The Secaucus News THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE BOARD OF COUNCIL. BOROUGH OF SECAUCUS. HUDSON CO. N. J. VOL. ML NO. 8. SECAUCUS. M. X. SATUROAV. NOVEMBER 167 WI2 Is the Church Making Good? • THOU AIT CHOREK WST The aarity «T the STELAE •at Wee Araey The aaat tke Ua. aear. 60 TO S the ebanh testae ha crto apoa Ike Mfe of the asdaaT Look (t a few Women's Taa aerf aaae af the rear. •**»•>. la WOO oaly acres persona «at of every MO .of tht e total psDato- J ttea la this eoaatry were aMtoberj of the ebareh. la UfiO there van* swaed fcy Mass Beat. These Isaacs thasart to aae. dear: •ftea•ft e la every hsadred: la IRQ. aereateea: la USD. tweaty: la UM. tnat;- Candidate Thethasshtto •> tw»: la HW l»mlw. la UM. tweaty-fear. There eeesM to to a ertoai :£T 1 *mtmmmi+ The aryatory af the oca, dear. aa fast sew. The chart am that treej MOO to Ml* hath the torJaaas la aepstoltoa aad to rfjasrh axattwnhlp was the aat If* a da! What wilt The death that thereto best tat acxt decade shew? It's rather aaah to amphia/. Bat BMsawhUe what ase>M a* the lamiiT to the rherra a* aa toarttattoa worth saaperltec? Let*« be fraak abost Ike aautcc The chareh was aat created by priests wl anhln It crew oat of the astaral reflctoaa taattoets of the people, tor e»- err au hi aatarally rrltctoa*. The ptrolaHBto at ralHlsas laaHtatlaBB shews I saw i Iktt they are (Manef tojpartaaea bi the Ufa of the IWBBHJ 9m sany at that Ttotot Mask eator. bhj. ] the chareh hi the toast powarfaj of eJI the ageato at aortal laatrai Ito atoee Taaae tftiana thaa ehall be. aye. < The baaVall after nm: The araaaiae aa the aky. eVar. MdlJKIASADElJGKWSFORCE The aehta that Mtova am Lear; Holding its own" CVAPTEB n-n. aMa (va An- ee»»*s taw a nwl Mtmrii • Mas te da the BkMbNj ef esie of (heftr aaaaer O. Caakaa wfll anack the arrrice. kj Av Ura. F. oach aw for tea eara. II a> back.- itoatod the afct The Bocalar Prsyer aad Praiee aar- boras as a ale w.afwtafa rieawaibe hehJ aa Friday eoeaaaa; at btohwsy tots the woody Taa are "Evangelizing t to attoai t UOT • M HKI HTSTBT Im oae of (be sMr «W (be B>pr Tk* aext *»r h* sore Milaj wMb MaM ••»>•• Baeraea Paytr, it ia reaart. Amrr. Th*r BMK arWb aa aiiMts*. are •< baa raearMd a latter freai Miaaie the World! arnoHd aad airlnd as. sot •ease. Khara. at BeaajaJ. Darkm Clealj. If. T., arfae at the aafbt at the laack aai CHAPTEII V. the (hi < «r iaet May. olept ia the mai aajeaaer aaaTsafPsaai • GBaVOi tW S BaafMaaaTaSK —*g** •hat af th» aimiliigi aoaaaa. and aar- to Jafy to a bawttchhw ttoto to att aas aajan aaaer aath at the canaer-a ia. WHICH? tovaa. The aaajt that aba waa faM aataea at tar IhebalaaaaMB. The I QBBW IffaL Had MMt halVr fcwi aaMMaU haBSaat if he waaW k tnd. m her kttcrtolbnaalDaylecaB- 21% that ake kacw af the laaili Increase Bfufcfin inCburd* Before yoa eaa hare sa Meal aerial syateas yoa auat hsra atoaf *ere crept toto her •aa tbturm" whichanaarad ia lea)'itey.aa.kai of btoed to her af the Keen waa averajak-! aae af the af rha whe wal teat tor the rtoht sad •A by aar preet reader: -- that ara setter to hare nee af taa ajaa waa aaa asss aar Thelaas." It toatead at l«aoraac toed ctoae asstoet bar wM aad alaaad the took toto the saner aa to how the eaarrh hi wors- re. Ma* Tark Qty Hflke. ae. , •riheftoardaf The aces* • arid . a Biota Per Car—a. Bay tea hi Ike etortaaa af Hate aad Cadel «nU „,,, hay sad let tt brew, tbea etrato oft -JT~imiaiZ*u~t~ the diaawrati faal isalial sf tar Becto with tkree parts aaBk aad aas part hay lea aad sradaaUy work oa to oae put aalk aad three pufa bay ; _—— .—V rTZ ^r~ —j- - _ lea. *f«rt three tsar bead. As the aeceatod qaaru are Malrtrat T^, ^^ » tai AS IT SHOULD HAVE BBXX mm •he etory tokea aa aa Tbi ITIIBBI i li i In) ii Tfarir res by a a*u oae baea to kaaw that aHar i m the Baraagh: Jaba F. Cadek. aB be te a »iat1pana. thoaah held. •tote for sKsaker sf the Bean) at .'. "~ Cuafiaelaa la aaod tor the aaat. ahd Jaekto retolcad that U aha ejaat ba The ekctisa af Hate aad Cad* wal __-__, ,.„ "., ,.,-.,^1-. T« wa»o be mill the ttrm I BKaahaaL five the eaati*) af the It AfWaMal Maal aat, iaV MM Tbea, ahsos tho astoe ef tha rasa. Cssacd- Mr. ItrDeya.1 • thr annl of the late af a catenas , atrtstory. fill i< by s McOwca. Mas I I Her retoktoc was brokca to apaa The aMrsr ai • to Kew Tark I : by the redoleat odor af tillnn atoa*- At the ton be Thr j tec asjaseatly waa the perfaaw af { aastoo oa tho i la the wasd *rrect.-Ed. i HEALTH HIT FOR TODAY. Aeto *«, «•»•>«*•- 8bo drew back toto tho^fc—M, rho read two crbay islsa ! abadows As she did so. a waa* ^^ „., . w^am y^ ^. cbs ^ j Ttsi inHaisi r|-»-r- "~ *—«•; riot**« lor™ —* ***** *°— ** I -"* •"**- Tho BBtror sada ap aad | WM KOTai Mi The aU raraaol aetoto to the The bnldatai af the ilealiia ' ama towsrd tha haaaa. mala—a af «Tcry btoafc car- SBrasdartoaHvahaadle! aflas VtotosTs heart fraej thai strsacar/ Tha I of say Uad. asys aa CBK Chareh. ia the ehaa- Beat seals at i* eeata. aeat aatherlty. an the faaaw tkat God hi ea Me ahia. fair. The appall- a*: ftat. - s-redy tortaa crcry Maok " Parsifal, by Mr. Edwards-, sate. •The •nslifal Uad Oa Hsjb." by Mr. lane Ward: WattBrr's Friar Saa*," •aa caMf«o4 the P««re af a ! -f^ m aat erery particle of to the alefct the rod Tha»t-CaMicito at Ms etov flowed to the «aa."BeTkaaWa»Me. wKh ISMT caat prsaj— af today Mt afraid to die If aoed be to toto ! Me." Lofcfc. Miae Tact of Christ aacht as BJT- FafthL-fajert ssbr aHaiisssly ' JM^tefea^ ,^-IW-todFarTbeLs-t" t*-' '£Z2Z* OasM it be Has Aadrsws>"•'T T> ilk yam.' aba aaM. aasty. -aad a—aar—. MBB. Lodaa^aia: -• Aria. - I the *? *JJ aa» Kjam wkl catch ay haras w, ^ - f^^ - *. », |fc. wt- »». A. Ual It aboaJd be Smm rtssid to heal by anaatotiaa at bsato. To as whatoar ha woaM "srrlsor. Jadajs TtoaBC pjaany mas ««•, aroeaad. Bhe to ks«a sada - ^^1 (ha door ef Mtos Aadrsws* rasam. H flaw af tba ftsto the botua aa. Thedrees- top; sad paekiac sboosd be re- •MWal fVIIT aaSji, •aaVslay la a fsaauy hsda*- • BSBsaar aada. a> exreat Ito. S of dane alsros. That ktod sf aat whoa I aay that If thoro to aay- be « It Is as the htds aserV of a It hi the cariy teat that h) ee- ta pra- artoa Of < .aadaw-f k Is toit as hard to be a aaay as M «oar was. M ajar ftwattattotoofrhe HAROLD M~< Author of HEARTS AND A\AN OH THE BCK oaa. I M* aatta* aatair ia taa **at "war M*. rin—•— -TTirrf ra COPYRIGHT igtl try POBBS - T-lERaiU. M* tkroosh th* MO** Iowa aai th* iaaoi the* laaaw vttfc dtv *»• aa*1 huaan. H* aright ak* as carl* to «*»• •• ritaai So von. h «•• oatr at th* do** ot "•Vr. 1 «• ah* m. II—in Ml I a* at* wo* a* *tta fk* •< tk» •»- erf Cairo TWf ««• t» kh> M) ho»rr-*w ikMbM tk* na*. tk* slow who m alwani 1 •* Bat a** K Mr to torn tar-taw* vkaaaaar k* ttsa tow M kev aMtf- 1 CM am •> Mcaw 'iMtMu Mwor. Bat rm a rick BM _.. - • - - - — a. i* tk* aarfaec s>** Ha tfeat •k* kui tk* MM* to**** It va* »«rf kra«* of yea. Sat ka* taaseta* wkkk Makat MM a ia oar maaaWr. Taa amt aat |TM* fKt k*4 *•<" oocanai to ra tfaat It »«il la oM carioaa, mat tmm tmtr atoaiilac Icr* k* hW arwioa lamack tk* aa»- Dr af hm «a*a*4 au»r a portal. nm ttcr atract*. ka* WW Ik* via* tk* trtakec. a «*t to BM tk* k*at <*» wtot*. >a«*4 tkey ar*«r« amlBf Ik* kaat of aft* Om faa* I* tk* tanm. bat oi tkraask tkaaor H to* •» at* la av AM M« MM It «a Mr *T«a, aaa1 Mr. Jaaoj a«a oakj to* to hv«. I taM MM «k**MM. a* I aM aatw tf •» That to a« I ka** *M •* to* •« BBT MMK < tk* MM oa at Bfckt. tkoa to Oat Mo tk* (or tk* on, **•» a* BM rm wm -mm It t* tko tor Ofe. tk* Bar Tatar*** ao «M«fe «ork. How -Taar**. A T> d«o fsa taa Mr «; aat • iar oaarr Mar af am' MM*. 1 aai aat oa* •>• k k> If oahr k» iiwwrt » laaa al aar Balk rorBM* t*4 tk* oat *f MB*, MO riaa aaa Mor arMMaaaaa* m Snanw ar • «MM> M «Ma ratom. la tWo>ML of Ik* aaurartoe. ftnmmm'% oar: aa4 h* trow of roat af Ik* atoj* More R was Ikon ato* tkat kc kaf koara A "*"» « i»»a1ia. aa< taaay ok* eaawa tt ik* lamij' ca« tk* *f IM r auBfaoaj of ck* "**•" **•"* *" ': tk*fL He tk* toa*.
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