Stone Harbor Pooches Might Get Own Beach Herald NEWS By LESLIE TRULUCK to be legally open to dogs and some long-time resi- dents told the Herald the inevitable has already hit STONE HARBOR — Council’s consideration to the sand. DI GESTS allow leashed dogs between 80th and 82nd streets It is currently illegal to have a dog on the beach at from dawn to 9 a.m. and again from 6 p.m. to dusk anytime, though Public Works has already erected signs Chillin’ in the Water has people talking on both sides at the 81st Street entrance “Many residents have dogs and may take CREST HAVEN — County Health De- of the dais as dog owners begin to warn visitors of hazardous partment tests of 69 ocean and bay recre- to scout out the area with their them to the beach anyway …” animal waste and provide dog Council member Karl Giulian ational sites June 3-5 found all under the pets. owners with cleanup bags state-set limit for enterococcus bacteria of Council passed ordinance to “I don’t believe anyone wants to lay a while advising of a $50 fi ne 104 per 100-milliter sample. Tests of 41 amend general code by resolution yoga mat down in dog urine.” for not picking up after their environmental sites, where swimming is May 6. Offi cials said if the change pooch. Council member Anne Wannen A sign at 81st Street urges not recommended, found seven locations is not successful it could easily be Business Administrator above acceptable limits. In Lower Township, rescinded. The resolution did not appear on the agenda Kenneth Hawk said the signs would most likely be visitors to scoop up after canines though it is illegal to a reading of 1,300 was found at Townbank at council’s most recent June 3 meeting. covered until council fi nalizes code and regulations. Road and the bay. In Stone Harbor, a reading June 1 marked the fi rst day the area was expected (Page A6 Please) bring dogs on the beach until law is fi nalized. of 110 was found at both the standpipe at the Great Channel at 81st Street and at the public dock at 81st and 82nd streets. Also in Stone Harbor, a reading of 170 was found at Shelter Haven, 96th and 97th streets. In Middle Township, a reading of 130 was recorded at the entrance to Stone Harbor Marina. In North Wildwood, a reading of 110 was found at the Hoffman Canal at 10th (Page A4 Please) Today’s Select Spout Off Why aren’t the police enforcing the cell phone law? I’ve seen a lot of violators. Just have a police offi cer park at Rio Grande Avenue before the bridge. —Wildwood Turn to Page A24 for more Spout Offs or log onto www.CapeMayCountyHerald.com PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY THE SEAWAVE CORP. to see them all! Vol. 44 No. 24 Copyright 2008 Seawave Corp. All rights reserved. June 11, 2008 1508 Route 47, Rio Grande NJ 08242-1402 Accusations Flying Over Petitioners Seek Timing of Enforcement Convention Hall Tables, Chairs Referendum By JACK FICHTER Pulled From CAPE MAY — A committee asking for a Two Bistros voter referendum on a $10.5 million bond ordinance passed by council to fi nance the con- By JACK FICHTER struction of a new convention hall presented a petition with 222 signatures at City Hall June CAPE MAY –– Police arrived at two restau- 9 asking council to rescind the bond ordinance rants on the Washington Street Mall May 24 or face a voter referendum. between 9 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. and ordered Petition committee members Virginia Hesel the owners to remove table and chairs from and Jo Tolley, accompanied by volunteers Jean their patios because the establishments had not Powick and Susannah Newman, marched into Harry B. Scheeler, Jr. completed paperwork for new patio permits. City Hall at 1 p.m. presenting City Clerk Diane On June 9 Cape May City Fire department members paraded down Beach Avenue to City Manager Luciano V. Corea Jr., with the Weldon with the petitions. unveil their new 2008 Pierce Fire Engine 5130. The parade included additional fi re assistance of Police Chief Diane Sorantino, sent Hesel read a statement outside City Hall. apparatus from the county area. Boy Scout Troop 73 took the lead with The U.S. Coast a patrolman to Cucina Rosa and Dairy Queen She said the committee supports Mayor-Elect Guard Marching Band from Station Cape May. The parade ended at the fi rehouse for a and ordered the patios closed for the remainder Edward Mahaney Jr. and noted that his was the traditional “housing” ceremony. For additional photo, see page A12. of Memorial Day weekend. fi rst signature on the petitions. At a June 4 City Council meeting, Coun- “We have also received the signatures of cilwoman Linda Steenrod asked to hear an numerous other former mayors and councilp- Family’s WWII Memorabilia explanation from Corea. He said as of May 23 ersons, not to mention a valued cross-section of all but two restaurants that use patios on the full-time, voting residents,” said Hesel. mall had secured permits. She presented the reasoning behind the Found, Homeowner On Quest Corea said the police chief was in City Hall petition: until 5:30 p.m. Friday prior to Memorial Day • “The process has been completely back- By LAUREN SUIT weekend (May 23) to process any permits wards. First should have come an agreed upon applications. He said the operator of one the design, arrived at through open, community WILDWOOD — When Joan Spera and her fam- restaurants (Cucina Rosa) was aware of the participation and a multiple-bid process in- ily moved into 313 West Juniper they uncovered need for a permit and had spoken on the topic cluding known budgetary limits. It serves no a family treasure and a bit of a mystery. at an April 1 council meeting. public interest to embark on a multi-million In the attic of their new home, under a blanket Corea said he sent a draft copy of a new patio dollar project with only one architectural of dust and insulation, was a box full of newspaper fee ordinance to every effected business owner design, presented by a fi rm hand-picked by clippings, Western Union telegrams, postcards, on the mall on Feb. 23, which explained the our City Engineer. Rescinding the bond and letters, and birth and marriage certifi cates from timeframe for new permits to become effective. collecting multiple bids will give Mahaney that the Spencer family. He said the establishment (Cucina Rosa) was opportunity.” Spera has been pouring over the lives of John, phoned Friday evening with a message left on • “There has been inadequate discussion William, Florence and Raymond Spencer since their answering machine that their permit had with the residents about the nature of a new or uncovering the box almost six years ago, in the not been obtained. (Page A9 Please) hopes of returning the belongings to the family. On Saturday May 24, the city’s code enforce- So far, she’s been unsuccessful. ment offi cial stopped in the restaurant and “These are items you can’t replace. Things that advised the management they did not have a Petitioners Snub family members may want to hold onto,” Spera current patio permit and would not be allowed told the Herald June 6. “But it’s like their relatives to have tables on the patio beyond Saturday Cape Taxpayers all disappeared into thin air.” night, said Corea. Spera discovered that the Spencer family had Corea said he received a call Sunday from By JACK FICHTER four children and lived at 1125 North Sophia Sorantino as to what had taken place Saturday Street in Philadelphia during the 1940s. Florence Catherine Spencer, born May night with the two restaurants as well as calls CAPE MAY — In a 6-3 vote June 6, the John and William enlisted in the military. Not 3, 1924 in Philadelphia, later lived at of inquiry from Mayor Jerome E. Inderwies and Taxpayers Association of Cape May voted to (Page A6 Please) 313 West Juniper in Wildwood. Deputy Mayor Niels Favre. publicly state their opposition to a voter ref- (Page A4 Please) erendum that could reverse a $10.5 million bond ordinance to build a new convention June 11 - 17, 200 What Is Your Water’s Source? 8 hall here. It's Inside. Taxpayer board members Jules Rausch, By JOE HART plies, surface water and ground water. Kevin Maloney and Steve Todd voted against Surface water is water that has collected in a Upcoming Events Saturday & Sunday, June 14 & 15 Sea Isle City’ s Skimmer W the association taking a position against a voter COURT HOUSE –– Cape May County is a stream, river, lake, wetlands or oceans. Ground eekend ............ B2-10 Saturday, June 14 Wa Dining, shington Street Mall Hospitalit referendum peninsula surrounded by the salty waters of the water is water that has seeped from the surface y Event ..... B17 The taxpayers association invited the pe- Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware Bay. into one of fi ve layers of sand and gravel con- Entertainment, Brandi Sanguinetti, Miss Cape May Cou nty titioners: Virginia Hesel, Jo Tolley, Rita Tice, Those who live here are like the sailor lost at tainment areas known as aquifers. Wednesday through Sunday, June 11 - 14 Miss New Jersey Parade & Co mpetition ....... B16 sea in poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s epic The While there are some businesses – particu- For mor Scott Maslow, and John McIntyre to attend a e eve Shopping, nts see What’s On Deck meeting with their organization and city offi - Rime of the Ancient Mariner who said, “Water, larly farms for irrigation – that use surface wa- calendar B29 Weekly Features THE GRID .........
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