WeUker Distribution 7 MB. um&mmn. Variable Today 'dMttiNM tt&itttiih ia 4f Me, Fab- toaitU, Khr to «he teem. 21,825 Tfcnorrow Mr, hl|h M. Saturday, partly cloudy and milder, See Weather, P 1 Dial SH I-0010 IwuM dtlly. Itonltr tbromh ttiiv. Mai Clui PwU|» VOL. 85, NO. 156 Pill U BM Bulk tad it Adittioaal UUUaf OMBHL RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Britain Acts to Up Economy WNDON (AP) - Britain took i Minister Harold MacmiUan and being excluded from the Europe- in its recent proposal to start Western Industrialized nation! the first tentative steps today in Premier Jens Otto Krag of Den- an Community. tariff talks through GATT (the and the underdeveloped coun- a drive to strengthen its world mark, one of Britain's partners Krag was expected to give Mac- General Agreement on Tariffs tries." trade and rebuild its flagging in the European Fret Trade Asso- millan a firsthand report on Pres- and Trade). TV Address economy out of the wreckage ot ciation (EFTA). ident Charles de Gaulle's offer to "The next step will be to dis- Macmillan in a television ad- its Common Market hopes. Krag said after his arrival in help Denmark join the Common cuss the possibility with our part- dress Wednesday night rejected British planners looked around London Wednesday he wanted to Market without Britain. ners in EFTA at the next meet- the French idea of a Europe for freer outlets for the nation's hear more of British plans "about The British press called for a ing in Geneva in the middle of purged of strong American influ- commerce, denleS unlimited) ac- how we can go further with thorough look at. the country's next month. The extension of ence. ' cess to (he rich markets of theEFTA," the seven-nation trading taxation and trade and for meas- tariff concessions achieved with U.S. officials were reported European Community by the col- group created as a British-ted ures to put new verve and spirit the (Common Market) six and the warning America's European Al- lapse of the Brussels negotiations. rival to the Common Market six, into its lagging industry. United States to the Common- lies the United States may reduce Top-Level Move British political circles suggest- Looking to the future of inter- wealth and other countries should its contribution to European de- The first top-level move in theed strengthening and even en- national trade, The Times of Lon- help to loosen some of the bar- fense if they go along with any British offensive was a meeting larging EFTA might help make don said: "The sensible thing will riers not only surrounding the six campaign by De Gaulle to reduce set for later today between Prime up for what Britain lost through be to join with the United States but also existing between the the American voice In Europe. Seek Experts COMMON MARKfT HUDOU—Britain'. Edward Heath, left, talks with West Ger- man Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroedar, right, In conference room in Brussels, Bel- To Testify In gium, after Britain lest its bid for memberthip in European Common Market. With them are Duncan Sendyt, British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, and Rate Case U.S. Stirs Canada Christopher Soames, second from right, British Minister of Agriculture. LITTLE^ SILVER - The Mu- . " (AP Wirephoto via.radio from Louden) nicipal Public Service Co-ordina- ting Committee last night author- ized its attorney, Milton A. Mausner, to enlist the aid of an economist, an engineer, and Sewage Treatment Plant real estate expert to strengthen A-Weapons Debate the committee's opposition to a proposed water rate Increase. WASHINGTON • (AP) - Thi ferred to various points made in Party leader, Robert Thompson, Liberal leader Lester B. Pear- Construction Is Rejected The experts will testify at United' States, apparently taking the Canadian Parliament's nu- called the U. S. statement "a son, chief of the biggest opposi- hearings now being conducted be- sharp issue with Canadian Prim' clear weapons debate, in which bombshell to say the least—it tion party, said he found it SUN LITTLE ^ILVER - The state fore the state Board of Public Minister John Diefentaker, has Diefenbaker has participated. could be the spark to topple the prising the United States should Department of Health has re- Utility Commissioners to deter- declared bluntly that Canada1 In Ottawa, the Social Credit government." (See CANADA, Page* 2) jected this borough's plan to mine the merits of the applica- defense forces should be equipped construct a sewage treatment tion of the Monmouth Consoll with nuclear weapons: plant' with an outfall into the dated Water Company. The firm Although North American tie Shrewsbury River, Health Com' seeks a rate hike of approximate- fense systems "using nuclear c tnissioner Roscoe P. Handle an- ly 25 per certt.' pable weapons" are necessary nounced yesterday. The cost of hiring the experts, for effective protection again: The Regional . Sewer Study the attorney said, will be under Russia's nuclear bomber fleel Committee learned , last nighi $6,000 and will be divided among the State Department, said las from another Department of the member towns, Red Bank, night, the Canadian governmenl Health official that a similar Mlddletown, Fair Haven, Rum- has failed to come up with facility to serve.all or some ol son, New Shrewsbury, Shrews- practical plan. , • . the area's regionalized towns re- bury, Oceanport and this bor- Hotly Debated mains a possibility, however in- ough, • The nuclear weapons issue ha; advisable. ' Mr. Mausner has already en- been hotly debated in the Parl Local Battle gaged auditor Joseph X. Seaman ament at Ottawa in recent day Both developments in the local of Perth Amboy who is examin- and has become a problem battle against the sewage dis- ing company records which were Canadian domestic politics. In posal problem were shaped by presented In evidence at the first such circumstances a U. S. go\ the department's decision thai hearing; ',"" • '',:.. eminent declaration is highly i ' "No additional sewage effluent The PUC adjourned the hear- usual. In .Ottawa, there was regardless ot the degree of treat- ing to Feb. 5 at which time Mr. widespread speculation the U. ment, should be dumped into Mausner will cross-examine An- criticism would. spark a general the ' Shrewsbury or Navesink Mayor Cfaafia g. 3tef&ens Councilman Michael 2, ftafterty thony J. Greco, president of Mon- election call and a campaign Rivers if there Is any practical mouth Consolidated, and the {ought, on nuclear defense issues. way; to avoid it." company's .comptroller and real the statement, issued by thi ThattUtement was mad* last estate expert. ; ...]•':" and delivered tig by Robert S, Sbiw, chief Collichio to Fight i The cpmmlttw also discussed to-Hhe- Candlao Embassy,.it engineer of- the Department of unusual b«causA,Jt Is-ttfljipi Health, when asked -for thi of ordinary diplomatic language state's position on local sewer has been . slipping in recent and lays down, the Washington problems. Mr. Shaw was asked Municipal Budget months. Members cited con- view of the North American de- byMichael. I, Rafferty, a Little sistently late trains and the fact fense problem In sharp, simp] Silver councilrrtan and chairman KEANSBURG — Mayor Louis _Mr. Collichio said the'maoager, that a locomotive switch at Rah- sentences. <rt WrigW^own regional group, T. Collichio announced yesterday C; Bernard Blum, gets'p&id as way is taking up to U minutes FIRE —Asbury Park firemen battle fire> which" caused $100,000 lots to reconcile the department'! '.'The Soviet bomber fleet 'wi that he would oppose the new 'superintendent of the water plant while the task was formerly ac- remain at,least throughout thi yesterday in building at 660 Cookman A/e., in that city's buiineis center. Struc- Little Stiver decision to Its municipal ' budget now being] even though he is unlicensed." complished in five to six nvin- policy on regional sewer projects. decade a significant, element i ture at Cookfnari Ave. and Bond St. wat occupied by the; National Shos Company drafted by the Borough Council The mayor said Mn* Blum gets utes. the Soviet strike force,"- the stati This borough, while continuing The mayor said he was "boil $750 a year for each job, plus The, committee will register ment said., "An. effective contii and Aibury Park Youth Center. Two upper floors were vacant. to participate in the regional ing mad" over the amount ol $2,100 a year as executive di- a complaint, as it has success- ental defense against this com- •ewer study activity, had ap- raises being planned for borough rector of the ' Local Planning fully in the past, and a railroad mon threat is necessary." plied for a federal sewer con' employees. Agency. •'•••• • •... ; • • • • . representative will, be invited to No Alternative struction grant under the Pub- Heavy Damage in Belmar Blaze Mr. Collichio said he had no "He also gets liberal expense the next meeting. A date has not lic Work3 Acceleration Act. Trie statement said that quarrel with plans to give mem' accounts as manager and urban yet been set for the next session: though the Western alliance Although the economic aspects bers of the .police departmeni renewal director," said Mr. Col- Payment of $1,860, or $235 per needs more conventional forces, of the, application were encour- average raises of $650 each. He municipality, was approved for conventional forces are no altei aging at last report, the Depart- said this was justified because The mayor 'said the borough Asbury Park Firfe legal service for the past ment of Health was delegated native "to effective NATO the men were being deprived ol clerk was slated for a $750 raise years.
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