'?",'•#'-- <-'?* ] Independent Daily SH 1-0010 SSc PER WEEK VfH 11ft IMUI4 D»llr. MoDiJir tbroutt Friday, ntuil u itcoml Cliu Uiun RED BANK. N. J.; THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1961 7c PER COPY ' 1<so M tit Port omct M Rid Bank. N. J.. undtr U» Act of March I U7|L BY CARRIER PAGE ONE New Support Pilots Bomb, Strafe For Mitchell FREEHOLD — A strong upsurge of enthusiasm from Washington in favor of U.S. Labor Secretary Laos Rebel Forces James P. Mitchell was threatening to change the com- plexion of New Jersey's Republican gubernatorial sweepstakes today. Planes But—at least officially—the powerful Monmouth Doctors' County GOP Steering Com- mittee was standing by its Given commitment of last week Office for state Sen. Richard R. Stout. By U.S. Mr. Mitchell, Point Rd., Lit Backed ie 'Silver, won the outspoken Okayed endorsement of Rep. James C. VIENTIANE, Laos (De- NEWARK (AP) - The Repub Auchincloss of Rumson and later RED BANK — A variance to layed by Censorship) (AP) . lican party's last two candidates rom three other Congressmen allow Dr. Robert B. Robertson for governor of New Jersey to- 'rom New Jersey yesterday. and Dr. William L. Wood to —American-supplied planes day endorsed Sen. Walter H. He also was reported to Have erect a medical building at 258 flown by Laotian pilots Jones of Bergen for the GOP he endorsement of Presi ASTRONAUT IN SIMULATED FLIGHT— Marine Lt. Col. Broad St. was recommended to strafed and bombed pro- the Borough Council last night nomination in the April 18 pri- dent Eisenhower, Vice Presiden John Glann, waaring (light suit, sits heads up in cradle in* by the Zoning Board of Adjust- lommunist rebel forces Wpdnes- mary. Richard M. Nixon, and U.S. Sen, sida a Mercury capsule procedures trainer in demon- ment. day for the first time. Paul L. Troast, Clifton builder Clifford P. Case, the latter hav- British, French and other Eu- who ran for governor in 1953, ing assumed direction of a movi stration of how first U.S. astronaut will ride through No action was taken on the ropean diplomats in the Laotian and Malcolm S. Forbes, Bedmin- to avoid party-crippling contro- doctor's variance request Nov. space. Glenn is reaching for on* of controls which fill capital expressed grave concern •ter publisher who ran four years versy in the gubernatorial In 30, and they then withdrew the th* capsule. Th* demonstration yesterday was given «t the air raid—first reported in later, hailed the Senate majority fighting. application. leader in a statement as "a man National Aeronautics and Space Administration Research Would Demolish House the six-year-old civil war—would Woolley Comments of impeccable integrity and out- Center, Langley Field, Va. Yesterday, American spac* Last night they resubmitted trigger a retaliatory kction by standing talents." County Chairman J. Russell the same plans, which call for the Soviet Union or Communist program was criticized. (APWirephoto) China. "He will bring to the office of Woolley, who last week an- demolishing the present building 1 "What are we—or the Laotians governor an aggressive and nounced the steering committee and erecting a brick and glass —supposed to do?" asked a top imaginative approach and the action, today denied he was pri- structure, called "modern colon- leadership ability so sorely vately "leaning" to the an ial" by Bernard Kellenyi, archi- American official. "Lat the Rus- needed to handle effectively the nounced candidacy of state Sen tect. sians keep pouring their guns problems of state administra- Walter Jones of Bergen who, un Space Program Dr. Robertson and Dr. Wood and ammunition in? And once the tion," the endorsement went on til the Mitchell groundswell, was at present have an office at 76 Communists are ready, is the obviously the leader in the field Troast and Forbes lost their Branch Ave. in association with Laotian government supposed to rnrpc to Onv J!nh»rt B. Mpynpr "I'm for Oirlc Stout William A !:s dawn sad let the Communist Walk over them?" While the two were praising less," Mr. Woolley said. doctors are negotiating with the CHARLAYNE HUNTER, 18-year-oid Negro girl, is tur- Jones, Sen. Wayne Dumont, Jr "That is the position of th Red Bank Board of Education to "Now that the first bomb hai Is Criticized rounded by newsmen after attending her first class at been dropped," a British diplo- of Warren, another avowed can- steering committee and it won'i sell their property for $23,500. didate, taid Jones was only 13th change, at least until the com PALM BEACH, Fla., (AP) -A|President-elect John F. Kenned Carmello Maimone, Little Sil- the University of Georgia in Athens, Ga. Sh* was sus- mat commented, "no town or village in Laos will be life from among tthe 21 senators in number mittee meets again." study committee report sharp- last night without comment, say ver builder, testified he is sell pended yesterday as violence and rioting spread. air attack." of roll calls answered during Rep. Auchincloss told report- ly critical of the Eisenhower ad- the odds are heavily against th< ing the Broad St. property to the doctors for $20,000 John P. (APWirephoto) 1959. ers he had been urgin? Mr, ministration's space program United States beating the Sovie Armed With Rockets Union in the contest to put Arnone represented the doctors. Dumont told I meeting of sup- Mitchell as a candidate for ovc calls on the Kennedy regime to The Laotian pilots made their manned space ship into orbi 'A' Residence Zone porters in Fort Lee: a year. recognize America's prestige is raid in four T8 abservation around the earth. The site of the new medical "Jones tells you he is against He would be a winner be at stake in the race with Russia. planes armed with rockets, ma- • broad-based tax, but he doesn'i by building is in an "A" residence The report, made public by The committee, appointed chine guns and presumably with tell you what he plans to use in (See MITCHELL Pg, 3) zone. The variance is required Riots, Violence Kennedy, urges determined effort two 100-pound bombs each. The •tead to relieve the property to allow the doctors to reside off and the spending of more mon- United States- had delivered the owner and the rent payer of the ey on the space exploration pro- the property. planes to pro-Western Premier crushing rise in property taxes.' If the proper resolution is pre- gram generally—and particularly Boun Oum's forces Tuesday at Jones (pent the day in Wash- OK $3,000 on development of more power- pared in time, 1he matter could go before the Borough Counci At University part of the U.S. military sup- ful rocket thrust for launching of ington, where be was a delegate port program for Laos. They spacecraft. at its meeting Monday night. to the White House Conference For Middletown Road Job were the first armed planes the on Aging. The conference was The group mentioned no spe- Specified in the board's rncom- ATHENS, Ga. (AP) - Rioting Dcmonstratorj threw rocks II Laotian government had re- chaired by another, power in M1DDLETOWN — The Town- When the estimates were not cific figure in calling tot addi- mendation is parking for 13 cars and violence forced the suspen- the dormitory windows, tossed ceived. New Jersey politics, Essex Coun- ship Committee last night agreed supplied, it decided to contribute tional spending. behind the building. sion of two Negro students from firecrackers which started sev- Boun Oum's government had ty GOP Chairman Robert W. to appropriate a maximum of | a maximum of $3,000 as its share The current Russian advantage Mr. Maimone said he pur- the University of Georgia early eral small fires in nearby fields warned the Soviet government Kean. $3,000 towards the widening ofiofthe road project. in firing vehicles into space chased the property at 258 Broad today only hours after the two and woods, chanted segregation St. for $30,000 and an adincent attended classes for the first time slogans and yelled, "Nigger, go Monday that unless It halted its Kean is still uncommitted in Phalanx Rd., at the bridge over The committee will receive bidsistems from superior booster rock- at the 175-year-old institution. airlift of arms and ammunition the gubernatorial contest. the M o n m o u th Consolidated Jan. 25 for seven new patrol cars!C(S tract to the south in 1955 in home.' to Capt. Kong Le's pro-Commun- Water Co., reservoir in Lincroft. for the police department. The hopes of constructing a super- Police estimated nearly 2,000 More Leadership Police fired back with tear gas ist, rebels in central Laos, it The utility has plans for the township will trade in six vehi market if the xone was changed students and townspeople swirled bombs and firemen hosed down The study committee asserted would tike "appropriate steps." expansion of the reservoir at an cles. on Broad St. The. zone was not about Center Myers Hall where the fires. Some police, firemen Health Board there is "overriding necessity to This was considered here as a estimated cost of $2 million. Despite a petition from 354 changed. Charlayne Hunter, an 18-year-old and bystanders were hit by fly- provide more efficient and effec- hint the planes' weaponi would The project requires the rais- Lincroft residents, the committee In its only other action, the Negro co-ed, occupied a ground ing rocks and one unidentified Re-Elects Brown tive leadership" for the U.
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