Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2010), vol. 80: 167–183. NEOTECTONIC MOBILITY OF THE ROZTOCZE REGION, UKRAINIAN PART, CENTRAL EUROPE: INSIGHTS FROM MORPHOMETRIC STUDIES Teresa BRZEZIÑSKA- WÓJCIK, £ukasz CHABUDZI ÑSKI & Leszek GAWRYSIAK In sti tute of Earth Science s, Maria Curie-Sklodow ska Uni ver sity, Al. Kraœnicka 2c, d, 20-817 Lublin, Poland; e- mails: tbrzezin@poc; lchabudz in [email protected]; Leszek.Gaw [email protected] Brzeziñska- Wójcik, T., Chabudzi ñski, £. & Gawry siak, L., 2009. Neo tec tonic mo bil ity of the Roz tocze re gion, Ukrain ian part, Cen tral Europe: in sights from morphomet ric stud ies. An nales So cie ta tis Ge olo go rum Po lo niae, 80: 167–183. Ab stract: The re sults of geo logi cal, geo mor phic and hydro geo logi cal re search in di cate spa tially vari able neo - tec tonic ac tiv ity of the Ukrain ian part of the Roz tocze re gion. This ac tiv ity is con firmed by analy sis of some geo met ric and mor phomet ric co ef fi cients (es pe cially drain age ba sin elon ga tion ra tio, drain age ba sin cir cu la tory ratio, drain age basin shape and lemnis cate coef fi cient), which were cal culated for 1646 drainage areas of the 3rd to 6th or der, and mor phomet ric lin ear co ef fi cients (mountain- front sinu os ity in dex and val ley floor width- valley height ra tio coef fi cient), which charac terise the fault scarps. The south-wester n mar gin of the Rava Roztocze and Ya niv Roz tocze re gions, fol low ing NW–SE-trending faults, be longs to struc tures of the 1st or 2nd class of relative tec tonic ac tiv ity. On the other hand, in the north- eastern mar ginal zone in the Ukrain ian part of the Roz tocze region, a rela tively ac tive seg ment comprised between Ma heriv and Zhashkiv shows a charac teris tic NW–SE ori en ta tion of val leys, con trolled by a net work of sec on dary sub-paralle l faults. In the south ern part of the ana lysed area, the Stavchanka River drain age ba sin re lated to the NW-striking fault zone, and the sub-paralle l edge of the zone of the Vereshytsia-upper Mlynivka transverse de pression are relatively ac tive. Some relatively in ac tive areas are those of smaller drain age ba sins of the 3rd to 6th or der, lo cated within the zone of the main wa ter shed be tween the Rata and Lu bac zówka riv ers in the Rava Roz tocze re gion and the Zu bra and Poltva riv ers in the Lviv Roz tocze re gion. Key words: neo tec tonic mo bil ity, mor phomet ric co ef fi cients, Ukrain ian part of the Roz tocze re gion, Cen tral Europe. Manu script re ceived 15 De cem ber 2009, ac cepted 15 May 2010 IN TRO DUC TION The Ukrainian part of the Roz tocze region is a tectoni c tinct mor pho log i cal mar gin, re lated to the Rava-Rus’ka– horst, stretching NW–SE, elevate d by 110–120 m (Palien- Krehiv fault zone (Khiznyakov & ¯elichowski, 1974), and ko, 1993) with respec t to the ad jacent areas : San dom ierz to the Zhovkva–Lviv tectoni c area (Bogutsky et al., 1993), Basin in the west, Upper Bug and Styr Basin in the east, and known as the Lysynets’kyi fault (Andreyeva, 1986). It sepa - Lviv Opilli a in the south (Rosly i, 1990; Hnati uk, 2002) rates the Roztocze region from the Up per Bug and Styr Ba- (Fig. 1). The area rep re sents the wa ter shed between the Vis - sin (Fig. 1). In its northern secti on, the margin has a NW– tula and Dnister river basins . SE ori enta ti on, typ ical of Roztocze region, and in the south - The boundari es of the region, parti cu larly the south- ern secti on, a NNW–SSE ori enta ti on prevails. The north ern west ern and the north-eastern ones, clearly show tectoni c bound ary of the Ukrai nian part of the Roztocze region fol - control relat ed to the south-west ern marginal area of the lows the sub-par al lel Early Variscan faults sep a rat ing the East-Eu ro pean Plat form, es pe cially the mar ginal block of Mazowsze–Lublin mega-block from the Lviv block (Rava- the Lviv mega-block in the slope area of the platform (Fig. Rus’ka–Horyniec). The southern boundary of the region is 2). The south-western boundary of the region is connect ed control led by the Lviv–Mal’chytsi fault (Holohory), sepa - with a set of the Stavchanka-Vereshytsia (Nemyriv-Shklo- rat ing the Lviv and Peri-Dniestrian mega-blocks (Hofsh- Mal’chytsi) nor mal faults (Bogutsky et al., 1998), sep arat - teyn, 1979; Znamienskaya & Chebanenko, 1985; Hnatiuk, ing the Carpathian Foredeep basin from Roztocze region 2001). (Ney, 1969). The north-east ern boundary is visi ble as a dis- 168 T. BRZEZIÑSKA-WÓJCIK ET AL. Fig. 1. Surface fea tures in the Ukrai nian part of the Roztocze re gion. Geomorphic re gions and sub re gions in Roztocze ac cord ing to Roslyi (1990) and Hnatiuk (2002). 1 – towns and places; 2 – the highest hills; 3 – rivers; 4 – bound ary be tween Po land and Ukraine; 5 – bound aries of re gions and sub re gions In a surfic ial im age of the geologi cal struc ture of the been a subject of geologi cal (Hofshte yn, 1979; Sobakar’ et Ukrainian part of the Roz tocze region, litho logi cally varied al., 1975; Pali enko, 1990), geo mor pho logi cal (Bo gut sky et Palaeo gene and early Neo gene (Mio cene) rocks (Wy socka, al., 1993; Hna tiuk, 2001; Bu raczyñs ki, 2002) and hydro- 2002) and Upper Creta ceous (Maastri chtian) strata (Andre- geo logi cal (Mi chalc zyk & Ko val chuk, 2002) re search. yeva, 1986) are prevalent (Fig. 2), local ly covered by Pleis- An as sess ment of the to tal ampli tudes of ver ti cal crus tal tocene loess (Ma ruszc zak, 1967) and Holo cene sedi ments movem ents in the Roz tocze region showed that the av erage (Hna tiuk, 1997). rate of post-Bade nian upli ft was 0.2 mm/year (Pali enko, The problem of Neogene tectoni c ac tiv ity within the 1990). Moreover, the aver age gra dient of the movem ent ra- boundarie s of the Ukrain ian part of the Roz tocze region has tio was 0.2–0.3 mm/year in the hill top zone of the region NEOTECTONIC MOBIL ITY OF THE ROZTOCZE REGION 169 Fig. 2. Geo log i cal set ting of the Ukrai nian part of the Roztocze re gion, with out Qua ter nary sed i ments (compiled by T. Brzeziñska- Wójcik af ter: £omnicki, 1887, 1898; Teisseyre, 1938; Naidyn, 1953; Cieœliñski & Wyrwicka, 1970; Khiznyakov & ¯elichowski, 1974; Glushko, 1988; Vyshniakov, 1990; Buraczyñski & Krzowski, 1994; Popielski, 2000; Hnatiuk, 2001; 2002; Wysocka, 2002; Wysocka et al., 2007; Œwidrowska, 2007). Caino zo ic: 1 – clays, silts (Sarmatian), 2 – reef and de tri tal lime stones, sand stones (Upper Badenian), 3 – quartz and glauconitic sands (Upper Badenian), 4 – de tri tal lime stones, sand stones and sands (Upper Badenian), 5 – detri tal limestones , sand stones and sands (Lower Badenian), 6 – sands and glauconitic sand stones (Eocene); Me sozoic: 7 – marls, marly opokas and chalk (Upper Maastrichtian), 8 – marly opokas and marls (Lower Maastrichtian), 9 – gaizes and marly gaizes (Lower Maastrichtian), 10 – opokas and gaizes (Upper Campanian), 11 – gaizes and opokas (Lower Campanian); 12 – Palaeozoic faults; 13 – Meso- and Caino zo ic faults; 14 – bor ders of Roztocze ac cord ing to Roslyi (1990) and Hnatiuk (2002); 15 – Polish-Ukrai nian bor der and 0.4 mm/year – in the east ern marginal zone (Pali enko, vial depos it s within the region suggest s that af ter the Middle 1993). Accord ing to Hofshte yn (1979), the am pli tude of the Pleisto cene the area was upli fted by 30–40 m (Hofshte yn, post- Sarmatian tectonic move ments in the Roz tocze re gion 1979). The result s of repeat ed precis e lev elli ngs car ried out reached 300–350 m. An analysis of Pleisto cene glacio flu - along a transverse profil e through the Roztocze–Lviv 170 T. BRZEZIÑSKA-WÓJCIK ET AL. Opillia zone indi cat e peri odic varia tions of the rates of con - re gion (An dreyeva, 1986; Bo gut sky et al., 1998; Œwidrow- tem po rary tec tonic move ments. The larg est gra di ents of the ska, 2007). Smaller ar eas built from Cam panian ga ize and gravit y field have also been noted in this zone (in the Lviv silicate chalk are docu mented be tween Rava- Rus’ka, Ne - area more than 0.2 mGal betwee n 1966 and 1970), along myriv and Ma heriv in the Rava Roz tocze region. Less resis - with increa sed values of the heat flow (Sobakar’ et al., tant marl, as well as Maas trichtian chalk oc cur in the north- 1975). eastern part of the region. Small, eroded patches of Eo cene As fol lows from geo mor phic re search (Bo gut sky et al., strata (sands and quartz and glauco nit ic mud stone) have 1993), the most im portant tec tonic zones are accom panied been identi fied local ly in the south ern seg ment of the by parallel- trending river val leys, most of them showing an So³okija River val ley (Burac zyñs ki & Krzowski, 1994) and asym metric cross sec tion; one of them is the sub- parallel in the north of Ma heriv (Rogala , 1912; Kudrin, 1966; Bo- valley of the Stavchanka River.
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