CHAPTER FIVE: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SUNKEN VESSELS OF OPERATION CROSSROADS James P. Delgado Ruminating on the nature of nuclear wars after The ships assembled at Bikini for Operation Operation Crossroads, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Crossroads and sunk in the tests represent 34 concluded that with atomic weapons “it is quite years of naval design and development, from possible to depopulate vast areas of the earth’s the oldest ship, Arkansas, built in 1912, to the surface, leaving only vestigial remnants of man’s newest, ARDC-13, which was rushed to material works.’” Forty-four years after completion in March 1946. These vessels, as Crossroads, Bikini Atoll stands depopulated. Its the tests’ planners intended, reflect a range of people, relocated for the tests, have not ship types, construction methods, and hull permanently resettled Bikini. Efforts to “clean forms, and in total represent in microcosm up” Bikini island after a 1968 declaration that many of the elements of a typical naval force, it was once again safe for human habitation with an aircraft carrier, battleships, cruisers, erased all traces of Operation Crossroads from destroyers, submarines, attack transports, and the surface of the island. Geometrically landing craft. Some of these vessels, such as planted palms and rows of uniform concrete USS Anderson, are the sole surviving intact houses for a reestablished Bikinian community representatives of specific classes of ships. brought a new look to the island. Found Many of the ships had long and significant unsafe for continual habitation in 1978, Bikini careers, beginning with the Veracruz landings was again abandoned, and today hosts a small, of 1914 and the First World War. Most ships transient population of field station support now sunk at Bikini also had significant World personnel, scientists, and occasional visitors. War II careers including roles in major engagements and battles--the Bismarck Visitors to Bikini seeking to confront the breakout, Pearl Harbor, the Battle of the Coral tangible evidence of the world% first nuclear Sea, Midway, the Aleutians campaign, the weapons effects tests are therefore Battle of the Solomons, the Battle of the disappointed. While the island itself, with all Philippine Sea, and the Battle of Leyte Gulf-- its “reconstruction,” is a reflection of nuclear- and represent some of the better known and induced change brought about by the tests, the significant aspects of the war at sea, such as tall observation towers and concrete wolf pack attacks in the submarine war of foundations erected in 1946 for Operation attrition against Japan, the seaborne line of Crossroads are gone. The only evidence lies supply and replenishment, shore bombardment, beneath the surface of the lagoon, scattered kamikaze attacks, and the development of the about the rim and inside the now-nearly fast carrier task force. completely silt-buried crater formed by the Baker test bomb’s detonation. The ships of The place of these ships in the history of naval Operation Crossroads, lying where they were development, their roles in naval history, and sunk by two nuclear blasts, are the last their World War II combat records establish “vestigial” remnants of that time and place. their significance only up to the moment they Substantially unchanged, they are the only were selected for Operation Crossroads. From essentially unmodified museum of the dawn of that point on, their previous histories become the era of the atomic bomb--unlike the picked- secondary, for the pre-Crossroads significance over, filled-in, and fenced ground zero of the of the ships is overshadowed by the social, Trinity Site, or the rebuilt Hiroshima and political, and military decisions that brought Nagasaki. them to Bikini, and the forces unleashed by the 143 detonation of two atomic bombs that sent them age. On March 5, 1946, Senator Carl Hatch of to the bottom of the atoll’s lagoon, Each of New Mexico, a staunch supporter of the bomb, these vessels passed over a threshold at the introduced a proposal to create an Atomic “crossroads” between conventional and nuclear Bomb National Monument, to be administered warfare, as did the world that had built and by the National Park Service. The memorial, manned them. Regardless of type, age, or at the Trinity Site in the New Mexico desert career, each vessel that now lies where it was near San Antonio, was to include a nearby sunk by the Able and Baker test blasts is of museum where artifacts of the bomb’s equal significance as the only uncompromised development and first test, including the B-29 material record of the early, formative stages Enola Gay, “from which the first atomic bomb of nuclear weapons design and the development used in warfare was dropped,,.,”3 would be of a nuclear military policy. While the wreck displayed. The planned National Monument of Prinz Eugen, secondarily deposited at and museum were never realized; Enola Gay Kwajalein as a direct result of the tests is also was held in reserve for possible use in significant, its value as an artifact of the Operation Crossroads, and the Trinity Site beginning of the atomic age is less so than the remained in military hands. (It is now ships in their primary deposition at Bikini; this included within the White Sands Missile also follows for the highly contaminated S3 Range.) A stone and bronze monument was target vessels later scuttled or sunk by erected by the missile range command in 1965 conventional weapons in the deep ocean to mark “where the world’s first nuclear device because they were radioactively “too hot to was exploded on July 16, 1945.” Designated a handle.” National Historic Landmark in 1975, the site is open to the public twice each year. In 1990, nearly 6,000 persons visited the site. MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS TO THE DAWN OF THE ATOMIC AGE Pieces of “Trinitite,” the ceramic-like pale green fused sand from ground zero, have been The sunken fleet of Operation Crossroads, carried off as souvenirs by visitors to the through its assessment and documentation, now Trinity Site since 1945. Trinitite was fashioned joins other monuments and memorials to the into costume jewelry by “enterprising atomic age. There are many such places in the entrepreneurs” in 1945, and by 1952 concern United States and Japan, ranging from the over the future of the vanishing Trinitite display of mock-up full-scale versions of the temporarily resurrected National Monument “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” atomic bombs to plans, with the National Park Service requesting the proud display by the Department of Energy a 100-lb. box of the fused nuclear slag for of the Project Sedan crater excavated by retention in its Santa Fe, New Mexico, regional nuclear detonation in the Nevada desert. The office for a future museum at the Trinity Site,4 effort to memorialize and celebrate the impact While most of the Trinitite is now gone from of the bomb began at the same time the new Trinity Site, other atomic artifacts were saved, age dawned. Social historian Paul Boyer has Enola Gay was not used for Crossroads noted, when asked how a people reacts when because of engine problems and remained in the entire basis of its existence is fundamentally storage until 1949, when it was donated to the altered, that usually these changes are more Smithsonian Institution, Restoration of the discernible to historians than to those who live plane began in 1984 and is expected to end in through them; however, “the nuclear era was 1994, when Enola Gay will be placed on different. It burst upon the world with display by the Smithsonian in a facility outside terrifying suddenness, From the earliest Washington, D.C~ Bock’s Car, the B-29 used moments, the American people recognized that to drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki was things would never be the same again.”z preserved after Crossroads and is now on display at the U.S. Air Force Museum at As early as 1946 two actions were taken to Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, preserve both a site and an artifact of the new Ohio. 14’4 Other monuments to the beginning of the striking material example of U.S. power and atomic age do not reflect historical significance wealth. Operation Crossroads was the or national pride in a technological beginning of an American determination to test achievement. The blasted remains of the and refine the bomb, and at the same time Industrial Exhibition Hall in Hiroshima, whose make it more commonplace in order to twisted metal dome has become a symbol of alleviate American fears that the bomb made the destructive power of the atomic bomb, and them more like “potential victims” rather than is now known as the “A-Bomb Dome,” is one being “a potential threat to other peoples....’” such site. Termed both a monument “left Crossroads partially succeeded at first by behind by the bomb,” and a memorial to the falsely alleviating some fears, not only at home city demolished by “Little Boy,” the dome is but abroad, yet for the first time it the only tangible remnant of August 6, 1945, demonstrated that the bomb’s greater threat lay apart from the physical and emotional scars of in radioactive contamination. More the survivors, The preservation of the dome importantly, Bikini was part of a swift and was controversial as Hiroshima was rebuilt. complete absorption of the atomic bomb into According to journalist Peter Wyden, many the new and vastly altered landscape of survivors and “peace groups wanted it American defense, in which vigilance, suspicion, preserved as a reminder of human vulnerability, and the concept of the best defense being a especially for American visitors to see.” Others strong offense, born of Pearl Harbor and found it painful, a constant reminder for those confirmed with the development of the bomb, who wanted no reminding.
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