fl,, ^ .. ■ V - t . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1952 AroraiFe Daily Net Press Run - .. Ths Weather ; FACE EIGHTEEN r x " iitanrbPBtpr Eofttino Wprafi^ For the Week^Eaded PorecMt of C. 8. Wcathor Baroso ..a-'. ' 1. • ie « . Generally fair and eoM tonight 10,721 and Saturday. Minimum tonight About Town ■ ■ Member ef the Andit 20. PINEHURST QUALITY Mr. and Mri. Homar * Fagley Bnreao o f Ctreabitieno M anchester^A City of Village Charm and aon, Scott, of West. Hartford have moved Into their new home on Lake atreet. Bolton. Hale’s Self Serve (Claaained AdverUoIng on Pago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1952 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS * VOL, LXXII, NO. 33 , V Army Capt. Bernard J. Kul- hanek, huaband of.,,Vfra. Ethel Kul- hanek of 4 ll Lydall atreet, recent­ ly arrived in Korea and has been Beep Payoff for Montgomery's Payoff aaatgned to IX Corps. Ha la the ; and Meat^Dept.^ J u ry Told Ciuitoiners lell us tb*y TMiptent the Bronte Star med­ al and the Luxemburg Croix de I Wiu ths ullercd and-jenlarg^ Guerre.^;-----i-— ----------— ------------i A O J B oosts •d Piuehursl. They enjoy FANCY NATIVE CONNECTICUT |i A rumnmge .tale., aponeored by | to the Emanuel Lutheran . U uUm ’ wmipniff ifoin our larger • Aid Societ y -w W ' b* .Itehl at ■ the church tomorrow morning attrt- ^ r o v o a dairy display • .. find, many 1 .y M £ y - ^ ing at 9 o'clock. cheese Hems we could not Mrs. Bette P. Bantly, who is New York, Nov. 7—(A*)— ! employed by the Savings Banka carry before. The addition A soldier today gave testi­ I Aaeociation of Connecticut, yeatef- mony linking John David 11 day attended the meeting of t)|e \ of Sealtest Ice Cream seems Association of Ravings Bank Wo-1 Provoo, former American men of C o n n e'e t l c u t a t . the ! Army sergeant, with the lo jaeel- JKith. favor. _and_ •Wethersfield-Country d u b . Mam- 4 Japanese execution of an Mehsagc! fro m K orea to Presidenl-Elwt 11 bership of this associstlon consists • American Army officer after I -jaany-Jike ..ta_8elccl..Iheir ' i-of women-offteers and othera hold-- Rush AideSa Pork prices edhtihue ’ af ah aftraclTve Tow Te^ . i Ing ke.v po.*!tipns In the savings Corregidor fell in World War I art own Bacon. Sausage and and we will have more of that extra lean Brightwood I banks .of Connecticut. t 1 Two. The witnes.*. Corporal other Manufacturer pack­ Eastern cut pork,*as well as Iowa Pork, all government Robert M. Brown, also de­ Ik e U rged Over Floor graded and inspected, of course. I CpI. George SI. Pitk'at, son of M r.! clared that Provoo proposed •and Mrs. John A. Pltkat, Plllsbury i aged Hems from the self Hill, Rockville, recently spent five ■ that American women on the 7-rib cuts of tht Blodninss Brightwood will be 45c HALE’S ADVERTISED IN Philippine fortress island be service meat case. They tell days in Jaoan on a rest and r e -1 lb., and 7-rib cuts of the lowo pork, 38c lb. (whlje ! cu-MWatioB leav«^irram the 2nd In -1 DROMEDARY SALE turned oyer to the Japanese By Truman na, however, that they are these cuts lost). i-fsntrj'-DIvlafon-In Korea. Pltkat,; COFFEE for immoral purpose.*. V I who gnteged'the armv In March, i 4 CAKE MIXES — Washington, Nov, 7—•(A') By THE ASlIOCIATED PRES# j pleased we continue Mlling 19&1. Joia^ the 2nd DIvis'on laat I Whole strip or rib holf of Brightwood March. - ' 1 Lb. New York, Nov.' 7— (A*)— — President Truman to4ay Congreafiional RepublicaMs ... - ■* , . ' other meat cuts thru the Pork to R o a s t........................... lb. 55c A soldier witness testified to­ a.*ked President-elect Eisen­ bickered over the spoila of the George Stiles, Manchester Bhy I LIFE day that John David Provoo hower to send representatives Elaenhower landslide victoo’ Wearing a bU>. Montgomery’* Payolt, entered In the flve-::*ited service meat case. < LOIN ROASTS OF IOWA PORK Lb.^ 52c j ScoutlnT eoinmlsMober, wi$hfs to ^ Proclaimed himself “ the boss to the State and Defense De­ today, aa the President-ele^ . stress the.se Important dates; Fri­ divialon of the National Home Show In New York, I* served a bottle prepared to send his. first in- da’ -. Nov. 7, Scout Legdara Round , o f beer by tralxer William Dearlng of Duanellrn, N. .1., .vfter hi* per- of Corregidor” after the partments “ at the earliest island, vasipn wave int.q WaahiniriiOll-. ""r.Come in this week end lONELESS f IMEHUKST .. .Table St ... the..., South , MeWiod'gt.; |an|Mce'„in Madlaon. Square, Garden. Philippine fortress felj PQ5|Sil))e .rapm.ent.” . ......... f diiirch; Sunday, Noy-. $, Scout fin -' Kow York tpndpm the b«mp • nllre of ptua piP. Oi^iloa by tne ubW to the Japanese in World War His telegram, made public by Sehate GOP members fou^d |;\»n(:e drive, and Mond-y. Nov. 10, GINGERBREAD, DEVIL, C rN t Farm of Dunnellen, Montgomery’* Payoff for »everal year* the White House, disclosed also themselves embroiled in a , , . our grocery shelving is CHUCK POT ROUTS “ 79c haa been drinking l>err Inafead of water after eompeting. _____ n. I e*>mmls*ion-rs meeting at 125 Hol- FUDGE, WHITE Fresh Ground Provoo, then an American Army that Truman sent a personal mes- possibly bitter fight over ' not quite completed but you . lister street. _____ • GUCE CAKE MIX .sergeant, was captured with other ,*cnger yesterday -to -Eisenhower who is having a post-campa|gn their party floor. Ieader8hipr~“ ‘ American adtdiera and now is Sen. Styles Bridges of ift m * CANDIIO FRUITS AND n its — lib. jer rest at August. ,Ga. will find Pinehurst a pleas­ FRESH UMB PAHIES Lb. 59c PREMIER WLLSBURY • fOR fRUIT CAKtS. COOKIIS, tlC charged in federal court with com­ Hampshire spread the word lie I Take Over Home Ike Readies Plans mitting treasonable acts in behalf Air Force Messenger would rather be temporary preai- ant place in which to select. of the Japanese. RIB OR PLATE MEAT ( b o n e i n ) Lb. 19c A White House spokesman told dent of that body—and third In For House Partv BLUEBERRIES PIE CRUST FOR fUSH-TOMM The wltne.ss was Army Corporal reportetrs later that this me.asen- the line of succession for tBe U). » 1 Robert M. Brown, a surgical tech­ ger was Col. Albert L. Cox of the presidency— than keep the Job he HOME STYLE SAUSARE MEAT 59c Cultivated Large Dessert nician. [ Air Force. The spokesman add­ In Mm Y}; Syrup, No. 80S COMDINATION HOW holds—GOP floor leaddr. ^^4mo6S Things -Mrs. Franeds A; Dwyerr-ftmlHar- FWlfOR For Truman Talk Mad* Him Asaiatant ed that C<w carried a writteiv Bridges- alao-couM be-ehairmaa -o# - “ CHOICE LAMB LERS w»“ 85c j ly known as Nell Dw-yer to her 2 P k g s ; MILUONS SAY: He said Provoo n\ade the state- message and was acting simply Appropriations or Armed Servicaa Augu.sta, Ga., Nov. 7 — <A>)-^Gen. Dwight Eisenhower ment after ■ countermanding an \ as a messenger and not as a pres- committees In a Republican-con­ To Eat RIB ROAST OF BEEF Lb 79c • friends, was surprised last night4 Army warrant officer’s order and Identlal emissary, trolled Senate. ' I when 12 of the local beauty shop.' loughed-into a mountain of mail today, and began drafting taking Brown on as a-ssistant in He said the message suggested Sena. Leverett Saistonatall o f r ' is plans for the “ conversations and conference.*” that he '...o Marinei, Sgt. Edward 84. flair, left, of Detroit, Mich., and 8gt. Jamil Farhat of Lodi, Cal., LAMB SHOULDERS BONED AND owners gave her a husewarming I E work he was doing for the Japa- "other lines of cooperation " !n post a sign on a hunker In Korea telling President-elect Elsenhowi;r, "We’re waiting Ike." General Maasachusetta, Homer Fergriaon pf party $t her new home on Green said’ must precede his meeting with President Truman.- He — ---------Ithe peTlod between now and Eis- Eiaenhower I* planning a trip to the Korean war front to nee what ran be done about replacing Amer­ Michigan, William Knowland of road. ' also planned anqther round of goif "He (Provoo) told me he was 1 mhower’s inauguration Jan. 20 ican ijervicemen with South Korean*. (A P W lrephoto). California, Homer Capehart of In­ STATE ROUEb, AVERAGE Earh $3s4() this afternoon—a more aerioua the boss of Corregidor and that he j ^^e proposals would not diana, Bourke B. HIckenlooper of One of the beauticians invited Can round than heplayed yeaterday. ' was i.*sulng the orders and th a t) j,* )nade public, Iowa and Everett Dlrksen of Il­ her out for the afternoon, while he would have anyone work where The new Preaident came to Since a mllitai-y courier was linois were- projected by specula- .J’ihers^arrsnged .with, Election Picture he-plCBaed.’-.. Brown teatificiL- —Angnata-for a reat-. -Beltlipg-Into *■ 'cTidseh carry" the' message,' the •Uon-lnto-th^acrambler ■ - -r-i-------' BUTTER PINEHURST FRUITS and VEGETABLE! to invade the house, take over the Brown said he agreed to take Xn 46 Oz. Tin Pkgs. aecluded white cottage about 200 irhplication is that it contained ABied Gutts Await Taft Wont kitchen and cook the dinner, which 1 SUGAR HEART TENDER PREMIER the Job to help a Navy officer Asiam Arah FARMER BROWN'S SPINACH ........................19c yards from the flrat tee of the Na­ POPULAR VOTE , certain secret information thgt Although Saltonstall w’as the was a bountiful one, served on a tional Golf.-Club course.
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