THE WESTF1ELD LEADER IBM JJEADmO. AND M08T WIDELY OIBOULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER HI UNION COUNTY Second Claw Postage Paid, Published FIEST YEAR—No. 45 at W—ta«ML »• J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1961 Every Thursday 30 P*ge*~ 10 CenU Hahne's Foes Gain No Holiday Here Charier Report Mailing [efferson Leads As 2,270 Westfield has not had a 2 Groups Indorse Plan ''Misses' Given Chance July 4th parade in more than YM Plan Court Approval To 15 years and a fireworks dis- To Obtain Copies play Wat discontinued many Ernest L. Daman, a member of Register At Playgrounds years ago, but Police Lt. Al- For Charter Revision the Wostfleld Charter Commission ,. - ——*,, — Amend Plaints bert Reimer is hard put to advised the Leader today that practice Sessions Underway For Olympics believe it. Study Committee LWV Units Give many residents apparently did not To Build Plan Board Legal Between Monday afternoon Backs Proposals Support, Cite receive a copy of the report which ^ IS ? Aetive Pr ograros at 9 Fields and Tuesday night he esti- was intended to be distributed to ' Status Added To every householder. Westfield summer play- as follows; Roosevelt, at Booseveit mates that there were more At Session Faulkner Act bund under the direction of 1:30-2; Grant, at Grant 2:10-2:40, Other Counts than 1,000 phone calls to The mailing list Mr. Daman said, headquarters from 'persons The Westfield Committee for At the emergency unit meetings Stalled Wilson, at Wilson 2:50-3:20, had been prepared by a profes- fcph E, Coleman is now in its Opponents of the proposed Hahne asking when the parade would Charter Study Thursday night an- held last week by .the League of iond wtek. Registration at the Washington, at Washington 3:30- nounced its indorsement of the Women Voters of Westfield to sional group but apparently thru and Company department store be and what time the fire- an inadvertency a number of list- elusion! of the first week 4. Thursday, July 13, at Jefferson here succeeded 'Friday in obtaining works would blast off. Charter Commission's recommen- study the report of the Charter ched 2,270, with 5G9 taking for Columbus and Jefferson ings were missed. approval from Superior Court It took a lot of patience to dation for adoption of the mayor- Study Commission, the member- Zone Body Fails jvantnge of the insurance policy schools the time will be 1:30 to Judge Walter L, Hetfield HI to administrator-eouneil form o£ gov> ship overwhelmingly supported the Those why did not receive a copy 2:10; at Westfield High School explain to the callers the facts of the report in the mail, are nd- jered,. • amend their ^ivil complaint involv- and to direct them to other eminent. findings of the commission. fhe signup totals for the nine for teen-age and MeKinley, 2:16- ing the proposed building site. The first public indorsements visetl to contact uny of the commis- To OK Variance 2:66; and for the Lincoln play- communities where the events iMrs. George Walker, president, sioners or obtain their copy at the ygrounds was as follows: Jef- The approval by Judge Hetfield they asked for were being were made at a public meeting in announcing her organization's pn, 482j Roosevelt, 387; Grant, grounders at Lincoln! school from called by the committee in West- support for the commissioners, yfiice of the Town Clerk in the mu- 3:00-3:40, allows enlargement of a lawsuit held. nicipal building. At Hearing Wilson, 246; Washington with a seventh count in which the field High School. iMrs. W. A. pointed out that the League of f9; McKlnley, 111; Columbus, Pony rides this week will take' Allen, vice president of the LWV, Women Voters offered statewide The commission members are plaintiffs will attack the legality of John T. McCoy, chairman, Ralph An npplication by the Y'M'CA. to Lincoln, 306; Teen-age 118 place tomorrow at Grant school at Westfield's Planning Board be- announced the group's support of support for the Faulkner Act when the Board of Adjustment for a va- Id Tennis, 160. 1 p,m, and at Wilson at 2:15, tween Oct. 31 last year and Jan. 1. Moran Gives •the commission's recommendation. it was adopted. F, Anthony, Donald H, Bagger, C riance to permit the occupancy of Tuesday the ponies will visit Kenneth Banks and and Mr. Da- [The special event on all play- Although the Jurist has ruled ->Cuddie K. Davidson Jr., com- The league nas studied the pro- a greater portion of the present Y ounds this week was the wheels Columbus at 1 p.m. and Lincoln mittee chairman, noted that since visions of the Faulkner Act for 12 man, property at the corner of Clark at 2:16. Mr. F. Terry, proprietor that Town Council has the right to 1 parade which was held Monday. sell the town yard to Hahne & Tips To Cut the five-man study group was elect- years and has made a detailed street ami Ferris place than is HZBB were given in the follow- of Teralou Acres,, will bring a Company for construction of a ed last November the committee, study of the Westfield town gov- permitted in a residential area |K categories; the best decorated pony and a quarter horse to the store if it deemed the facility in- which* 'initiated the move for the ernment and the various forms of Summit Musicians failed to obtain approval or de- '©•wheeler bike, best decorated playgrounds on the dates given. adequate for the community's Theft Tries study, remained neutral pending government, Mrs. Walker said. nial last week. s, etc. On Wednesday the Ten cent rides will be offered dur- publication of the commissioner's needs, the plaintiffs are pressing Chief James F. Moran said to- "Though the town has grown The zone board, composed of four lit Show will take place on each ing the one hour stay at each play- an attack on the legality of an final report. from a population of 9,000 in 1895 To Give Concert ground. day that July 6th through July members at last week's sMsion, iayground. The prettiest, funniest amendment to the zoning ordinance. The meeting, the first to be call- to 31,000 in 1PC0 und though the voted on the measure following a nd the most modern as well as 18th will be observed as Burglary town budget has increased from The Town Tournaments will The amendment extended the Prevention Week in Westfield. ed since last October, was to weigh At Park Tonight public hearing. With two eomriilt- thers will receive awards, Win- again take place at the designated the merits of the commission's rec- $176,000 to' $2,544,000 over the erg will' be announced in next business zone in North avenue to sionera, John M. Mac"Ken»ie, tem- playground, each week at 2 p.m. accommodate the proposed depart- This is not "just another week", ommendations. The vote to in- same period, we have made no porary chairman and Robert' S. >0eks "Leader". the Chief said, but has been set change in the form of government," The Summit Community Concert Tomorrow the Box-Hockey tour- ment store. dorse the findings come after Band under the direction of Harry Purvis refusing to support a Mo- With the cooperation of the nament will be held at MeKinley. aside for a concentrated effort summary of the report and an hour explained IMrs. Bruce Kimball, lo- tion to recommend a denial to Town The plaintiffs, represented by Ir- cal current agenda chairman. Hannaford, instrumental music di- Vestfield Board of Education the On July 13 the foul shooting con- win J. Silverlight of W«st«eld, to remind homeowners of the of questions and answers, rector of .Summit High School, will Council and members 'Philip J, ancing program, under the direc- test will take place at Columbus. claim that when Councilman How- simple precautions they should •Many questions were concerned "The important item' to the give the second in a Kcries of nine Byrne and John M, iRugh taking |on of Miss Robin Wight, takes First, second and third prizes will ard M. Bilden, who represented take this summer when they leave with the commission's recommenda- town," she continued, "is that Plan concerts sponsored by the Wcklfleld the opposite view, the matter be- ilace every Tuesday and Thurs- be given to the placing winners. the governing: board, died last Oct. their homes for an evening or go tion that Town Council be com- P under the Faulkner Act which Keereatton Department tonight in eame deadlocked. off on a vacation trip. is recommended by the commis- [ay in the Wilson and Jefferson Contests are open to nil regis- 31, state statute required the va- posed of seven members—one from Mindowaskin Park at 8:15 o'clock, As it now stands, according to a chool gymnasiums. Prom' 10 to tered playgrounders and each child cancy be filled with another repre- "From January to September of each of the four wards and three sioners would give the town a Admission is free and families are broader legal construction." zone board member, no further ac- 2 noon Tuesdays the Roosevelt, will represent his respective play- sentative of the council. last year, there were 17 burglaries at hinge, instead of the eight—two invited? tion Is contemplated on the present •rant, Washington, and Wilson ground. Because of the interest on No appointment was made until in our town. Unfovtunutely, many from each ward—now on council.
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