June 14, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1295 TRIBUTE TO MR. CHARLES United States Naval Academy: Erik claim in film, on television, and on the stage. KREPLIN DeSousa—Plano; Gregory Harrell—Plano; He has been active in passing his emotive Philip Niche—McKinney; Melanie Pribich— skills to young performers. But it is his passion HON. MICHAEL A. ARCURI Plano; Ryan Szymaniak—McKinney. to teach motion picture creation innovatively OF NEW YORK f that has won for his 3-year-old school, appro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES priately titled the Film School, a pre-eminence MR. TOM SKERRITT—PARTICIPANT Thursday, June 14, 2007 and a very special niche. Together with Oscar- CITIZEN winning writer Stuart Stem and such top-of- Mr. ARCURI. Madam Speaker, I rise today their-craft creative artists as John Jacobsen, in recognition of Charles Kreplin’s extraor- HON. JIM McDERMOTT Warren Etheredge, and Rick Stevenson, dinary record of service to the Weedsport Vol- OF WASHINGTON Skerritt has made the Film School an institu- unteer Fire Department in my congressional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of learning that has broken the mold and district in upstate New York. Thursday, June 14, 2007 has set exciting new high bars for the teaching Mr. Kreplin was born in Cleveland, OH, on of film-making as the art of communicated June 21, 1930. He and his wife Sandra, who Mr. MCDERMOTT. Madam Speaker, one of ideas. were married in 1985, have five children. A the great strengths of this country is the will- The people of Seattle and the State of Korean war Veteran, he has also served his ingness of its people to give back. We each Washington celebrate Tom Skerritt as an ex- community as a milk deliveryman, a school find our own way to be ‘‘participant citizens.’’ ample of how an artist or any person can de- bus driver and a cemetery caretaker. On the occasion of the honoring of his lifetime vise his or her own special way to be a partici- Charles will celebrate the 50th anniversary achievement by one of Seattle’s great historic pant citizen. Tom Skerritt inspires each of us of his service to the Weedsport Volunteer Fire organizations, the Rainier Club, the people of to find a personal way to pass along the fer- Department on July 2, 2007. Still one of the the State of Washington would like to hold up vor, dedication and skill that allows us to con- most active members of the department, as a national inspiration the special record of tribute to a better and more integrated society Charles has twice been a recipient of the Fire- one of our State’s most notable participant citi- and to experience the joy of giving back to our man of the Year Award. He was also named zens, the distinguished and award-winning country, our resident city and to the wisest ap- an American Hero by the Red Cross in 2003. actor/director/writer and, just as proudly, plication of our profession. Mr. Kreplin is part of several county and State teacher, Tom Skerritt. Seattle proudly lays claim to an artist who is fire organizations, including the Cayuga Coun- Thanks to Tom Skerritt and great artists like at the top of the role model list. Not just his ty Association of Emergency Services and the him, Seattle has become a great cutting edge genuine human depth and caring, but the bril- New York State Association of Fire Chiefs. His in the forward movement of the performing liance and natural belief he brings to every 50 years as a firefighter are particularly nota- arts. Its stage innovation has been recognized one of his acclaimed performances. Thanks to ble given that the Weedsport Volunteer Fire with Tony Award celebration, including for Tom Skerritt and his associates in the Film Department, like many rural fire departments, work in which he participated. And now, in lit- School, Seattle is becoming a major center for has struggled to attract and retain volunteers. tle over 3 years, Mr. Skerritt has created in instilling the skills of film art and the joy of that Mr. Kreplin’s exceptional dedication is to be Seattle a new approach to the teaching and great American spawned art form. commended. I am honored to have him pro- doing of movie-making through his acclaimed f tecting constituents in my district, and I would the Film School. once again like to congratulate him on his 50 To find the artist, to find the teacher, first HONORING THE COMMUNITY SERV- years of service. Thank you, Mr. Kreplin, for you find the man. ICE OF JOSEPHINE SANTA ANNA, all you have contributed over your five dec- Tom Skerritt’s skills are matched by his RECIPIENT OF THE OLDER ades of service to our community. unique and innate embodiment of the finest AMERICANS RECOGNITION f American traits of decency, humanity, AWARD FOR 2007 SALUTING SERVICE ACADEMY strength, humor and integrity, as witness his STUDENTS starring performances in the deeply loved se- HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO ries ‘‘Picket Fences,’’ for which he won the OF CALIFORNIA Emmy among other honors, ‘‘M.A.S.H.,’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SAM JOHNSON ‘‘Alien,’’ ‘‘Top Gun,’’ ‘‘A River Runs Through OF TEXAS It,’’ ‘‘The Turning Point,’’ ‘‘Steel Magnolias,’’ Thursday, June 14, 2007 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Contact,’’ and the remake of ‘‘High Noon.’’ Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Speaker, I rise Thursday, June 14, 2007 Who other than Tom Skerritt could have com- today to recognize and commend Josephine Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Madam plemented the portrayal of stand-up American Santa Anna, an outstanding Californian, who Speaker, it is a tremendous honor to salute heroism first conveyed by Gary Cooper. has recently been honored by the Los Angeles our soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen of Seattle and the State of Washington hold County Board of Supervisors and the Los An- tomorrow—the service academy-bound stu- Tom Skerritt up to the Nation with pride be- geles County Commission on Aging with the dents of the Third District of the Texas. This cause he is the kind of stand-up hero/human- Older Americans Recognition Award for 2007. Congressional District is home to some of the ist he so often and so powerfully portrays. This commendation is given for outstanding best and the brightest young people. They are This can best be illustrated by the last and community service and recognizes Mrs. Santa eager and ready to join the premier military least known of his hyphenated talents alluded Anna’s service to the City of Santa Fe force of the world. It is a privilege to send to above: Tom Skerritt, teacher. His special Springs, California, which has spanned over such fine young people on to our Nation’s brand of give-back to the country and people five decades. prestigious service academies. he loves is his unique ability to perpetuate and Mrs. Santa Anna is probably one of the We lift them and their families up in prayer to inspire the study of that extraordinarily most active older adults residing in the city of for their future service and sacrifices. I am so modem art form so influenced by its practice Santa Fe Springs. Her daily life is primarily very proud of them. God bless them and God in America, motion pictures. driven by the priorities of each of her volunteer bless America. I salute them. The name of One of the significant developments in commitments, which have included (in part) each appointee and hometown follows: movie-making in recent decades is that the serving as a Traffic Commissioner, Senior Citi- United States Air Force Academy: Madison heart of movie-making, so long associated zens Advisory Committee Member and an ac- Schottleuther—McKinney; Taylor Soster— with and conducted in Hollywood, has now tive participant in the city’s 50th Anniversary Allen; Grace St. Clair—Allen; Stephanie Stan- spread out to other parts of the country. The Community Planning Committee. Mrs. Santa ford—Plano; Drew Warwick—Plano; Michael American art form is now an all America art Anna was one of a handful of people who vol- Willcox—McKinney; Evan Wise—Plano. form. And few cities have taken a more active unteered every day for over 3 weeks to deco- United States Merchant Marine Academy: and creative part in this transition, this creative rate the float that showcased the city’s 50th Bryce Doganer—Plano; F. Wade (Fred) development and envelopment, than the area anniversary in the 2007 Tournament of Roses Wheeler—Plano. of Seattle. Parade in Pasadena, California. It was only United States Military Academy: Audrey A key leader in this evolution has been that after becoming physically ill from the fumes of Hansen—Plano; Kane Kimrey—Rowlett; Anne master of all movie trades, Tom Skerritt. He is the glue that she finally agreed to stay home, Nagy—McKinney; Ryan Schubert—Plano; most widely regarded as an actor par excel- returning a few days later to help organize the Tianyi Xin—Plano. lence, an Emmy winner and an artist of ac- city’s New Year’s Eve party. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:36 Jun 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14JN8.038 E14JNPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMREMARKS E1296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 14, 2007 Mrs. Santa Anna has been recognized as The members of the Henderson Chamber of munity and our country. We were all blessed the most reliable volunteer by two of the most Commerce divided themselves into issue com- by his presence and diminished by his pass- active Senior Citizens’ Clubs in the region, the mittees in order to prepare according to their ing.
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