>o« C. Soldier Wins Highest Military Award • t Tb« Ob»rT«r Bur,,. [draw, under orders, and the Com- WASHINGTON, April 2i-Pri- munists started out after them. Qbarmrr *.*!,** lfstt f t C4-iarleS T H Barker volunteered to cover Barker, a former textile worker , . , the from Pickens, S. C.. will receive retreat. "Private Barker re- MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1955 the Medal of Honor for sacrific- mained in his position and with a *mg his life to save his patrol in stream of automatic rifle fire Korea when its ammunition was kept the enemy practically exhausted. pinned down," n the presence of the Senate Mull said. nnd House of Representatives, and The 18-year-old infantryman Governor S.C. Hero learned the nation©s The last time I saw Private Olin D. Johnston. Major highest mill- D \©"~© . Gen. Ralph Royce, Air Corps, pre sented to Representative A. O. Is Honored Sloan and Mrs. Sloan the Silver throwing his few remaining hand Star and the Order M the Purple. \. Barker of., Pit-kens, will re Heart, conferred posthumously on InKofffa his medal, at grenades. When the patrol got £".%;£ Z©et aa ounCcCordm ny ^ " ©»© ""-< © * © their son, Captain Raymond A. SEOUL i (UPI© Without there were only 12 rounds of am Sloan, for heroic action which re warning. Communist North Ko Sergeant Eugene D. Mull, Bu- munition left among the patro] sulted in his death." reans attacked American forces chanan, Va., the assistant patrol mcm bers. The unselfish actions J. Ed Smith, a resident of in the Imjin River area near leader, tells this eye-witness ac- of prj va te Barker, in my estima- ; Manila, a Clemson College class Kowang-San. Korea in late No count of the fight: tion, saved the lives of every man mate of the late Captain Sloan, in vember. 1951. I "Private Barker, with utter dis- on that patrol writing to members of the Sloan One of the GI©s. PFC. Noah 0. regard for his own personal safe- family about the cemetery where Knight. 22, of Jefferson. S. C.. _, ty, crawled to 3 position within ihe body of the late Captain Sloan although wounded in the attack, * 15 to 20 feet of the enemy©s dug- ;« interred. sa>s: ENTRANCE TO WAR HKKOES CEMETERY AT MANILA: rushed forward and sigle-hand- in position. Private Barker fired "This cemetery is one of the e<Jly killed or wounded an en his automatic rifle and threw most beautiful spots I have ever Recently received in Columbia is the above photo of the on* trance to the cemetery at Manila tire enemy squad. "grenades with deadly accuracy." seen. 17.180 American boys are \vherr arc burled 17.180 Knight, attached to th« When the American;,© ammuni-i buried here and it is so arranged American boys who lost their lives in World War II. This Seventh Infantry Regiment, ran tion ran low, they becan to with-t i .it one has the impression that memorial is for all servicemen who died or were killed dur out of ammunition. But that is in a beautiful garden. The ^^ ^ ^ ^ IHHBMmBOTMV^MWC*© © © ing World War II. and some Korean, ^rubbery and flowers are some- but is not a National didn©t stop him. !|MIU? to behold ami the rolling Cemetery such as the ones we have in this country. Knight leaped at three North ,uns look Korean soldiers who were car like a green carpet. The rying Photographs of Crave of ..ives are divided into sections so deadly demolition .©harges .it you don©t Ret the feeling of a and severely injured two of : i<;s but of individual treatment them with blows from his rifle. .- you would expect in a private But one of the charges ex 1st Officer-Pilot rnctery. ploded killing Knight and the "In the background are beautiful other Korean. The Congression but rugffed mountains which look al Medal of Honor was po.^t- rmazingly like California country humously awarded to Knight. side. This memorial is for all serv Today, in a brief ceremony FromJC Killed in WWII icemen who died or were killed here, the parade grounds cut- during World War II and some tide the United Nations Com Korean, but is not a National Cem- mand Headquarters was named etary such a* the ones we have in "Knight Parade Field" in his Received in Columbia the states. This is for our war honor. heroes who sjave their lives during; Photos have been received in ""In presenting the "Silver Star to] South Carolina©s hero of Bataan, the conflict and is considered (.-olumhia of the marker and I he Hosed except for the occasional military cemetery at Manila where Maj. C.en. Ralph Royce. Air Corps.! < sis the remains quoted his citation to describe the jdiscovery of the remains of a war of (he late Cap! [casualty. The dead here represent ji©tynvjnd A. Sloan of Marion, first heroic act which brought honor to] South Carolina Captain Sloan©s memory in the I the entire Asian area nnd is n<>t officer pilot and limited to those boys killed MARKER TO LATE CAPT. RAYMOND SLOAN: A photo of CIcmson College Kraduatc to los©- State©s General Assembly, The text. in the of thr citation follows: , Philippines. the marku at the grave of the late Captain Sloan of Marion i .* life in combat in World War II in the Philippine Islands Senator Olin D. Johnson. Senator Cantain Raymond A. Sloan "Construction has started on ft at Manila. In this cemetery aie in . Strom Thurmond and Congress- <0-.TT7421i. Air Corps, at Canas huge marble memorial containing tenrd nearly 18.000 American boys who lost their lives in n.an P:>int. Batann. P.I., on Febru n chapel and inscription to the war World War II. Captain Sloan was the first officer -pilot in John L. McMillan, have been Head whose ixleavoring for a year to have ary 11. 1912. found his post remains were never re- the state and first CJemson College graduate to the moved or were buried at sea Jose his Jilr Air Force Base at Myrtle Beach surrounded bv the enemy and in combat. A former classmate his communications to the rear there are many thousands of at Clemson describes th< t .-lined in honor of the late Captain cemetery as one of the most beautiful spots he has evei ^ioan. The matter is presently nut of order. With utter disre- | names in this category. KH rd for his own personal "As for Raymond, I saluted one seen._ __ ____ ___^_______ i mier consideration by the L©nited | tales Air Force which in a letter safety, Captain Sloan set out of the finest boys I ever knew when r-tted the name of Captain Sloan to personnlly notify higher I saw his cross and I felt a mys- SUNDAY. JAM AKY 26. 19: v. "Hid be headquarters of this break closenoss to him as 1 stood considered among others ©here hen the matter comes up for final through. In coins to the rear looking up at his grave" © :* termination. he was critically wounded. the letter concluded. Captain Slonn. a nephew «f H. S While beinc evacuated, this in Mr. Smith, who wrote the above trepid officer so disposed his letter in mid-January, is a former i©,:in of Columbia. Stale Veterans Veterans© .rvice Officer, was awarded the command as to prevent infiltra Administration Contact .ilver Star for "gallantry in action tion to the north, which would Officer at Columbia and last fall hn\-p ihreM^neH the rear of the was transferred to the Philippine . DOVC and beyond the call of duty," Islands ;ind the Purple Heart which were 17th Pursuit Squadron." where he is now VA Con- 1 resented posthumously. Both During the 1B43 session of the© Itact Officer at Manila. i * 1 rcrisVmire an account of the pay-] r.vards were given his father, A. C. '« .Sloan, at a special meeting of the ; n^ of tribute to ihe memory of the] House of Representatives, of which lyte Captain Sloan was as follows: Mr. Sloan was a member. "South Carolina©s General Assem-l Raymond Sloan joined the Air hly met in joint session today to) Oirps immediately after finishing join the government of the United) © >mson College in 1940. Upon States in paying tribute to a young --iving his wings at Kelly Field. native of the state who gave his © ©-xas, he was ordered to Clark life on Bataan last year in defense i-Vld. in the Philippines, where he )f his country and world-wide prin was in command of the 17th Pur ciples of Democracy suit Squadron. * V.
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