' LIBRARY ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA » SAN DIEGO . te^J^-^ Z ir<^^i. 30^ — Department of Fine Arts, CARNEGIE INSTITUTE, Pittsburgh, Peniia. A CATALOGUE OF SCULPTURE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES, BKITISH MUSEUM A. H. SMITH, M.A., ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES, IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. VOL. I. S LONDON: ' PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES 1892. OsJ CO LONDON: PRINTED liY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limiteh STAMFOKD STREET AND CHAEISG CRuSS. PREFACE, The present volume by Mr. Arthur Smith, Assistant in the Department of Greek and Eoman Antiquities, in- cludes the sculptures of the Archaic period ; those of the Parthenon and other Athenian buildings ; the remains of the temple at Phigaleia ; the Greek reliefs, and some other sculptures which, though produced in Eoman times, yet represent Greek originals of the great age. In the section which deals with the sculptures of Athens much has been retained from Sir Charles Newton's Guide to the Elgin Boom, Pts. I.-II. While adding the results of more recent research, Mr. Smith has contributed on his part interesting material. The sculptures of the archaic period have of late years been the subject of much discussion ; the results of these discussions, as they apply to the collection of the British Museum, have now been brought together and sum- marized. The Greek reliefs, which form an important section of the present volume, belong to a class of sculptures which have produced much difference of opinion as to the subjects represented by them. Mr. Smith has stated briefly the principal views, by way of introduction to the several classes of reliefs. A. S. Murray 3rd Lecemher, 1891. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofsculp01britiala CONTENTS OF VOL. I. PAGE Editoe's Peefacb ill Table op Contents V Table of Abbreviations vii Introduction 1 PART I —THE ARCHAIC PERIOD. Mycenae, 1-6 12 Branchidae, 7-21 16 Lydia, 22, 23 24 Ephesus, 24-48 24 Caria, 49-51 40 Rhodes, 52-75 41 Xanthos, 80-98 45 Naucratis, 100-127 61 Delos, 130 . 68 Selinus (casts), 135-139 69 Athens and Attica, 150-156 70 Aegina (casts), 160-183 73 Olympia (casts), 190-192 80 Statues of Apollo (?), 200-211 82 Miscellaneous Archaic Sculptures, 215-217 88 PART II.—MYRON AND PHEIDIAS. Myron, 250 90 pueidias and the parthenon 91 Athene Paithenos, 300-302 96 East Pediment of Parthenon, 303 101 "West Pediment of Parthenon, 304 116 Metopes of Parthenon, 305-323 132 Frieze of the Parthenon 145 — — Tl CONTENTS OF VOL. I. PUEiniAS AND THE PARTHENON continued. Frieze of flio Partheun : East Si.Ie, 324 . 152 Noith Side, 325 165 West Side, 32t; 178 South Si.Ie, 327 .. 181 Fragments of the Parthenon Sculptures, 328-345 193 Architectural Fragments of the Parthenon, 350-3.";8 513 PAUT III—THE SUCCESSORS OF PHEI HAS. The Temple called the Theseiox 216 Sculpture (casts) and Architecture, 400-10'j . 220 The Erechtheion ........ 231 Sculpture and Architecture, 407-420 . ,233 Temple of NikJ; Apteros 239 Frieze and Reliefs of Balustrade (casts), 421-429 . 242 Monument of Lysicrates . 248 Friezj (casts), 430 . 251 MoNCMENT OF Thrasyllos, 432 ...... 257 The Phopylaea, 433-435 , . .259 Miscellaneous Architectubal Fragments fkom Athens and Attica, 436-448 261 Agoracbitos of Pabos, 460 . 264 Polycleitos of Abgos, 500-504 ...... 205 Temple of Apollo at Phigaleia ..... 270 * Architectural Fiagments, 505-509 . 273 M.topes, 510-519 271 Fri. ze, 520-542 277 Acrolithic Statue, 543, 514 288 Miscellaneous Sculptures of the Fifth Century, 549-560 288 Greek Reliefs 293 Sepulchral Reliefs: Decorative Stelae, 599-618 . 304 Domestic Scenes, &c., 019-680 . 308 Sepulchral Vases, 681-686 . 324 Figures clasping hands, 687-710 . 326 The Sepulchral Banquet, &c., 711-746 . 333 Rider and Horse, hcroified, 750-757 . 847 Lycian Sepulchral Reliefs (casts), 760 -766 350 Votive Reliefs, 770-817 354 Plates I. -XII. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. The fiillowing is a list of the works which nro most frequenlly referred to, in this Catalogue, under abbreviated forma :— Annali dell' Inst. Annali dell' Institute di Corrispoiidenza Arohco- Ingica. R.)rae: 1829-1885. [Superseded by the " Roemische Mittheiiungcn.''] Antihe Denkmaeler, Antike Denkmaeler herausgegeben vom k. deutschen Aruiiaeologischen lustitut. Berlin : from 1886. lu progress. Arch. Anzeiger. Archaeologibclier Anzeiger. [A supplement to the Arch-ieplojiische Zoitung, and to the Jahrbucli des Archaeo- logi^chLn lustituts.] Arch. Zeit. Archaeologische Zeitung. Berlin : 1843-1885, [Super- sedi d by the Jithrbuch d 'S Arciiaeologisclien lustituts.] Athenische MUtheilungen. Mittheilungeii des k. deutschen Archaeo- lo;ischen Instituls, Athenische Abtheilung. Athena: from 1876. In progress. Brunn, Denkmaeler. H. v. Bruiin, Denkmaeler gricchischer uud rouiiseher Seulptur. Munich: from 1888. In progress. Bull, de Corr. Hell^dque. ^u-ole friin(;uise d'Athenes. Bulletin do Correspondance Helle'niquu. Atlu na : from 1877. In progress. Bull, dell' Inst. Bullettino dell' Institute di Corrispondenza Archeo- logica. Rome: 1829-1885. C. I. A. Corpus luscriptionum Attiearum. Berlin : from 1873. lu progri-as. C. I. G. Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, Berlin: 1828-1877. Gaz. Arch. Gazette Arche'ologique. Paris: 1874-1888. Greek Inscriptions in Brit. Mus. The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptif)ns in the Britiah Muaeum, by C. T. Newton, and E. L. Hicka. 1874-1890. Guide to Elgin Room I. Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum. Department of Greek aud Roman Antiquities. The Sculptures of the Parthenon. Elgin Room, Part I. (Third ed.). 188G. VIU TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. Guide to Elijin Room II. Synopsis, otc The Sculptures in the Elgin Room. Pnrt II. 1881. Guide to First Vme Room. Synopsis, etc First Vase Room. (Last eH.) 1883. Guide to Graeco-Roman Sculptures I. Synopsis, etc Graeco- Roman Sculptures. (Second ed.) 1879. Guide to Graeco-Roman Sculptures II. Synopsis, etc Graeco- Roman Sculptures. Part II. 1876. Jahrhuch des Arch. Imt. Jahrbuch des k. deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts. Berlin : from 1886. In progress. Journ. of Hellen. Studies. The Journal of Hellenic Studies. London : from 1879. In progress. Mansell. Photographs of olyccts in the British Museum, published l>y W. A. Mansell, 271 Oxford Street, W. Miclmelis. A. Michaelis, Der Parthenon. Leipsic: 1871. Michaelis, Anc. Marbles. A. Michaelis, Ancient Marbles in Great Britain. 1882. Mitchell. Lucy M. Mitchell, A History of Ancient Sculpture. 1883. Mitchell, Selections. Selections from Ancient Sculpture A Supplement to A History of Ancient Sculpture. By Lucy M. Mitchell. 1883. Mon. deir Inst. Monumenti Inediti, pubblicati dall' Instituto di Corrispondenza Archaeologica. Rome, 1829-188G, and Berlin, 1891. Murray. A. S. Murray, A History of Greek Sculpture. 1880-3. [Second ed., 1890. The first ed. is quoted, unless otherwise stated.] Mus. Marbles. A description of the Collection of Ancient Marbles in the British Museum. 1812-1861. Perrot & Chipiez. G. Perrot and C. Chipiez, Histoirc de I'Art dans I'Antiquite. Paris : from 1882. In progress. Prachov. A. Prachov, Antiquissima Monument a Xnnthiaca. St. Petersburg, 1871. Rev. Arch. Revue Archeologique. Paris : from 1844. In progress. Roehl, I. G. A. H. Roehl, luscriptiones Graecae Antiquissimae, praeter Atticas in Attica ropeitas. Berlin : 1882. Roemische Mittheilungen. Mittheilungen des k. deutschen Archaeo- logischen Instituts, Roemische Abtheilung. Rome : from 188G. In progress. Specimens. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture selected from different Collections in Great Britain, by the Society of Dilettanti London: 1809. Stereoscopic. Photographs of objects in the British Museum, pub- lished by the London Stereoscopic Company, lOG Regent Street, W. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. IX Stuart. James Stuart and Nicolas Revett, The Antiquities of Athens. London : 1762-1830. [Second ed., 1825-1830. The first ed. is quoted unless otherwise stated.] Synopsis. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. (Numerous editions.) 1808-1857. [Where a double reference is given, as 189 (284), the number in the parenthesis was used in editions of the Synopsis earlier than 1832.] Walters. Die Gipsabgiisse Antiker Bildwerke in historischer Folge erkliirt. Bausteine .... von Carl Friederiohs neu bearbeitet von Paul Welters. Berlin : 1885. Bbitish and Metric Systems Compared. 1 inch = '025 metre. 1 foot = • 304 metre. 3 feet = '914 metre. 1 metre = 39 •87079 inches. INTRODUCTION. The collection of ancient sculpture in marble, included in the Department of Greek and Eoman Antiquities in the British Museum, may be said to represent the efforts of more than two centuries, though the founda- tion of the Museum itself is of a considerably more recent date.^ The British Museum was established by Parliament in 1753. In that year, by the statute 26 Geo. II. cap. 22, a trust was created to unite and maintain as one collec- tion the Museum of Sir Hans Sloane, the Cottonian Library, and the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts. Sir Hans Sloane (1 660-1 753),^ physician, botanist, and President of the Eoyal Society in succession to Newton, had formed in his lifetime a very extensive museuru, con- sisting mainly of books, natural history collections, and ethnographical objects. At the same time classical an- tiquities were represented by bronzes, gems, vases, terra- cottas, and a few sculptures in marble. The examples, * For the history of the collections in the British Museum, see Edwards, Lives of the Founders of the British Museum ; Michaelis,
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