r OK TEbe flDaötsontan Übe flBaöisonian 18 TH« LEADING PAPER OF SOUTHIRN MONTANA. MONTANA" tlbe /Ibabtsontàn. OFFICIAL VOL. 22. VIRGINIA CITY, MONTANA, SATURDAY, APRIL <>, 1895. NO. 24. Dy effecting a settlement with adverse The bill appropriating $200,000 for the creditors. benefit of drought sufferers lias passed FOR LITTLE FOLKS. ft NEWS SUMMftRy both houses of Nebraska's legislature CANADA IN DANGER FOREIGN NEWS. and gone to the governor for his signa­ BOYS' ICEBOATS. A BRIEF RESUME OF THE ture. Of Disruption on Account of Over 1,000 persons were killed in a The Young People Have Their Share of TheTorrens land transfer bill was ad­ the Government's NEWS. battle at Lima, Pern. vanced to third reading in the Illinois Fuu on the Frozen Shrewsbury. Hawaiian Royalists have organized an house after it had been amended to pro­ Action. A Red Bank (N. .1. > correspondent of Of the Past Seven Days, Boiled Down annexation club among the natives. vide for its submission to vote of the the Philadelphia Times says: people. Baron von Thielman is said to have JEALOUS OF THEIR RIGHTS. Ice yachting on the North Shrewsbury From (he Associated Prrss and From been appointed German ambassador to Other Nonrces—A Paragraph From the United States. UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. river has become a :-port of considerable Any Encroachment Will Meet importance, and the past few years have Everywhere. The revolution in Peru is at an end. W. G. Piercer ier e ofu Petaluma, Cal., was General Caceres, the ex-president, wall , ' Vf' " V With Vigorous Pro­ developed many new ideas in the build­ leavl the country. i killed by coining in contact with a live ing and rigging of the fleet craft. STATE BRIEFS . , ! electric wire. test. Victor L. Ochoa, an intimate friend While the men are sailing their big Investigation of the mine explosion Bozeman republicans have placed a of Garza, the Mexican bandit, denies yachts tho boys are on hand with craft the story of the latter's death. at Red Canon, Wy., shows that at least OTTAWA, Ont., March 31.—Although full municipal ticket in tliô field, nam­ 60 persons were killed. of their own make. The boys of the ing F. L. Benepe for mayor. full particulars of the action taken by Prince Komatsn, commander-in-chief town have a club and a little clubhouse Dr. Wm. L. Steele, democrat, was of the armies of Japan, has decided to Property valued at $400,000, including the Dominion government regarding elected mayor of Helena, Monday, over establish headquarters at Port Arthur. a big warehouse, was destroyed by fire the Manitoba school question have been and own not less than 15 yachts, some at Sioux City, Ia. before the public for some days, it is Richard Lockly, republican, and Chas. The Japanese fleet lias blockaded of them built iu the most approved man- O. Reed, populist. The residence of P. Dollard, at only now that this action is beginning Tamsni, a treaty port of China on the Cliapleau, Out., was burned and three Clyde Tooker and wife of Helena northwest coast of the island of For­ to be fully understood. The Dominion were chloroformed by burglars while of his children were cremated in an government has done two things—it mosa. upper room. Xl4 •% asleep in their home Monday night Queen Victoria is suffering greatly has ordered the provincial authorities and the thieves got away with $150. Colonel Clampitt lost by fire all the to re-establish the separate schools from rheumatism, which renders her evidence he had collected proving Mrs. Patrick Riley, the 1(5 year old son of almost helpless. She cannot live much abolished in 1890; and failing com­ Mary E. Surratt innocent of conspiracy pliance by the province the Dominion P. H. Riley, was thrown from a horse longer, it is believed. to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. at Livingston, Sunday, and sustained The municipal franchise bill for Ire­ has stated in so many words that a injuries which may result fatally. land passed its second reading in the Miss Anna, eldest daughter of Dr. federal act will be passed for the pur­ Oto C. Flato, the Butte man who re­ house of commons and was referred to Miller, superintendent of the Illinois pose of attaining this object. And it is gistered tso often during the late capi­ grand committee without a division. asylum for feeble minded children at at this point that the danger of the tal fight has been arrested in Denver Lincoln, burned to death in her apart­ situation appears. The provinces have London police and brokers had a ments in the insi tution. and will be taken to Butte for trial. hand-to-liaud contest because the for­ always been jealous of their rights of Butte will have an abundance of mer attempted to prevent the latter A landslide occurred near Tittet in self-government and an attempt to en- 1 municipal tickets in the field this year. from doing busiuess in Throgmorten Southern Hungary, destroying a large croacli on these rights by the passage hotel and causing a large loss of life, j The Republicans have split on the A. street after hours. of a federal law to accomplish a pro­ jlVi.»- Twelve bodies have been recovered, and P. A. question and placed two Repub­ The appointment of Prince Lobanoff vincial object will lican tickets in the field. it is believed that many others are still Rostovsky, recently Russian ambassa­ buried. Evoke a Vigorous I'rotest While playing at school at Bozeman dor to Vienna, as Russian minister of in every member of the confederation last week a young son of C. W. Hughes foreign affairs, in succession to the late ner, but moro of them put together was tripped by a schoolmate and fell THE DEATH RECORD. outside of Quebec. This outcry will be M. De Giers, has been ofiicially an­ especially vigorous in Manitoba and roughly and making anything but a with such force as to cause the burst­ nounced. ing of a blood vessel. The child slow­ Ex-Congressman Richard Vaux, noted Ontario; because a federal law once j thing of beauty. Still they sail, and ly bled to death. for his philanthropy, died in Philpdel- passed for the purpose of re-establish­ that is good enough for the boy who CRIMINAL NEWS. phia of the grippe, aged 78 years. builds them. Any Saturday when the The democrats of Butte have nomi­ ing separate schools iu a province can­ nated Henry Muller, the well known William Loeber was held at Milwau­ Father Stanislaus Petit Lalumiere, a not be repealed by any power short of school children are on hand to swell brewer, for mayor One faction of the kee ou the charge of murdering Ferdi­ noted Jesuit and builder of Catholic that of the imperial parliament in Eng­ tho crowd of skaters and spectators it is Republicans have nominated J. H. nand Moritz, a cattle dealer. churches, died at a college in Cincin­ land. Not only this. If the separate worth one's time to carefully look over nati. Monteeth of the Inter Mountain and At Petersburg,Tenu., a mob of whites schools are re-established by federal tho crowd and note what is taking place. another faction, known in Butte as the hanged a colored woman who was sus­ The Duchess of Leinster, widow of legislation in Manitob i a precedent will A man with a patent popcorn machine A. P. A. wing, has placed William pected of setting fire to a dwelling. the fifth Duke of Leinster, who died be established which will permit of the on wheels is popping coru and selling it Thompson in nomination. W. H. Dec. 1, 1893, at Carton, County Kildare, James Howard, a turnkey in the Kan­ Dominion interfering to prevent the as fast as he can get it in bags and take Howell, an attorney is the Populist is dead. Ontario legislature from divesting the tho money. Hot coffeo is also on sale. nominee. The election will be held sas state prison, was fatally assaulted with a hatchet by an Indian convict. General Philip St. Gt orge Cooke, separate schools of the province of Fancy skaters glido about hore and Tuesday and the fight promises to be who saw 46 years of continuous service, a merry one. Mary Delaney of Milwaukee was ar­ privileges conferred by the latter body. there, each with a crowd of admirers. is dead at his home iu Detroit, Mich., It is because of the far-reaching conse­ The big brother is pushing his little sis* Senator Mantle of Montana, who has rested at Washington; D. C., on the aged 75. been seriously ill at the Cochran since charge of setting fire to two churches. quences involved that there is such hos­ ter about on a sled, and ladies in chair General Adam Badeau, who was mil­ tility to the idea of once entering the sleds uro being pushed about by ad­ the last session of congress closed, is Warren Sherman, a farm hand of itary secretary to General Grant, died wedge of mirers, who are only too glad of the much improved, and is able to sit up Michigan, has confessed to Lansing offi­ of apoplexy at Ridgewood, N. J., aged for a few hours each day. The senator Federal Interference. opportunity to be put to such task. i cers that he burned his house 13 years 64 years. It is probable that re-establishing separ­ has been afflicted with a complication ago. Rich, poor, black and white, well of troubles that were brought on by a Dr.
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