FF FT Y P EP.GF T O* T H £ t'.. ;MERiCAN ' --EAMEN 5 RIEND "-ÜCIE7Y. PRESENTED (IS iP.Mti! iM BY THE TRUSTEES, t ^ c A s X y a L X e T í K g . M -. • j i i i, i S 8 4 ' vAtSO • o r F I FT Y —S iX T H A N K I Í 7 E .-R S R, Y . ■ AND ' AN.NU Ai. SEP.MOX BV REV, S. E. MERR'C'-, D D. A &:ï \-£W VQRK: MV--LT X Bs.£ç\ Pai’\rtT»& í>~ i%c 60 Forro* Sr«-.. 18ô- 1 ■■"■'PiAOB. ; - P a g », Fifty-.sixth A niilvPM'T . - . 8j g ia —S av an n ah . F loriD a ~ Pt *3>saeiwi>; Officer?. 36S4-«» . 5 s T e x a s -O rth estoti. 8ii; Oregon— Port­ Fiftj-siyth Annual Bepott. ~ 7 j lanD, Astoria, <54; Puget SounD, 315. Missions in Foreign Seaports . .11-25 ! L oa n Library Work ... — 38-48 riamasi an i slaiiDs— Hotìoìuln, 11 ; Lab­ Ruiois'Home. Yew York City . .A... 48 raDor Coast, Iti; SeauDinaviao Coun- Relief for Seamen... ..................| , 43 •tn>F— SvtDen. iiorvny. Denmark. 14; ! P u b lic a t io n s ............................ <j:i »;v - - iiauiiHU'iA. 1’ ; BftlgiuD')— , V. S. N aval A w J e n n . A n n a p o lis 31d s { 4., A b i’.’i^ri-. F ra n ce— M arseilles ai.'d S pecial G rants . ... , •, 44 Havre. 19; Italy-G<M.oa anD Napkw, Fin anfes '' 4-1 IS; Japan—Yokohama a u d K*mp, 22; Life Members................................ .4 5 IH Deira. Xsisaids— Funchal, 23: C h D i S. Obituarj ... 45 A,—Valparaiso, 84. AcknowleDgments. , 46 in-.r-icur, in Unit eD States Seaports . 85-80 Anuual Serm onC hrist for- the Sailor M«>.pachu?t*tib— Bofcton. SS; >,Vw Y ork —T h e S ailer t o r C n m t .......................... 49-57 Cifv--Kroi >k’.> u, >. Y.— Stapleton. S I. Life Members......................................... 5y Jtr^y City. J . 27 Yiigmia— Receipts from Donations anD Legacies. 61-69 Xortulk• Xoith <'aretina- 'Wilmington: ItecupitiDatiou. 68 South Carolina- Churle-stow. siS; Oeor- Annual Financial Statement...................... 70 THE SOCIETY'\S PERIODICALS T H e f\.ui -n- ''¡lAUAFryr a n d Sikames''; FHienb. a m ontHlypublication of tliiHy -tun pages-, enm tm ii? tH e pr< >t-te linas» 01 tHe Am ericas 'sEAm.s'*^ Friend Soc.if.it, and its BrancHes and Au-dHaric-.s. v-tti n o n c e * oi tHe labors of local independent Societies in beHalf oi seamen, it?- itiMi being ;o pruseut a tr^urral vie>v of tHe History, nature, progress and vatu'* of b*- Se «sex'? Car se, a;ni commend it to tlit «yiapatHieb, tne prayers aud tike benefaction* of .-tae ■«ommTuilt-y. ._■ - The Magazine is ‘•eut to single subs-eriben-- for One Duu„ak a year, invariably to aDvance. It will alt,» ->e funDs beD to Lift* Directors anD Life Members of the Soeien .’gratuitous-iy, vjitjfi mtavo. rtftjueet fui' thr StJrrtf. also, tpvu oitttvul request. to pastors .if churche.- in which a t ►•any 1 oikcnon is taken for rhv Society.—auD, upn,i api'liiujti'oii, to any oae coii- trjbiuuiK at least Twenty Dollars for the »eiieral objects of the Soci^tv, or to enDow a Loan Library • • # T e e .Se a x &x '’*• F s i e x b is lotted as- a tour p‘<ge tract adapT«. to St'amcn. aud gratuitously AistniJiit^d au.i.ii-' tHeui it is iim uslud t.. 'Auxiliary Societies fo" tHi-s ust, at rHo rai<* '*£ t>SE Itou, a h . per Hundred. - ■ .. - T H e L i f e B o a t , a f jts r i i a ^ >-ht-t-L iM jb lj^Hed lu o i.t H iy , -*,¡11 tontaia brief tale.s, anecdote?-, lueiueats, A c.. >n d £ ,¡’ '1 -, Jiiaiuiv r^ldtiiu' to tHe noj.k -*i !Jle Loan Libraries issued by tHe Hoeiels. — A n j !->aoi •tth-ft>-iL<'oj c o L tr ;l.a u i]g t o n it- ^¡s<-k*ir ; 2t), for a Lilot Lum ak'iciii;. lvcei've nfty v’opie-» o f » tie Ltt'i; B o a t . t.ran- m ontHly, for one year, witH jM.'itiigt- jirepuf1. Fi OF A BEQUEsT. “ iA’ive anD be^ueat: to the AMrBicAK Seamen’s Fhibno Bociety, incorporateD by the LCfii&loture of New i'ork, in tit- year 18£B, che stua of— -, to be apj<lieD to tlw charitable uses? urD purpurei, of the .saiD Socirtv *' Three ’witne-se* t Ho aid certify at lùe eud ot the v ill, ovei thtir sig-uatuiv-, to the follow­ ing formitliiiet>, wliieH. m the fortiiutiou of i !k- wjil >>l>oidd be sirietly oTis-erv^d;— 1st. That the test.it. a subscribeD * or acku nvk dgeD the MDweriptioii of, the will in their prestnee.- inD. That he a t the »a w « t iu m D< claroD to ihem that j t v as, l,w last will anD ttti^Qirt 3rD. That th ey , the wimees--t-, txieii anD t'w iv . ;n 'ms preaenve. auD at hia r e q u ^ t , airs. ib p jiie u .v of <■»••]. other, sigsicD theit sameb thereto as vntaei-se1;. RKMiTTAN^tS All R c r n i t K r , f o r tht A>,ei.icak Skaiifs's Phic.M> Socjety. -in paym ent 0 / mb*cvip- iUms to thr y ^ iL o x tr’ J Ia « a Z ìx c . <w Jt>>* other jmrpose^i mimld ht Writ, f ‘>c mcdrlhj, by titi’t'k. ilrib/f on jXtlii' York. •>c IJ. (>. Mti'Utf Cvrff r.—t 1 1 (At ordt'i of \\ ILL!Ail C. STUEUEiS. Treas-urer, at S! W all 5r.. New Yori \* Y or lutw reccipt uM be forvxtnied t» tht- gnuiit fry ,-etnrn nutP. and .? n o r dui;/ rt-retv*>1. f.'<* Irtu su rrr .■tko'M ht cuicv he nurjh<}. If ■impmcticnb^ tp ,.,-t w, ,■/(* ck>. rtc,, th* //ion.?# man be far- learded, JM>t >n ti ttrr ,<H P< ¿.-fi.ac.rt, s a r e now oltfig&frjtQ reffw ttr letters when tu tin « ), at a fee 0 / ten o « i s c « /’, ^ . "S' ^ is. a ' ’ , _ . & ■ . E'0i‘ lh$ C^nfftitutv n QJ tht Suviety. sn thcM p « //f <>f t h e YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 09912 6568 THE FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT MERICAN llEAMEN’S JfRIEND PRESENTED ( i n a b s t r a c t ) BY THE TRUSTEES, Annual Meeting. May 5t H , 1884 ALSO MOTICE OF FIFTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL SERMON BY REV. S. E. HERRICK, D. D. NEW YORK: H allet & Breen, Printers, 5 8 a n D 6 0 F u l t o n S t r e e t . 1 8 8 4 . R . ' M 7 FIFTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY. THe abiding nature of CHristian work for seamen, as well as tHe continued interest felt in it by tHe CHristian public, was manifest, at tHis year’s Anniversary, wHicH took place at tHe Broadway Tabernacle, 34tH St., and 6tH Ave., Xew York City, on tHe evening of SabbatH, 4tH May. THe resumé of tHe American S e a m e x ’ s F r ie n d S o ciety ’s operations for tHe twelvemontH ending on tHe 31st of last MarcH, was read by Secretary H a l l . Religious services prior to tHe sermon were conducted by Rev. A r t H u r P otts, lately our cHaplain at Ant­ werp, Belgium, and by Rev. AV. M. Taylor, D. D., pastor of tHe Tabernacle, wHo in introducing tHe preacHer, Rev. Dr. S. E. H errick, of Boston, spoke of Him as tHe son of an American sea captain wHo, many years ago, was led to CHrist, at sea, by tHe Spirit of God, at tHe exact time wHen prayers for His conversion were being offered at His New England Home. THe discourse of Rev. Dr. Herrick, which was requested for publi­ cation, and appears in connection with our Annual Report, not only attests the broad grasp of His theme which possessed the speaker’s mind, as well as the fervent emotion which inspired its utterance, but gives its impressive testimony to the fact that a Divine work once be­ gun in human hearts, passes, by God’s blessing, from one generation to the next, often with augmented force. iv FIFTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY. A t the Society’s fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, Held at the Sailors’ Home, in the City of New York, on Monday, 5tH May, President B u c k presiding, the following persons were elected by ballot to serve as Trustees for three years, or until May, 1887, viz.:— Rev. JOHN SPAULDING, D. D., Capt. DAVID GILLESPIE, JOHN DWIGHT, Esq., Rev. JOSEPH R. KERR, D. D., HENRY A. HURLBUT, Esq., GEORGE BELL, Esq., FREDERICK STURGES, Esq., W ILLIAM C. STURGES, Esq. After the reception of the annual reports made to the Society by its Board of Trustees and Treasurer, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year:-— RICHARD P. BUCK, Esq., President, HORACE GRAY, Esq., HENRY A. HURLBUT, Esq., Vice-Presidents. R ev. S. H. HALL, D. D.. Secretary. WILLIAM C. STURGES, Esq., Treasurer. L. P. HUBBARD, Esq., Financial Agent and Assistant Treasurer. THe meeting was subsequently addressed by Rev. A . M. M e r w in , pastor of the Spanish-speaking Protestant congregation in Valparaiso, S.
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