3/16/16 White Plains Ab o v e: M ap of White P lain s locatio n, our Bryanna Benvenuti, logo for White Plains Brianna D’Amico, Natalie Ma, Courtney O’Donnell, and Meaghan Roche II: Table of Contents I: Logos Above: a logo for White Plains II: Table of Contents (Natalie) http://www.hachflow.com/articles/images/White-Pl ai ns -Logo.jpg III: Thesis (All) III: Thesis IV: History of White Plains (Courtney) V: Key Sites (Meaghan) White Plains is defined as “the Birthplace of the State VI: Highway Marker (Brianna) Welcome to White Plains https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/ No rth _ Wh i te _ Pl a i n s _ Ne w_ Yo rk .j p g of New York” because of its integral role in the VII: Wayside Exhibit (Natalie) VIII: Tourism Development (Bryanna) Revolutionary War. IX: Bibliography (All) X: Approaches for Final Case Study (All) VI: History of White Plains VI: History of White Plains Originally White Plains was used as farmland by In 1758, the first courthouse was built and members the Weckquaeskeck tribe of the Fourth Provincial Congress of New York assembled on July 9th, 1776 here to revise the In 1683, men from Rye, New York purchased the copy sent to them of the Declaration of land from the Weckquaeskeck Indians Above: The Weckquaeskeck Independence Indians signing a In 1721, King George II granted eighteen settlers a treaty relinquishing their rights to the On July 11th, 1776, Judge John Thomas stood on the patent to White Plains land. (http://www.eastriver steps on the courthouse and read the Declaration nyc.org/content/histor y/history-to- of Independence to the public for the first time in Right: The Weckquaeskeck 1815/erh2.html) Indians the State of New York (http://www2.lhric.org/ps t/sh ms /tntowns.htm) Above: Judge John Thomas, standing on the steps of the courthouse. (http://www.cityofwhiteplains.com/index.aspx) 1 3/16/16 VI: History of White Plains VI: History of White Plains Rig h t: Railro ad During September and October of 1776, troops were led by In 1790, the population of White Plains was 505 Street (h ttp ://www. k in glyh General George Washington and took up positions in ei rs. co m/NewYo rk S t th e h ills o f th e v illag e o f W h ite Plain s By 1820, the population number increased to 675 at eRai l ro ad s/Harlem 1.html#.VuhpKLSJk General Washington’s troops were fiercely pursued by the British lI) under General Sir William Howe, who attacked on October White Plains was an undeveloped village with two churches, a courthouse, and a 28th small collection of houses The Battle of White Plains took place primarily on Chatterton Hill, However, in 1844, the railroad reached White Plains and beyond Below: The city of White Plains an d th e Bro n x Riv er (http://precious- A new courthouse was built on Railroad Avenue in 1856 piece.com/news/event_70.html) The Americans were forced to retreat, but this important battle By 1870, the population exceeded 2,500 blocked the British campaign into Westchester County Above: The map of The Battle of White It was incorporated as a village in 1866, but became a city in 1916 Plains (http://www.britishbattles.com/white- plains.htm) Since then White Plains continues it’s growth everyday V: Key Sites… Miller House V. Key Sites… Jacob Purdy House Bu ilt in 1 7 3 8 The Jacob Purdy House was built around 1721 by early White Plains settler Samuel Horton 140 Virginia Road Miller House 1886 In 1730, Samuel Purdy, father of Jacob Purdy, Above: Jacob Purdy House Colonial home of Elijah and Ann Miller purchased the home Jacob, whom his father passed down the house to, served in the Westchester militia Elijah Miller fought in the French and Indian War in 1757, where he met George Washington. from 1775 to the end of the war Washington is said to have used as a headquarters in October 1776, during th e Battle o f W h ite Plain s The house has been source-documented as General Washington's headquarters from July 23 to September 16, 1778 Mrs. Miller tended to both sick and wounded soldiers at the home throughout th e w ar Today the house stands at 60 Park Ave At right: Plaque at Jacob Purdy Miller House in repair Today it is open to the public as a museum House V. Key Sites… Monument at White Plains Armory V. Key Sites… White Plains Courthouse The White Plains Courthouse has been in effect since the Address: 65 Mitchell Place and 35 South Broadway reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 11, Built to serve as a National Guard armory Left: Charles 1776 by Judge John Thomas Purchase Left: L. Breiant Built on the historic site where the Declaration of Independence was read for Birthplace Courthouse up While the armory now marks the original site of the reading, Monument close. th e f ir st time in th e State o f N ew Y o r k , co in in g th e W h ite Plain s’ Below: Image Below: Full today the federal courthouse is located at 300 Quarropas nickname, “The Birthplace of the State of New York” of Armory building Street The monument in front of the building, topped with a spread-win g ed eag le, was constructed in 1910 to memorialize the site In 1978, Congress selected White Plains, in commemoration of where patriots fought for independence during the Battle The monuments base was assembled with stones taken from the foundation of White Plains in 1776 and the Declaration of of the first courthouse Independence was first read in New York, as a place of holding court. 2 3/16/16 V. Key Sites… Battle of White Plains Park Welcome To White Plains The White Plains battlefield is a nationally significant historic site for the draw that resulted there between Washington and Howe on October 28, 1776 Today, the 1.31 acre park marks the historic site of the battle The park was built in 1976 and is located at the corner of The Birthplace of New York Whitney Street & Battle Avenue overlooking the city Above: historical signage at the park Below: White Plains Interpretive historical signage, a playground, seating areas, and Heritage Trail Symbol Charles L. Brieant summer neighborhood night programs are featured at the United States park Courthouse 2 mi VII: Wayside Exhibit VIII: Tourism Development The City of White Plains Website ● The City of White Plains Facebook Website, Facebook and Instagram YouTube are kept up to date and informative. Twitter ● Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest Pinterest and Instagram are not kept up to date Youtube Above: Office building in White Plains now and informative. http://www.cityofwhiteplains.com/index.aspx?n id=469 http://ctmonuments.net/wp-cont en t/up l oads/ 2 010 /0 8/ DAR-Plate-1910-v1. j pg, http://www.cityofwhiteplains.com/images/pages/N469/2ndCourtHouse.jpg, http://www.cityofwhiteplains.com/images/pages/N469/Harker%20Painting.jpg, ht t p: // h vcl j our nal . t ypep ad. co m/. a/ 6a0 0d8 341 cc5f b 53ef 0 167 67eae8 2 197 0b-pi IX: Bibliography IX: Bibliography ● http://www.cityofwhiteplains.com/index.aspx?nid=469 http://landmarkhunter.com/177814-wh ite-plains-armo ry / ● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwW47wuFJRg&feature=youtu.be http://render.fineartamerica.com/images/rendered/search/framed-print/images/artworkimages/medium/1/charles-l-brieant-united-states- co u rt h o u se-x -cl aren ce- holmes.jpg ● https://www.google.com/search?q=white+plains&espv=2&biw=1023&bih=561&site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjY7K6xvb 7LAhXL0h4KHc5tBYwQ_AUICCgD#tbm=isch&q=white+plains+logo&imgrc=-GimI1 GXs Ou -NM %3 A http://fineartamerica.com/featured/charles-l-brieant-united-state s-co u rt h o u se-i-cl aren c e-holmes.html ● http://www.hachflow.com/articles/images/White-Plains-Logo.jpg http://precious-piece.com/news/event_70.html ● http://cloud9homes.com/wp-co n t en t / u p l o ad s/ wh i t e-plains-resized -600.png http://res.cloudinary.com/daily-voice/image/upload/c_limit,f_auto,w_640/newsnet-photo-fid -820578.jpg ● http://www.whiteplainshistory.org/national-register.Armory .h tml http://ctmonuments.net/wp-co n t en t / u p l o ad s/ 2 0 1 0 / 0 8 / DAR-Plate-1910-v1.jpg ● http://www.hudsonvalleyruins.org/rob/?p=224 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/North_White_Plains_New_York.jpg ● http://www.westchestergov.com/history/wash.ht http://www.cityofwhiteplains.com/images/pages/N469/2ndCourtHouse.jpg ● http://www.whiteplainshistory.org/JacobPurdyHouse.htm http://hvcljournal.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341cc5fb53ef016767eae821970b-pi ● http://www2.cityofwhiteplains.com/jacob-purdy-house.html http://mapio.net/s/24835687/ ● http://www.nysd.uscourts.gov/site_whiteplains.php (h ttp ://www. eastriv ern y c. o rg /content/history/history-to-1815/erh2.html) ● http://www.cityofwhiteplains.com/index.aspx?nid=469 http://www2.lhric.org/pst/sh ms/tntowns.htm ● http://www.nationalparkstraveler.com/2011/12/pruning-parks-wh ite-plains-national-battlefield-site-1933-1956-was-stillb o rn -national -park9200 http://www. b ritish b attles. co m/white-plains.htm http://www. k in g ly h eirs. co m/NewYo rk S tateRailro ad s/Harlem1.html#.VuhpKLSJkl 3 3/16/16 X: Approaches For Final Case Study Lesson Plan- Courtney Guidebook Pages- Meaghan Itinerary- Bryanna Wayside Exhibits- Natalie Ma p o f White Pla ins Highway Markers- Brianna http://cloud9homes.com/wp- co n ten t/ u p l o a d s/ wh i te-plains- resi zed -600.png 4.
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