JulyJ 23, 2020 011-970-3030 Fax: 011-970-4083 FREE Also fi nd us on the internet - www.kemptonexpress.co.za / E-mail: [email protected] Sannie surprised Ekurhuleni gives answers Kempton community gives by birthday convoy 3 on water outages 2 back for Mandela Month 4 Download the Pixzar app. Scan the photo to watch a video Col Brenda Muridili confi rmed the shootout between law enforcement and the suspects which resulted in seven arrests, two fatalities andnd thethe recovery of stolen cargo and fi ve fi rearms. Readers’ comment on airport shooting Shawn Bedser: “Save the hospital beds for Two killed, the Covid-19 patients. It is a pity you cannot ban crime like you can alcohol.” seven caught Sascha Hopfensberger: “Wow even under lock- R Tambo International Airport ticed employees lying on the fl oor and well as three crates containing cell- down the airport gets was on Saturday the scene of immediately notifi ed the police and phones. robbed.” Oa deadly shootout after the airport security,” Muridili said. “The SAPS and airport security’s SAPS and the airport’s joint security Police and airport security chased swift response to the robbery is proof Clem Morops: forces responded to an armed robbery after the suspects’ truck and bakkie, of the effective collaborative security “The suspects will be in progress at the cargo section of the which had just left the warehouse. measures that have been put in place at appearing at the Kemp- airport. “A high speed chase and shootout the airport,” Muridili said. ton Park Magistrates National SAPS spokesperson ensued. The arrested suspects will be appear Court soon - and come Col Brenda Muridili confi rmed the “Seven suspects were arrested, four in Kempton Park Magistrate’s Court Tuesday the court will shootout between law enforcement and of them with gunshot wounds while soon and will face charges of armed grant them bail of R500.” the suspects which resulted in seven two more were shot dead,” she said robbery. The outcome of court pro- arrests, two fatalities and the recovery A civilian in the vicinity sustained a ceedings were unknown at the time of of stolen cargo and fi ve fi rearms. gunshot wound apparently by a stray going to print. Stassina Mihalitsianos: The incident occurred at around bullet. Anyone with information about “This airport is just a 12.30pm when a group of suspects planned criminal activity can contact crime ridden place - entered the cargo section at the airport Masks recovered the SAPS on the Crime Stop number drugs, theft from lug- and held the staff at gunpoint at one of During a search of the suspects’ 086 00 10111 or via the MySAPSApp. gage and hijackings you the warehouses. truck police recovered the stolen per- All information will be treated with name it, it’s all there.” “The manager of the warehouse no- sonal protective equipment (masks) as strictest confi dence. Page 2 NEWS www.kemptonexpress.co.za . KEMPTON EXPRESS July 23, 2020 No budget for pipes in the Kempton Park water supply work had to be planned as critical sup- area. ply areas for Spartan, the CBD, Aston “However, the implementation of Manor, Allen Grove, Glen Marais and ByBy Heleen Rossouw the project will not commence during Bredell had to be addressed during the current MTREF period (2020/21 – one shutdown, including the valve he City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) 2022/23 fi nancial years) due to budget replacements for the chamber at Sasol provided feedback on the recent constraints. garage. Twater outages that caused public “Budget for implementation will be “The work was initially planned for frustration and concerns raised by allocated in the next MTREF period.” March 2020, however, the proposed Ward 16 Clr Jaco Terblanche. He also mentioned that the depart- shutdown was retracted following the In response to whether CoE will ment was aware of the burst pipe announcement of the national lock- implement upgrades to deteriorating addressed by Terblanche’s previous down. water infrastructure and when the pub- statement. “Delays were caused by sourcing lic can expect to see the start of these “The department was aware of the of material of additional material for repairs, CoE spokesperson Themba leaking pipe, but due to the magnitude bigger pipes. Teams also had to break Gadebe said, “The department has of the repair work and the size of the parts of the valve chamber to allow completed preliminary designs for the pipe, it was not possible to simply for working space as chambers are replacement of asbestos cement pipes jump in and do repairs. The repair confi ned spaces,” Gadebe said. During an investigation at the Rietvlei Wetlands, EMPD of- fi cials came across stolen cables. Stolen copper cables found Following a search operation in jacking of environmentally the Rietvlei Wetlands on Sout- protected trees in the area. pansberg Drive in Van Riebeeck The stolen cables weighing Park on July 15, EMPD offi cials around 11kg were taken to the found stolen cables valued at Norkem Park Police Station. R12 000. A case of copper theft was The search formed part of opened, according to Norkem continued investigations sur- Park SAPS spokesperson Sgt rounding alleged illegal lumber- Johanna Madiga. D273052KC25 T273981KC30 OPEN FOR GAME PROCESSING BEEF FILLET R10999 per kg KEMPTON EXPRESS July 23, 2020 . www.kemptonexpress.co.za NEWS Page 3 Birthday surprise for Sannie (90) as they were forced to cancel her a drive-by with posters, wishing birthday party with friends and her well and dropping off fl ower family. bouquets and gifts on the go. ByB Heleen Rossouw Reactionary services such as Reports were circulating on Smart Security Services (SSS), social media that shots were fi red n Thursday, a 90-year-old Sec Pros, P&C Security, FEMS and that sightings of ambulances Glen Marais resident, San- medical response and Kempton and reactionary services indicated Onie Botha, was disappointed Park CPF formed part of the long there was an alleged shoot-out inci- that her birthday milestone was convoy that sounded their sirens dent on Fiskaal Street on Thursday cancelled. However, her disap- and fl ashed their lights past Sannie around noon. pointment was short-lived as local and her daughters on Fiskaal Street. Kempton Park SAPS spokesper- reactionary services showed they The vehicles came to a halt and son Capt Jethro Mtshali confi rmed care. the offi cers and first responders no reports were made. Download the Pixzar app, scan the photo to watch Yvonne Brown, the daughter of gathered in a group across the It is believed that locals had Sannie celebrate her 90th birthday Sannie, posted a message on mul- street at a safe distance from San- mistaken the convoy, past Sannie’s tiple WhatsApp groups to request nie to sing Happy Birthday. house, for an emergency or crime Sannie is fl anked by daughters, Yvonne Brown (left) and Estelle a convoy past her mother’s house Friends and family also made incident. Bennett. 23(1'$<6$:((. 1R$SSRLQWPHQW1HFHVVDU\ 0(',&$/6(59,&(6 '(17$/6(59,&(6 *HQHUDO&RQVXOWDWLRQV *HQHUDO&RQVXOWDWLRQV $QQXDOKHDOWKFKHFNXSV 2UDOK\JLHQH +HDOWKUHSRUWVLQFOXGLQJ3'3VDQGLPPLJUDWLRQUHSRUWV 5HVWRUDWLYHGHQWLVWU\ :RPHQ¶VKHDOWKFDUH &RVPHWLFGHQWLVWU\ $GXOWYDFFLQDWLRQV :KLWHILOOLQJV ,QVXUDQFHPHGLFDOV 7HHWKZKLWHQLQJ +HDOWKFKHFNVSULRUWRDGPLVVLRQLQDUHVLGHQWLDOLQVWLWXWH ,PSODQWV 9LWDOLW\FKHFN 6XUJLFDOGHQWLVWU\ 5<1),(/' .(037213$5. 35(725,$ 6KRS5\QILHOG7HUUDFH 6KRS)HVWLYDO0DOO 6KRS+LOOFUHVW%RXOHYDUG 6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH5\QILHOG 6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH Sannie and her daughters gleefully %HQRQL waved to the multiple reactionary ser- vice vehicles that formed a convoy past FXVWRPHUFDUH#ZDONLQGRFWRUFR]D her home in Fiskaal Street on Thursday. ZZZZDONLQGRFWRUFR]D Page 4 COMMUNITY www.kemptonexpress.co.za . KEMPTON EXPRESS July 23, 2020 Church donates food in honour of Madiba help feed a family. ence to this call, the church Pastor Carina Wells, the was made available as a event organiser, said the collection and distribution ByB Lynne Ndlovu church handed out donated point. food, clothing and cups of “The Gateway Uniting Presby- warm soup and bread to the church terian Church donated 67 needy. should food parcels to underprivi- “From the start of lock- always be Mandela leged residents between down, food was donated by aware and Month July 15 to 18 in honour of the congregation and peo- mindful 67 minutes for Mandela ple from the community to of those Day. the church. people Sgt Barbara Ferreira, Michelle Jacobs, Reneé Erasmus, Monica Erasmus, Tamryn A call was made to the “The parcels have been desperately in need and to Wells, Sharmaine Mari, Francis dos Santos, Michelle Anderson, Shammah Peteni, community and residents delivered to the needy in assist in practical ways. Tumelo Matseding, and Lamont Khoza. to donate money and food various ways especially by “Part of Gateway’s mis- towards the initiative. security companies, which sion statement reads ‘to The church welcomed two of our community reach out into our com- volunteers to help with leaders organised. munity with help, hope and Taking hands to sorting and making love’. up of parcels in the Donations are an absolute “We have been church hall as well blessed by many as the distribution blessing as without help we people and some of parcels. cannot do what we have been companies donat- feed the needy Covid-19 regula- ing fresh produce tions were adhered called to do and non-perishable to with records items. kept. “Gateway has been a “We desperately need The underprivileged church that has gone out more donations as the received packs containing of its way to help those in pandemic is still short of rice, milk powder, bread, need. its peak and many people By Heleen Rossouw noodles, sanitary packs, “So many people have have lost their income and tinned foods, vegetables given up their time and desperately need food on onrise Community and soup.
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