[ The Oxford Democrat NUMBER 27. VOLUME 61. PARIS. MAINE, TUESDAY. JULY 4,1893. indeed so secret, If any one baa such a right Hat Dot bt Bold without hjbni of th« m- THt WEALTH Of MAINE IN HKR A SON'S WISH. visibly affected; intensely AMONG FARMERS. were her this when Miss Fsiu shall have besn fall/ THE DOBE VASE. UMnachorgWAtthouaaoof thooxpoaltloo, I: THE FOREST TRIES. feelinga wrought upon by thonforo the axhlUtora uk« order* for A Vtllwr, la Mm lonely ways of the story that the started at •drifted of all the facts"—— Attorney Hn reel wealth of i land oouliU la portion dollmy Mlt NorwiUr. Of many of ■ **»»■• Of Ik* home lud wkttn I the more "Pardon me; the knows oil joo Coun^or. whatever U eaaentlal to the happlaeea every sound, realising per- tMr win th»r | Wher* jrou walk the world apart. at brought duplicate*, ^-rMrAWS ltd comfort of 1U Wo in eoo« GHflTTJjNOOGfl that Mark's neck was still la know." Greatest Work of Art the ant ptopk. Without fear and wltkoat hlams> Bj r. A. XnOHEL (Lite 17. & UL fectly jeop- which in Loud, aart which thrj Uka tiQuallv reading, or bearing eulogiama ardy. "Then when Miss Fain shall bars ihlNtft, Exposition. upoo Maine at hiving within her forett*, KNpMtmli Then came an account of the triali the duly considered the ioterests of her ftj? As the hill* their morning star. right. W. kf A»«r1— Pnm limli or oaa hate aa abundance of Um aecee- to the I am sore she will fire Though 1 paw Into iIm day. Um.] march the courtroom; waiting country quite aariea aad luxurlea of Ufa, or that tber Vkm tny tailing fellows ate. for the coonsal; the arrival of Captain her consent" bo here U the with A NOTABLE OABTHO DT BMIZE. may produced people Cameron Fits The attention of both mat became for m »wr In tkjr heart. im Hugh. thia. Keep CHAPTER wss evident WILL TH1 RULE HOLOt With the old remembered thlaga. Cameron Fits Hugh J" fixed upon Laura, for it Araoug the aeceeeltkee and the luxuriee •usnusm "Captain Under the "To Kill a Pitt- Till tar me there ha no nora oat Laura's lorer thst she woald be called to make AA- beading, which we read of are the foreet Then it was all that npon I AllkM|h m DteplajW I* tfca im ure," The New York Time* discourse* treee, April whan the roUa slnga. con- a decision between her and her which are Indlgenoua to our toll, ana had defended the spy, and Laura oountry -nrlnft TUIUee to Ua WmU's Mi la this war: "Tin most effective method lover on the one hand and the defense- grow epontaneously everywhere If they Keep ma ever In thy prayem, feseed that she was Fits Hugh's be- IkMU k«k XI 0«t m4 «(>4r IU ItMMty Law, of pmtgUBf the of of all That at or at moi, less Union on the other. She wm Attorney* growth plaata ate oaly let alooe. The aeeda of tbeae midnight trothed. spy -Dm Irwtln OtyUtMi UmThnmw kind* U to remove the leavee u hit m When Uod nerds a man In haste, MAIM. treee are aown broadcaat everywhere In the midst of the excitement attend- standing near the sofa on which she ere formed. This U the ere* to kill by 11a may not forget thy m. PTC.M they the wlada aad aad ap all Fain entered bad been sitting, herself by weed* most The moat blrda, aprlng —HIIm I Vrman In Youth** Oompanhm. Ing all this Mrs. carryings steadying — surely. vigorous over whllat la Ita con* on the World'! Fax*. June Ml— [Special.] the Htate natural silver on which was a basket of reeting her hand back of a chair. weed* cannot wlthstaad thto loan of tray, If were aaked to noma the work t ""LT. and made the gt and foreeta which It wm a moment of lntenseet to I greatest leavee, end the reaaoo U obvious to iij dltloa, WEARING THE TAHTWI AlfO PUTO. cake and a decanter and glasses. feeling ^,111' oace covered Malue with lovellaea*, knew the >f art to be found la the expoaltloo I who know a luncheon not be am all throe. Lanra sterling <fc Counselor. person that ninety per cent, "A little may Us, the raae. and la order to nuke eense liould unheelUtlngly my Dora Attorney and more la tome cases, of the mi beta nee beauty grandeur. Aa late reeling Phaaa mi luttlih fluil Mr. she said. "I don't know worth, the high of honor and MAINS. Maine the realdence of clvlllaed man, Rbett," 't la to bo awn In the French aectlon of Mm of U drnwn from the tar Brought Oat la Dtlate. customs of her lorer. She knew that if she W*«AY. planU atmoephem, vaat tracta of thla foreet had to be yottr Sooth Carolina In snch duty I I! V*l» )VMk and thU the leaves. Con- vu an debate la held him to he would consider it Manufacture building. Unfortunately I only through There Interacting the bnt and I occa- secrecy 1 ^ni cleared of Ita original growth, and Ita matters, my daughter t la to tba beat to remove the leave* at a not displayed advantage, sequently, they were to English houae of oommons fen days take a biscuit at this boor." evidence that she permitted her Interest apleodld treee bowed deetruo- sionally aa la the moat effective wav to atop to to overwhelm her sense of •nd many rial tore paaa It by without I.H\». appear tlon, either natural decay or the •to teaching what la probably, next Mark rose an£ faced a boat His hand in the spy all manner of growth. Now by uuch aa a look at It But lat ma adrlaa vegetable Damee. the Roman toga, the moetfamoua article went to his beat I and he bowed low. duty. And would be not attribute her at Law, let na thla fundamental ou tbla Attorney apnlv principle to un- erer been won br more tender not to maka thla mlataka; tor Many who devoted a long life of clothing that baa too, rose and stood at her protection to something MAIMS. of plant life to a pasture. The grass Lanra, looking traat bronaa, tba moat ambltloua n. remitted toll In converting the foreata man. It aroee oat of apian to oonaoU- mother. than an ordinasy interest? Tits Hugh probably Minn to grow enrlv In the spring. It notable aver made In begin* Into became with ao known aa the her indeed there tud caatlng thai now the fields the first farma, dlaguated date the kilted regiment said "can I ever for* realised position; Is making green, ao amall and "I om the ffurit of that f/ounj lady." ••Madam," Mark, 1 la wall worth time. la an r *wit much work and pay, or to flash into both of them the uetal, your It ■r weak verdure of the year. The farmer, Seventy-ninth "Cameronian High- this kindnessT seemed worked the wooda far away. Not ao The next morning Mark bearing a get tt traction which haa the mora faadnation soon as he sees the Im- landers" with the Bcota ore that her decision would lie be- at Law, as early herbage. men are not OrenadW "If yon will discover the yon seek feeling Attorney with all, however. The tap at the dqor got oat of bed and for you tba battar you are turns on the stock to save the Guards, a which haa nothing on oar shall foe? re- tween two men—her lover and the acquainted MAINS. mediately few, more than 70 old, who re- regiment Ai vu natond property 1 amply the yeara Boot! opened It camSousljr. was a with It. »«*AT. hay. The sparse feed yielded by the little Scotch about it beyond the fact that said the Federal spy. With Mark it ques- CeUerHoe*»eyerMy. member with great pleaaure under tbe circumstances, be saw paid," lady sententioosly. a V« uruf meadows Is down to the roots. colonel. danger tion or death. I You would not think It poaalble for gnawed In the denae foreata atretchlog was the name of ita first "Trnst me, madam, I will have dill- of life force In the opening in that occurred. He half man to maka a raae In dull bronie In • PRIST, A.M.. M.D, The little vital remaining who then would Thia wae no eoooer noised abroad everything "Misa said Fits oold, riot' for mike away, apend plan the gent search made." Fain—Laura," Hugh, herbage Is at ooce checked and the expected to eee through slight open- which you oould And aoma new hour* la with a hammer upon than it excited in Scotland the daepeet a ■peaking siowiy ana impressively, "i alwaya The chance pounding be at Ant made the muxxle of a re* "Are yon geologist!" tan A growth Is arrested. only or the liead of ato tng to this no matter how many timaa you Ill"Pbyn Surgaon, the bara door, upoo Indignation, being oooaidated a deliberate "None bnt a would be hunt- Mk your permission girt up im- beauty, for the Is the nights when Tolver at hi in. Benw geologist la MAINS. growth during and then llaten for the to existence one of the pointing directly uie, for ths vlaltad It, would youf Yet that Ju»t PAHI*. In. result Is empty barrel, attempt blot from for ore in the service," postor— pardon sir, plaiunsse the cattle are brought The would come a different it vu a large ing government what Ouatara did I r »•' Hi.fc-4 ihtKUfiKlmt.
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