CaNnapIAN GoLrer — November, 1936 1 Cheeses | OLD VIENNA B EER MADE Foon PURE Set MALT Ano HOPS POLD yy ENNABEE : Be ; “Haven't you found O’Keefe’s tastes better ?” ? Canapian Gotrer — November, 1936 1 H Canadian Golfer E NOVEMBER. e 1936 M | i offe rs D S Articles Page | O Where and How to Go South 3 Editorial .. Selling Sunshine 5 U Southern Memory Spots 6 And So South 7 + By H. R. Pickens Jr. As Tradition Continues 10 H He Is B. C.’s Strangest ‘‘Case”’ 11 By Stu Keate What Do the Stars Think of At Address 12 | By Bob DawsonJr. Never Trust Strangers on Trains 13 R By H. R. Pickens Jr. Thrice Crowned Champion 14 : Fall Play Proclaims a New French Star 15 The Old North Berwick Club 16 S By Bertie Paxton In the Realm of the British 17 O Personalities in Golf 18 By Ralph H. Reville R Dear Ed. 20 Dates that Golfers will Keep this Winter 22 T Missed One Day in Twelve Years 2 The R.C.G.A. Nominates 25 To Golf Course Officials Everywhere 27 | BEA UTE L ae PINES INN AND COTTAGES SOUTHERN PINES * NORTH CAROLINA SOUTHERN PINES | NORTH CAROLINA | : A > . | This famous hotel, offers everything you ever Overnight from New York and other Eastern || dreamed a vacation should hold. Situated in the Points. Half the Travel, Half the Time, Half the | very heart of the sandhills and the beautiful city | Cost, Twice the Comfort. of Southern Pines. | Most comfortable Hotels and attractive Cottages and RIDING TENNIS || Bungalows. POLO GOLF SHOOTING || For further information write : RACING GYMKHANA | Southern Pines, City Clerk, North Carolina M. H. Rd Rone bans: cis bualil Going South This Winter? Here’’s Where Here',s How The following is a list of suggested Hotels at various points who particularly desire fine surroundings and perfect golfing of call and at the leading resort centres throughout the South. facilities. Hotels in bold type are the preferred stops which CANADIAN GOLFERbegsto render this service to those of should not be missed. The reader may follow the state bystate ' the Canadian readers whowill be winter vacation-seekers during list given below in manycases byreference to the accompanying ; the coming five months. This list is drawn up to interest those map. Miles from |[¥\% IN VIRGINIA New ay Yoarckess| wonttlgygOHt *RICHMOND 345 Mine AT Ny HOTEL JOHN MARSHALL oe aieee | MURPHY’S HOTEL V) NOT ': Se, * NORFOLK 329 Wd hth . The Southland se ee ws ° The Atlantic Hotel aS are | The Ghent House iS ~ 4 gorgnt? ‘anit The Lorraine Taverne ie KN = ‘ieeeeM The Fairfax ROSS odoON he : u NESoda cB Mg The Monticello FRR Ekay *VIRGINIA BEACH 337 SROort. P er | The Cavalier Hotel hySs Bad : ee “ROANOKE 468 cand 2” yartere RS Hotel Patrick Henry ears Eue'e, uae j The Vanderbilt Hotel YePool Ac eure P | “HOT SPRINGS na pridta /0 THE HOMESTEAD Hofer Ares,SNES wir ow Meg Sy, aceee yg IN NORTH CAROLINA eile A eriegene SGA *ELIZABETH CITY 377 | iar! Be sR eC Virginia Dare Hotel te FS be *EDENTON 409 Rema Bee at Kings Arms Tavern INAIN a we ; *GREENSBORO 540 .‘ ‘SF SEDGEFIELD INN Ps “WILMINGTON §92 Eo eae> Cape Fear Hotel *PINEHURST iy 585 a. THE MANOR THE PINE NEEDLES INN ’ SE Fear THE PINECREST INN vate BEACH The Carolina The Berkshire Holly Inn ROUTENO | eseen= *SOUTHERNPINES.. 590 a. HIGHLANDPINES INN OCEAN HI GHWAY ———— Hollywood Hotel SOUTHERN PINES HOTEL * ASHEVILLE A295 Asheville Biltmore Joh . ee e George Vanderbilt Grove Park Inn IN WEST VIRGINIA * WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS The Greenbrier Hotel TDS, IN SOUTH CAROLINA * AIKEN Roumener in os 770) ae HIGHLAND PARK HOTEL Wilcox’s Henderson Hotel *CHARLESTON 760 FORT SUMTER HOTEL VILLA MARGHERITA HOTEL FRANCIS MARION xi m= mewioae 7 (Continued on page 4) Pine Needles Inn Where to go South? (Continued from page 3) Mid-way Between Southern Pines and Pinehurst, N.C. Miles from Our greatest advertisement 1s what our guests, young and old have to say about us New York *CAMDEN 705 HOBKIRK INN *SUMMERVILLE 786 The Carolina The Squirrel THE PINE FOREST INN IN GEORGIA *ATLANTA 906 The Robert Fulton Hotel The Atlanta Biltmore Ainsley Hotel Atlanta *AUGUSTA Bon Air Vanderbilt Forest Hills Hotel Partridge Inn *SAVANNAH 844 De Soto Hotel The Savannah Hotel * THOMASVILLE 1064 THREE TOMS INN 18 hole Donald Ross golf course 50 yards from the hotel IN FLORIDA * JACKSONVILLE RATES 1936-37 1104 Hotel Windsor Single Rooms $6.00 to 10.00 per day per person American plan Double Rooms $12.00 to 24.00 per day per two persons George Washington Hotel Weekly discount: approximately 10% oo : ; . ‘ : *ST. AUGUSTINE 1037 a. The only completely fireproof resort hotel im the central Carolinas Bennett Hotel For further information apply: EMMETT E. BOONE, Mgr. Monson Hotel “ORMOND BEACH 1093 Coquina *ORLANDO 1158 Angebilt Hotel San Juan Hotel Wyoming Hotel *DAYTONA 1098 Clarendon Hotel PRINCESS ISSENA *DE LAND College Arms Hotel *PALM BEACH West Palm Beach Hotel Villa Hermosa “WEST PALM BEACH 272A. El Verano “HOLLYWOOD 13414. Hollywood Beach Hotel ee “MIAMI 1358 a. A virgin forest of Long Leaf El Commodoro INE FORESTINN, Pine in the midst of whichre- Leamington Hotel poses the Pine Forest Inn. A Miami Colonial Summerville, South Carolina glittering jewel of southern The Everglades charm, unique, historical yet The. Columbus modern, the famous hotel's environment reflects memories of the visits of Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. Wood Hotel Whitman Hotel Amongst majestic pines, Spanish moss and flowering shrubs on the winding walks, breathing in the perfumeof the Azaleas and Japonicas. *MIAMI BEACH 1356 Flamingo Hotel 200 Rooms & Bath. 50 Acres of Forest and Garden. Mineral Water from our own Wells. GOLF: Twenty seven Holes, playable all Year. TENNIS—HUNTING— Fleetwood Hotel RIDING—FISHING The Nautilus S. JOHN LITTLEGREEN, General Manager The Pancoast Also operating LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN HOTEL CHATTANOOGA 5S. C. The Roney Plaza (Conti nued on page 26) Canapian GoL_Frer — November, 1936 @ EDITORIAL Selling Sunshine CANADIAN UT of a maze of semi-tropical wilder- THE ness heavily infested with fever, swamps, and tangled undergrowth has come an the North American South, reaching from Virginia to the Keys. This strip between the Atlantic seaboard and the Florida west coast bordering the Gulf has been reclaimed for a purpose of creating a winter play ground for 1434 ST.CATHERINE ST.wess MONTREAL eastern America. Civilization has crept in gradually and the swamps, fever and under- growth have been reduced and overcome. Official Organ The country has grown beautiful, and in a ROYAL CANADIAN GOLF ASSOCIATION measure become prosperous through the dol- PROVINCE OF QUEBEC GOLFASSOCIATION lars of holiday-seeking Northerners. It is a CANADIAN SENIOR WOMEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION strange world in which we live, but there are MONTREAL PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS’ ALLIANCE certain attitudes even in our complicated Published Since 1914 society which conform to most primeval Editor-in-Chief General Manager r axioms. For instance if a man has some ma- H. R. PICKENS, Jr WILLIAM D. TAYLOR ee terial advantage which another hasn’t but Associate Editors ; really wants, the latter will go a long way STU KEATE Poronto Office RALPH H. REVILLE 57 Queen St. West to secure or share this advantage. Thus it has been with the Southland. Officials of the Royal Canadian Golf Association Hon. President, His Excellency The Right Hon. Lord Tweedsmui) G.C.M.G., C.H., Governor-General of Canada President - - - - - R. Jacob, K.C NDEEDdiscounting the scenic splendor, Vice-Pre s ident - - - : -- - --- -- J. I. Rankin Secretary-Treasurer -- - - - - - --- B. L. Anderson the brilliant man-made atmosphere, the hundreds of varying amusements now of- Executive Committe W. S. Charlton Br. Columbia B. N. Holtham Quebec fered to induce people to come south in the 0. S. Leigh-Spencer = = Alberta Drs Avs. wamb Quebec Major J. H. Warren, K.C. Saskatchewan J. I. Rankin F Quebec winter—~it was nature which really endowed Justice J. E. Adamson Manitoba J. Royden Thomson New Brunswick : A. N. Jones Nova Scotia the country below the Mason-Dixon line Col. Claude Brown Ontario ©! W. Jackson, Past Pres. Ex-Officio with the only quality which will always in- F. G. Hoblitzell Ontario G. H. Forster, Past President Ex-Officio G. L. Robinson Ontario Kk. €. Gould, Past President Ex-Officio sure the economic prosperity of this other- wise unproductive part of the world. (There “As the “Official Organ” of the Royal Canadian Golf Association, this publication carries authoritative notices and articles in regard to the are comparatively few great industries in the activities of the Association. In all other respects the R.C.G.A. is, of course not responsible for the contents nor for the opinions of writers.” south and this is noticeable more and more 7 the further south one goes.) So, as if to com- ADVI S4 ORY BOARD MR. ALFRED COLLYER MR. C. ROSS SOMERVILLE MR. GEO. H. FORSTER pensate in a measure, the south has this single Past President U. S. Champion 1982 Past President Nature-gift which it sells annually to mil- R.C.G.A. R.C.G.A lions—and it is a MR. STANLEY THOMPSON MR. VERNON G. CARDY MR. GEO. L. ROBINSON commodity which never Golf Architect Montreal Sportman Kaecutive R.C.G.A. fails to please the buyer. This commodityis MR. EARLE 0, TURNER MR. L. W. BARKER MR. E. C. GOULD THREE MONTHS OF WINTER SUN- Maritime Executive Past President P.Q.0.A Past President of R.C.G SHINE. any golfer to play these marvelously-conditioned and_perfectly-de- ANADIANShave their great healthy signed courses which stud the resort centres of the south.
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