GREENBELT News ReviewAn Independent Newspaper VOL. 77, No. 38 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 AUGUST 14, 2014 County Schools’ CEO Maxwell It’s Happening: Repaving Meets with City Council, ACE Of Southway Ramp to BWP by Kathleen Gallagher by Mary Moien It’s been a long time coming, analysis early this week. He said but last Thursday the city was if all went well the contractor The Greenbelt City Coun- needed to get the older parts of In addition, the two schools may notified that paving work was would begin to mill and overlay cil held a worksession on Au- the building ready for the French field more sports than previously scheduled to begin Tuesday, Au- the Southway ramp Tuesday night gust 4 with Dr. Kevin Maxwell, program, such as finishing class- thought, leaving less time for gust 12 on the deteriorated south- working early into Wednesday chief executive officer of Prince rooms, buffing floors, complet- community use of fields. bound ramp off Southway to the morning weather permitting. The George’s County Public Schools. ing kitchens and working on Bus Lot Baltimore-Washington Parkway. milling and paving were expected Also attending were Peggy Hig- playgrounds. Maxwell indicated Removal of the big school Douglas Nair, construction op- to take one shift to complete, gins, Greenbelt’s representative that all work will be completed bus lot adjacent to GMS is a re- erations engineer for the Federal with the ramp being closed from on the school board; all council- prior to the beginning of school lated issue. The county has been Highway Administration (FHA), 7:30 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. members except Judith Davis; and later this month. (The French searching for another location Eastern Federal Lands Highway At its Monday night meeting several members of the Greenbelt Immersion school website now for the lot. Maxwell said they Division, notified City Manager council welcomed the good news Advisory Committee on Educa- shows the school address on Ed- have a location in mind but that Michael McLaughlin that the that all of the Parkway entrances tion (ACE). A number of major monston Road.) The school will a price has not been agreed upon. work, which had been scheduled and exits in Greenbelt will be im- topics were addressed but only be separate from the new school In response to a question, he said to begin earlier, was delayed proved this week. Councilmem- those related to the new and with individual principals and fa- the lot does not have to be physi- because of problems with the ber Leta Mach asked city staff to “old” Greenbelt Middle Schools cilities. Currently the principals cally close to the current one as contractor’s asphalt-mix design. pursue more pedestrian friendly (GMS) and the incoming French are discussing how to share the long as it is near major roads According to Nair, over the improvements at the entrances Immersion Program are reported existing playing fields. and not too far from the schools past two weeks the asphalt pro- and exits of the Parkway on here. Other education workses- Councilmember Rodney Rob- served by those buses. ducer has been making adjust- Southway and Greenbelt Road. sion topics will be reported in a erts brought up the use by com- Although the city would like ments to improve the production Last fall, a letter from the future article. munity groups of the playing the bus lot space to be developed of the mix. On August 6, Nair’s FHA’s Eastern Federal Lands Council had toured the origi- fields. The city and school sys- into more playing field space, no laboratory received new pre-pro- Highway Division to then-mayor nal sections of the old school tem are working on a memoran- agreement has been reached with duction samples of the asphalt, prior to the meeting and sought dum of understanding to allow the county on use of the space. for which they anticipated having See RAMP, page 7 comment on the status of the use by city groups, although One section of the old school French Immersion Program mov- there are complications. After- will be demolished, however, ing here from Robert Goddard hours access to fields and avail- which Maxwell said will take Middle School. Mayor Emmett ability of lights, especially on Jordan noted that much work was weekends, must still be resolved. See SCHOOLS, page 7 Many Greenbelters Gather For National Night Out Fun Summer Show of Creative Kids by Jacob Bell Greenbelt City Council mem- tools and methods they use to bers, city police officers and hun- keep the community safe. With Camp Is Message to Tomorrow dreds of residents hit the streets the help of a police dog and a of Greenbelt on August 5 for the bite-proof sleeve, two officers by Jacob Bell annual National Night Out. demonstrated how K-9s sniff out Introduced in 1984, National potential dangers. Performers at the Greenbelt from their Grandma, played by the kids teach the aliens, and Night Out is a block party-style Law enforcement also pro- Arts Center took the audience on Greenbelt resident Sue Smithers. eventually Mang, that life is better event that promotes community vided an open-door police tank a journey through the solar system The children learn these les- when everyone shares, cooperates involvement in crime prevention, vehicle which children were al- Friday during their production of sons after Smithers transports and improves interpersonal com- according to the National As- lowed to explore. Torres and the musical Message to Tomorrow. them back in time to 1938. From munication. sociation of Town Watch. With fellow officers manned the tank The show came after two there the kids team up with heroic Speaks to All Ages nearly 40 million participants in exhibit, helping children inside weeks of hard work from the cast leaders Spark Swenson and Doctor The play speaks to people of more than 16,000 communities, and showing them around the and crew of Creative Kids Camp, Darla to stop Mang the Manner- all ages, Smithers said. “I love the event has come to be known vehicle. a summer program that advances less, a villain who wants to take it – the message that he brings as “America’s Night Out Against “My role in National Night artistic and collaborative skills over the galaxy and his evil lack- across – that nothing can replace Crime.” Out is getting everything togeth- for children ages 6 to 12. Chris eys, the Pig-Mees. the human connection, and that’s Organizers here hosted Na- er, setting up and bringing this Cherry, performing arts program On their journey to thwart what we need more of in our tional Night Out at seven differ- equipment to the people,” Torres coordinator at Greenbelt Commu- Mang, the children stop by Mars world today.” ent locations throughout the city. said. “They love the tank, we’ve nity Center, has run the camp for and the Moons of Jupiter, running “I think it’s important that kids From Beltway Plaza to Schrom had it for years. This is probably the past 14 years and served as into different life forms on each pass the message along even to Hills, event-goers could enjoy the main attraction of the whole writer and director of the musical. world. From the Havalots to the their parents,” Greenbelt Com- a variety of foods and forms of National Night Out.” In Message to Tomorrow, Hurryups to the Instablabs, the munity Center Supervisor Di entertainment, including music, Vital for City four children obsessed with their various aliens’ spoiled, impolite Quynn-Reno said. “They can go basketball, a moon bounce and a National Night Out is vital for phones, texting and social media or impersonal cultures cause the home and say, ‘Mom, you need slip and slide. the city, as the community gets learn a lesson or two about man- kids to question their own ways. “It’s an event that we do ev- to meet and greet first responders ners and the power of imagination With the help of Spark and Darla, See CAMP SHOW, page 12 ery year and the community sup- and elected officials, according to ports us,” Officer Carlos Torres Greenbelt City Councilmember of the Greenbelt Police Depart- Silke Pope. ment said. “I think it’s important for the Indoor Pool Closes At Beltway Plaza, Greenbelt For Cleaning police showcased some of the See NIGHT OUT, page 8 Indoor Pool closed Sun- day, August 17, 8 p.m. through Monday, August What Goes On 25, 6 a.m. Monday, August 18 Outdoor Pool – Open 6 8 p.m., Council Worksession on Roosevelt Center Festivals, a.m. to 8 p.m., August 19 Municipal Building, Live on Verizon 21, Comcast 71, and stream- LL through 22 and 8 a.m. to ing at www.greenbeltmd.gov B BE 8 p.m., August 23 and 24. Wednesday, August 20 ACO The fitness wing will be 8 p.m., Council Worksession with hotels (stakeholders), Commu- closed Monday, August 18 nity Center and Tuesday, August 19. Sunday, August 31 PHOTO BY J BY PHOTO 3 to 5 p.m., Retro Town Fair, Roosevelt Center Some of the cast and crew of Message to Tomorrow. Page 2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, August 14, 2014 News Review Offers Grin Belt Letters to the Editor New Online Archive If you want to know what Mockingbirds Newest Playground was happening in Greenbelt in the week of your birth, And Multiflora Rose Needs Better Site this is for you (as long, that I read Jason Martin’s letter The city plans to construct is, as you were born on or (August 7) about invasive spe- another playground (no.
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