19_792802 bindex.qxp 8/28/06 11:14 PM Page 675 Index See also Accommodations index, below. GENERAL INDEX Amherst, 324–326 Bar Harbor Historical Society, Amherst College, 324 646 Amtrak, 47, 48 Barnstable, 213–214 AAA (American Automobile Annual Star Party, 31 Barnstable County Fair, 30 Association), 53, 58 Antiques, best destinations Barre, 509, 510, 512 AARP, 38 for, 20–21 Barrington Stage Company, 330 Abbe Museum, 642, 645 Appalachian Mountain Club, Bartholomew’s Cobble, 330 Abbot Hall, 159 51, 52 Baseball Abiel Smith School, 116 Appalachian Trail, 342, Boston, 131 Abraham, Mount, 506 657–658 Portland, 607 Academy of Music Aquinnah Beach, 270 Bash-Bish Falls State Park, (Northampton), 323 Arcadia Nature Center and 8, 331 Acadia National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, 321 Basin-Cascades Trail, 580 10, 638–645 Architecture, 672–673 Basketball, Boston, 131 Accommodations. See also Area codes, 57 Bass River Beach, 215 Accommodations Index Arethusa Falls, 577 BattenKill Canoe Ltd., 51 best, 13–16 Arlington, 467–468, 470–472 Battle Road Trail, 154 surfing for, 41 Arnold Arboretum, 122–123 Baxter’s Boat House, 213 tips on, 55–56 Arrowhead, 346 Baxter State Park, 663–664 Actors’ Theatre of Nantucket, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, 128 The Beachcomber, 244 308 Art Museum (South Hadley), Beaches. See also specific Adams National Historical 320 beaches and destinations Park, 188 Ashumet Holly and Wildlife Barnstable, 213 African Meeting House, 116 Sanctuary, 202 Block Island, 457–458 Agamont Park, 645 Asticou Terraces, 653 Boston, 132 Agganis Arena (Boston), 1 Aston Magna Festival, 335 Brewster, 223–224 Airfares, 41, 44–46 The Astors’ Beechwood, 435 Dennis, 218–219 Airlines, 43–44, 52 Atlantic Beach, 451 Falmouth, 201 bankruptcy, 33 Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Hyannis area, 208 staying comfortable, 46–47 Trail, 241, 260 Kennebunkport, 598 Albany Berkshire Ballet, 349 ATMs (automated teller Martha’s Vineyard, 270–272 Aldrich Contemporary Art machines), 25 Narragansett, 449 Museum, 365 Attitash Bear Peak, 576 Newport, 438, 439 Allagash Canoe Trips, 50–51 Audubon Bird Sanctuary, 158 Orleans, 235 Allen, Ethan, 525 Autumn, 27 Provincetown, 248–249, 260 Allis-Bushnell House, 390 Avalon, 139 Sandwich, 196 American AutomobileCOPYRIGHTED Associa- MATERIALStonington, 407 tion (AAA), 53, 58 Truro, 244–245 American Express, 57 ackpacking, 562, 663–664 Watch Hill, 451 Boston, 86 B Baker Memorial Library, 554 Wellfleet, 240 traveler’s checks, 26 Bald Mountain, 485 Yarmouth, 215 American Museum of Ballard’s Beach, 457 York Beach, 588 Fly Fishing, 468 Balsams/Wilderness, 563 Bearskin Neck, 178 American Repertory Theatre, Baptist Church (Edgartown), Beartown State Forest, 342 138 269 Beauport (Sleeper-McCann American Textile History Bar Harbor, 645–653 House), 174 Museum, 168 19_792802 bindex.qxp 8/28/06 11:14 PM Page 676 676 INDEX Beebe Woods, 202 Great Meadows National Boston, 1, 22, 75–143 Beech Forest Trail, 250, 260 Wildlife Refuge, 155 accommodations, 87–101 The Beehive Trail, 642 Indian Lands Conservation airport, 75–76 Belcourt Castle, 435–436 Trail, 219 accommodations, 91–92 Belgique, 375 Litchfield, 373 American Express, 85 Ben & Jerry Ice Cream Monhegan, 624 arriving in, 75–76, 78 Factory, 13, 511 Parker River National average temperatures, 28 Bennington, 464–467 Wildlife Refuge, 183 Back Bay, 81 Bennington Battle Monument, Pleasant Valley Wildlife accommodations, 94–97 464 Sanctuary, 342 restaurants, 109–110 Bennington College, 464, 466 Wellfleet Bay Wildlife shopping, 135 The Bennington Museum, 466 Sanctuary, 241 Beacon Hill, 80 Berklee Performance Center, Black Heritage Trail, 118 accommodations, 92–94 137 Black Mountain, 572 car rentals, 84 Berkshire Botanical Garden, Black Nativity, 32 Charlestown, 80 335–336 Block Island, 453–462 Chinatown, 81 Berkshire Choral Festival, 330 Block Island Historical Society accommodations, 94 Berkshire Museum, 346–347 Museum, 457 restaurants, 107–108 Berkshire Opera Company, 349 Blogs and travelogues, 42 doctors and dentists, 85–86 The Berkshires, 22, 327–355 Blue Hill, 636–638 Downtown Crossing, 80 The Berkshire Theatre Festival, Blue Hill Mountain, 637 accommodations, 92–94 20, 336 Blue Hill Peninsula, 634–638 shopping, 135 Bethel, 656–659 The Boathouse, 207 driving rules, 85 Big Chicken Barn, 637 Boating (boat rentals). See also emergencies, 86 Biking and mountain biking, 51 Canoeing; Kayaking; Sailing Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Acadia National Park, Barnstable, 213 80, 114 643–644 Block Island, 458 accommodations, 90–91 Amherst, 325 Chatham, 230 restaurants, 106–107 Block Island, 456, 458 Dennis, 219 shopping, 135 Boston, 132–133 Orleans, 235–236 Financial District, 80 Brattleboro, 480 Pittsfield, 348 accommodations, 92 Brewster, 224 Provincetown, 250 restaurants, 106–107 Cambridge, 132–133 Sandwich, 197 finding an address in, 79 Chatham, 229 Wellfleet, 240 getting around, 81–85 Craftsbury ridge, 534 Boat trips and tours Government Center, 80 Dennis, 219 Boothbay region, 618 hospitals, 86 Errol area, 582–583 Boston, 124 Huntington Avenue, 81 Falmouth, 201 Boston Harbor Islands, 133 Internet access, 86 Killington, 493–494 East Haddam, 396 Kenmore Square, 81 Mad River Valley, 506 Essex, 172, 393 restaurants, 110–111 Manchester, 470 Falmouth, 201 for kids, 125 Marblehead, 158 Galilee, 450–451 layout of, 79 Martha’s Vineyard, 273 Gloucester, 174 neighborhoods in brief, 80–81 Mount Snow, 476 Hyannis, 208 newspapers and maga- Nantucket, 291, 294 Martha’s Vineyard, 275–276 zines, 86 Newport, 439 Mystic, 403 nightlife, 136–143 Northampton, 321 Nantucket, 296–297 The North End, 80 Orleans, 235 Newport, 439–440 restaurants, 102–103, 106 Pittsfield, 348 Norwalk, 361 organized tours, 123–125 Provincetown, 249, 260 Ogunquit, 606–607 outdoor activities, 132–134 Sandwich, 196 Portsmouth, 542 parking, 85 Wellfleet, 240, 245 Provincetown, 247–248, parks and gardens, 122–123 Billings Farm and Museum, 488 250–251 pharmacies, 86 Bird-watching, 52 Wolfeboro, 558 restaurants, 102–113 Ashumet Holly and Wildlife Books, recommended, 57 restrooms, 86–87 Sanctuary, 202 Boothbay region, 618–621 safety, 87 Block Island, 457 Born Family Skating Center, Seaport District (South Boston 439 Waterfront), 80–81 19_792802 bindex.qxp 8/28/06 11:14 PM Page 677 GENERAL INDEX 677 shopping, 134–136 Brenton Point State Park, 438 Brewster, 224, 225 side trips from, 1–2, 144–192 Bretton Woods Resort, 576 Concord, 155 sights and attractions, Brewster, 223–227 Dennis, 219 113–126 The Brewster Store, 226 Falmouth, 202 discount passes, 113–114 Brick Store Museum, 596–597 Martha’s Vineyard, 274 South End, 81 Brimfield Antique and Moosehead Lake region, 660 restaurants, 108–109 Collectible Shows, Orleans, 235–236 spectator sports, 131–132 21, 29, 312 Stonedam Island, 556 street maps, 79 British School of Falconry, 470 Wellfleet, 240 suggested itineraries, 64, 66 Bromley Mountain Ski Resort, Cape Ann, 169–182 taxes, 87 469 Cape Ann Historical Museum, taxis, 84 Brookfield Holiday Craft 174 Theater District, 19, 81 Exhibition & Sale, 32 Cape Cinema, 222 accommodations, 94 Brown University, 418 Cape Cod, 2, 22, 69, 193–262 restaurants, 107 Buckman Tavern, 148 Lower Cape, 223–239 transit info, 87 Bunker Hill Monument, 122 Mid-Cape, 207–222 visitor information, 78–79 Burlington, 522–531 Outer Cape, 239–262 The Waterfront, 80 average temperatures, 28 Upper Cape, 193–207 accommodations, 90–91 Burton Baker Beach, 242 Cape Cod Canal bike path, restaurants, 102 Busch-Reisinger Museum, 128 196 Boston Ballet, 137 Bushnell Center for the Cape Cod Light, 261–262 Boston Bruins, 131–132 Performing Arts, 388 Cape Cod Melody Tent, Boston Celtics, 131 Bus travel, 48, 55 212–213 Boston Center for the Arts, 137 Butternut Basin, 332 Cape Cod Museum of Art, 219 Boston Children’s Museum, Cape Cod Museum of Natural 125–126 History, 225, 230 Boston Common, 118, 120 Cadillac Mountain, 643 Cape Cod National Seashore, Boston Harborfest, 30 Cahoon Hollow Beach, 240 259 Boston Harbor Islands, 133 Calvin Theatre and Performing Cape Cod Playhouse, 222 Boston Landmarks Orchestra, Arts Center, 324 Cape Cod Rail Trail, 224, 235 139 Cambridge, 78, 81 Cape Maritime Week, 29 Boston Lyric Opera, 137 accommodations, 98–101 Cap’n Kidd, 207 Boston Marathon, 132 exploring, 126–130 Captain Edward Penniman Boston Massacre Site, 121 restaurants, 111–113 House, 261 Boston National Historical Park shopping, 135–136 Captain Francis Pease House, Visitor Center, 120 suggested itineraries, 66 275 Boston Pops, 138 visitor information, 78, 79 Carpenter Center for the Boston Pops Concert and Cambridge Common, 130 Visual Arts, 130 Fireworks Display, 30 Camden, 9, 628–634 Car rentals, 42, 54 Boston Pride March, 29 Camden Hills State Park, Carriage rides, Acadia National Boston Red Sox, 131 629–630 Park, 643 Boston Symphony Orchestra, Campbell Falls, 377 Car travel, 47, 53–55 138 Camping Castine, 8, 634–636 Boston Tea Party Acadia National Park, 644 Castle Hill, 184 Reenactment, 32 Baxter State Park, 664 Castle in the Clouds, 559 Boston Tea Party Ship & Lake Umbagog, 582 Castle Rock, 158 Museum, 1, 125 White Mountains, 563–564 Castle Tucker, 618 Botanical Museum, 127 Candlelight Stroll, 32 Catamount Ski Area, 331 Bousquet Ski Area, 348 Candlewood Lake, 368 Cathedral Woods, 624 Brattleboro, 479–483 Cannon Mountain, 580 Cedar Tree Neck Sanctuary, Brattleboro Museum & Art Cannon Mountain Tramway, 274 Center, 479 579–580 Cellphones, 42–43 Bread & Puppet Museum, Canoeing Center for Cultural Exchange, 532–533 Arlington, 470 613 Bread & Puppet Theater, Barnstable, 213 Center for Maine Contem- 532–533 Baxter State Park,
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