PRE-ELECTION ASSESSMENT REPORT O N T H E R E - R U N A N D V I L L A G E H E A D E L E C T I O N S I N W E S T E R N R U R A L D I S T R I C T A N D T H E B Y E - E L E C T I O N S I N M O Y A M B A , B O A N D K A R E N E D I S T R I C T S PRODUCED BY NATIONAL ELECTION WATCH-SIERRA LEONE F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a c t n a t i o n a l e l e c t i o n w a t c h s l @ g m a i l . c o m P U B L I S H E D : P u b l i s h e d o n 2 4 t h N o v e m b e r 2 0 2 0 . P A G E 1 REPORT CONTENT B A C K G R O U N D . 2 F I N D I N G S . 3 W e s t e r n R u r a l D i s t r i c t : C o n s t i t u e n c y 1 1 0 . 3 B o D i s t r i c t : C o n s t i t u e n c y 0 7 8 a n d W a r d 2 8 7 . 5 M o y a m b a D i s t r i c t : W a r d 3 4 8 . 6 K a r e n e D i s t r i c t : W a r d 2 2 6 . 7 R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S . 8 M E T H O D O L O G Y . 9 T a r g e t e d C o m m u n i t i e s . 9 T a r g e t G r o u p s . 1 0 A r e a s o f f o c u s . 1 0 P A G E 2 BACKGROUND In December 2020, Sierra Leone will be having eight (8) elections across the country for various offices ranging from Village, Ward, and Constituency. Elections are significant moments in the historical development of a country's democracy. However, the country is experiencing a pattern of violence and repression in recent bye-elections, which in some instances had undermined the credibility of the polls. The National Electoral Commission (NEC), for the third time, has scheduled an election for Constituency 110 on the 12th of December, 2020. This is more than a year since the polls of the 24th of August 2019 were cancelled. The election was marred by political tension, rivalries, and outright violence leading to the destruction of sensitive voter materials, including ballot boxes and papers. Bye-elections will also be conducted on this same date in Bo (Ward 287 and Constituency 078), Moyamba (Ward 348), and Karene (Ward 226) Districts respectively. In Bonga Wharf, Ngarahun, and Mama Beach communities, bye-elections are set for Village Heads on the 5th of December 2020. NEW is currently observing the pre-election atmosphere and had held stakeholder engagements in the five (5) localities including the Villages in the Western Rural District. The aim is to assess the political atmosphere, gauge citizens' readiness to participate in the upcoming polls, determine the readiness of security forces and overall preparedness of Elections Management Bodies (EMBs) ahead of the elections slated for 5th and 12th December 2020, respectively. The need for an independent opinion on the conduct of these elections cannot be overemphasized; as the current political environment in the country is very tense and strides must be taken to ensure that all players and stakeholders in the process execute their roles and responsibilities in accordance with the legal provisions. NEW believes that this will foster sanity and provide a credible process and outcome. Therefore, this report will highlight the pre-election issues with an analysis of pertinent governance issues and peaceful coexistence in the communities where these elections will occur. The report's overall objective is to provide insights into critical issues to be addressed in advance of the 5th and 12th December polls. P A G E 3 FINDINGS Western Rural District: There is also growing mistrust of Constituency 110 the SLP, as many people interviewed expressed fear and Residents in constituency 110 doubt over the institution's expressed disappointment with the impartiality and independence in communities' lack of engagement and discharging their responsibilities. believe that community engagement They cited that even though there meetings should have been held even was a massive police deployment before an election date is announced. during the re-run election of the According to them, there are looming 24th of August 2019, it did not issues that remain unaddressed. The deter the degree of violence on the problems identified include community day, and no one was held tension, the non-arrest and detention of responsible. They further raised perpetrators of the 24th of August 2019 concern that those who were election violence, and the continued arrested for campaign-related detention without any information of violence before the re-run are still people who were arrested before the re- in police custody; and the police run election. All of these have the have not made any meaningful potential to affect the peaceful conduct statement about them. Those who of the upcoming re-run election. destroyed ballot boxes and other voting materials in the police's The importation of youths to cause presence and were fully captured mayhem during the election also by video camera have not been featured prominently during meetings arrested to date. with community stakeholders. Citizens and community stakeholders believe Citizens are also concerned about that bringing youths into communities the security of the re-run election. where elections are held is responsible The police stated that they had for the violence in constituency 110. The held several meetings with the people stated that individuals who communities to discuss the perpetrated violence during the 24th of upcoming election's security. They August 2019 re-run were not resident in plan to further have community the constituency. engagements, especially in areas considered to be hotspots. The Citizens complained that after such police have given assurances that imported hostilities in their communities, people who are not accredited and they are left to fix the problem. not residing in the constituency will not have access to the polling precincts, emphasizing that there will be no "sacred cow." P A G E 4 Whilst a number of electorates in Citizens also expressed concern about Constituency 110 were prepared NEC's preparedness, especially on voter to vote on polling day, a small education and community engagement. In group of citizens was sceptical response, NEC pointed out that they have whether the election will take held a meeting with the District Security place as scheduled by NEC Committee (DISEC) to prepare for the re- because petition cases are still in run election on the 12th of December. A court, and they have not seen critical decision from the meeting was for political parties and NEC coming NEC to meet with all candidates contesting to talk to them about the re-run. the re-run and the Village Head elections in Western Rural District. NEC has increased There are still unanswered the number of stakeholder meetings from questions on the cancellation of one in the previous elections to several for the 24th of August 2019 re-run the December elections. elections, which has affected the level of trust from the community There is growing community tension and people. They stated that public unrest in constituency 110, particularly in money had been spent to conduct Goderich Village. On the 11th of November an election where people have 2020, there was a standoff between the All destroyed sensitive election Peoples Congress (APC) and Sierra Leone materials, but no action was Peoples Party (SLPP) stalwarts over who taken. Political party stakeholders should take the lead in completing the in the community clearly stated rehabilitation of the Goderich Village that the upcoming 12th of Community Centre. Additionally, officials of December 2020 re-run election is the National Commission for Social Action illegal. According to them, no (NaCSA) went to the facility to assess the justification has been provided to center's construction completion. The date by NEC regarding why the action almost disrupted the community's previous re-run election results peace had it not been for the police's were cancelled. prompt intervention. Later NEW learnt that two people were detained at the Lumley There are also fear-mongering police station for complaints made against and anger issues, especially them but were shortly released on bail on among women in the communities the same day after statements were of constituency 110. Though obtained. The Sierra Leone Police (SLP) apprehensive, the women have and the contesting candidates for both expressed readiness and parties have agreed that work on the willingness to go out and vote on community center is halted until after the the 12th of December.
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