196_Twerski.qxd 10/02/2008 19:45 Page 2 196_Twerski.qxd 10/02/2008 20:00 Page 3 Photos: Michael Rice& Yochanan Jones Yochanan Photos: Michael Rice& To see our subscription options, please click on the Mishpacha tab 196_Twerski.qxd 10/02/2008 22:08 Page 4 196_Twerski.qxd 10/02/2008 22:09 Page 5 Tucked away in a quiet city in the American Midwest, Rabbi Michel stops and leans over to a guest near him. “It’s on page forty-two in the Arts- and Rebbetzin Feige Twerski have somehow managed to become Scroll bentscher,” he says simply, then immediately resumes the holy nigun. major players on the international Jewish stage. What is the secret His eyes are closed again, but he per- ceives something. The guest is struggling of their far-ranging influence? Mishpacha’s Yisroel Besser spent an with the word “meichalelo,” translated as unforgettable Shabbos with the Twerskis and their community, “from desecrating it.” The Rebbe leans over and explains. Congregation Beth Jehudah, where he experienced the signature “Desecrating the Shabbos is called ‘chillul,’ much like the word ‘chol,’ mun- Twerski blend of sublime holiness and total unpretentiousness. As dane. Can there be a graver sin than treat- ing the king like a commoner?” he shares his impressions, we join the Twerskis for a spirited dance And the song continues. Throughout the meal, I am struggling in shul, a bursting Shabbos table, a visit to an old-age home, and a with this question: the Rebbe and his fam- ily, such noble, uplifting people, yet the at- quiet talk in a warm kitchen — and we watch them unlock the mosphere, even while transcendent, is still magical melodies and messages that touch so many souls so normal, so comfortable. How are they Hachnosas Sefer Torah able to do it; what’s the secret of the unique mood at their table, in their shul, across their community? by Yisroel Besser placed it in the old tape recorder and the comed Shabbos as one, a united entity ichems” coming at me from all direc- z z z first few notes filled the air. welcoming the Queen into their midst. tions. I am inundated by invitations for We arrive at the Rebbe’s home for the The Rebbe himself answers my riving up an icy Route 94 between It was like nothing I’d ever heard I prepare to begin reciting “Mizmor the seudah, and to each I reply that I am seudah, and the guests just keep coming, a question as he speaks divrei Torah at Chicago and Milwaukee, through before. Shir L’Yom HaShabbos,” when sudden- eating at the Rebbe’s home; then they seemingly endless array of people being the seudah. the American Midwest, I made a A voice that was at once wise and ly I feel a surge of energy in the crowd smile, as if at a secret to which only greeted by the Rebbe and Rebbetzin. The He is discussing the weightlessness of D the luchos, their total freedom from the promise to myself. I would not resort to comforting, melodies that were hopeful and my eyes follow the current to the they are privy. “You will enjoy it,” they Rebbetzin makes each feel welcome, spe- using tired cliches about the cold weather and moving. It was the kind of music front of the room. The Rebbe is de- assure me. cial, honored. constraints of the finite and physical. “And such is the way of the Torah it- and the warm reception. that has the power to transport the lis- scending from his seat towards the z z z The Rebbe is at once engrossed in the Alas, I cannot help myself; it was so tener to another dimension, another crowd. Reb Michel and Rebbetzin Feige Twers- loftiest of tasks, preparing the wine bot- self and those who learn it, not to occupy very cold outside and so very warm inside. world. In the months and years that fol- They begin to dance. ki have built this community, the Torah tles, humming a holy tune, yet also in- any space at all. The great Torah leaders were also the people of the greatest humil- z z z lowed, Reb Michel’s voice became the It isn’t the most lively dance that I community of Milwaukee, with their volved in the practicalities; he is carrying My introduction to Reb Michel Twerski, voice of inspiration, the holy expres- have ever seen nor is it the most emo- own hands. Both of them scions of chas- up chairs from the basement for the many ity. Torah itself, and those who learn the Hornisteipeler Rebbe of Milwaukee, sions of his heart a guide. tional. What it is, however, is totally au- sidic aristocracy, they came to Milwau- guests. Torah, simply aren’t there, they don’t take up space at all.” had come years earlier. It was a dark af- z z z thentic: a real expression of joy and in- kee in 1961, when Orthodox Judaism, let This mixture, the fusion of sublime ternoon near the end of a long winter So as I enter the beautiful sanctuary of spiration, a resounding proclamation by alone chassidic, was in decline. holiness with total unpretentiousness, is And I have my answer: this most zman, and we were sitting in our dirah, Congregation Beth Jehudah for Kabbalas an entire tzibbur that they are ready and When Reb Michel’s father, the evident throughout the meal. The Rebbe is unpretentious of couples takes up no our bochurim’s apartment, in the heart of Shabbos, I am prepared — indeed eager willing to let the light of Shabbos shine Rebbe Reb Yaakov Yisroel, arrived in singing “Kol Mekadesh” to an ancient space at all. Jerusalem. Someone came in waving — to be moved. into their hearts. Milwaukee in the 1920s, it was a bas- tune, hallowed notes with mystical under- z z z aloft a new cassette tape, entitled The It is after the joyous, vibrant Lechah I watch in awe as they dance, this tion of Russian Jews, Yidden to whom tones, his face ablaze, when he suddenly The tisch on Friday night is done the Music of Rabbi Michel Twerski. He Dodi, just after the congregation has wel- crew of Milwaukee chassidim, chas- the names of “Hornisteipel” and “Cher- sidim with long beard and no beard, nobyl” were sacrosanct. He soon had a with shtreimlach and baseball caps, in dedicated nucleus of warm chassidim The Rebbe is singing “Kol bekeshes and sweaters, their exteriors around him, and in his shul, Beth Jehu- Mekadesh” to an ancient so different, their innards aflame. dah, the sacred traditions of Chassidus On the bimah, a lone boy, clearly were carried on. The community tune, hallowed notes with hampered by severe physical and men- revered and loved their Rebbe and the tal limitations, dances alone, his beauti- Rebbetzin Devorah Leah, a daughter of mystical undertones, his ful features alight. the Kedushas Tzion, Reb Ben Zion of At the head of the line, the Rebbe Bobov. face ablaze, when he dances, leading … no, stopping. He But like their brothers all across suddenly stops and leans reaches out to a small child and pulls America, that generation could do little him to the head of the line, and then to keep their children away from the over to a guest near him. they continue, hundreds of Yidden, lure and attraction of the American their Rebbe and the small boy, their feet street. Their Shabbos tables were empty “It’s on page forty-two in pounding out a song of greeting. and still, the children out making mon- It’s Shabbos in Milwaukee. ey or studying, pursuing the American the ArtScroll bentscher,” z z z dream. After davening they file by the Rebbe. What Reb Michel inherited was he says simply, For each, he has a kind word, a joke, a empty pews and yahrtzeit plaques. then immediately resumes thought; they turn to him as flowers turn So he rebuilt. The Rebbe at a Purim seudah, surrounded by children towards the sun. I am greeted warmly He is a Rebbe, but also a father, a the holy nigun by all the mispallelim, the “shalom ale- counselor, a best friend. 26 7 Adar I 5768 2.13.08 27 196_Twerski.qxd 10/02/2008 19:48 Page 6 196_Twerski.qxd 10/02/2008 19:48 Page 7 Milwaukee way; held at the home of gles; one, to take the plunge, and the the Rebbe’s son, Reb Ben Zion, himself second, to keep fighting, to maintain a captivating and dynamic personality. that initial zeal and fervor.” Perhaps at the Milwaukee tisch there are no parenches, the bleachers so At seven-thirty on Shabbos morn- prevalent at more-traditional tischen, ing, the shul is filled with people, lis- and no pushing, but here, in the warmth tening eagerly to a shiur by Reb Ben and camaraderie of Reb Ben Zion’s liv- Zion. They are studying a collection of ing room, Shabbos is tangible. chassidic writings on the significance The people sing and then the Rebbe and meaning of the various wedding speaks. customs in preparation for the upcom- “What were the two things that ing chasunah of Reb Ben Zion’s oldest drew Yisro close, which convinced him son. The community will be traveling to to cast his lot with the Jewish people? the wedding en masse, and they want to Rashi, quoting Chazal, tells us that it be ready. was the splitting of the sea and the war Reb Ben Zion is far more than his with Amalek that were the catalysts for father’s assistant; he is the pride of a At the chasunah of Rabbi Eliezer Geldzahler, ztz"l, and the Rebbe's daughter Baila, his conversion.
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