The original documents are located in Box 35, folder “Convention - Kansas City: Television Program Logs (1)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 35 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library August 17, 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: MIKE TARRANT FROM: CATHY WAGNER Attached is a complete copy of the Alternate Program log for Monday, August 16th. As you know there was some slippage in terms of the First Session of the Convention due to cable problems. We could not get the television sets functioning in the Mission Room and therefore could not operate efficiently. Copies to: ~~naugh ~essen Jones Gergen Carruthers Timmons Anderson Austin Rhatican o•Neill Greener Cheney Baker Spencer NAME OF MONITOR: Eerry Emmons TH1E FRm·1: ll ~30 TO: Noon DAY /DATE: 8/16 NETWORK Proceedings PLACE SPEAKER TIME ON OFF EVENT Intervi evJer/Intervi ewee COMMENT/DESCRIPTION 11 11 11 11 Robert Carter Criticizing Carter-- Peanut Farmer Hot air • Democrats 1 1:30 fool the people by Federal spending. Hard to hear because of :32 so much noise! :36 Resolution to adopt rules of former convention until per rules 11:;38 Del. from Mass Rep. Heckler presented. Approved Reviewing philosophy of Rep. Party. Strengths 1 1:40 Cong. Winston from Ill. :42 :44 Majority of blacks are Democrats. This is changing Blacks 1 Dr. Lucas of Black Rep. 1:~ Council are welcome and invited to participate in Rep. Party. Have a disastrous Dem. Congress. Equal opportunity for all must hP nn~l of RPn Partv Number of b1ack elected officials is increas1ng.~;J • Good Speech. :50 :'52 I :54 Ch. of Rep. Natl. Hispan c Assembly. Ben Fernandez of Calif. Republicans must give more 11: ~§6 attention to Spanish vote. All Spanish Americans should be Rep. Need strong plank against Cuba. :58 :00 :02 :04 :06 ·os 3365 EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER & NAME: Nottfy Kathy,W~gner or susan Stover in Missinn Rnnmax ':1':lr.:t1 8/16 Proceedings NAME OF MONITOR: Perry E mmons TH1E FROM: Noon TO z12: 30 DAY/DATE: ________ NETI<!ORK: _____ PLACE SPEAKER TIME ON OFF EVENT Interviewer/ee COMMENT I DESCRIPTION 12 :00 R chard Rosenbaum. N Y. State Chair. All state chairmen will support the nominee. Support party :02 Cl. of State Chair. leadership. Acvisory Committee :04 Republicans don't double~talk. Will leave this convention unified. 12 :pa6 Must provide sound Rep. leadership. We will nominate and elect the next President. :08 12 : 10 Del. from LA Resolution on appt of Credentials Committee :12 Del. from Pa. II II II 11 Permanent organization Committee :14 Del. from Ind. II II II 11 Ru 1es Committee : 16 DeL from Hawaii II u u. '' Resolt,~tions :18 I Del. from P. R. " to dispense with reading lists of people on each committee. 3:00--5:00 Committee on rules. ,1.uu 4.~::::: : ,.;::!..;~"".;.,.,,. M 1ol.:.h~rh Hnt!=!l :20 Hard to hear the speaker :22 Del. from N. D. Emphasis on what Republicans believe. :24 B::.nediction. Recess until 7 P. 1~. Good Band!! :26 :28 U1ERGENCY NAME AND NUMBER: Notify Kathy \~agner or Susan Stover \n the Mt~~ton Room ex 3365 or 3364 ....., Proceedings NAME OF MONITOR: E. Emmons TIME FRm~: 11 ;30 TO:l2 noon DAY/DATE: ____8/16 NETWORK PLACE ··...;;.__.;.._,_ __-,::S=p E::::-:A,-;-:-KE R TIME ON OFF .EVENT Interviewer/Interviewee COMMENT/DESCRIPTION 11 :30 Speech R. S. Carter Beware Carter and Dems, Regular political speech. :32 :36 11 :37 move to :38 adopt ru ~ es Margaret Hekler Motion carded. of forme con. :40 11 :38 Cong. Durinsky from Ill. Reports on growing support for GOP from ethnic groups :42 :44 11 :46 ~peech Drott Lucas Jr. Na tl. 81 ack Rep. Council. Shift to 1eft of Dems. put some 81 acks :48 moving toward Republicans. Disastrous Democrat Congress cannot stand more of same. must maintain personal dignity by oppor­ tunities not government largess. 3000 Black elected officials ~ ,. · ...1 n n1 .1 .s:.c·.~., .)VII It:: 0 l t: f\t:tJUU I I \..crJI:::>-' lH::=- Ill \,I c; U IU II IV c; >c;jJ • U '"'" v :50 Good speech! :52 ll:Sif speech B. Hernandez. Calif. Rep. Natl Hispanic Assembley. Moving out of political wilderness Not committed to either party. Hispanic Americans should be Rep. Strong planks in platform for Spanish. :56 :58 :00 :02 :04 :06 :08 e.x 3365 EMERGENCY CONTACT NU~1BER & NAME~ '0·12:30 DAY/DATE: ~/lb NET\~ORK: ''"'~--- .. ·;,- NAME OF MONITOR: E. Emmons TmE FROM: Noon I o -- PLACE SPEAKER ----------------- TIME ON OFF EVENT Interviewer/ee COMMENT I DESCRIPTION Natl Chairmen of St. Rep. Chairman Advisory Committee. speech Richard Rosenbaum\. Views of State of Party. Traditional pep talk for unity. 2 :00 State Ch. N. Y. :02 .Housekeep ng Com. on Credentials--one man, one woman from each state be mem- :04 Del. John Cain mov s I bers Motion carried. :06 Motions One man, one woman Del. from each state--serve on permanent org. \De1 Elsie ? :08 Com. on Rules and Procedures. Motion carried J C. Cumminqs : 10 \Carla Corette Com. on Resolutions. Motion Carried Hawaii : 12 Refrain from reading list of Com member names. Motion carried Del. Puerto Rico : 14 : 16 Bismark N. D. speech Speaking for older Americans : 18 Rev. Tower Benediction. · :20 :22 :24 :26 :28 EMERGENCY NA~lE AND NUMBER: Notify Kathy \•!agner or Susan-···­ Stover tn the Mts~ton Room ex 3365 or 3364 _..-,-- NAME OF MONITOR: D. Warfield TIME FROM: 12:05 TO: 12:34 DAY/DATE: Mon 8/16 NETWORK: NBC PLACE SPEAKER :. : ------- ----:---- TIME · ·ON·· · ···OFf.· EVENT . Interviewer lee COMMENT I DESCRIPTION 12 :00 Buckley announced removal of name from presidential nomination :02 :04 05 Hager/Sen Buckl~~ r~move name from consideration :06 X Brokaw/Sen Griffi~ Buckley removes chaos Tom Corrogolus (command··r team.. for Ford team} :08 (Mich del} X T. Pennate/NY del. tonight tomorrow free of pol moves Buckley removed _<:...... (' '"'+~ 11 wnn~rful 11 nn __more di vWo_n Buckl E!.V' out F&R can now ta 1k on issues :10 Sen. Clif Hanson Jesse Helm came to him on Buckley :12 (Wyo} John Hart/IP Schwiekert - had Buckley stayed on would have been disasterous for :14 election. Why? Don't know move to threaten to get Schw. off ticket. : 116> X C.Stern/Dick Rosenbaum no substantial damage no effect on Pres. nomination (NY Del} , :18 Brinkley Fo.rd 1118 Reagan 1036 Uncom 105 Committee almost authorized UP theory discussed Reagan having lunch with Helm Fred Francis /Set~. Luncheon lSCUSSlOn Helms accuSa"t;lOn wa~. .)I,;JIW~ nUUIU IIU ...... "'' :20 Reagan ticket. Schw does not accept this as a demand -On 13 new del. :22 committed will be announced on 1st ballot.· NY Reagan Chmn has 21 hopes I for 40. positive on Buckley withdr~wl Brinkley Helms 11 Schwiek. thing will take care of itself11 but has not explained. :24 Kennedy Jones/Sen Helms·Convention ended early, nothing.on procedur~. 11 Not necessary for :26 3rd ticket now & will be 1st ballot desicion. Remarks by VP 'theory· 11 11 absurd Schwiek. doesn't care for selection primarily interested in 1 :28 platform. I D. Brinkley Session ended Miss del will poll. Ford 1118, Reagan 1036 EMERGENCY NAME AND NUMBER: Not1 fy Kathy Wagn'r or Susafl St»ver tn the Mt~•ton Room . ex 3365 or 3~64 NAME OF MONITOR: p. Warfield TIME FROM: ___ TO: __ DAY/DATE: Mon 8/16 NETWORK NBC PLACE SPEAKER ---- TIME ON OFF EVENT.·... ·r Interviewer/Interviewee COMMENT/DESCRIPTION T. Brokow/Missi delegatio n Harry Dent, Shanks, Reed Pic:kering meeting .. - :30 Reviiws morning • · chmn.Passed 2 significant measures D. Brinkley Dole elected as temp. I :32 R. Nessen agreement on loser comes to winner hotel ! :36 Tonight: Dole, Baker (keynote address) Mississippi del came out for Ford. :38 :40 :42 . ! :44 :48 ; :50 i :52 :54 :56 :58 :00 . :02 ' :04 :06 ·- < ! ..08 EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER & NAME: 1.....--.! ........ ' l CBS NAME OF MONITOR: T. Koss'l TIME FROM: 12:07 TO: 12:30 DAY/DATE: Mod 8/16 NETWORK: PLACE SPEAKER · .I-------- ----- TIME . -ON OFF· EVENT Interviewer/ee COMMENT I DESCRIPTION tz:00 :02 :04 :06 X .. Roger Mudd/Sen . Buckley of~icially out of campaign Curtis :08 X ..' Mudd Rocky as VP :10 11 X Elsie Hillman motion on credential Comm. Comm on Rules &Order of Business : 12 X Carla Coray Motion seconded X Louise H. Picry Motion to dispense with reading of Comm Mem. names :it X Walter Cronkite Perm & temp. rules :16 Mort Dean/ VP possibility - restate his refusal to accept Rocky Gov. Ray of Iowa as VP, Ford's low percentage in polls :18 :20 X Cronkite Conferenece Agenda for Tues : :22 :24 Mudd/Howard Bake , Jr. VP possibility . ,-· ..... , :26 •' . \ 0},\ ;;:.;; :28 ,:;' ., _ji"" 29 Cronkite General comments on agenda '" EMERGENCY NAME AND NUMBER: Not1fy Kathy Wagner or Susan .
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