BE SURE TO VOTE WEDNESDAY MPUS Volume XX Storrs, Connecticut, Tuesday, March 6, 1934. No. 18 BIG ATHLETIC NIGHT Griswold Wins Beauty Con- "SHE* ™^ TO BE HELD FRIDAY * * r n n *• • WEDNESDAY ON FOR INJURY FUND test In Lampus Questionnaire yiTAL SITUATION Betty Wallace Voted Most Popular and Frances Schenck Cutest Co-Ed— Student Athletic Committee Draws Basketball, Boxing and Dancing Fea- Hogan Cops Best Athlete Prize In Successful Campus Poll ture Program—Proceeds To Go Up Report, and Also Asks for Students Opinion to Injured Athletic Fund By Leon Michaloski Athletic Night, a new feature for the Miss Dorothy Griswold, '35, of New Haven, was chosen the most beauti- An opportunity for students to ex- benefit of injured athletes, is to be ful co-ed on the campus, according to the final tabulation made in the Con- press their opinions on the question held in the Hawley Armory, Friday necticut Campus Questionnaire. Miss Griswold, who was runner-up to Miss of whether or not a reorganization of - at 7:30 p. m. Basketball, boxing, Doris Vanderbrouk, last year's winner, was far ahead of the nearest com- the presen set-up of the Athletic De- skits, a stage show and then dancing petitor in this year's balloting. More than 200 students took part. The new- partment is needed, will be given will constitute the evening's en' er- Queen of Beauty is president of the Theta Alpha Phi, member of the swim- through a ballot to be held by the Student Senate tomorrow from 9 a. tainment. ming team, manager of the co-ed basketball team, and officer In the Gamma To start the festivities off there m. to 2 p. m. in the Post Office Sigma sorority. will be a basketball game between the Lobby according to an announcement Faculty and Alpha Phi, interfrater- accompanying the repor: of the S'.u- nfcy champions for the college cham- dent Committee on the Athletic Sit- pionship. All indications point to a uation, made public yesterday. torrid game and the faculty crew al- Vote To Ascertain Student Sentiment ready boasts of having the game in It is expected that an unusually the bag. The contest, however, will large percentage of students will settle this controversy. Between the participate in the ballot because of halves of the game there will be one widespread feeling on the matter. or two acts of entertainment put on The ballot will read as follows: by college talent. After the game "I am, in favor, not in favor, there will be another act and then (cross ou: one | of reorganization of Jack Kelly's boxing proteges will the Athletic Departmen". stage a few bouts in an endeavor '.o Remarks " show the merits of the art of fisti- Because of the indefinite natuie of euffs. When these bouts are over there the first statement on the ballot, a will be more entertainment and then space for remarks will be given in dancing to the music of the Connecti- order that the very definite chanaes cut Collegians will climax the eve- desired by each student may be ning's activities. known. Reorganization might mean Frankie Vichinanza Will Croon anything from a shift in the person- MISS DOROTHY GRISWOLD The entertainers thus far include nel of the Department to a complete change in the administration of the Red Ellis' Hill Billy Band and the Many Receive Votes popular college crooner, Frankie department and the system of engag- One of the ou'. standing features of the ballot on the most beautiful co- Vichinanza. The Hill Billies enter- ing coaches. It is urged by student tained recently at a forestry meet- ed contest was the great variety of beauties. Over 25 co-eds were given leaders that each ;-'.udent consider ing and went over big. Ask any of votes for the most beautiful honor. A great many of the male votes in- carefully the facts and be ready to the foresters. All of this entertain- dicated '.hat Connecticut State has not a "most beautiful co-ed." fill out the ballot completely and in- (Continued On Page Four) The most popular co-ed is Elizabeth Wallace, '35, of Milldale. Miss telligently. Also included in the com- Wallace won the contest from "Niki" Hogan by a slim margin. There were (Continued On Page Six) STUDENT LEADERS END more votes cast for the most popular co-ed than for the most beautiful co-ed. Jayne Nevius, '35, Frances Scheuck, '37, and Lois Abbott, '36. were close be BOOK VIC VAAST BAND DANCE BAND BOYCOTT hind "Niki" Hogan. Miss Wallace is a transfer from Mount Ida College, a member of the swimming team, and secretary of the Gamma Sigma Sorority. FOR THE CO-ED FORMAL A Vote of Confidence Given College Cutest Orchestra at Request of Mr. Armory to Be Transferred Into a Herbert France In the closest race of the Questionnaire, Miss Frances Schenck, '37, of Replica of An Old Fashion Stamford, carried off the cup for the cutest co-ed on the Campus. Miss Garden Upon the call of Herbert France, Schenck is a member of the Sigma I'psilon, Nil sorority. Although this item director of music at Connecticut (Continued On Page Ten) Vic Vaast and his orchestra have been chosen to furnish the music at State College, more than a dozen ■■ ' ■ - ■- - ■- ■ -r student leaders gathered in the the Co-ed Formal which is drawing Music House Wednesday night and MISS NEVIUS ANNOUNCES MAY ERECT NEW ARMORY near and the decorating committee after considerable debate over cer- CO-ED EDITION BOARD HERE WITH FEDERAL FUNDS has announced its final plans. tain demands made by Mr. France Friday evening March 16, will see concerning the ending of the pro- Hawley Armory transformed into an Entire Women Staff To Edit Annual Board of Trustees Take No Action posed boyco'.t of the dance orchestra, old fashioned garden. Wisteria, ros- Co-Ed Paper—Plan New Features On Matter Since It Is Indefinite drew up a statement condemning the es, and sweet peas will ramble over action of the students and express the white picket fence and trellises ing confidence in the management of Next week is the time selected for The possibility that Connecticut which will skirt the floor. Garlands the band. the annual co-ed edition of THB CAM- State College may secure a $400,000 of multi-colored flowers will festoon The statement, signed by leaders PUS which is edited entirely by the Armory erected with Federal funds the side walls and lend a pastel of five different organizations, fol- women students. Jayne Nevius, '35, became known last Wednesday eve- charm to the dance. The co-eds are lows: who will be the editor-in-chief, has ning at the meeting of the alumni of busily at work making miriads of CONNECTICUT STATE COLLEGE announced this year's board to be as the college at Hartford. blooms and the affair promises to be follows: Associate editor, Sylvia Storrs, Connecticut Edward L. Newmai ker of Rockville, picturesque occasion. Northrop, '35; managing editor. March 1, 1934 president of the alumni associa'.ion, Vic Vaast is well known in the Charlotte Weaver, '35; news editor, To the Students of Connecticut State commenting on the armory proposal southern part of the state for his College: Eleanor Rossberg, '3-1; sports editor. said that he had learned of it from slow syncopation, and from all ac- (Continued On Page Four) (Continued On Page Four) (Continued On Page Four) (Continued On Page Four) 9* * 1 Page Two THE CONNECTICUT CAMPUS Tuesday, March 6, 1034. Cast Rehearsing For 3 Act Campus Romance Leads Comedy "The Romancers" CALENDAR To Happy Marriage Prepared by Rostand's Historic Play Given By Louis Hallock and Elizabeth Dow Connecticut Players March 17 HARRY SI'KCTOU Secretly Married Last July TVKSDAY, MAItCll H— 7 :(»> i>. in. Home Economics Seminar. Miss Marie *■. Lundberg As the culmination of what is ex- Beach 283 Another campus romance Which Hartford pected to be the best Co-ed Formal 7 :<><> p. in. Freshman Basketball vs. Trinity has been gathering momentum for in years. The Connecticut Players s :(lil p. in. Vanity Basketball vs. Trinity Hartford 8 :0i> p. HI. Fraternity ami Sorority Meetings the past year and a half, culminated will present in Hawley Armory on in marriage last summer, when Louis Saturday. March 17, at 8:45 "The WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 - W. Hallock. '33 announced that he Romancers." The play, a three act 4 :00 p. in. Freshman Basketball vs. Lyman Memorial High Lebanon 7 ::'.(> p. in. Malliemaiirs Chili meeting, Mr. II. M. Dailoiirhin speaker and Elizabeth Dow '35, were secretly French comedy-farce, was written by Beach 238 Edmond Rostand, the French play- T:30 p. in. Jewish Club Meeting Beach 200 wright, who became world famous THURSDAY, MARCH 8— for his classical production, Cyrano li :30 p. in. Clinic li Choir Mnsle House 7:30 p. in. Connecticut Players Meeting Community House de Bergerac. The subtle and ridicu- 7:80 p. in. Debating Club Meeting liulley 1 lous situations which the author cre- 8:00 p. in. Concert Orchestra Dining Hall ated allow the cast to give full play FRIDAY, MARCH !>— to all their hist ionic abilities thus 7 :30 p. m. Athletic Night Hawley Armory assuring the audience of a well done SATURDAY, MARCH 10- and amusing performance. The cast !• Mill a. m. Kasiein Connoet if tit High School Indoor Playday Hawley Armory of players has been chosen as fol- 4 Mill p. m. Varsity Swimming vs. Rider Storrs lows : 7 :00 p. in. Varsity Girls Basketball vs.
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