THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Wednesday, January 18,1995 Vol XXX Number 1 Galvin brings militay experience to position by JOHN O’KEEFE master’s degree in English from Daily Editorial Board Columbia University, and contin- General John “Jack Galvin, ued his military education at the US Army Retired, said of hts ap- US Army Command and General pointment as dean of the Fletcher Staff College and the US Army School of Law and Diplomacy, “It War College. He also did post- was an offer I just couldn’t refuse.” graduate work at the Universityof Galvin, who was appointed to the Pennsylvania. post last month and will assume Galvin is no stranger to the responsibilites of the position Fletcher or to the Boston area. He in July of this year, said that he is a native of Wakefield, MA and was very excited about the oppor- attended Fletcher on a year-long tunity to head up the nation’s fellowship in 1971 where he wrote oldest school of international re- abookonwhythe AmericanRevo- lations. lution began in Boston. In an in- Galvin, who has an extensive terview with The Daily, Galvin background in military and dip- said, “I have always been very lomatic affairs, will bring his ex- proud of the year I spent at periences and a unique perspec- Fletcher.” tive to the job. Although he is a Since the conclusion of his fel- career military man and a highly lowship, Galvin has maintained decorated four-star general, close tieswiththeHetcherSchoo1, The University appointed a new dean for The Fletcher School of Law of Diplomacy last month. -. Galvin said that his appointment returning frequently as a guest will not result in major changes at speaker. He added that, after Fletcher. spending 16 of the last 19 years of University selects general for “I don’t see my arrival as some- his life living abroad. he is now thing that indicatesa new Fletcher. looking forw”ard to returning to If Fletcher changes, it will be be- his home state. vacant post at Fletcher School cause we change our perceptions Havine taught at both West Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, by JOHN former general is currently a Dis- of the way we need to equip our Point andvthe Eniversity of vir- O’KEEFE and Helmut Kohl. students to meet the problems of ginia, Galvin said that he feels he Daily Editorial Board tinguished Visiting Policy Ana- Retired Army General John R. lyst at Ohio State University’s Following his appointment as the future. I don’t come crusading is well-suited for an academic at- Fletcher Dean, Galvin spoke of for new change or adherence to mosphere. Showing the connec- Galvin, afour-stargeneral and one- Mershon Center. Prior to that, he served as the Olin Distinguished Fletcher’s outstanding reputation old ideas,” Galvin said. tion between the military and time NATO commander, has been Professor of National Security at for education in international af- A graduate of the US Military academia, Galvin said “When selected to serve as the next head the US Military Academy in West fairs. “I’ve always considered Academy at West Point, Galvin you’re in the military, you’re a of Tufts’ Fletcher School of Law Point, New York. Fletcher to be in first place among was commissioned as a second teacher too.” He noted that he and Diplomacy. Following an in- ternational search by the Univer- The Washington Post once re- the institutions that educate people lieutenant in 1954. He holds a particularly enjoys working with for public service. In this country “young people who are on the sity, Galvin was appointed last ferred to Galvin as ‘‘aconsummate month to succeed Jeswald Salacuse soldier-statesman,’’ and he was and around the world, Fletcher is verge of beginning their careers.” known as an exciting place be- Having been decorated by 21 as dean of the country’s oldest recently cited in a Boston Globe editorial as “one of the most dis- cause the thinking and intellectual countries, Galvin brings a long school of international relations. tinguished soldiers of the Cold interchange here are done in an and distinguished military back- Salacuse, who served as dean War.” Galvin’s career of service atmosphere that is congenial and ground with him as he takes on for eight years, announced his re- has placed him in contact with productive.” his latest mission, as Fletcher tirement in September to return to countless world leaders and diplo- dean. full-time teaching on the Fletcher see FLETCHER, page 6 Tufts Provost Sol Gittleman faculty. Pending the approval of mats including Mikhail said of Galvin, “He has played a the University Board of Trustees, part in defining issues of our time, which convenes in February, including [establishing the mili- Galvin will assume the post on Tufts benefactor dies tary foundationsfor]the Gulfwar, July 1, becoming the sixth dean in the Patriot missile defense of Is- the school’s 61-year history. rael, the rescueof450,000Kurdish Galvin served as the Supreme of heart failure at 78 -- refugees in northern Iraq, East- Allied Commander in Europe and by ANDREA GROSSMAN part of the education process.’’ West negotiations on arms con- the Commander-in-Chief of the Daily Editorial Board Zimman’s contributions were US European Command from Harold Zimman, the Tufts not restricted to theMedfordcam- Daily nle photo 1987 to 1992,the five-yearperiod alumnus for whom the football pus. As a member of the United Gen. John R Galvin see GALMN, page 10 which ended the Cold War. The field is named, died of heart fail- States Olympic Committee ure on Wednesday, Dec. 14. He (USOC) in 1992, he made it pos- was 78 years old. sible for the University to present Major earthquake shakes Japan, As a student at Tufts, Zimman its proposal, which was eventually was a valued member of the foot- approved, to use a University- ball team and went on to captain - owned priory in Talloires, France disaster kills at least 1,800 people the squad for the 1937 season. KOBE, Japan Survi- gest quake to strike an urban area buildings left standing. as the headquarters for the Olym- (Ap)-- After graduation, Zimman vors with blank expressions wan- of Japan since 1948. Just outside Kobe, damage pic Committee and host families dered battered streets Tuesday in a Osaka, Japan’s second-largest seemed almost arbitrary -- a show- formed a successful publishing of US Olympiads. city that was supposed to stand up city and acrossthe bay from Kobe, room window at an auto dealership company, H.O. Zimman, Inc., Shortly before his death, the which produced programs for high USTA and the USOC awarded to earthquakes, their faith in tech- was also heavily damaged by the survived undamaged. Next to it, school athletic teams, collegiate Zimman for his outstanding ser- nology smashed by a disaster that 7.2-magnitude quake that struck four wooden houses collapsed. In athletic teams, United States Ten- killed at least 1,800 people. before dawn Tuesday. The wreck- the city, a five-story building had vice to both organizations. nis Association OJSTA) tourna- Elevated roads and bridges that age extended 50 miles northwest fallen on its side, and a seven- Zinman is survived by his wife ments like theUS Open and printed Japanese engineers boasted were of Kobe to the sacred temples and story bank building leaned over Helen, four children, and two materials for other sports publica- quake-proof were broken at crazy statues of the ancient city of Kyoto. the sidewalk. brothers. tions. angles, flung to earth by the force While Kobe was by far the hard- “I thought it was the end of the But he never forgot his alma of nature, crushing whatever was est hit, both this city, where tender world,” said 64-year-old Minoru mater and was very generous to beneath them. beer-fed Kobe beef gets its name, Takasu, whose house fell down Inside the Tufts Athletic Department, Motoristsperished as their cars and Osaka burned through the around him in Nishinomiya city, Features........................... P. 3 serving on its Board of Overseers. AmericaOnlineisImkingforanIntemd skidded off the collapsing high- night from fires fueled by ruptured six miles from Kobe. He also was the major benefactor superstar, some interestingpet infodion, ways. Tracks and bridges for gas lines. ‘‘I survived by sliding into a of the Zimman Football Field at and the Featum Challenge returns! Japan’s famous “bul1et”trains were National police said 1,805 small gap.between a dish cabinet Ellis Oval and the Zimman Room damaged badly enough to be out people were known dead by and the wall,” he told the Asahi of the fitness center in Cousens of action for months. Hundreds of Wednesday morning, 1,036 were newspaper. “I’m happy to be Arts................................... P. 5 thousands of survivors struggled missing and 6,337 injured. The alive!” Gym. The beginning-of-the-semester cap- toll was expected to rise as com- sule movie review is over half your to live without electricity, gas or About 100,000 people spent page, and a Boston concert is the rest. water. munications were restored. the night in emergency shelters in According to Rocky Carzo, di- Hardly a block in this industrial Nearly 4,000 buildings were Kobe, eating rice balls handed out rector of athletics, Zimman’s al- sports port city of 1.4 million people had destroyed, and hundreds of after- by rescue workers and sipping truism was “an expression of the ................................ P. 7 Tufts Williams for the NCAA a house or building intact. Many shocks continued through the water trucked in by the fire depart- kind of quality athleticexperience ties night, forcing many to sleep out- he had at Tufts,’’coupled with his New England No.
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