Instructions for compiling commercial and inherently governmental FTE inventories Agencies may use this spreadsheet to compile their commercial and inherently governmental FTE inventories in accordance with Office of Management and Budget inventory guidance. Once compiled, it must be converted into Extensible Markup Language (XML) format for upload into the Workforce Inventories Tracking System (WITS), available on the OMB MAX Homepage at https://max.omb.gov/maxportal/ The OMB-approved XML schema is available at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/procurement/fair/index_csts.html Use of this spreadsheet is not required. It is provided as a template for your convenience. Agencies may choose to manually input their inventory data into WITS, or may compile their inventory by another method for conversion into the XML format required for upload into WITS. 1. Instructions These instructions describe the contents of each of the worksheets in this spreadsheet\ workbook. Agencies will complete two of the worksheets, 6. Contact Information, and 7. Inventory. Once agencies have completed and reviewed their inventories, they must convert the data in the spreadsheet to the proper XML schema/format for upload into WITS. 2. Agency/bureau FTE codes This worksheet is provided for your information, cannot be updated by you, and contains agency and bureau codes, current-year direct, reimbursable and total FTEs by agency and/or bureau, and other descriptive information. The FTE levels were provided by the agencies and published in the President's Budget. 3. Function Codes This worksheet is provided for your information, cannot be updated by you, and contains a complete list of activity function codes and titles. 4. Cities Contains United States Postal Service listing of valid US city names. All US cities included on the inventory worksheet must be validated by the agency from this worksheet. ML091680016.xls1. Instructions Page 1 of 1182 7/8/2009 Instructions for compiling commercial and inherently governmental FTE inventories 5. Miscellaneous Information This worksheet is provided for your information, cannot be updated by you, and contains lists of agency\bureau codes used in executive branch agencies, name prefixes (e.g., Mr., Mrs.), and suffixes (e.g., Jr., Sr.). These values are used in drop-down lists for tab 7. 6. Contact Information This worksheet is provided for you to enter the name and contact information for the agency's chief inventory contact (required), Federal Register contact (required), and technical contact. The agency shall also provide the URL to which the inventory will be posted upon notice of public availability in the Federal Register. 7. Inventory This worksheet is provided for you to enter inventory information. You must provide the following information (1) a unique sequence number, (2) Agency\bureau code, (3) Organizational unit name or abbreviation, (4) State, (5) City, (6) Country, (7) FTEs, (8) Activity function code, (9) Status/Reason, and (10) first year on inventory. Agencies may also use the Agency Suffix column as they see fit for internal purposes. Agencies must provide a unique sequence number for each row in the worksheet. For your convenience, numbers have been entered for the first 100 rows. If you provide fewer than 100 rows, please delete the sequence number for blank rows. If you provide more than 100 rows, please make sure that each new row has a unique sequence number. ML091680016.xls1. Instructions Page 2 of 1182 7/8/2009 FY06 Budgeted FTEs Seq_No Agency_Group Agy_Bur Dept_or_Agy_Title Bureau_Title Tot_CY_FTEs Dir_CY_FTEs Reim_CY_FTEs 05060003 Departments 005-03 Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary 87 87 0 05060004 005-04 Executive Operations 3350 359 2991 05060005 005-07 Office of Civil Rights 154 144 10 05060006 005-05 Departmental Administration 393 326 67 05060007 005-06 Office of Communications 80 80 0 05060008 005-08 Office of the Inspector General 639 639 0 05060010 005-10 Office of the General Counsel 330 319 11 05060013 005-13 Economic Research Service 439 433 6 05060015 005-15 National Agricultural Statistics Service 1123 1017 106 05060018 005-18 Agricultural Research Service 8810 8647 163 Cooperative State Research, Education, and 05060020 005-20 Extension Service 440 431 9 05060032 005-32 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 7008 6175 833 05060035 005-35 Food Safety and Inspection Service 9514 9444 70 Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards 05060037 005-37 Administration 675 322 353 05060045 005-45 Agricultural Marketing Service 2911 2304 607 05060047 005-47 Risk Management Agency 553 553 0 05060049 005-49 Farm Service Agency 5318 2050 3268 05060053 005-53 Natural Resources Conservation Service 12506 11489 1017 05060055 005-55 Rural Development 6872 1700 5172 05060068 005-68 Foreign Agricultural Service 974 763 211 05060084 005-84 Food and Nutrition Service 1430 1430 0 05060096 005-96 Forest Service 36485 35048 1437 ** Total, Department of 050600ZZ Agriculture ** 100091 83760 16331 05061005 006-05 Department of Commerce Departmental Management 1013 327 686 05061006 006-06 Economic Development Administration 207 200 7 05061008 006-07 Bureau of the Census 9233 6405 2828 05061009 006-08 Economic and Statistical Analysis 567 526 41 05061025 006-25 International Trade Administration 2242 2217 25 05061030 006-30 Bureau of Industry and Security 416 415 1 05061040 006-40 Minority Business Development Agency 115 115 0 05061048 006-48 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 12376 11545 831 05061051 006-51 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 7875 0 7875 05061053 006-53 Technology Administration 20 20 0 05061054 006-54 National Technical Information Service 200 0 200 05061055 006-55 National Institute of Standards and Technology 2910 2184 726 National Telecommunications and Information 05061060 006-60 Administration 271 116 155 ** Total, Department of 050610ZZ Commerce ** 37445 24070 13375 Department of Defense-- 05062010 007-10 Military Operation and Maintenance 439768 359196 80572 05062020 007-20 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation 27262 15746 11516 ML091680016.xls2. AgBu_FTE Page 3 of 1182 7/8/2009 FY06 Budgeted FTEs Seq_No Agency_Group Agy_Bur Dept_or_Agy_Title Bureau_Title Tot_CY_FTEs Dir_CY_FTEs Reim_CY_FTEs 05062025 007-25 Military Construction 7923 1952 5971 05062030 007-30 Family Housing 1641 1633 8 05062040 007-40 Revolving and Management Funds 190069 0 190069 ** Total, Department of 050620ZZ Defense--Military ** 666663 378527 288136 05072030 018-30 Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education 18 18 0 05072040 018-40 Office of Postsecondary Education 5 5 0 05072045 018-45 Office of Federal Student Aid 1159 1159 0 05072050 018-50 Institute of Education Sciences 16 16 0 05072080 018-80 Departmental Management 3142 3142 0 ** Total, Department of 050720ZZ Education ** 4340 4340 0 05073005 019-05 Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration 2645 2645 0 05073010 019-10 Environmental and Other Defense Activities 2359 2359 0 05073020 019-20 Energy Programs 4661 3366 1295 05073050 019-50 Power Marketing Administration 4572 1266 3306 05073060 019-60 Departmental Administration 1418 1418 0 ** Total, Department of Energy 050730ZZ ** 15655 11054 4601 Department of Health and 05074010 009-10 Human Services Food and Drug Administration 9464 7823 1641 05074015 009-15 Health Resources and Services Administration 1413 1301 112 05074017 009-17 Indian Health Services 13348 8164 5184 05074020 009-20 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 8112 6856 1256 05074025 009-25 National Institutes of Health 16918 11654 5264 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services 05074030 009-30 Administration 512 470 42 05074033 009-33 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 282 0 282 05074038 009-38 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 4657 4585 72 05074070 009-70 Administration for Children and Families 1327 1327 0 05074075 009-75 Administration on Aging 127 118 9 05074090 009-90 Departmental Management 2090 1750 340 05074091 009-91 Program Support Center 1432 52 1380 05074092 009-92 Office of the Inspector General 1623 432 1191 ** Total, Department of Health 050740ZZ and Human Services ** 61305 44532 16773 Department of Homeland 05074510 024-10 Security Departmental Management and Operations 1429 1241 188 05074520 024-20 Office of the Inspector General 540 540 0 05074530 024-30 Citizenship and Immigration Services 10207 10207 0 05074540 024-40 United States Secret Service 6579 6564 15 05074550 024-50 Security, Enforcement, and Investigations 113544 104810 8734 05074560 024-60 United States Coast Guard 7156 6434 722 05074565 024-65 Preparedness 966 876 90 05074570 024-70 Federal Emergency Management Agency 5743 5438 305 ML091680016.xls2. AgBu_FTE Page 4 of 1182 7/8/2009 FY06 Budgeted FTEs Seq_No Agency_Group Agy_Bur Dept_or_Agy_Title Bureau_Title Tot_CY_FTEs Dir_CY_FTEs Reim_CY_FTEs 05074580 024-80 Science and Technology 387 387 0 ** Total, Department of 050745ZZ Homeland Security ** 146551 136497 10054 Department of Housing and 05075035 025-35 Urban Development Management and Administration 9832 5274 4558 ** Total, Department of Housing and Urban 050750ZZ Development ** 9832 5274 4558 05076004 010-04 Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management 10852 10489 363 05076006 010-06 Minerals Management Service 1654 1654 0 Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and 05076008 010-08 Enforcement 565 564 1 05076010 010-10 Bureau of Reclamation 5755 3138 2617 05076011 010-11 Central Utah Project 18 18 0 05076012 010-12 United States Geological Survey
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