Vision, Values and Mission Vision Mission elements and objectives To be a pre-eminent university in Africa, driven The mission is made up of the following by the pursuit of knowledge and innovation. elements: q Develop, educate and empower through Values quality teaching and learning, well-round- The North-West University subscribes to the ed graduates who are able to think lat- values of human dignity, equality, freedom, erally and critically in their service to the integrity, tolerance, respect, commitment to country and its people. excellence, scholarly engagement, academic q Develop and sustain high-quality, relevant freedom, justice and transparency. and focused research, supplying innova- tive solutions to challenges faced by the Mission scholarly community, the country, the con- The NWU’s mission is to become a balanced tinent and the world. teaching-learning and research university q Expand the implementation of expertise, and to implement our expertise in an innova- both commercially and community-direct- tive way. ed, for the benefit of the province, the country, the SADC region, the continent This the institution will achieve as it lives its and ultimately the world. values, strives for sound management and q Be a value-driven university, striving to pursues transformation, while being locally make a difference in the pursuit of our engaged, nationally relevant and internation- mission. ally recognised. q Aspire to be recognised internationally as a well-managed and innovative university, with a client focus embedded in quality. This the University seeks to achieve by cre- ating an enabling environment that will enhance and improve its core business and by remaining financially viable. q Transform continually in terms of posi- tioning, academic profile, unity, equity and redress. In doing this, contribute to the transformation of the South African Higher Education system to help meet the country’s social, economic, developmental and environmental needs. VISION, VALUES AND MISSION 1 The theme of the 2009 Annual Report, Excellence through values and vision, was inspired by the idea that while the NWU is based on solid values, it has the vision to achieve excellence. Having developed from a merged institution into one of the leading universities in the country, the NWU is based on sound principles, lasting stability and good governance. From this foundation, we aspire to realise our vision of multi-faceted excellence across our core business. The NWU strives to develop well-rounded students able to contribute towards society, the country and the world. With their feet firmly on the ground and their eyes focused on future possibilities, they embrace new challenges. 2 Table of Contents Vision, Values and Mission 1 Executive summary 4 INSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW Institutional highlights 10 Composition of Council 12 Message from the Chancellor 18 Report of the Chairperson of Council 20 Council Report on Corporate Governance 22 Report of Senate 34 Report of the Institutional Forum 48 INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW Composition of the Institutional Management 52 Report of the Vice-Chancellor 54 Report of the Executive Director: Teaching-Learning and Vice-Principal 62 Report of the Institutional Registrar 68 Report of the Executive Director: Human Capital Development 76 Report of the Executive Director: Corporate Affairs and Relations 84 Report of the Executive Director: Research and Innovation 90 Report of the Executive Director: Finance and Facilities 104 CAMPUS OVERVIEW Mafikeng Campus Overview 116 Potchefstroom Campus Overview 124 Vaal Triangle Campus Overview 132 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Report of the Chairperson of the Finance Committee and Executive Director: Finance and Facilities 142 North-West University Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2009 150 North-West University Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 151 for the year ended 31 December 2009 List of Abbreviations 152 Acknowledgements 156 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Executive summary The University has In 2009, the NWU was again named to provide the best possible learning environ- strengthened its the best-governed university in South Africa. ment. To assist financially needy students, the position as one of It achieved this distinction by winning the University administered student bursaries and PricewaterhouseCoopers Higher Education loans to the value of R271 million. South Africa’s best- Excellence Award for Corporate Governance. managed institutions This award, which the NWU has won for three Significant investments were also made in of higher learning, with consecutive years, reflects the University’s in- improving the quality of student life by con- an enviable corporate sistence on doing the right things, in the right structing or renovating academic buildings, way, for the right reasons. student residences, sports facilities and com- governance record, puter centres, among others. In total, the strong student growth, More evidence of the NWU’s ability to apply NWU spent R134,7 million on capital projects good academic results the highest standards came during the qual- during 2009, mostly on infrastructure for stu- and continued financial ity audit conducted by the Higher Education dents, academic facilities and research labora- Quality Committee. The panel that performed tories and equipment. stability. the audit in March 2009 had high praise for some of the University’s quality assurance Another highlight was the sustained improve- mechanisms, especially its information tech- ment in research output, which increased nology and financial management systems. by 10% overall. This included a significant increase in the number of rated researchers, Although 2009 was a difficult year for the from 103 to 116, along with an 18% rise in economy, which was feeling the effects of the doctoral degrees awarded and an 11,5% in- global recession, the NWU succeeded in post- crease in master’s degrees conferred. ing a modest financial surplus. This is the sixth year in a row that the University has achieved The ongoing success of the NWU’s core busi- a surplus, underlining the culture of prudent ness – teaching-learning, research and the financial management to which Council and implementation of expertise – has positioned Management are committed. the University to attract top academic and leadership talent. During 2009, the NWU inau- This climate of stability also permeated the gurated Kgosi Leruo Tshekedi Molotlegi, King University’s academic operations. Teaching- of the Royal Bafokeng Nation, as its second lear ning activities proceeded smoothly through- Chancellor. ­­out the year, which culminated in improved student success rates. Other top positions filled were the rectorships of the Potchefstroom Campus and the Vaal The undergraduate pass rate improved from Triangle Campus, to which Prof Herman van 81,2% in 2008 to 83,6% in 2009, and the Schalkwyk and Prof Thanyani Mariba, respec- graduation rate was 26%. In all, the NWU con- tively, have been appointed. ferred 13 445 degrees and diplomas in 2009, which was just over 8% more than in the previ- In another critical leadership development, the ous year. Vice-Chancellor, Dr Theuns Eloff commenced his second term of office at the helm of the A total of 50 589 students were enrolled with University’s Management. the NWU in 2009, of whom 53% were con- tact students and 47% distance education Based on the all-round performance of the students. University in 2009, it is clear that the NWU is well on its way towards becoming a balanced The success and wellbeing of all these stu- teaching-learning and research university that dents were at the centre of the NWU’s efforts implements its expertise in an innovative way. 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Bestuursopsomming In 2009 is die NWU weereens as om die beste moontlik leeromgewing daar Die Universiteit het sy die bes bestuurde universiteit in Suid-Afrika te stel. Met die oog op hulpverlening aan posisie as een van Suid- aan gewys. Hierdie prestasie is behaal deur behoeftige studente het die Universiteit Afrika se bes bestuurde die verwerwing van PricewaterhouseCoopers studentebeurse en -lenings ter waarde van se Korporatiewebestuur-toekenning vir Uit- R271 miljoen geadministreer. hoëronderwysinstellings ne mend heid in Hoër Onderrig. Hierdie verder uitgebou met toekenning, wat nou reeds drie jaar in ’n Beduidende beleggings is ook gemaak ’n benydenswaardige ry deur die NWU gewen is, getuig van die met betrekking tot die verbetering van die korporatiewe bestuurs- Universiteit se aandrang daarop om die regte studentelewe deur die oprigting of opknap- ding op die regte manier en vir die regte redes ping van onder meer akademiese geboue, rekord, ’n sterk toename te doen. koshuise, sportfasiliteite en rekenaarsentrums. in studentetalle, goeie In totaal het die NWU in 2009 ’n bedrag van akademiese resultate en Die kwaliteitsoudit, wat deur die Hoëron­­ R134,7 miljoen aan kapitaalprojekte bestee, voortgesette finansiële der­­wys-kwaliteitskomitee­­ onderneem is, het hoofsaaklik aan infrastruktuur vir studente, verdere bewyse opgelewer van die NWU akademiese fasiliteite en navorsingslabora - stabiliteit. se vermoë om die hoogste standaarde toriums en -toerusting. toe te pas. Die paneel, wat die oudit in Maart 2009 onderneem het, het hoë lof ’n Verdere hoogtepunt was die volgehoue gehad vir sommige van die Universiteit se verbetering in navorsingsuitset, wat met kwaliteitsversekeringsmeganismes, veral vir 10% gestyg het. Dit sluit in ’n beduidende die inligtingstegnologie-
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