§ 15.41 50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) Species Common name Serinus canaria ............................................................. Common Canary. 1 Note: Permits are still required for this species under part 17 of this chapter. (b) Non-captive-bred species. The list 16.14 Importation of live or dead amphib- in this paragraph includes species of ians or their eggs. non-captive-bred exotic birds and coun- 16.15 Importation of live reptiles or their tries for which importation into the eggs. United States is not prohibited by sec- Subpart C—Permits tion 15.11. The species are grouped tax- onomically by order, and may only be 16.22 Injurious wildlife permits. imported from the approved country, except as provided under a permit Subpart D—Additional Exemptions issued pursuant to subpart C of this 16.32 Importation by Federal agencies. part. 16.33 Importation of natural-history speci- [59 FR 62262, Dec. 2, 1994, as amended at 61 mens. FR 2093, Jan. 24, 1996; 82 FR 16540, Apr. 5, AUTHORITY: 18 U.S.C. 42. 2017] SOURCE: 39 FR 1169, Jan. 4, 1974, unless oth- erwise noted. Subpart E—Qualifying Facilities Breeding Exotic Birds in Captivity Subpart A—Introduction § 15.41 Criteria for including facilities as qualifying for imports. [Re- § 16.1 Purpose of regulations. served] The regulations contained in this part implement the Lacey Act (18 § 15.42 List of foreign qualifying breed- U.S.C. 42). ing facilities. [Reserved] § 16.2 Scope of regulations. Subpart F—List of Prohibited Spe- The provisions of this part are in ad- cies Not Listed in the Appen- dition to, and are not in lieu of, other dices to the Convention regulations of this subchapter B which may require a permit or prescribe addi- § 15.51 Criteria for including species tional restrictions or conditions for the and countries in the prohibited list. importation, exportation, and inter- [Reserved] state transportation of wildlife (see § 15.52 Species included in the prohib- also part 13). ited list. [Reserved] § 16.3 General restrictions. § 15.53 Countries of export included in Any importation or transportation of the prohibited list. [Reserved] live wildlife or eggs thereof, or dead fish or eggs or salmonids of the fish PART 16—INJURIOUS WILDLIFE family Salmonidae into the United States or its territories or possessions Subpart A—Introduction is deemed to be injurious or potentially injurious to the health and welfare of Sec. 16.1 Purpose of regulations. human beings, to the interest of for- 16.2 Scope of regulations. estry, agriculture, and horticulture, 16.3 General restrictions. and to the welfare and survival of the wildlife or wildlife resources of the Subpart B—Importation or Shipment of United States; and any such importa- Injurious Wildlife tion into or the transportation of live wildlife or eggs thereof between the 16.11 Importation of live wild mammals. 16.12 Importation of live wild birds or their continental United States, the District eggs. of Columbia, Hawaii, the Common- 16.13 Importation of live or dead fish, mol- wealth of Puerto Rico, or any territory lusks, and crustaceans, or their eggs. or possession of the United States by 100 VerDate Sep<11>2014 08:39 Jun 25, 2021 Jkt 250235 PO 00000 Frm 00110 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250235.XXX 250235 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with CFR U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior § 16.12 any means whatsoever, is prohibited § 16.12 Importation of live wild birds except for certain purposes and under or their eggs. certain conditions as hereinafter pro- (a) The importation, transportation, vided in this part: Provided, That the or acquisition is prohibited of any live provisions of this section shall not specimen or egg of (1) the species of so- apply to psittacine birds (see also called ‘‘pink starling’’ or ‘‘rosy pastor’’ §§ 16.32 and 16.33 for other exemptions). Sturnus roseus; (2) the species of dioch (including the subspecies black-front- Subpart B—Importation or ed, red-billed, or Sudan dioch) Quelea Shipment of Injurious Wildlife quelea; (3) any species of Java sparrow, Padda oryzivora; (4) the species of red- § 16.11 Importation of live wild mam- whiskered bul-bul, Pycnonotus jocosus: mals. Provided, That the Director shall issue permits authorizing the importation, (a) The importation, transportation, transportation, and possession of such or acquisition is prohibited of live live birds under the terms and condi- specimens of: (1) Any species of so- tions set forth in § 16.22. called ‘‘flying fox’’ or fruit bat of the (b) Upon the filing of a written dec- genus Pteropus; (2) any species of mon- laration with the District Director of goose or meerkat of the genera Atilax, Customs at the port of entry as re- Cynictis, Helogale, Herpestes, Ichneumia, quired under § 14.61, all species of live Mungos, and Suricata; (3) any species of wild game, birds may be imported, European rabbit of the genus transported, and possessed in captivity, Oryctolagus; (4) any species of Indian without a permit, for scientific, med- wild dog, red dog, or dhole of the genus ical, educational, exhibition, or propa- Cuon; (5) any species of multimammate gating purposes, and the eggs of such rat or mouse of the genus Mastomys; (6) birds may be imported, transported, any raccoon dog, Nyctereutes and possessed, without a permit, for procyonoides; and (7) any brushtail pos- propagating or scientific collection sum, Trichosurus vulpecula: Provided, purposes, but no such live wild game that the Director shall issue permits birds or any progeny thereof may be re- authorizing the importation, transpor- leased into the wild except by the tation, and possession of such mam- State wildlife conservation agency mals under the terms and conditions having jurisdiction over the area of re- set forth in § 16.22. lease or by persons having prior writ- (b) Upon the filing of a written dec- ten permission for release from such laration with the District Director of agency. Customs at the port of entry as re- (c) Upon the filing of a written dec- quired under § 14.61, all other species of laration with the District Director of live wild mammals may be imported, Customs at the port of entry as re- transported, and possessed in captivity, quired under § 14.61, all species of live, without a permit, for scientific, med- wild nongame birds (other than those ical, educational, exhibition, or propa- listed in paragraph (a) of this section) gating purposes, but no such live wild may be imported, transported, and pos- mammals or any progeny thereof may sessed in captivity, without a permit, for scientific, medical, educational, ex- be released into the wild except by the hibition, or propagating purposes, but State wildlife conservation agency no such live, wild nongame birds or any having jurisdiction over the area of re- progeny thereof may be released into lease or by persons having prior writ- the wild except by or under the direc- ten permission for release from such tion of State wildlife conservation agency: Provided, That the provisions agencies when such agencies have re- of this paragraph shall not apply to ceived prior written permission from live game mammals from Mexico, the the Director for such release: Provided, importation of which is governed by That the provisions of this paragraph regulations under part 14 of this chap- shall not apply to live bald and golden ter. eagles or to live migratory birds, the [39 FR 1169, Jan. 4, 1974, as amended at 47 FR importation of which is governed by 56362, Dec. 16, 1982; 67 FR 39868, June 11, 2002] regulations under parts 22 and 21 of 101 VerDate Sep<11>2014 08:39 Jun 25, 2021 Jkt 250235 PO 00000 Frm 00111 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250235.XXX 250235 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with CFR § 16.13 50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) this chapter, respectively, or to birds (F) Channa baramensis (Baram of the Family Psittacidae (parrots, ma- snakehead). caws, cockatoos, parakeets, lories, (G) Channa barca (barca or tiger lovebirds, etc.), the importation and snakehead). transportation of which is governed by (H) Channa bleheri (rainbow or jewel U.S. Public Health Service regulations snakehead). under 42 CFR parts 71 and 72. (I) Channa cyanospilos (bluespotted (d) The importation of the eggs of snakehead). wild nongame birds is prohibited ex- (J) Channa gachua (dwarf, gaucha, or cept as permitted under § 16.33. frog snakehead). (K) Channa harcourtbutleri (Inle § 16.13 Importation of live or dead fish, snakehead). mollusks, and crustaceans, or their (L) Channa lucius (shiny or splendid eggs. snakehead). (a) Upon an exporter filing a written (M) Channa maculata (blotched declaration with the District Director snakehead). of Customs at the port of entry as re- (N) Channa marulius (bullseye, quired under § 14.61 of this chapter, live murrel, Indian, great, or cobra or dead fish, mollusks, and crusta- snakehead). ceans, or parts thereof, or their (O) Channa maruloides (emperor gametes or fertilized eggs, may be im- snakehead). ported, transported, and possessed in (P) Channa melanoptera. captivity without a permit except as (Q) Channa melasoma (black follows: snakehead). (1) No such live fish, mollusks, crus- (R) Channa micropeltes (giant, red, or tacean, or any progency or eggs thereof redline snakehead). may be released into the wild except by (S) Channa nox. the State wildlife conservation agency (T) Channa orientalis (Ceylon or Cey- having jurisdiction over the area of re- lonese Green snakehead). lease or by persons having prior writ- (U) Channa panaw. ten permission from such agency. (V) Channa pleurophthalmus (ocel- (2) The importation, transportation, lated, spotted, or eyespot snakehead). or acquisition of any of the species list- (W) Channa punctata (dotted or spot- ed in this paragraph is prohibited ex- ted snakehead).
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