'I 230 ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENA:TE .JANUARY 15 By Mr. POWERS: poses; to the Committee on Expenditures in from Mr. TRUMAN addressed to the Gov­ H. R. 1375. A bill for the better assurance the Executive Departments. ernor of Missouri, which was read and of the protection of persons within the sev­ By Mr. PETERSON of Florida: ordered to lie on the table, as follows: eral States from mob violence and lynch• H. R. 1392. A bill for the purpose of re­ ing, and for other purposes; to the Commit· newing and increasing .:forage and improving UNITED STA'l"ES SENATE, tee on the Judiciary. watershed conditions on range lands, forests Washington, D. C., January 9, 1945. By Mr. RANDOLPH: or Indian lands, or other public owned and Hon. PHIL. M. DONNELLY, H. R. 1376 (by request). A 'bill providing controlled land of the United States; au­ Governor, State of Missouri, compensation for time required in training thorizing the sowin g operations by airplane, Jefferson City, Mo. services; to the Committee on the Civil machinery, or 'other means, for conducting DEAR GOVERNOR: Due to the fact I am to Service. experiments to improve methods of re!3eed­ be sworn in as Vice President of the United H. R. 1377 (by request). A bill providins jng, and for other purposes; to the Com­ States on January 20, I am t~ndering my uniforms for Gove·rnment employees; to the mittee on the Public Lan ds. resignation as Unite.:i States Senator from Committee on the Civil Service. By 11.1r. MONRONEY: ~.. nss .ouri, effective January 18. H. R. 1378 (by request). A bill defraying H. Con. Res. 18. Concurrent resolution es­ Sincerely yours, traveling expenses of transferred employees; tablishing. a Joint Committee on the Organi­ • HARRY S. TRUMAN, to the Committee on Expenditures in the .zation of the Congress; \O th~ Committee on United States Senator. Executive Departments. Rules. ANNOUNCEMENT OF MEETING WITH GEN. By Mr. RANDOLPH: 1 By Mr. RANKIN: ERAL MARSHALL AND ADMIRAL KING H. R. 1379. A fill to·authorize the Adminis­ H . J. Res. 66. Joint resolution proposing an trator of Veterans Affairs to transfer by quit· amendment to the Constitution of the United · Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, I am claim deed to the city· of Los Angeles, Calif., States relative to equal rights for men and glad to announce to,the Members.of the for fire-station purposes, the title to certain . women; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Senate that they, together with Mem­ land located at Veterans Administration fa­ be:t:s of the House of Representatives, cility, Los Angeles, Calif.; to the Committ ee on World War Veterans Legislation. will soon be invited by the Secretaries of By Mr. REED of New York: War and Navy to attend an off-the­ · H. R. 1380. A bill to exempt certain reli­ SENATE record discussion on the present war sit­ gious, charltable, scientific, literary, and ed].l­ uation, which will be presented by Gen­ cational organizations from the requirement MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1945 eral Marshall on behalf of the War De­ of withholding tax at source on wages; to the The Chaplain; Rev. Frederick Brown partment and the Army, and Admiral -Committee on Ways and Means. King on behalf of the NavyDepartment By Mr. ROBERTSON of North Dakota: Harris, D. D., offered the following • prayer: and the Navy. H. R. 1381. A bill referring the claims of For reasons of security, the informa­ the Turtle Mountain Band or Bands of Chip· Lord of the morning, who ·spreadest • pewa Indians of North Dakota to the Court of tion which will be given to the Members Claims for adjudication and settlement; to the mantle of light about us while other of Congress at this meeting will be the Committee on Indian Affa-irs. lands are shrouded in shadow, yet who highly confidential. The place of the H. R. 1382. A bill authorizing payment to dost brood with watchful love in both meeting cannot yet be disclosed. How­ the Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of Sioux -darkness and light, grant us a vivid sense ever, it will be held on the morning of Indians for certain lands ceded by them to of Thy presence as here we face the V/ednesday, January 24, at a place which "the United States by a treaty of July 23, 1851; tangled tragedy of this sorely wounded will ·be convenient to alf of us to attend. to the Committee on Indian Affairs. world. As dawn·has grown into fullness By Mr. ROGERS .of Florida: I understand that .each Member of H. R. 1383.· A bill providing that certain real of noontide, so let Thy light banish all the Senate is to receive a formal invi­ property, together with improvements there­ shadows of doubt and guilt from our own ,tatioq, which will contain complete on acquired for military purposes or for hearts that we may find and follow Thy details. · national parks or monuments, shall not be purpose throughout this day. We be­ I . have been asked to emphasize that ·exempt from taxation by the States and their seech Thee help us to ·use its precious only Members of Congress will be per­ political subdivisions; to tile Committee on hours in such manner that Thou canst the Public Lands. mitted to attend. Members of their hallow. it with Thy blessing and glorify staffs, or friends, or individuals acting on By Mr. STIGLER: it with Thy presence. H. R. 1384. A bill. to establish an additional beh~lf of the Members, will not be ad­ United ::;;tates military academy at Muskogee, May we be strong to do the things mitted. worth doing and put aside the things in the State of Oklahoma; to the Committee I 'understand that General Marshall on Military Affairs. which are unworthy, belittling, or base. Keep our expectant eyes on the unending and Admiral King will giv·e us informa­ By Mr. TALBOT: tion on the war which cannot be re­ H. R. 1385. A bill concerning seeing-eye dogs fut.ure toward which we strive. Give us on trains; to the Committee on Interstate the radiant joy which is the constant re­ leased publicly for security reasons. I and Foreign Commerce. · ward of those who are workers together strongly recomm'end that all of us at­ By Mr. GEARHART: . with Thee for a redeemed earth to which tend who possibly can, because such in­ H. R. 1386. A bill to provide for the reincor­ )'by k~ngdom at last shall come. Amen. formation directly from General Mar­ poration of the National Woman's Relief shall and Admiral King, who have such a Corps, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the ~TTENDANCE OF SENATORS profound knowledge of present and pend­ Republic; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ALBERT W. HAWKES, a Senator from the ing military and naval operations, By Mr. HA.NCOCK: State of New Jersey; JAMES M. MEAD, a should give us all a much better under­ H. R. 1387. A bill to amend the Judicial Senator from the· State of New York; Code with respect to the admission of at­ standing of· the enormously important torneys at law to practice before the courts, E. H. MooRE, a Senator from the State developments taking place today. departments, and offices of the Government; of Oklahoma; and W. LEE O'DANIEL, a Again I must emphasize· that the in­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. ' Senator from the State of Texas, ap- formation presented at this meeting will By Mr. HORAN: . peared in their seats today, . be confidential, and that only Members H. R. 1388. A bill relating to the post­ THE JOURNAL of Congress will be permitted to attend. humous award of the decoration of the Purple The date, I again state, will be the morn­ Heart; to the Committee on Military Affairs. ·· On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by ing of the 24th of January. The exact By Mr. JOHNSON of Oklahoma: unanimous consent, the reading of the time of the meeting will be stated in the' H. R. 1389. A bill providing for the trans­ Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, invitation which we will all receive, and . fer of a certain fish hatchery in Comanche .January 11, 1945, was dispensed with,. County, Okla., to the city of Lawton, Okla.; and the Journal was approved. I hope that all the Members of the Sen­ to the Committee on the Merchant Marine f! ate who possibly can do so will attend. and Fisheries. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Many of us will remember . a former By Mr. MAy: , Messages in writing from the Presi­ occasion when General Marshall and H. R. 1390. A b1ll to authorize the Secre­ dent of the United States submitting Admiral Kipg gave to Members of the tary of War to grant to the Orange & Rock· Senate on one day, and on another, I land Electric Co., a 150-foot perpetual ease­ nominations were communicated to the ment across the West Point Military Reserva• Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ think, to Members of the House, a confi­ tion in the State of New York; to the Com-. taries. dential description of the situation up to that time. I am sure we will all be very mittee on Military Affairs. RESIGNATION OF SENATOR TRUMAN By Mr. MILLER of Nebraska: ID1fCh interested in and instructed by H. R. 1391. A bill to establish a Depart• The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the this confidential recital on· their part of ment of National Health, and for other pur• Senate copy of a letter of resignation the present military and naval situation.
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