EDISON ft FORDS BEACON Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Beading, Sewaren and Edison Publl»he(t We«klj On Thuradnj Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, M&rch 5,1964 tnttrnd u ind Cltn UiU Vol. LV — • A» P.O., WnndhridgJ. H J. PRICE TEN CENTS Reactivate Citizen Group: School Affairs Consultant Hired Main Objective Of Bangert Unit woommimiF. - <:, c. Han- n of the: school budget when For Main Street's KeH, KldKednlfl I'lnre, founder only a comparatively few voter* nnd past president of the ori- bothered to express themselves ginal Citizens' Council, an- one way or another. It is nounml today that he has taken natural for riti/f ns to have lnltl.il stepi to reorganize the conflicting opinions. There were unit ni "Council for Woodbridge those Interested in the extent Kducntlnnnl Advancement". to which the school budget af- fected their tax bill as opposed Renewal Program "The Council was — and will to those who felt no expenditure ninllmip to hr — an alert and loo great In providing a well- Informed organization of in- rounded education for our chil- estimable value to the com- dren. However, this interest munity of Woodbridge", Mr. should not stop at the polls." Project Bnngert said. Purposes Stated He noted that during recent IVKICOME GIFT: Dr. John ¥. \,<no, prlnclpnl (it Woodbrldgr Hlfih School, In shown receiving The purpose for which the years, public Interest In school tn to the now Conn Theatre OrRan from Mrs. Fii/.aMh Fiirrlnglon Miisnnlila, heml of the group Is reorganizing, Mr. Ban- r affairs "hu been sporadic." Jtrnl Music Department of Woodbrld(;e Senior »i«h School. The oruan Is a gift from mal music gcrt stated, ore to advance Cost 4 c* nnd glre clubs of the pait seven years. It wan purchase! from the proceeds of concerts "TMi w»i clearly demon- public education In all Its nn hr the choruses and glee clubs under the direction of Mrs. MiiMrrhla. strated during the recent school branches and to foster and pro- budget dilemma", Mr. Bnngert mote an understanding of the continued, "when Interest benefits of public education in Million reached an all-time high for a the development of a sound, woonnniDGE - Alvin B. tern Towers brief period prior to Its de- healthy and intelligent com- iorshon, Trenton, has been ear (eat. Widespread public munity through strict applica- [;ag«l as a consultant for the apathy onre again became evi- tion of points a* follows: General Neighborhood Renewal ental Fees dent during the sMond presenta- (Continued on Page 4) Program (or Main Street and vicinity according to an an- ire Outlined muncement made yesterday '7 liyor Walter Zirpolo and S. lOOMSKIDGE - The first tcn- Proponed Campsite Will (uddy Harris, director of Red* i in Stern Towers, the new relopment and Planning. rl mints for Senior Citizens in dbridge, should be moving in Not Have House Trailers The Main Street project will b« jui April 1, Eugene Finn, exec- 1 the $4 million bracket, with WOODBKIDGK No large house trailers, similar to those ic Federal government paying « director of the Woodbridge found in trailer courts, will be permitted on the proposed "World's ising Authority announced to- wo-thirds and the Township tha Fair Campsite" on Blair Road near the New Jersey Turnpike and -cmainder. at the Carteret boundary line, Mayor Walter 5<irpolo said today. km ever, applications (or an Mr. Gershou, who was formerly Initial stops to permit the establishment of the. campsite were with the New Jersey Department fiment may still be obtained, taken Tuesday night by the Town Council when an ordinance 1 Finn said, if Conservation and Economic amending tlif Zoning rode was Development >nder Budd Cba- one-room efficiency introduced nn first reading. The FIRST CUSTOMERS; Judy Radrr, sixth giade panll In Forts School 1, in being assured by CMB- 'ooshian, present director, Is head ... the ijjSplltantTitf same ordinance also bans any cilmen Robert Smith, left, and Joseph Nemyo, right, that they will be among the first purchasers of a well-known consulting and iirame of over $9,800 and hav*, additional used car lots and tebRotary Club of more than $5,400. The of the Tercentenary edition of "Fords, Yesterday nnd Today." Judy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George planning firm. fees for garden apartments. Rader, M.axwi'll Avenue, helped to compile the information In the book, the cover of which she is imum rent of the one-room Tha mayor said yesterday tliat One of his first duties, accord- rtment is set at $35 a month. Commended holding, the manuscript is now ready for the printers. ing to Mr. Harris, ,s to prepar* the state has recognized the need I minimum residence require- WOODBRIDGE - For its con- an application for a General t in the Township, in order to of family camping for the fair and Neighborhood Renewal Program. hai adopted a campgrounds code, tributions to The Rotary Founda- gible is five years. The area involved not only in- the Introduction of which states: tion ot International, three and one-half room cludes Main Street, but sid» "Most states bay* recognized world-wide ^ organizationg , Fords History, Written rtmenls, for two ^'J^% only. streets such as Pearl, Fulton* that the family camper, particu- the Rotary Club of Woodbridgi e [V iontcd to app'SKiuU who William, New and School Streets larly from oi' of «tate, makes a has bwn designated a "300% lot have an income of more and as far as Strawberry Hill. INDEPENDENT LKADER CITKl): Walter R, Nllei, right, arcs significant contribution to the Rotary Foundation Club," it wes k $4,000. They cannot have as- The circumference will be 200 manager for the United States Tieasury Savings Rood Division, economy of the area he visits, so announced today at the Ilotary By Pupils, Is Completed I of more tlian $6,000. (Continued on Page 4) 1» ibown presenting a citation from Secretary of the Treasury, ara accordingly endeavoring to headquarters, in Evanston, 111. taiinum rent for three and FORDS - The cover for the Douglas PUlon, to Hiil Hollywood, advertising director of The provide appropriate facilities in lalf room apartments is set Tlie local club received the des Tercentenary book, "Fords, Yes- ladependeot-Lfadfr und Carteret I'rra. The citation was given state-owned parks and forests. a month, ignation on the basis of contribu- terday and Today," lias finally la recognition ol the patriotic t>orvire rendeml tn "itreogth- The majority have found that the tions equivalent to $30 per membeen selected according to Mrs,New Health Head Plans Krauss Hits i completed, the outside (nlag the Nation tod Its citizcus" through newspaper advertis- state alone cannot keep pace with ber. A recent contribution tc e landscaped and special Dorothy Ludwig, Principal of ing promotion In the I'niti-d Stales Savings Bond Program. Lhu rising demand. Tha Ilotary Foundation brough; tag areas will be installed. Unfor- School 7. Students in the school The Independent-leader wan singled out for Its "outstanding unately they'have not been en- the total amount contributed by i new apartments are said to :ompiled the information on the Survey on Immunizations At Landfill cooperation and support" by the Treasury Department In Wash- tirely successful in obtaining the the club to $1,290. Through it 1 most modem of its kind history of their section of the lagtsu. The advertisements are published as a public service cooperation of local authorities, contributions to the Foundation WOODBRIDGE - Dr. Antoine five years old and then to try to state. Township - and the manuscripts WOODBRIDGE - Members o! by the Woodbridge Publishing Company, Many municipal officials appear the Itotary Club of Woodbridge are now ready for the printers. T. Attala, new head of the 'divi- conduct massive immunization the Town Council plan to visit expresses its support of the pur- sion of Health, took over his new trealion is Topic to hold the misapprehension that The cover selected is the re- programs for whooping cough, the site of a privately operated the establishment of recreational pose of the Rotary Foundation sult of a study mad2 by two fourth duties Monday and said yesterday diphtheria and tetanus, such as landfill operation in Fords over campgrounds within their areas which, jgjfltil&romote understand- made boys, Mark Mlia and Gary he was impressed witythe Divis- conducted, for polio, under the the weekend, to determine who Million Bond Issue will result In a permanent po ing and Tncwuy rtlalntis bettWcfl Turk. ion's «mplqy«Mk~vRe wl praise Shb &B IS right about Uie u.«s of the sit*. OODHRIDUE - The first o< peoples of different nations. for the nurses and sanitarians, rips of "cooperative" meet- lation of trailer dwellers which Discussing his plans at a press The suggestion was made by Mark's contribution to the book particularly. He said he was re- as held this week by the increases the cost of municipal One of the activities of the conference yesterday, Dr. Attalla Councilman Robert M. Smith To Pay for Roads, Curbs was "The Garden State Parkway ceiving the best of cooperation ot Education and the services, particularly for Foundation is the awarding of said that recently the Public after former Township Commit- and Its Influence in Building from Health Officer Harold J. hip Council, WOODBIUDGE - Ordinances, i to elevate and upgrade Wood- schools ... a permanently oc- Fellowships to young men and Health Service conducted a na- teman R. Richard Krauss, ap- Booms." Gary's research was onBailey who goes on terminal leave calbng for bond Issues amounting | bridge through the construction cupied Mobile Home Park should women of all races and creeds to tion-wide survey on the immunl- peared before the council and I topic was the need not be confused with a camp- "The New Jersey Turnpike and shortly.
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