SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934 SPARTANSPARTAN DAILYDAILY WWW.THESPARTANDAILY.COM VOLUME 122, NUMBER 09 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2004 “The Rock & Roll Barber” A.S. fi ghts students’ deportation Board also hears plea for Bay Area man jailed by Chinese government Dafa Association at SJSU, spoke to the By John Myers board along with the accompaniment of Daily Staff Writer Yeong-Ching Foo, the fi ancee of Charles Li, an American citizen and former The San Jose State University As- Menlo Park resident who is currently sociated Students government addressed incarcerated in China. more than everyday events during its According to Lam, Li was arrested meeting Wednesday. and prosecuted for practicing Falun The governing body also considered Dafa, a meditation technique also known political problems that affect more as Falun Gong. Li was sentenced on than just the students on campus, such March 21, 2003, to three years in prison as a family’s possible deportation and in China, according to Friends of Falun an American citizen’s incarceration in Gong, an American nonprofi t organiza- China. tion that supports the freedom of people Director of Governing Affairs Huy who practice Falun Gong. Tran proposed Resolution 03/04-08 to “Falun Gong is persecuted in voice the Associated Students’ opposi- China,” Lam said. “Communist China tion to the deportation of the Cuevas feared a rapid growth (of Falun Gong family, including Dale and Dominique practitioners).” Cuevas who both attend SJSU, accord- Foo explained ing to the meeting’s the success she has Photos by Susan D. Reno / Daily Staff agenda. The board had in speaking voted to pass the “Personally, I believe on campuses in ABOVE: Ken Parker, also known as “The Rock & Roll Barber,” chats with one of resolution 7-6. California. his regular customers, Jim Barnett, on Tuesday afternoon. His shop, Ken’s Hubb “Personally, I be- we are moving in “We’ve contacted Barbershop, has been operating since 1963 and is located on Tenth Street next lieve we are moving the wrong direction the governor’s offi ce to Robert’s Bookstore. His services include $12 haircuts and $6 beard trims. in the wrong direc- and the state tion with the war on with the war on department,” Foo terror,” said Tran, said. “Now I ask a senior majoring terror. (The Cuevas that San Jose State LEFT: Ken Parker keeps various tools on a shelf just behind in political science. family) was doing cosign to pass the his barber’s chair. The brush is used to sweep away extra “(The Cuevas resolution.” hair from the customer’s face and neck. family) was doing nothing wrong but According to the nothing wrong but enjoying their lives in Friends of Falun enjoying their lives Gong, the Chinese in America.” America.” government The agenda convicted Li of pre- also details that, paring to sabotage with the passing media equipment, For the story and more photos, see page 8 of the resolution, - Huy Tran, but Li was really the Associated A.S. director of persecuted for his Students will urge practice of Falun the Academic governing affairs Gong. Senate and SJSU “The whole College-aged voters ducking polls interim President media is controlled Joseph Crowley to in China,” Foo said. oppose the family’s pending deportation “No voice is allowed. The persecution is The U.S. Census Bureau statistics for the predetermined. They believe it’s obsolete,” as well as ask California senators Dianne based on lies.” Last day to register November 2000 elections show that 67.7 Hofer said. Feinstein and Barbara Boxer to stop the Foo said that she hopes SJSU will percent of eligible voters ages 18 to 24 did not She also said she believes the younger deportation. help her cause by the Associated Stu- vote. The U.S. Census Bureau reported most generation needs to wake up and realize that In regards to the slim margin with dents’ creating and passing a resolution for California registered voters actually did go out and vote, they can make a difference. which the resolution passed, Tran felt to voice its support for Li. making the younger demographic stand out. According to the U.S. Census Bureau Web that the votes came down to whether or The remainder of the public forum primary is Feb. 17 Marian Hofer, a junior majoring in math- site, people who participate in voting at the polls not the voter felt as if the Cuevas family section of the meeting was devoted to a ematics, is the president of Students for Dean, are homeowners, married couples, older people had broken the law. presentation promoting Stanford Blood an organization at SJSU that solely supports and those with higher incomes, educations and “The consequences are nowhere near Center’s blood drive that will be held By Theresa Smith Democratic candidate Howard Dean. Hofer good jobs. worth the values of their lives,” Tran on campus on Feb. 21. This will be the said she started the organization in September The younger demographic (ages 18 to 24) Daily Staff Writer said. fi rst time the A.S. has worked with the 2003 and it currently has 47 members. made up 36 percent of voters for 2000 presiden- The main topic of the public forum Stanford Blood Center to host such an The Students for Dean organization partici- tial election. The highest in participation was With the March 2 California primary elec- section of the meeting was focused more event. pates in tabling on campus twice a week to try senior citizens ages 65 to 74. tion approaching, students are being targeted on international affairs. One topic of debate among the board to lure students in to register to vote, in addition to vote because many younger people who are Currently, there are fi ve remaining Tuan Lam, president of the Falun members was Act 51, an act proposed to pushing for Dean, she said. eligible to vote are not going to the polls, ac- democratic presidential candidates looking to “Students who register to vote tell me cording to the U.S. Census Bureau for Voting that their voice does not count and things are see VOTING, page 5 see A.S., page 5 and Registration. INSIDE Disgruntled pre-nursing students SPORTS | page 7 force meeting with provost, dean students into the nursing program. By Claire Taylor This letter, signed by 66 pre-nursing Daily Staff Writer students, prompted an open-forum town hall meeting between students and faculty to be More than fi ve dozen pre-nursing majors held today from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in room 164 waiting to be admitted to the nursing program of the Science building. have expressed frustration with the way the According to an agenda for the meeting, school of nursing and the administration at Goodman, Ego and Cohen are scheduled San Jose State University have treated them, to give a welcome address, with Cohen also said Rafael Romo, a post-baccalaureate junior speaking about funding efforts and potential majoring in nursing. changes to the nursing department. Romo recently took up the cause of Pre-nursing students are nursing majors bringing these students’ concerns directly who have not completed the requirements for to the desks of provost Marshall Goodman, entering the nursing program, Romo said. College of Applied Sciences and Arts dean To enter the program, one must be accepted Michael Ego and school of nursing director to SJSU and be a continuing student, said Nicholas R. Wright / Daily Staff Jayne Cohen. Rosemary Mann, undergraduate coordinator In a letter sent to Goodman, Ego and for the school of nursing. Melissa Van Natta, left, a second-year nursing student, reacts to the news that Cohen, along with a signed petition, Romo A student then has to complete the 11 Siebel Open she isn’t offi cially registered to take the nursing skills III class she is attend- cited two major concerns of some pre-nursing prerequisites and obtain and send offi cial ing. The school of nursing is receiving criticism from some nursing majors who students: a lack of accessibility to academic believe they are being treated poorly. Also pictured is second-year nursing advising and unfair practices for admitting see NURSING page 4 Roddick advances student Amanda Ramar. , to round 2 PAGE 2 THE SPARTAN DAILY THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2004 • OPINION • BEHIND BLUE EYES Innovators of musical genres win big at Grammys Well, kids, it’s official. the audience and the people who want to sue him because again that the reinvention and originality of their musical Airport. Their original intentions were to do their thing OutKast has been dubbed your hip-hop gods for 2003 it “offends” them that he is rich a half-assed apology about genres are what will gain merit and achieve greatness. on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” naïve of how big of an impact as they were bombarded with wins Sunday night at the how sorry he was for actually trying to make the Super (Yes, I know P. Diddy won a Grammy, but there are they would have in America. But this “thing” turned into Grammys. Bowl halftime show interesting again. always exceptions to the rule.) much, much more. Beyonce and all her hotness can also put her name atop Timberlake is the man right now. Hooking up with top British band Coldplay may have shocked many with their Beatlemania swept the nation, and the rest is history. the list of all-time female award winners, alongside Lauryn music producers, including the Neptunes and win with “Clocks” for best record, but if They started the British music invasion, paving the Hill, Norah Jones and Alicia Keys with five Grammy wins Timbaland, and most likely a very expensive you have listened to the emotion and pas- way for many other bands to become huge in the United in one night.
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