13258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE July 9 a plentiful amount of mortgage money avail- days plus 2 nights a week, but we'll-be 6 prove and ratify joint resolution 32, sessiol;l able,'' he adds. · weeks behind pretty soon unless this lets laws of Hawaii, 1957, authorizing the issu­ Officials of both the FHA and VA in Wash­ up." ance of $14 million in aviation revenue ington indicate they are not contemplating bonds; to authorize certain land exchanges any cuts in the maximum permissive in­ at Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, for terest rates on mortgages backed by their ADJOURNMENT the development of the Honolulu airport agencies. The present FHA ceiling is 5 ~ Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I complex; and for other purposes; and H. R. 10504. An act to make the provisions percent, with another half-point added for move that the Senate adjourn until 12 insurance. The VA rate maximum is 4%, of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' percent. Before the current upsurge in o'clock noon tomorrow. Compensation Act applicable to certain building and mortgage borrowing activity, The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 civilian employees of nonappropriated fund there had been some t alk of the advisability o'clock and 54 minutes p.m.) the Senate instrumentalities of the Armed Forces, and of the Government's trimming these fixed adjourned until tomorrow. Thursday, for other purposes. interest rates. July 10, 1958, at 12 o'clock noon. "Right now," says_ an FHA official, "our rate seems to be the rate which is meeting COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN the mortgage market." And he adds: "Cer­ CONFIRMATIONS ACTIVmES tain areas, in fact, need more mortgage money ... Executive nominations confirmed by Mr. HAYS of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, by A measure of the investment appeal of the Senate July 9 (legislative day of direction of the Committee on House fixed-interest mortgages is the amount of Monday, July 7), 1958: Administration, I call up House Resolu­ discount lenders may demand to buy such ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION tion 506 and ask for its immediate con­ a lien. When a mortgage sells at 98, for John A. McCone, of California, to be a mem­ sideration. example, the lender advances $98 for each ber of the Atomic Energy Commission for the The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ $100 against the expectation of being repaid term of 5 years expiring June 30, 1963. in full. lows: A Dallas VA official reports that GI mort­ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Resolved, That there be printed for the use gages priced at 91 and 92 points there in WELFARE of the Committee on Un-American Activi­ January through March, are now going to Arthur S. Flemming, of Ohio, to be Secre­ ties 13,000 additional copies of House Report private lenders at 95 and 96 points. The tary of Health, Education, and Welfare. No. 1360, current session, entitled "Annual FHA office in Jamaica, N. Y., serving New Report for the Year 1957." York City and suburban counties, reports COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS that its Government-insured mortgages are Gustav F. Doscher, Jr., of South Carolina, Mr. LECOMPTE. Mr. Speaker, will now selling at par, up from 1- to 2-point to be collector of customs for customs col­ the gentleman yield? c:Uscounts in effect last February. lection district No. 16, with headquarters at Mr. HAYS of Ohio. I yield to the Charleston, S. C. CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGES gentleman from Iowa. So-called conventional mortgages, which •• ...... •• Mr. LECOMPTE. Would the gentle­ are not Government backed, currently pay man care to explain to the House in a interest yields ranging from about 5 percent few words what this is and what is the to 6 percent, depending upon the section of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES estimated cost? the country. These rates generally are down WEDNESDAY, J ULY 9, 1958 Mr. HAYS of Ohio. As I understand about a percentage point from last January, it, this is the annual report of the Com­ largely as a result of the sharp influx of It funds into the market at a time few mort­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. mittee on Un-American Activities. is gages were available for investment. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, a sort of resume of the things they did, June applications for insurance on home D. D., offered the following prayer: the hearings they held, and the witnesses they interviewed during the year 1957. loans, several FHA field offices said yesterday, I God is light, and in Him ran well over those of the previous month. John 1: 5: It is customary that this be printed as The San Francisco FHA office, for example, is no darkness at all. a House document, and it has been. reported 5,626 applications against 4,094 in Eternal and ever-blessed God,· may we This is a request for additional copies. May and 1,447 in June 1957. At the agency's now be drawn together in greater unity The committee has letters from people Chicago office, June applications totaled of spirit as we plan and labor for the who are asking that they be furnished 1,267 for June against 933 in May. The Bos­ welfare of our country and all man­ with copies of this report. ton office added up 1,122 such requests last kind. month against 1,044 the month earlier. Mr. LECOMPTE. It has been the cus­ The Cleveland and New York FHA offices, Strengthen and sustain us with 'rhY tom down through the years to have however, showed slightly fewer mortgage in­ counsel and companionship and a vision this printed, and there have been anum­ surance requests for June than the month of Thy divine purposes which can never ber of requests for copies of the report before. be eclipsed by the· forces of evil. from year to year. The Cleveland office of the Veterans' Ad­ Grant that in the midst of worldwide Mr. HAYS of Ohio. I believe that is ministration, meantime, noted that its June conflict and confusion we may cleave loan requests "were 100 percent greater than correct. That is my understanding. in May and indications are July will be with increasing tenacity of faith and Mr. MARTIN. Mr. Speaker, will the even bigger." VA officials in Philadelphia, courage to the abiding truth that noth­ gentleman yield? Dallas, Los Angeles, and Chicago similarly ing can ever impede the progress and Mr. HAYS of Ohio. I yield to the told of substantial increases in June over triumph of the kingdom of righteous­ gentleman from Massachusetts. May. ness. Mr. MARTIN. Do the Members of the The VA in San Francisco, on the other Help us to strive more earnestly for House generally share in the distribution hand, showed slight declines both in GI the dawning of that blessed day when of these extra copies, or do the copies go mortgage applications and in appraisal re­ quests filed preliminary to loan applications. the spirit of man shall be lifted out of entirely to the committee? Nationwide June activity figures are ex­ the darkness of hatred and selfishness Mr. HAYS of Ohio. Under the pro­ pected to be released by FHA and VA for into the glorious light of love and broth­ visions of the resolution they go entirely their respective operations later this week. erhood. to the committee. However, in the past For May, FHA reported receiving applications Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. House Members could get a reasonable for 90,000 housing units, topping the pre­ number of copies from the committee. vious record of 89,764 reported for May 1950. The Journal of the proceedings of There -is not a sufficient. allotment to Veterans' Administration national figures for yesterday was read and approved. May showed a rise of nearly 10,000 appraisal have any widespread distribution since requests, and 8,705 home loan applications. they are asking for only 13,000 copies. The stepped-up activity at Government Mr. MARTIN. A Member can go to home financing agencies is causing delays in MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the committee, and they might be ex­ processing the applications despite overtime A message from the Senate by Mr. pected to be fair about the distribution. operations and the use of so-called fee McGown, one of its clerks, announced Mr. HAYS of Ohio. That is correct. appraisers, outside experts who conduct in­ that the Senate had passed without The SPEAKER pro tempore. The spections on a contract basis. This practice was recently authorized at the FHA though amendment bills of the House of the question is on the resolution. the VA has employed it for some time. following titles: The resolution was agreed to. Comments an official in the Sacramento H . R. 10347. An act to amend section 73 A motion to reconsider was laid on the FHA office: "We're working out men Satur- ( q) of the Hawaiian Organic Act; to ap- table. 1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 13259 SUBCOMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEE IN States is to maintain its position of leader­ ship and if we are further to enhance the OVERSIGHT OF THE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF DOORKEEPER quality of our society, we must see to it that ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN Mr. FRIEDEL. Mr. Speaker, by di­ today's young people are prepared to con­ COMMERCE rection of the Committee on House Ad­ tribute the maximum to our future progress and strength and that we achieve the highest Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask ministration, I offer a privileged resolu­ tion <H. Res. 623) and ask for its im­ possible excellence in our education.
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