~ rr^ ' \. W- ATcrage Daily Net Freaa Run X SAlTmPAYr Af1HE-»,-^^ -Rot Ws’Week fasaaig- ' ThaaWRW^TT WWther WMawOOWR - ■■'F — ■ ApHl-#— T o r FAGETW EEV® iK m u lfjfifr 'F fff nfit3 "1 ? W a K i 10,494 Cl««r MU! Moter management. Will Walt Dropo Member of the Audit mum lia Tw w aay. im a y iuM| comli T ic k r ; - ™ - - r - ■ > Observe 50 Years of Trusi^Concern CaSMETIGS - Bureau at Oh«nlat16fiS ’ BAflNke.’ " ■ ■■ ...------------------ A b o u t T o ^ Basetiall Interest in town will be we CARRY ALL ' MancheBter—-‘A City of Village Charm Heard Along Main Street lacking this summer with Rejl LiSADINO BRANDS Sox supporters falling by the th e AtiJtUnery Police will meet 19 O l d wasmide, unless they are all pull­ ... , \ for e lecture Miondey rilrht et 7:S0 ■: ..... \ VOL. LXXI, NO. 160 (Classified Adverttsiag in Pag* 14) And on Some of )^ii^heiter^$ Si^e StreeU, Too ing sleepers. ITankee fans are Arthur Drug Storn MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE nvG oQn^s at the Robertaon School. a great in numbers as last year, Bank Qpen^ ’33 with 1— ; 1'. n, WlW-ii.' '-AL'-T-g-qiiiU iy. na lui!t~n~tronBa«iit'-that -Casey The Cyp Club of Center Church b tf of the clever aex could tell you tStengel will gain another Ahic^' &..Employ«a; .Up-to-53 ■Wffl tneet » t the church-Sunday- - ____ _ We think the expreaa teller win ■ame'-SiWim ...........■■'""re—-- - can Deagu'e. crown.*”- saP** ■"•4s evenlnf et T o'clock for e buiineM heard of one a abort while Baseball writers,- the experts And $7 Million Aisets meeUnc end e t 7:S0 the membere dow at the Manchester Trust Com­ pany If a fine idea. We hbe It and k we think-la a dllly. Here'e who have watched the teams train will attend the eervlce in thd eenc* ho\\lt worka, girlie W€ jTiEk®' frwiuent u*6 of It. Wo In Florldif, claim the Red Sox The Man'cheSter TrusV Company IfoiCi tifary. An executive board meet- are sure a griat many others ap- : »o»^ouaound n a out your nuonyhubby on can’t miss this season— landing In In f of the club will be held e t 5 nreciate the bank’s thoughUulness the m oving of your appointment, the second dlvlalnn, that la. It this week observed the 19th anni­ o’clock end et «;30 there-will be fn prSvWmJ Trapld banking serv-; He pwbdHly l. still agin a pudd e could be a very long summer for versary of Ita openln^bn April 8, jjiracUclng for the choral iroup. l" / fnr neaona who have a cheek | of puff or>(h»‘ «ver the absolutely Red Sox die-hards. 1988.___ , ___ , , „ ' Martin Danahy, now -atatloped Good OM Dsya^ home comfor In Korea, haa been promoted to p<^t to m a k ^ ^ 1 Tou proceed , ^ t h the operation Remember "the day wbeti a mo^ eight employes, dow has a staff Reported Missing Plane Pilot the rank of aergeant in the Marine '**'S£*.f*?^*« % e - anyway, and, ofW urse,- the halr- torist gave a hand sign when mak­ numbering 53. , T h e company’s C^rpr. Hta brother; P fc :^ « il -E>an^ eVtf,.abotat iwaons.who abufe asaurmr y o ^ o o r apouae-s Phone Mett ing, a fight turn o f a Teft tiiftiT "growth Tiaa been steadyFpartlcu- MORIARTY Bros S / e e i Strike Looms; U. S. Court Upholds ehy. la alao'eervlng In the'Marine service. I'objeCtlpna will disappear a « anon Those were the good old days. larly during the past 10 years. Corpa in Korea. They ere thif eons There are nunwrous cases, - we.; gets a gander atVour thor- Now, In" this modern era, With 3 1 5 CENTER ST note, when aomeone who has hur-, ogghly chio colff. \ On Xprli 1, 1942, the bank's cap­ of Martin J. Danahy of 17A Gar­ these new fan-dangled . automo- T EI 5 13 5 ried business to conduct Is forced Then you .go to a shop wi re the ital funds amounted to $283,885.05 Build Snarl den drive. bliss, we have directional signal and total assets were $2,613,486;- to stand In a slow moving line at salesladies and perhaps the ’boss's lights. They look wonderful, but the express window while lines at 52. Ten years -later, -on April of Alien Trav»el Curb Bunaet Council No. 4S. Degree wife are mutual friends of w i r how many times have you been other windows melt. away, re­ this year, captial funds totaled o f Pocahontaa.- will meet Monday husband and you. You tell one ^ driving behind a car with theee F U a OIL form, and melt away again. more of them about yoilr .UpmiseA $581,887.85 and total assets had night at. 8 o'clock at Tinker Hall. The reason, of course. Is simple. lights and the lights flashed on the reached $7,827,764,24, During that PMnal plane for- the 2Bth-birthday unenlightene<i.ylew of th'e newest w t side for a left turn and the - New Yorlr, Aprii 7 ^ ^ —A jfoyemment mediator pressed Washington, April 7-Hfl*)-^Thr Saprmfnr^ourt today Some joker With half n...dosen hair style. period the stockholders had re­ anew today for a settlement of the steel wage dispute but held, 5sS, the McCarran Act reijuirement that aliens myat By EUGENE LEVIN celebration of the council on April checks to cash, two or three de­ cak turned right? It’s happened ceived dividends aggregating 31 will be made. ^Plan'a call for a Clever things that * they are, plenty of times. , make “ timely application" for travel jiapers after th ^ have posits to make and $10 In bills to $108,000. his efforts failed to ease the threat of r strike tomorrow New York, April 7—</F^ p o tIU 'C k decorated birthday they phone your husband at hla Had^s^nals are a lost art with been ordered deported or be subject to 10 years’ fmpriaonment. change Into coins of various values office nearby, telling him you a're The Trust Company entered the midnight.. Nathan P. FeinainKCi*, chairman of the Wage A , two-pronged communiM- cake and a aoclal time, and It la walks Into the bank and sees long motorlstsfnoday, except perhaps, stabilization board, met with top'*— ^ ---------- The law. known for Ita chief - k< H ^ that two. ebartar. jruuhbani tpere. wegi;lng .a .ipa.lr, jtyle^Jtie just, Iwhen-.applylng. foi. a motor vehicls. Jpstallmpnt lo^n field,in 1937. H ir­ *pon*or,'‘S«tta»r 'McoiTTtTr T,t>- ilooa strike .fUred aexoas-tM, llitFS' at every window.-— "--— *^ shouldn’t wSIt to see. ing the 115 years siiicX then, Sp- llltim.atums uniph 'Offttiaiii T«'U' Hwt-diteTf ar- will be preaent at the featiyitleJ license. Motor Vehicle Inspectors ,Nevi, Waa, deilgned to___tlghtea.. cogip^ today, but an Ameri;. '4 - • He-walka up to the express -Una — H e -hlghtatfar tt- over -and-flnds- -• p roxlmately-—2(1.000 —strch—-loanr FILMS iLempL—to -prevent. -a-.jyalkout—by. ■“in H a tflm e r-.— -------------- "i7o'‘8lYICt'T6“ sce~tHSl~appncanlif ! 850,000 members of the. CIO United safeguardsaBfAH.UBM.la againstBA-BI h B, lubverHveB, . k , .B ,,a ac- ^ can Telephone and Telegraph - thinking everyone else there will you and your hair-do amidst a use hand signals. 4 have been made amounting to DEVELOPED AND Step up to the window, complete * Steel-Workers. ■ 'tlvfty ‘ b y CrimWunMrtj anff " thriir N athaintiz spokesman said'•‘Wdst lervfnf' ,beyy,,ojt. admiring",ladies--,gX?w,nx- As our Xarmar friend-, would.aay,, aboiit. $7,300,000, PRINTED T ’olBH laiii In a statement, Felnalnger an- his business aha TA ibrte tra recnilled from among the sympsthizers. It Is known more ^ ia normal.’’ "Give uS the day .with the old gray .. !moum:ed-h«...had .jnet briefly., with. 4- .foniHillV ■ as-the Jntarnal. Sacurity.^ seconds thereby cutting dovm the custpmere—alj _ erf _ .whom ^assert . Mrt j^nd^Mrs.^^^^^ W^ *^4*HOU!t SERViCBi * -Thr- CIO ’waikoutr hit 'tUtr tTme T e "wIiritsVs’ Tff -wstt. * There m »re,'l___________________ _ ” ■Mf." '* M '’Mrs." 'Sl'rau'gh'ah' Cairo, Egypt, April 7—(/P) industry leaders late last night act o f 1950. i i n LAND S0W i¥tN6¥iid tfiat ybu'baye'neve'FlodUed Straughan of 18 Hollister street, and expects to have “ either sepa­ Nominatiott Western Eiecfric Company, Is .some-consolation In our knowing er. Does he disagree? No. You bet five children, four daughters and' Film Deposit Box — Cairo new.spapera reported 'The government has said some that he Is usually wrong. ..... , ’ Modem Dealgn who observed their . 50th wedding one son, and 10 grandchildren and At Store Entrance rate or joint conferences through­ 3,OOO. .aliens—Including 2,147 na-, installation and maintenance Civil ENGINEERING he doesn’i. v ,w ..-Ar=-^:v W e've seen this modem age of POODLE CUT! a variet.v of ultimatuitia by •nie persori In frdht'bf him and anniversary, Thursday. April 3, one great grandchild. The daugh­ out today." tlonals of Iron (jurtain countries subsidiary of the Bell $yiUtn the automobile demonstfated to While the search was on for a the one. In front of him probably will hold open house for their ters are Mrs. James Connolly of Egypt's government to Brit­ —would be affected by today’s de- W A A Deals Let There be Ught us in tv/o different ways this week POODLE CUT! peace formula, furnaces in the in­ A in 43 states, and the tele­ Edward L.
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