i r ' f ‘ ■ ■ .■ - '• L 7 UT.-,,,- ne l m ■^■KE&E59JS Good m<lorning Entit]lemeintculits wejighecd p 8 Today’s forecast:s t : M ostly d e a r but pat(paichy morning fog. "T ''r ^ Highs in ihc 30s. LowsWS 10-20. Top Clinton olDfficial sugges:sts raising retJtirement ages sooneri to saL \ v e f c on0 Social Secu:urity costs; liiimits on cost-t-of-living bermefits rejectee juimin Los Angeles Times was nolI willingV to consider two othciiher ideas for entillement programs'bypro; next March, reducing tg spending in the huge fedc;dcral retire- Congress lasllas raised the Social Securitylly re- I :‘-V ! , WASHINGTON - Trcaseasury Secretary ment pro" rogram; limits on cost-of-liviivmg ndjusl- tifctnent ageJ in in 1983. But the planned incricrease Economist pansIS rangei view Lloydl i Bentsen soid Sunday he thinksi the Clin- mcnls am ind increased taxes on higli-ii'’-income xe- is a modest one:on In the year 2000, llic rcretire- •• ton administration should consiiinsider accelcniling cipients. A former Air Forcc:e economc ist pans an ment age forir receivingn full benefits, cunx environmental analysilysis of a proposed the timetable for roismg the age at which elder- Bcntse !IPn!)>L. sen’s comments reflect gro\rowing con- 65, is scheduleluled to begin gradually risinglg to a ^ ly Americans begin receivingng Social. Security gressiona stale-owned bombingIg rangei in Owyhee |y nal pressure lo restrain entitle.llcm chlpro- new level o' f 67 67 by the year 2022. County. benefits. grams susuch as Social Security and P a g e B l “1 think that’s one of thehe Ihingsi lhat we which ha-lave bccomc the biggest conti g the retirement age more, qui shouldsh look (at) as peoplee iiveli longer and thcrecort)rd federal deficits o f recent yi Jc significant savings over thec las made the idea a favorite an longer and are more productivetive,” Bentsen said ident Cliriinton has ap'^oinlcd a coi imong John Wayne did al deficit hawks. id it on the NBC’s "M eet Tlic Press.’5ss.” ■ chaired b;by Sens. Bob Kerrey, D-Ncb,eb., and John ° , Sec. Iloyd B Twin Falls womann hash; collected dolls But Bentsen said the administnistratibn currcnlly C. Danfoiforth, R-Mo., to recommendid rcfonnsi in Please see BUDGETET/A2 L o o k in g to>trim tri deficit for 79 years, a hobby)by thal ranks with coins and stam ps amon^ong collectors. P a g e B l Late-eveniningfire Budget5 t— 49ers clinch battle eyese Son Francisco clinchnched its lOth NFC W csi tille in the last 12 years w ilh a 55- 17 rout ofD ttroit.S undanday. Defens(se P a g e D I The Associated Press A , WASHINGTON — Bolh)lh sidess will give a little as the administrationon triesti tu balance domesiic spending needsIs wilhv, Pentagon concerns thal the militaryI is being danger- I _Qusly-j>hortchnngcd, Treasicasury Secretary The wimp factoror I Lloyd Bentk'n said Sunday. Why arc men afraidid toi go to the doc- ly. • • tor? Maybe they don’tI’t wantv to hear what BenLscn, speaking on NB(NBC’s “ Meet the the doctor m ighl tell them.the: Press" said there was "no10 question”q that P a g e C I money for domestic progranjrams might have to be adjusted to ensure militnilitary readiness. He said tliere would be give;ivc on bolh sides Toys that don’ttcare ci as the govemmen' fulfillss itsiu commitment A festively decoratecIted house can be a . to cut the deficit by $500) billionbil over five minefield for small childrenchi during the years. Christm as season. v; “ ■ ~ P a g r C 1 ------------- ------Inman’S'ideasa s - A3----- Defense Secretary Lesi Aspin.As in a dis- pule wilh administrationI budgetbu planners; ! that becamc public just dayslys beforeI his res- ____ Cut, cut, cut ignation was announced lastMt wcxk. .said the... ' defense budget over fhe: ncx'riTvenc years The first o'rder oof business for would fall S50 billion shortort iof meeting al- Congress next monthh should be signiH- ready trimmed program goalsoals. cant federal budget cuts,uts, a guest editorial BRAOeUJSmw-nw^NmB ' That figure, based on a higherhi infiation says. Charred remains ara all t1 h a t 's left a f te r a fire e n ingulfed the living room71 of< this Twin Falls homeTie S a tu r d a y n i g h t ralei and new pay raises for>r militarym person- P a g a A 6 ncl, has since been revisedsed down to S3! billion by the administratioation.. But Aspin Candl pickcd up some key allies; in Congressi w]io le-caus< arc demanding thai the milila iedblaZZeblacl ‘kens ililary nol be sub- jeel to further sacrifices. "I agree with Secrelary’ Aspin'sAs position: Tailhook prosecucutors lose on that, and I've talked to the president It's been about a yea Chr « about it personally." Senatenute Armed Ser­ year sincc the Fen- ristm ass cheer• at honne J vices Committee Chairmanin SamS Nunn. D- tagon Tailhook reportrt was\ released and ByPhilSahm the basemenent after the flames werere put; Campbell identifiecfied the homeowner as ( Gn.. said Sunday-on C BS’S’ "Face" the Na- mosl cascs against theic accuscda have fall- Timcs-Ncws writer out. Battal;alion Chicf Wayne Camptipbell Bob Alexander. tion." en apart. _ , said. The candle thntit startedsi the fire was ' "If you take money out whenwh you antici- P a e e A 3 TWIN FALLS - A candindle sparked a Tlie firee alarmt camc in at 10:55 p.mI.m. at thought to be exlinguiiguished before the res- pate lower inflation, then;n ifi you w ant a fire Saturday night lhat lefteft an estimated 674 Mounlimain View. idents lefl the home,le. Campbell( said. ' sound defense budget, youou haveI to put il S 125.000 in damage to a MountainMe View Fircflghtihters orrivcd four minutesi laterk Ten firefighters; andan three engines re----------j back if inflation looks highergher." Nunn said, Drive home, a Twin Fallslls Fire Depart- lo find theic hom e’s living room cngulgulfed sponded lo the fire.. FirefiglitersFi had to lay “ Il’s the principle that 1 thinkthin is very im- m cnl spokesman said Sunda)iday. in flam e,, (Campbell soid. Fire dam:image a line from a fire hydrydrani to help douse the---------- portant here, as well as thcthe effect on the No one was home when thet fire start- was confincined 10 the living room, buill healh flames. Fire crew.s: rcirelumed to the station---------1 program." Bombing allegatiiI t i o n s . cd. but a pet cat was found-nd unharmed in and smoltcfi damoged> the rest o f ihc hoinouse. about two hours aflerler IhcI alami sounded.------------ * Sen. John McCain, R-Ari2AriZ., blamed the * The United.Staless aand Britain may ' ------------------------------------------1 White\ House for the budgeidgel dispute and have fingered Lybiai in a passenger jet said it will be a litmus test for the man bombing lo divert sussuspicion from the T nominated to be A spin's successor,suc( Bobby other possible culprits. Inman. ■ ■ PageAB ^PLO maikes offei;r tp md\ve peacee ahead ; "1 think Admiral Inman,, to have credibil- ■ nThe u Associated Press over implementinglg FPalestinian autonomy in *ily, is going to have to standnd upi to make up Amerii'leans arrested - A8Ai time for a tentativeive midweek summit be- ffor that S50 billion .shortfall,all. or he’s going OSLO, Norway — The PLO0 offeredo Israel ' .................. ....... ' tween Israeli Primenc IMinisier YitZhak Rabin 'to have a problem," he said.d. • , 1 compromise on two mainn o bsiacles to senior PalestMtine Liberation OrganiZatiorion of- and PLO chairmann Y asser Arafat, McCain, appearing onm ABC’s/ “This Section A ' Section C PalPalestinian sclf-r^le in the occuccupied Icrrilo- ficials wourund up tw o days o f talks in the Afler the talks cmended late Sunday, Peres Week\ with David B rinkley,":y," suggested that : W e a th e r............ 2 FeFeatures....'..1-8 ............. rics; and Israeli media reporp o rted “ m uch- same countrjtry mansion in soutliwestem71 Nor-i iind PLO officials; relumedrel home for discus- "congressional" pork, barrclincling" in the dc- progress” Sunday in 'talks lo salvagei the_ way wbera-^Llhey held secret talks lhalt ledle to sions, said Svcrrc I N a tio n ................3 CcC o m ic s ..............6 P " :c B ergh Johansen o f the J i a ^ c budgei be stopped,1. andai said other landmark PCSQC accord. the signingI co f a historic peace agrccmeinent in Norwegian foreignn ministp-.m He snid the two mojieyr could come from di O p in io n ..............6 MeM ovies............. 7 ( n domestic pro- Operating under a ncar-blackockout of media. September, sides would meetI agagain in a few days, but gramsg such as the nationalnal scrvicc pro- W o rld ..............7-8 DeD e a r A b b y .......7 Isn Israeli Foreign Minister Shimoimon Peres and Negotiator:ors were trying lo settle dispisputes wouldn't say where.^ ^ ____________________£gram. S e c tio n B S e c tio n b~ S p o rts ............1-4 . MagicValley...! Obituaries....;..2 S e c tio n E Death1 becom(les realility on Iddaho’s cieath TOOW Id a h o /W e s t......3 FoF o c u s..................1 N a tio n ................4 LeLegal notices..! 1The Associated Press ■CliC lassified......1 -8 , Charboneau, othithers •BOISE — A Jaw ycr who3 hihas helped two \ 1 men'Ieave Idaho’s Deaih Ro'Row alivo fears “ haveescap^ci ^ d — ...........
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