PRICE $8.99 FEB. 26, 2018 WHYWHY PRINCIPLESPRINCIPLES BYBY RAYRAY DALIODALIO ISIS A MUSTMUST READ:READ: “EVERYONE“ E V E RY ONE WITHW IT H GOALSGOA L S ANDA N D DREAMSDRE A M S CANC A N LEARNL E A R N FROMF R O M RAY’SR AY ’ S APPROACH”A P P R O A C H ” MIKE BLOOMBERG “PRINCIPLESPRINCIPLES ISIS THETHE BOOKBOOK I WISHWISH I HADHAD ASAS A YOUNGYOUNG ENTREPRENEUR”ENTREPRENEUR” MARK CUBAN “COMPELLING“ C O M P E L L I N G WORK”W O R K ” JAMIE DIMON “BEAUTIFULLY“BEAUTIFULLY WRITTENWRITTEN ANDAND FILLEDFILLED WITHWITH SUCHSUCH WISDOM”WISDOM” ARIANNA HUFFINGTON “RAY“RAY HASHAS A GREATGREAT BOOKBOOK OUTOUT YOUYOU ALLALL NEEDNEED TOTO GETG E T CALLEDC A L L E D PRINCIPLESP R I N C I P L E S . IT’SI T ’ S A MAJORM A J O R KEY!!”K E Y ! ! ” SEAN (P.DIDDY) COMBS “ PRINCIPLESPRI NCIPL ES HADH AD A PROFOUNDP R OFOUN D POSITIVEP OSI T I V E IMPACTI M P A C T ONO N MYM Y LEADERSHIPL E A D E R S H I P STYLE”S T Y L E ” REED HASTINGS “RAY“RAY DALIODALIO HASHAS PROVIDEDPROVIDED MEME WITHWITH INVALUABLEINVALUABLE GUIDANCE”GUIDANCE” BILL GATES “PRINCIPLESPRINCIPLES ISIS A MUSTMUST READ.READ. IT’SIT’S A GIFT.”GIFT.” STEVE SCHWARZMAN “IT“ I T HASH A S ALREADYA L R E A D Y CHANGEDC H A N G E D HOWH O W I THINKT H I N K ABOUTA B O U T MAKINGM A K I N G DECISIONSD E C I S I O N S INI N MYM Y LIFEL I F E ANDA N D INI N MYM Y BUSINESS.”B U S I N E S S . ” TIM FERRISS “IF“ I F THERET H E R E WASW A S ANA N ‘IT’‘ I T ’ BOOKB O O K FORF O R BUSINESSESB U S I N E S S E S ORO R CAREERSC A R E E R S INI N 2017,2 0 1 7 , ITI T WASWA S RAYR AY DALIO’SD A L I O ’ S PRINCIPLESP R I N C I P L E S .”. ” TONY ROBBINS “REMARKABLY“ R E M A R K A B LY ENGAGING”E N G A G I N G ” ANDREW ROSS SORKIN “RAY“RAY DALIODALIO HASHAS CREATEDCREATED THETHE STRONGESTSTRONGEST CULTURECULTURE I’VEI ’ V E EVERE V E R SEENS E E N INI N ANA N ORGANIZATION”O R G A N I Z A T I O N ” ADAM GRANT #1# 1 NEWN E W YORKY O R K TIMEST I M E S BESTSELLERB E S T S E L L E R #1#1 AMAZONAM A Z ON BUSINESSB U S I N ESS BOOKB O O K OFO F THET H E YEARY EA R AVAILABLEAVAILABLE ININ HARDCOVERHARDCOVER ANDAND ASAS ANAN AUDIOBOOKAUDIOBOOK | PRINCIPLES.COM/NEWYORKERPRINCIPLES.COM/NEWYORKER | The real story, FEBRUARY 26, 2018 in real time. 4 GOINGS ON ABOUT TOWN 15 THE TALK OF THE TOWN Evan Osnos on politics at the Winter Olympics; a doping whistle-blower; perfectly imperfect models; France’s gender-equality minister; guerrilla florist. ANNALS OF WAR Jenna Krajeski 20 Escaping ISIS How Yazidis helped the U.S. help their people. ANNALS OF DIPLOMACY SHOUTS & MURMURS TRUMP,TRUMP, PUTIN,PUTIN, ANDAND THETHE Zack Bornstein 27 A Typical Day NEWNEW COLDCOLD WARWAR What lay behind Russia’s interference in the LIFE AND LETTERS 2016 election—and what lies ahead? Thomas Meaney 28 By Evan Osnos, David Remnick, Joshua Yaffa Doktor Zeitgeist MARCH 6, 2017 ISSUE Can philosophy explain populist rage? LETTER FROM MOSCOW Jeffrey Toobin 34 The Miss Universe Connection Trump pageants and the Mueller investigation. PROFILES Ian Parker 42 Stairmaster Thomas Heatherwick’s relentless rise. FICTION William Trevor 54 “Mrs. Crasthorpe” THE CRITICS SUBSCRIBE THE CURRENT CINEMA Anthony Lane 60 “Black Panther,” “Early Man.” A CRITIC AT LARGE Louis Menand 63 A neglected counter-insurgency pioneer. BOOKS 69 Briefly Noted Joyce Carol Oates 70 A. J. Finn’s “The Woman in the Window.” Stay current with our award- MUSICAL EVENTS winning writing on politics and Alex Ross 72 Keeping the French Baroque contemporary. international aff airs, culture POP MUSIC and entertainment, business Carrie Battan 74 Dashboard Confessional and Justin Timberlake. and technology. Plus a nearly THE THEATRE unlimited supply of cartoons. Hilton Als 76 “Hangmen.” ON TELEVISION newyorker.com/go/today Emily Nussbaum 78 “Here and Now,” “This Is Us,” “The Fosters.” POEMS D. Nurkse 39 “Mozart’s Final Hour” Jane Hirshfield 57 “Wild Turkey” COVER Mark Ulriksen “Slippery Slopes” DRAWINGS Available on iPad P. C. Vey, Lars Kenseth, Zachary Kanin, Frank Cotham, and iPhone Roz Chast, Olivia de Recat, Maddie Dai, Navied Mahdavian, Mick Stevens, Sara Lautman, Bruce Eric Kaplan, Liana Finck SPOTS Tamara Shopsin THE NEW YORKER, FEBRUARY 26, 2018 1 PROMOTION CONTRIBUTORS CONFERENCES PRESENTS Ian Parker (“Stairmaster,” p. 42) contrib- Jenna Krajeski (“Escaping ISIS,” p. 20) uted his first piece to the magazine in has contributed to Harper’s, The Na- 1994 and became a staff writer in 2000. tion, and Virginia Quarterly Review, and was a 2016 Knight-Wallace Fel- Joyce Carol Oates (Books, p. 70), the low at the University of Michigan. 2017 recipient of the International Fes- tival of Literature and Art with Humor William Trevor (Fiction, p. 54), who died Award, most recently published the in 2016, published dozens of novels and APRIL NEW 12th YORK story collection “Beautiful Days.” short-story collections. In 2008, he won the Irish Book Awards’ Bob Hughes Evan Osnos (Comment, p. 15) is the au- Lifetime Achievement Award. thor of “Age of Ambition,” which won the National Book Award for nonfic- Mary Hawthorne (The Talk of the Town, tion in 2014. p. 18) is a member of The New Yorker’s editorial staff. Carrie Battan (The Talk of the Town, p. 17; Pop Music, p. 74) is a contribut- Thomas Meaney (“Doktor Zeitgeist,” ing writer for newyorker.com and a p. 28) is a Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellow Women regular contributor to the magazine. at the American Council on Germany. Entrepreneurs Tell Jeffrey Toobin (“The Miss Universe Con- Jane Hirshfield (Poem, p. 57) has been a nection,” p. 34) is the author of, most chancellor of the Academy of American Their Stories recently, “American Heiress: The Wild Poets. Her latest books are “The Beauty: Saga of the Kidnapping, Crimes and Poems” and “Ten Windows: How Great Trial of Patty Hearst.” Poems Transform the World.” Emily Nussbaum (On Television, p. 78), Louis Menand (A Critic at Large, p. 63), Why they did it the magazine’s television critic, won a staff writer since 2001, was awarded the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for criticism. the 2016 National Humanities Medal. How they did it. What they learned. NEWYORKER.COM Everything in the magazine, and more. FOR MORE INFORMATION and to REQUEST AN INVITATION: VFFOUNDERSFAIR.COM VIDEO PODCAST PRESENTING SPONSOR The hectic launch of a world-class Evan Osnos discusses the escalating French restaurant, in which most of conflicts between the White House the staff are just out of prison. and the nation’s intelligence agencies. SUBSCRIBERS: Get access to our magazine app for tablets and smartphones at the App Store, Amazon.com, or Google Play. (Access varies by location and device.) LARA TALEVSKI LEFT: 2 THE NEW YORKER, FEBRUARY 26, 2018 THE MAIL ALL JAMMED UP THE TRUTH ABOUT ASSAULT Joshua Rothman’s article on paper jams Jia Tolentino ends her article on Colum- resurrected my memories of three decades bia University’s attempt to decrease in- of altercations with printers in computer stances of sexual assault on campus with shops all over Baltimore (“Jambusters,” a hypothetical scenario described as a February 12th & 19th). I was a business- drunken “blur” (“Safer Spaces,” Febru- forms designer and salesman in the era ary 12th & 19th). I have worked with of continuous, pin-fed paper forms. (Re- sexual-assault survivors on campuses for member paper with holes down each two decades. What I have seen, time and side?) My day would often begin trying time again, are male perpetrators who to coax interleaved and fanfolded sets of premeditate their crimes, choosing vic- crimped-and-perforated carbon through tims based on who they think is least an I.B.M. 1403 printer at twelve hundred likely to report them. This reality is miss- Luis de Lucena, Arte de Ajedres, first edition of the earliest surviving manual of chess, Salamanca, circa 1496-97. lines a minute, which is like trying to ing from the persistent argument that if Estimate $10,000 to $15,000. shove a quilt through a mail slot very students drink less and have comfort- quickly. If that worked, it was on to the able seating aside from their beds then Early Printed, Medical, decollator, a Coupe de Ville-length ma- their fumbling behaviors will change. Scientific & Travel Books MARCH 8 chine that transformed the sets into a Tolentino acknowledges that “there will neat stack of forms and multiple rolls of always be people, mostly men, who ex- Tobias Abeloff • [email protected] carbon paper. Next was the burster, a vi- perience a power differential as license Preview: March 3, 12-5; March 5 to 7, 10-6 cious paper-eating device that ripped the to do what they want,” but it bears re- 104 East 25th St, NY, NY 10010 • 212 254 4710 SWANNGALLERIES.COM forms into individual sheets (or to shreds) peating that sexual assault is not primar- with the speed and the racket of a tommy ily about sex but, rather, about the power gun.
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