Index From Brainiac’s Files Abraham, 127–8 Beauvoir, Simone de, 127 action theory, 17 begging the question, 209 agent-centered prerogatives, 162 Bentham, Jeremy, 21 agent-relative perspective, 150 Ber-El, 128 All-Star Superman (series), 122, 128, Bizarro, 232 173, 179, 198–9, 200 Black, Manchester, 54 Alura, 93 blackmail, 7–9 analogical inference, argument Bok, Sissela, 50 from, 233–5 Brainiac, 93, 183, 231–2 Animal Man, 31 bravery, 39–40 anonymity, 52–3 Busiek, Kurt, 60 Anscombe, Elizabeth, 25 Byrne, John, 55, 103, 180, 185–6 anti-heroes, 126 Anti-Life Equation, 97–8 capitalism, 201 Appiah, Anthony, 76–7, 81 Carradine, David, 99 Arendt, Hannah, 43 character and personality: and identity, Aristotle, 23, 25, 39–40, 156, 212–13; and moral behavior, 163–4, 221 38–46 Astro City (series), 60 Chief see White, Perry authenticity, 125 civil liberties, 61–4, 67, 68 authority: Hobbes on, comic books: effect on public 197–8; submission to, 41–2 of changing characters, 57; influence, 119 Baden-Powell, Sir Robert, 166 Comics Professor, The (blog), 81 Bailie, Gil, 144 compassion see sympathy Batman: attitudeCOPYRIGHTED to human conflicts of MATERIAL interest, 29, 33, 79 nature, 194–8, 202; cosmopolitanism, 75–7, 81 character, 142; childhood, 91; courage see bravery retirement, 136, 144; on Crash Test Dummies, 191 Superman, 89, 154 Cyborg-Superman, 219–20 Superman and Philosophy: What Would the Man of Steel Do?, First Edition. Edited by Mark D. White. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 243 0001834334.INDD 243 1/28/2013 6:31:03 PM 244 INDEX Dark Knight, 89–90 freedom: existentialist attitude, 126–7; The Dark Knight Returns (miniseries), 79 and liberal egalitarianism, 61, 65–8; Darkseid, 97–8 and libertarianism, 61–5; optimist Darwin, Charles, 177 approach, 176–7; pessimist De Haven, Tom, 147 approach, 197–8; and Superman, decision-making, moral: judgment, 15; 175, 176; vs. security, 154; see also life as series of choices, 125; liberty, personal practical reasoning, 16–25; prioritizing life roles, 26–36; Gage, Phineas, 212 prioritizing own and others’ games: characteristics, 221–2 interests, 15–16, 19–24, 146–67 Gein, Ed, 43 deliberative priority, 21 gender issues: attitude to sexual deliberative silence, 23 harassment, 188 deontology, 6–8, 39, 161–3, 165 Germany see Nazis difference principle, 67–8 Girard, René, 133–4, 135, 139, Dominus, 226 140, 143 Donner, Richard, 104, 118, 151 golden mean, 39 Doomsday, 27, 40, 117–18 Green Arrow, 15 Dworkin, Ronald, 13 Green Lantern, 15 Grouchy, Sophie de, 182–3 Eco, Umberto, 120 education, and moral behavior, 38–46 habit: and circumstance, 41; and ethics, Ellsworth, Whitney, 162 23–4 emergentism, 227 happiness, 151–3, 164; see also emotion, Superman’s ability to feel, eudaimonia 181–93 Hardin, Garrett, 153 empathy, 192 hedonism, paradox of, 152 empiricism, 174 Hegel, G.W.F., 195, 199–202 Engle, Gary, 90, 92 Herberg, Will, 72–3 English Civil War (1642–51), 174 Herman, Barbara, 8 epistemological problem, 228–35 Himmler, Heinrich, 44 equality, 61, 65–8, 176–7 Hitler, Adolf, 41, 43, 44–5, 88, 113 Eradicator, 10, 211–12, 219–21 Hitler Youth, 41, 43 essences, 217–18, 219–21 Hobbes, Thomas, 172, 173–4, 175, eternal recurrence of the same, 87 195–8, 202 ethics: schools of, 6–9; see also Hope, 126 deontology; utilitarianism; virtue Houlgate, Stephen, 203 ethics human nature, 171–80, 194–203; eudaimonia, 39, 156, 164 definition, 172–3; is Superman existentialism, 121–30; see also human?, 172, 178–9 Nietzsche, Friedrich; Übermensch Hume, David, 182, 189, 214 Hyslop, Alec, 232–3 fairness, 65–8 family resemblance, of characteristics, “I Am Curious (Black)!” (story), 188–9 221–4 IBE methodology see inference to best famine, 106 explanation methodology The Far Side, 223 identity, constitution of, 90, 207–24 Five for Fighting, 191 imitative desires, 134, 135, 137 Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth, 98 impartiality, 77–9 free will, 18 indoctrination, 41–2, 43 0001834334.INDD 244 1/28/2013 6:31:03 PM INDEX 245 inference to best explanation (IBE) kryptonite, effect of, 128, 187, 213 methodology, 233–5 Kymlicka, Will, 70 instinct, and ethics, 23–4 intention, 17 Lane, General Sam, 27, 94 intervention, ethics of, 102–9, 126, Lane, Lois: chemical plant investigation, 146–56, 175–8 11–13; death, 139, 163; and Irons, John Henry, 28, 31, 219–20, 222 hacking, 30; journalistic ethics, 30, Isaac, 127–8 33, 34–5, 49, 56–8; knowledge of Superman’s identity, 54, 56–8, Jesus Christ: Superman as, 92–3, 96–7, 207–8, 215–16; Superman gives up 112–19, 140–3; Superstar see Ian powers for love of, 150–1, 166, Gillan 183, 226; and Superman’s mind- jingoism, 77 reading abilities, 225; temporarily Johns, Geoff, 104, 180 “black,” 188–9 Johnson, Henry, 160 Lang, Lana, 54–6, 159, 160 Joker, 139 Lara, 71, 93, 151 Jor-El, 40, 116–17, 151–2, 178, 226 Larson, Gary, 223 journalism: human interest stories, 57; Lawrence, John, 120 professional ethics, 28–35, 49, 56–8 legal system, importance of impartial, judges: decision-making, 13 201 judgment, 5, 8–13; as reflection of core Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 208 values, 12–13 Leibniz’s law, 208 justice, social and economic, 61–70 Leone, Father Daniel, 117 Justice (maxiseries), 153 Lex Luthor: Man of Steel (miniseries), Justice League (animated series), 115 95, 122, 123, 125–6 liberal egalitarianism, 61, 65–8 Kant, Immanuel, 8, 18, 21, 39, 158, 167 libertarianism, 61–5 Kaufmann, Walter, 112 liberty, personal see freedom Kent, Clark: function, 193; identity with Lilo, 128 Superman, 207–8, 215–16; Livewire, 73 necessity of, 145–56 Locke, John, 209, 211, 213 Kent, Conner, 28 Lois and Clark: The New Kent, Jonathan, 10–11, 38, 54–5, 103, Adventures of Superman 114, 152 (TV series), 207 Kent, Lara, 151 Lucian, 111 Kent, Martha, 38, 54–5, 114, 149–50 Luthor, Lex: and compassion, 177, Kierkegaard, Søren, 127–8 190; desire to be worshipped, 118, Kill Bill, Vol. 2 (movie), 59, 99 124–5; discovery of Superman’s killing: ethics of, 162–3; sacred, 140–1; secret, 53–4; as existentialist Superman’s attitude toward, anti-hero, 121–30; as moral agent, 115–16, 138–9; vs. letting die, 162 26–7; Grant Morrison’s version, Kingdom Come (miniseries), 117, 173; and patriotism, 74; on 133–44, 155 perfection, 160; as pessimist, 174–5; Kirby, Jack, 97 relationship with Superman, 95–6, Knowles, Christopher, 120 125–6, 128–9; on Superman and Koch, H.W., 41 emotion, 181, 188; as Übermensch, Kristallnacht see Night of Broken Glass 94–6, 105, 116; view of Superman’s Krypto, 220 relationship to humanity, 104–5, Krypton see specific Kryptonians 126, 153–4, 173, 175 (possibly including Mark Waid) lying, 6–7, 50; lies of omission, 55–6 0001834334.INDD 245 1/28/2013 6:31:03 PM 246 INDEX MacIntyre, Alasdair, 42, 74, 77 pain: difficulties of describing, 185; Maggin, Elliot S!, 176, 178 Superman’s ability to feel, 181–6 Magog, 139 patriotism, ethics of, 73–5, 76–7 Malthus, Thomas, 153 Patten, Allan, 203 Marvel, Captain, 140–3 personality see character and personality materialism, 173–4 pessimism, 171–6, 178, 195–8, 202 maxims, 8 philosophical anthropology, 133–4 meaning of life, 121, 125 pity, 108; see also sympathy memory, and identity, 211–12 Plato, 217–18, 219, 221 metaphysics, 123–4 pleasure, 21; higher and lower pleasures, Milgram, Stanley, 41–2 151–2 Milgram experiment, 41–2 primary goods: societal distribution, Mill, John Stuart, 151 67–8 Millar, Mark, 42–3; see also Superman: privacy, right to, 50–3, 54 Red Son private property, 201 Miller, Frank, 79 problem of identity, 90, 207–16 mimetic desires see imitative desires problem of other minds, 227–35 minds, problems of knowing other professional ethics, 29–30 people’s, 225–36 Psycho (movie), 43 Moore, Alan, 92 public figures, public right to know all moral agents, 26–7 about, 51–2, 58 moral anti-realism, 174 moral compass, 8 Quitely, Frank, 198 moral salience, 8–9 Morrison, Grant, 85, 92, 173, 198, race issues, 188–9 1,000,000 Rachels, James, 162 mythology, and violence, 133, 135–8, 142 Rawls, John, 65–8, 69 Raz, Joseph, 17 names, and identity, 214–16 reasoning: practical, 16–25; theoretical, Nazis: and Nietzsche, 43–4, 88, 112–13; 16–17 why people supported them, 37–46 recognition, 199–201 Nelson, Cory A., 14 red trunks see before October 2012 Neo-Malthusianism, 153 Reeve, Christopher, 90, 215–16 New Krypton, 10–11, 91, 93–4 Reeves, George, 72 Nichols, Shaun, 184–5 religion: existentialist attitude, 121–2; Nietzsche, Friedrich: attitude to Plato’s Hegel on, 201; Kierkegaard on, essences, 221; last man, 102–5; on 127–8; Nietzsche on, 86–7, 112, pity, 108; on religion, 86–7, 112, 123–4; origins, 134; as subtext of 123–4; writing style, 86; see also Superman stories, 92–3, 96–7, Übermensch 111–20, 140–3 Night of Broken Glass responsibility, moral, 146–67; negative (Kristallnacht), 44 and positive obligations, 162–3; Night of Long Knives, 44 prospective responsibilities, 157–8, Non, 189–90, 228 160; retrospective responsibilities, Nozick, Robert, 61–3, 65 159–60; special/role responsibilities, 158; universal responsibilities, 158; obligations, negative and positive, 162 see also decision-making, moral Olsen, Jimmy, 33, 34–5, 73, 128 roles: competing life roles and optimism, 172, 176–8, 198–202 decisions, 26–35; role original position, 66–8 responsibilities, 158 0001834334.INDD 246 1/28/2013 6:31:03 PM INDEX 247 Ross, W.D., 14 Sturmabteilung (SA), 43, 44 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 172, 176–7 Superboy, 93, 100, 219–21, 222 supererogatory actions, 164–6 SA see Sturmabteilung Supergirl, 93, 222 sacrifice, 140–3 Superman: ability to feel emotion and Sartre, Jean-Paul,
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