabama .. .... ..... 63 Officers of the House of Deputies ... 83 House of Deputies.. ..... 84 Journal of the House of Deputies.... ... .. 102 Proceedings of the Joint Sessions .... ... 140 Topical Arrangement of Action . ......... 144 Appendices. .......... 335 Constitution and Canons...... .. 1 Index to the Constitution and Canons ... ... 171 SECRETARY OF THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS THE REV. JOHN H. FITZGERALD, D.D. 7301 RIDGE BLVD., BROOKLYN 9, N.Y. To whom communications relating to the House of Bishops should be addressed. SECRETARY OF THE HOUSE OF DEPUTIES THE REV. C. RANKIN BARNES, D.D. 281 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 10, N.Y. To whom, as Secretary of the Convention, all communications relat- ing to the general work of the Convention should be addressed; and to whom should be forwarded copies of the Journals of Diocesan Conven- tions or Convocations, together with Episcopal Charges, Statements, Pas- toral Letters, and other papers which may throw light upon the state of the Church in the Diocese or Missionary District, as required by Canon 5, Sec. 2. A certified copy of the testimonials of members appointed as Depu- ties to the next General Convention should be forwarded to the Secretary as soon as may be practicable. All orders for General Convention Journals and Constitution and Canons should be sent to the Book Store, 281 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, N.Y. TREASURER OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION RAYMOND F. BARNES, LL.D. 170 REMSEN STREET, BROOKLYN' 2, N.Y. Canon 1, Sec. 6. In order that the contingent expenses of the General Convention, and the stipend of the Presiding Bishop, together with the necessary expenses of his office, and Church Pension Fund assessments, may be defrayed, it shall be the duty of the several Diocesan Conventions and of the Convocations of the several Missionary Districts to forward to the Treasurer of the General Convention annually, on the first Monday of January, as to each Diocese not more than eight dollars for each Bishop having jurisdction therein, any Bishop Coadjutor, and each Suffragan Bishop in active service therein, and each Retired Bishop and each Pres- byter and Deacon canonically resident therein, and as to each Missionary District an amount equal to one-quarter of the above described Diocesan levy for each Bishop having jurisdiction therein, any Bishop Coadjutor, and each Suffragan Bishop in active service therein, and each Retired Bishop and e ch Presbyter and Deacon canonically resident therein. The number of Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons listed by each Diocese and Missionary D strict, as reported to the House of Deputies and recorded in the Journal of the General Convention's last proceedings, shall be the basis upon which such assessment shall be made. The amount of such assess- ment shall be determined by the Committee on Expenses. A new Diocese not recorded in the last Journal shall furnish to the Treasurer, prior to the first of November, a report of the number of Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons for which such Diocese is subject to assessment, which shall be the same as in the report to the House of Deputies. The Secretary and the Treasurer of the Convention are authorized to make an additional assessment of one dollar for each Clergyman, if the needs of the Convention so require. The General Convention will meet in San Francisco, California, on Monda'y, September 26th, in the year of our. Lord one thousand nine hun- dred and forty-nine. MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL Elected by the General Convention Rt. Rev. Henry Knox Sherrill, D.D., Presiding Bishop and President, 281 4th Ave., New York 10, N.Y. Lewis B. Franklin, D.C.L., Treasurer, 281 4th Ave., New York 10, N.Y. Until General Convention 1949 Rt. Rev. Charles C. Carpenter, D.D., 2015 Sixth Ave., Birmingham 3, Ala. Rt. Rev. Malcolm E. Peabody, D.D., 429 James St., Syracuse 3, N.Y. Rev. Robert A. Magill, D.D., 320 Woodland Ave., Lynchburg, Va. Rev. Robert R. Brown, St. Paul's Church, 5th and Columbus, Waco, Texas. Mr. J. Taylor Foster, Lee Higginson Corp., 40 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. Mr. Jackson A. Dykman, 177 Montague St., Brooklyn 2, N.Y. Mr. E. Townsend Look, "Towns End," Brookside, N.J. Mr. Alexander Whiteside, 30 State St., Boston 9, Mass. Mr. Thomas B. K. Ringe, 123 So. Broad St., Philadelphia 9, Pa. Mrs. John E. Hill, 1327 Wolf St., Philadelphia 48, Pa. Miss Anne W. Patton, 1540 Oak Grove, San Marino 5, Calif. Miss Adelaide T. Case, 12 Philip's Place, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mrs. Harper Sibley, 400 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. Until General Convention 1952 Rt. Rev. R. Bland Mitchell, D.D., 1604 Center St., Little Rock, Ark. Rt. Rev. Arthur R. McKinstry, D. D., Bishopstead, Wilmington, Del. Rev. John Heuss, Jr., 2401 Pioneer Road, Evanston, Ill. Rev. John S. Higgins, 905 Fourth Ave., South, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Mr. C. McD. Davis, Wilmington, N.C. Pres. Clark G. Kuebler, Ph.D., Ripon College, Ripon, Wis. Mr. Samuel S. Schmidt, 932 South Beaver St., York, Pa. Elected by the Provinces 1. Rt. Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, D.D., 207 Farmington Ave., Hartford 5, Conn. 2. Rev. Horace W. B. Donegan, D.D., 865 Madison Ave., New York 21, N.Y. 3. Rt. Rev. Angus Dun, D.D., 1702 Rhode Island Ave., Washington 6, D.C. 4. Rev. E. Hamilton West, St. Paul's Church, Augusta, Ga. 5. Rt. Rev. Edwin J. Randall, S.T.D., 65 E. Huron St., Chicago 11, Ill. 6. Rt. Rev. Elwood L. Haines, D.D., 1102 Brady St., Davenport, Iowa. 7. Rt. Rev. Harry T. Moore, D.D., 5100 Ross Ave., Dallas 6, Texas. 8. Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell, D.D., 541 Morgan Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. Viii Custodian of the Standard Prayer Book THE VERY REV. JOHN W. SUTER, D.D., Washington Cathedral, Mount Saint Alban, Washington 16, D.C. Registrar THE REV. JOHN H. FITZGERALD, D.D., 7301 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn 9, N.Y. Custodiain of Archives CHURCH HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 4205 Spruce Street, Philadelphia 4, Pa. Historiographer THE REV. E. CLOWES CHORLEY, D.D., Garrison, N.Y. Recorder of Ordinations THE CHURCH PENSION FUND, 20 Exchange Place, New York 5, N.Y. JOINT COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES To Report to the Next General Convention A Joint Committee is one composed of members of the two Houses of General Convention. A Joint Commission includes not only members of the two Houses but members chosen at large. General Convention of 1940 voted that Joint Committees and Commis- sions should not have power to fill vacancies, or add to their numbers. Vacancies are filled on behalf of the House of Bishops by the Chairman of that House, and on behalf of the House of Deputies by the President of that House. The General Convention of 1943 voted that any Joint Committee or Commission which did not report to the General Convention following its appointment should be discharged at the close of the Convention unless action to the contrary is taken. The words in parentheses preceding the title of each Commission and Committee in- dicate the key word to the name of the Commission or Committee. (Architecture) Commission on Church Architecture and the Allied Arts Bishop Oldham, of Albany; Bishop Pardue, of Pittsburgh; Bishop Spencer, of West Missouri; Rev. Alan H. Tongue, of New York; Rev. Reno S. Harp, Jr., of Virginia; .Rev. Canon Edward N. West, of New York; George C. Booth, of Michigan, 2500 Buhe Bldg., Detroit, Mich.; Hobart Upjohn, of New York, Grand Central Terminal, N.Y.C.; Philip H. Frohman, of Washington, 726 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C.; Maj. George M. Chandler, of Washington, 2123 California St., N. W., Washing- ton 8, D.C.; Merritt F. Farren, of Newark, c/o John Wanamaker, N.Y.C.; Waldron Faulkner, of Washington; Miss Marion Hendrie, of Southern Ohio, Box 48A, R.F.D. No. 5, Cincinnati, O.; Matthews Brown, of New York, 68 William St., New York, N.Y. (Arrangements) Committee of Arrangements for the General Convention of 1949 Rt.
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