Weather DUtriKutfon Few th»w«n Mtfar *day, Today deutec tai wider; till b ttt. WDBANK Fair (mii|ftt ul tuhorrtw. Low 18,975 tonight, 3l'ii Ugh tomorrow, MOMMY THKOOCHIMIBAY-BT. im Wt. See weather, pa|d 1 Dial SH I-0010 IHU<4 diily, Mondur uuouxti rnmy. licond Oiiu t* VOL. 84, NO. 113 Pftid tt Rid Euk and at iddiUoo&l UaUlss Offices, RED BANK. N. J., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE ToAppeal22 Tax Reductions RED BANK — Faced with rate Is $14.40 per $100 of as- ers appealed their 1961 tax as- were notified of the valuation UlN, Katanga Units the loss of $7,214.40 In tax reve- sessed valuation, based on 20 sessments earlier this year. placed on their property and nue this year, Borough Council per cent of true value. Last month the county tax given the opportunity to meet last night announced it will ap- Acting Tax Assessor Edwin board announced it had with representatives of the peal 22 tax assessment reduc- O. Lomerson said the county granted reductions to 30 resi- Cleminshaw Co. and discuss tions granted by the Monmouth had granted reductions in land dents and denied or dismissed the valuations. All taxpayers the remaining appeals. interested in the valuation of County Board of Taxation. assessments totaling $23,300, Issue Statement their property had the oppor- The council noted that the and in buildings totaling $26,- tunity to discuss their particu- true value of the reductions 800. This combined total of In a statement released in In Heavy Fighting granted on 1961 taxes totals connection with the borough's lar problems with representa- $50,100 would have produced tives of the Cleminshaw Co. $250,500. The borough's tax announcement to appeal the $7,214,40 in taxes for the bor- and Mayor and Council believe ough, he said. county's decisions, the council said: that the revaluation when com- Surplus Revenues pleted was fair as to equaliza- Battle "This decision to appeal the Mr. Lomerson said the loss— judgments is justified by the tion of all property in the bor- if upheld by the state—proba- tact that the borough expended ough." bly would be made up out of $23,600 in its revaluation by Patterson Estate Plan Is surplus revenues in the 1961 the Cfeminshaw Co. (Cleve- Three of the cases being ap- municipal budget. land, Ohio) which revaluation pealed involve tax revenues of Red Bank's appeal will go to went into effect in I960. more than $1,000 each, the State Division of Tax Ap- "At the time of the Clemin- The largest is the estate of Found peals. shaw revaluation all taxpayers (See TAXES, Page 3) Thirteen of the decisions to ELISABETHVILLE, Ka- be appealed are commercial Bermuda Conference tanga (AP) — Fighting properties—some of them va- erupted between UN and cant buildings. One is a gar- den apartment. Katanga troops in Elisa« Added to the less-than-bright bethville today. tax picture is the fact that tax Kennedy to Meet Mortar fire was heard revenue in 1961 was reduced by from near the camp of the tough approximately (30,000 by senior citizens exemptions. In 1962, Indian Gurkha troops of the United Nations. the council noted, the tax on personal property will be With Macmillan Elisabethville began emptying and workers began fleeing from dropped, further reducing tax WASHINGTON (AP)-President don said Kennedy and Macmillan revenues. Kennedy and British Prime Min also were expected to discus: the their jobs. Edwin 0. Lomerson A total of 45 property own' ister Harold Macmillan will meet negotiations now in progress to The fighting broke out soon in Bermuda Dec. 21 and 22 to out- bring Britain into the European after UN spokesman Brian Ur- line final strategy for possibl common market, ways of tighten- quhart called an early morning In Middletown Berlin negotiations with Russia. ing Western defenses and the news conference to announce The White House announced probable meaning of the recent that fighting between UN forces plans for the conference late yes- Communist party congress i and the Katanga troops was im- minent. terday. Moscow and the new deStaliniza GI'S FACE EAST GERMANS — U.S. soldiers with automatic waapons itand bthind tion wave it launched. Battle Plan In addition to their policy talk sandbag barricade facing East German loldiers at the Friedrichitrassa checkpoint be- on Berlin, Kennedy and Macmil- Administration hopes for steady Urquhart reported discovery of Master Plan lan are expected to discuss dis- progress toward East-West nego- tween East and West Berlin. In background are East Garman workers erecting a Katangan battle plan calling armament negotiations and a tiations on Berlin received a set- new Red wall with narrower gaps in a bunt of new Communitt activity at the di- for an immediate attack on the course for an agreement to end back over the week-end with blunt UN force In the Katanga capital. vided city's border points. (AP Wirephoto) nuclear weapons testing under an Communist rejection of Kennedy's He said Katangan troops wera international inspection system. suggestion last week for inter- moving through thick bush coun- Hearing Set They may issue some new cal national control of the acces try toward the Elisabethville air- for co-operation by the Sovie routes to West Berlin across Easl 'Fair Settlement' Reached port, which was held by Indian MIDDLETOWN - A public A 191-Iot development on the Union to bring the nuclear ract Germany. troops. hearing on the township's re- Sidney McLean farm in Oak under control. Positive Response Panic broke out in the streets. vised master plan has been set Hill was tabled pending receipt Diplomatic informants in Lon Apparently Kennedy aides ha< Some Africans ran from the expected a more positive or en- Approve TV Station Sale town. Others headed for th» rail- for Dec. 21 in the high school of an offer from the builders, auditorium. Andrew Inc. of Union, of acre- couraging response than that they road station. The ninth and final regional age for a recreational area. received. The Soviet govern- TRENTON (AP) - Channe of educational television and New ETMA. the Federal Communica Auto drivers careened through conference on the proposal was Robert G. Strong of Herbert Ask Plan ment newspaper Izvestia whicl 13, WNTA-TV, will be sold to a Jersey programming to realize lions Commission and New Jcr he streets sounding their horns. held Thursday night in Fairview H. Smith Associates, West Tren- published an interview with th educational television group bul their objectives. sey in a scries of marathon di: Heavy shooting could be heard School. ton, the township's planning con- President last week said the ide will provide programming spe Cites Settlement cussions over the week-end. from outside the telegraph of- The weekly sessions were ton- sultants, noted in a report that of putting the supply lines to Wesl cifically designed to meet the Gov.-elect Richard J. Hughes Meyner said the terms wen fice. Teletype operators fled and For Fire Berlin under international admin ducted by planning board mem- approximately six acres should needs of New Jersey, accordin£ said the settlement "ai made possible by the recognitior foreign newsmen had to punch istration was "doomed to failure.' bers in order to acquaint resi- be given to the township Recrea- to terms of an agreement an plished everything the governor on both sides of opposition view out their own dispatches. dents with master plan provi- tion Commission, according to Walter Ulbricht, Communis nounced yesterday. set out to do." Hughes also said points. He said the court battli Throughout the morning heav- sions and to sample public re- ordinance. District party chief in East Germany, Gov. Robert B. Meyner told he ' would continue the weekly was triggered by a lack of un ily armed crack Katangan troops action. The map of Newman Springs so threw down the suggestion news conference that state offi television report to the people derslanding on both sides. had toured Eliiabethville in ar- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Thi The Soviet and East Germa The board also meets tomor- Manor, a 16-lot development cials had reached what he callet initiated by Meyner. mored vehicles. Township Committee last night claim is that the United States, The agreement was worked ETMA will have no commer- row night to discuss suggestions planned for Newman Springs Rd. "a fair settlement of a very di There are four UN stronjpolnts referred to its attorney a petition Britain, France and West Ger- ( between representatives of and criticisms made at the open and the Middletown-tincroft Rd., ficult question" with the d (See TELEVISION, page 9) in Ihe area: requesting the re-establishmen (See MEETING, Page 2) meetings, was turned over to James W. rectors of Educational Television The airport, where UN troops of fire district one. are firmly dug in; the UN head- Only one new map. a five-lot Davidheiser, board member, for for the Metropolitan Area The petition was signed by 29 quarters, which is also the Indian subdivision known as Hilltop study. (ETMA). members of the Matawan Hose camp; the Swedish camp and the Acres, was submitted to the The board approved a six-lot Mitchell National Television Associates Exemption Law Is and Chemical Co. Lido Hotel. board. Applicant was Jacob subdivision map for an extension which owns WNTA-TV through a Township attorney William J. It was believed that 300 iddi- Kleiner of long Branch. The to Laurel Wood on Newman subsidiary, said in New York last O'Hagan, Jr., said he would tonal Swedish troops arrived board withheld action and re- Springs Rd.
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