THE ROYAL SOCIETY~ 30TH NOVEMBER,, 1891. .FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. NOVEMBER 30, 1891. (C) prefixed to a name indicates the award of the Copley Medal. (R) .. • . .. .. • • . • Royal Medal. (Rm) , , • • Rumford Medal. (D) . • . • . Davy Medal. (t) is liable to an annual payment of £4. (*) £3. Date of Election, 1860. June 7. t Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus, K.C.B. D.C.L. (Oxon.) D.Sc. (Camb.) V.P.C.S. I R V.P.S. Arts. Hon. Mem. Inst. C.E., Inst. M.E., Ord. Imp. Bras. Rosae Eq. Pres. of Government Committee on Explosives, Sec. of the Imperial Institute. 40 Cadogan-place, S.W.; and lmpe1·ial Institute, Imperial Institute-road, S ...W. 1876. Jan. 20. 11 Aberdaro, Henry Austin Bruce, Lord, G.C.B. F.R.G.S. Duff1'!Jrl, Mountain As!t, South Wales. 1876. June 1. Rm. Abney, William de Wiveleslie, Capt. R.E. C.B. D.C.L. (Dunelm.) F.LC. F.C.S. F.R.A.S. Willeslie House, Wetherby-place, South Kensington, S.W.; and Atlienceum Club. S.\iV. 1847.Jan.21. Aclaud, Sir Henry Wentworth Dyke, Bart., K.C.B. A.M. M.D. LL.D. (Cantab.) F.R.G.S., Coll. Reg. Med. Soc., Hon. Student of Oh. Ch., Radcliffe Librarian and Reg. Prof. of Medicine in the University of Oxford. Broad-stnet, Oxford. 1849. June 7. c. Adams, John Couch, LL.D.(Dubl.). D. Sc. (Camb.)V.P.R.A.S. F.C.P.S. Director of the Observatory and Lowndsean Professor of Astronomy and Geometry in the University of Cambridge, Inst. Fr. (Acad. Sci.) et Acad. Imp. Sci. Petrop. Soc. Corr., Soc. Reg. Sci. Gott. Corresp. Acadd. Reg. Lyne. Romm et Amer. Art. et Sc. Socius, et Acad. Sci. Nat. U.S.A. Assoc. Exfr. The Observatory, Cambridge. 1872. June 6. Adams, William Grylls, M.A. D.Sc. F.G.S. F.C.P.S. Vice-President of Physical Soc. Past Pres. Soc. Tel. Eng. Professor of Natuml Philosophy and Astronomy iu King's College, London. 4-3 Notting-hill-square. vV. 1836.Jan.21. c. Airy, Sir George Biddell-PAST PRESIDENT-K.C.B. l\f.A. D.C.L. (Oxon.) LL.D. R. (Cantab. et Edin.) V.P.R.A.S. Hon. Mcm. R.S.E. R.l.A. F.C.P.S., Ord. Boruss. " Po.ur le ~Merite" Eq., Inst. Fr. (Acad. Sc.) Par. Adsoc. Extr. Acadd. Imp. Sc. Petrop., et Reg. Sc. Berol. Corresp., Soc. Sci. Ital. Romm Soc. Extr., Acadd. Reg. Lyne. Romoo Sc. Lit. Panorm., Holm. et l\ionach. Socc. Reg., Sc. Hafn., Acad. Amer. Art. et Sc. Bost. Nat. Inst. vVashington Socius. The Wltite !louse, Groom's-hill, Greenwich-park. S.E. 1883. Jun.e 7. * Aitchison, James Edw. Tierney, M.D. C.I.E., LL.D. (Edin.) F.R.S.E. F.L.S. F.R.C.S. (Edin.) M.R.C.P. (Edin.) Corresp. Foll. Obst.et. Soc. Edin. Brigade Surgeon H.M. Bengal Army (retired). 20 Chester·-street, Edinbw·gli. 1889. June 6. * Aitken, John, F.R.S.E. lJarroch, Falkii-k. N.B. 1873. June 12. t Aitken, Sir William, M.D. LL.D. (Edin. and Glasc.) l\LR.C.S.E. Prof. of Pathology in the Army Medical School, N etlcy. Grove Cottage, lVoolstone, Southampton. Allman, George James, M.D. LL.D. F.R.S.E. F.R.C.S.I. F.L.S. M.R.I.A. Cor. 1854. June 1. .R. Mem. Z.S. Emeritus Regius Professor of Natural History in the University of EdinLmgh, Ex-Pres. of the Linnean Society, Hon. Fell. Roy. Micros. Soc. Hon. Mem. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Phil. Soc. Yorkshire, Lit. Antiq. Soc. Perth, Triu. Ilist. Soc. Dallas, Texas, Soc. Reg.Sci.Dan.Ilafn.Soc.llonor. Soc. ZooL Bot. Viudob. Socius Honor. Soc. Hist. Nat. Incl Batav. ColT. Ardmore, Pril'l.:stone, Poole, Dorsetshire; and A thenccum Club. S.W. 6 FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. (Nov. 30, 1891.) Date of Election. 1884. June 12. * Allman, George Johnston, LL.D. (Dubl.) D.Sc. Professor of Mathematics iu Queen's College, Galway, Member of Senate of the Royal University of Ireland. St. Maris, Galway. 1879. June 12. Anderson, John, M.D. LL.D. (Edin.) F.R.S.E. F.S.A. F.L.S. F.Z.S. late Superin­ tendent, Indian Museum, and Professor of Comparative Anatomy in the Medical College, Calcutta. 71 Harrington-gardens. S. W. 1891. ,Tune 4. * Anderson, \iVilliam, D.C.L. V.P. Inst. Mech.E., Mem. Inst. C.E., Director General of Ordnance Factories. Lesne!J House, E1·itli; and Royal A1·senal, Woolwicli. 1888. June 7. * Andrews, Thomas, F.R.S.E. F.C.S. l\Iem. Inst. C.E., Telford Medallist aurl Prize­ man. Ravencrag, Wo1·tley, near Slieffield. 1875. June 3. Archer, William, M.R.I.A. National Library of Ireland; and 11 Soutl, F1·ederick­ street, Dublin. 1851. June 19. t Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, Duke of, K.G. K.T. D.C.L. (Oxon.) LL.D. (Camb.) Trust. Brit. Mus. Hon. V.P.R.S. Edin. F.G.S. Argyll Lodge, Ken­ sington, VV.; and Invera1·y Castle, Argyleshfre. 1873. June 12. t Armstrong, Sir Alexander, K.C.B. M.D. LL.D. (Dubl.) F.R.G.S. late Director­ General of the Medical Department of the Navy, Hon. Physician to the Queen and to H.R.H. The Prince of ,Vales. D 2 Albany. W. 1876. June 1. t Armstrong, Henry Edward, Ph.D. (Lips.) Sec. C.S. Professor of Chemistry at the City and Guilds of London Central Institute, South Kensington. 55 Grnn­ ville-pa1·k, Lewisham. S.E. 1846. May 7. Armstrong, William George, Lord, C.B. D.C.L. (Oxon.) LL.D. (Cantab.) Ord. SSrum. Maur. et Lazar. Ital. Gr. Off. Ord. Dannebrog et Ord. Jes. Christ Porto g. Com. Ora. Fr. Jos. Austriae, Ord. Car. III. Hisp. et Ord. Imp. Bras. Rosae Eq. Athenreum Club; Cmgside, Rothbury; and Newcastle-upon­ Tyne. 1880. June 3. * Attfield, John, M.A. Ph.D. (Tub.) F.I.C. F.C.S. Professor of Practical Chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Rritain, Hon. Mem. Amer. Pharm. Assoc., Colls. Pharm. Philad., New York, Mass., Chic., New Hampshire, Ont., and Maryland, and Pharm. Assocs. Liverp., Mauch., Virg., Georgia, and Quebec, Hon. Corresp. 1\'Iem. Soc. Pharm. Paris, Hon. Mem. Pharm. Soc. Gr, Brit., Viet., New South Wales, St. Peters b., Austria, Denmark, East ]!'landm·s, aud A ustra]asia. .A sltlands, Watford; and 1 7 Bloomsbury-sq. ·w.C. 1881. June 2. I * Ayrton, \Villiam Edward, Pres. Phys. Soc. and Inst. Elect. Eng., Professor of Applied Physics in the City and Guilds of London Institute. Central Institution. Exhibition-road. S.\V. 1851. June 5. Babington, Charles Cardale, M.A. F.L.S. F.G.S. F.C.P.S. F.S ..A. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. 5 Brookside, Cambridge. 1885. June 4. * Baird, Andrew \iVilson, Lieut.-Colonel, R.E. Ca1·e of .1.Yessrs. G1·indlay, G1·oom <J Co., Bombay, India. 1890. June 5. Baker, Sir Benjamin, K.C.M.G. LL.D. l\Iem. Inst. C.E., Hon. 1\Iem. Amer. Soc. Meehan. Engs., Soo of Engs., and l\Ianc. Lit. and Phil. Soc. 2 Qiteen­ squa1·e-place, Queen Anne's Afansions, TVestrninster. S.vV. 1878. June 6. t Baker, John Gilbert, F.L.S. Keeper vf the Herbarium, Royal Gardens, Kew. Royal I--Ierbar·iurn, Kew. FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. (Nov. 30, 1891.) 7 Date of Election. 1869. June 3. t Baker, Sir Samuel ·white, M.A. F.R.G.S. Sandford Orleigli, Newton Abbot, Devon. 1888. Jan. 12. t Balfour, Right Hon. Arthur James, D.C.L. 4 Ca1·lton-gardens, S:W.; and Wliittinghame, Prestonkirk, N.B. 1884. June 12. * Balfour, Isaac Bayley, D.Sc. M.D. (Edin.) M.A. (Oxon.) F.R.S.E. F.L.S. F.G.S. Keeper of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, Queen's Botanist in Scotland, and Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh. Inverlt>ith House, Edinburgh. 1873. June 12. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell, Kt., LL.D. M.R.I.A. Soc. Phil. Cam. et Sou. Reg. Edin. Soc. Honor. Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer, Ireland. The Observatory, Dunsink, County Dublin. 1882. June 8. * Ball, Valentine, C.B. M.A. (Dubl.) LL.D. F.G.S. M.R.I.A. Director of the Dublin Museum of Science and Art, Hon. Sec. Roy. Zool. Soc. Ireland. 28 Wate1•loo~ 1·oad, and Museum of Science and A rt, Dublin. 1889. June 6. * Ballard, Edward, M.D. 20 Ciwzon-park, Clieste1·. 1864. June 2. t Barkly, Sir Henry, G.C.M.G. K.C.B. F.R.G.S. 1 Bina-gardens, South Kensington. s.w. 1850. June G. Barlow, \Villiam Henry. High Combe, Olrl Oha1·lton, Kent. 1844. Dec. 12. Barrow, John, F.S.A. F.R.G.S. 17 I-lanove1·-ten·a!'e, Regent's Pm·k. N.W. 1876.Jan.20. t Basing, George Sclater-Booth, Lord. 74 St. Geo1'ge's-square, S.W.; and Hoddington House, Winch.field, IIants. 1889. June u. * Basset, Alfred Barnard, M.A. 322 Oxf01•d-street. W. 1868. June 4. Bastian, Remy Charlton, M.A. M.D. F.L.S. Coll. Reg. Med. Soc. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, University College, Physician to University College Hospital, Corr. l\Iem. Roy. Acad. l\Ied. Turin and Soc. Psychol. Physiolog. Paris. 8.A Nancliester-M/uare. W. 1838. Feb. 8. f Bateman, James, M.A.
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