f 0 4 7 9 8 0 0 0 3 DUOUESNE UNIVERSITY LOCUST1^COLBERT STREETS P A 1521*? PITTSBURG! I PITTSBURGH I slalilished in I S4 4 : \mor-u as < Jldrst I atholit Now spapt-r in ( oolllHHMIN Publication Friday. April 5. 1985 141th Year. CXL! No 2 20 cents Bishops’ OFFICIAL pastoral ‘Good conquers evil’ delayed Rejoice Heavenly Powers! Sing Choirs oj Angels! E xu lt alt creation around God s Throne! Jesus Christ our King is risen! until 1986 Rejoice O Mother Church! Exuit In G lory! WASHINGTON INC 1 — The final The Risen Sauior shines upon you! text ol the U.S bishops pastoral letter on the economy will be My dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. delayed until 1986. it was announced April 1. The beautiful words of the Easter Proclamation seem to A second drai l originally due this explode with Joy as they announce the Good News which we spring will be delayed until this celebrate on this Easter Day Jesus Christ is risen from the September. dead! The new plan could lead to a Jesus Christ is risen from the dead! That apparently simple special 1986 spring meeting of the statement constitutes the heart and soul of our Christian bishops Just to debate and vole on Faith. That bold proclamation has touched our lives and the economics pastoral Otherwise changed the world The Resurrection of Jesus gives to the the vote would probably come at the world every reason to live In confidence and hope and joy. It bishops regular fall meeting In November 1986. teaches the ultimate truth that good conquers evil, that life is Completion ol the economic stronger than death! pastoral was originally scheduled The victory of lile over death asserts itseli over and over for this November, with a lull again. In our own lives, because of our faithful observance of second draft due this spring for Lent, we have died to ourselves and have come to life with discussion at a June national Christ. Throughout the Easter Season, the whole Church m eeting ol the bishops In rejoices with the new members who have been washed clean Collegeville, Minn. in the life giving waters of Baptism. Even nature seems to But many bishops wanted more celebrate the Resurrection of Christ! The arrival of Spring lime to take full advantage ol the provides us with the glory of bright days blue skies, warm rich debate" that has had an almost unprecedented level ol sunshine, and and abundance of plants and animals, flowers grassroots Involvement, said and fields. Lord, how glorious is Thy Name in all the earth. Bishop James Malone ol (Psalm 8) Youngstown. Ohio, president ol the My hope and prayer lor you. my beloved brothers and sisters National Conference ol Calhollt of the Pittsburgh Diocese, is that you will rejoice in the new life Bishops and U.S. Catholic of Jesus every day oi your life. May Christ the Morning Star, Conference. who came back from the dead, shine his peaceful light on all The joy of Easter Some bishops also said they mankind, both now and forever Amen. Eighteen month old Katie Sllppey reflects the joy plants and animals, Jlowers and fields. Katie Is wanted more time "to prepare for oj Easier amid the lilies and tulips on display at the daughter of Bud and Carol Sllppey of effective pastoral and educational Slncerly yours in Christ, our Savior. Phipps Conservatory in Oakland. In his Easier Resurrection Parish. Brookline. The annual spring lollow up. he said. 1 he delay would message. Bishop Bevllacqua pointed to this Jlower show at Phipps will be on view through also allow time for I uller d Iscussion reality, that "even nature seems to celebrate the Sunday, April 14, and is open dallyjrom 9a.m. to 5 ol a chapter on lood and Resurrection of Christ. The arrival of Spring p.m. and 7 to 9 pm . agriculture, he added. That chapter Bishop of Pittsburgh provides us with the glory of bright days, blue —Color photo by John C. Keenan was not yet written when the first Easter. 1985 skies, warm sunshine and an abundance of draft was issued Bishop Malone wrote to the nations bishops March 29 to Inform them ol the new timetable for the pastoral. His letter was made public three days later. Many preparing for new parish in Braddock The pastoral letter on Catholic social teaching and the U.S economy is being drafted by a live Miss Poblcki said that an Interim parish council, made up The new parish will be formally be instituted at a prayer By STEPHEN KARL INC HAK bishop comm ittee headed by oi two members from each oi the outgoing parishes, has service at 2 p.m Saturday, April 27, in the parish church on Braddock Avenue. Archbishop Rcmbert Weakiand ol A series oi activities have been under way in preparation already had two meetings, a get acquainted session and a According to Fr. Frank Sokol, assistant director oi the Milwaukee. lor the new Good Shepherd Parish in Braddock, which will business session with more business sessions to be held. diocesan religious education office who is coordinating the The new schedule, Bishop be instituted on Saturday. April 27. The diocesan research and planning office also has ceremonies, the service will begin with a gathering oi the Malone said, calls lor: On that dale Bishop Bevllacqua will consolidate six tabulated the results oi three surveys that were distributed members oi the six former parishes. In the opening • May 10. 1985: Completion Braddock Rankin area parishes — SL Brendan. St. Isidore. to parishioners on the first three Sundays oi Lent to procession will be 12 represen tat Ives from each oi the and mailing to the bishops ol the St. Joseph. St. Mary oi Mount Carmel. St. Michael and St. determine the future direction oi parish life In the areas oi former parishes, the members oi the Interim parish council, lood and agriculture chapter. Thomas — into the Good Shepherd parish, which will use Mass scheduling, educational and catechetical programs, the bishops, the priests and members oi Religious Originally that was to have been St. Michael Church lor worship, effective the weekend oi and social service and social programs. congregations. sent out in mid-April. Good Shepherd Sunday. April 28. • June 14 18, 1985 The Meanwhile, on Monday. April 8, at 7 p.m . Aux. Bishop For the first survey. Miss Poblck said that 415 forms were Fr. Sokol said that after Bishop Bevllacqua Installs Fr. returned. She said that respondents were generally satisfied Boyle as the pastor, Fr. Boyle will receive six symbols oi the bishops, gathered lor their meeting Anthony Bosco will convene a meeting in the Good in Collegeville. discuss a about the proposed schedule oi one Saturday evening Mass pastorate from the members oi the parish council. Shepherd Parish Center (the former St. Thomas District substantive outline" ol the and three Sunday Masses, but that those involved with the Four oi the symbols. Fr. Sokol said, represent a pastor's High School Building) for Braddock-Rankin area civic, proposed second draft and a transition could revise the Mass schedule after the census is four ministries — liturgical, catechetical, apostolic and commercial, educational and political leaders. Bishop synthesis ol the major comments completed. administrative. The lituigical ministry. Father said, will be Bosco. as chairperson oi the Braddock Rankin study and reactions to the first draft." represented by the presentation ol the new parish's committee, will introduce Fr. Robert Boyle, the pastor Concerning the educational and catechetical Originally, a full second dralt was to baptismal register, a list ol the members ol its confirmation designate for the new parish, and the members oi the questionnaire. Miss Poblcki said only 58 responses were be in the bishops' hands by the class, and a list oi members ol Its first Eucharist class interim parish council to the community leaders and the received They maybe lew. but the responses were positive, June meeting. Representing the catechetical ministry, he said, would be bishop will explain the process lor the implementation oi she said. The responses were along the lines oi The • September 1985 Completion the presentation of significant church documents, such as the new parish. programs sound good and we are are looking lorward to and mailing to bishops ol a second the documents of the Second Vatican Council and the Presently, the diocesan Office for Research and Planning having them.' Or they were suggestions to Improve the draft. The original deadline lor this National Catechetical Directory. has been in the process of conducting a census for the new curriculum oi the school." was mid-May. parish. Mary Ann Poblcki. director oi the diocesan research A list of the sick oi the parish will be presented to Fr. Boyle The second questionnaire, she said, covered the areas oi • Nov. 11-15. 1985: Discussion and planning office, said that 722 census forms have been to represent the apostolic ministry. Fr. Sokol said. For the the parish school. CCD programs, sacramental preparation of the second draf t — but no voting returned as of March 29. That figure, she said, Includes administrative ministry, the keys ol the parish church and programs and adult education programs. T^e comments —- at thebishops yearly fall meeting many one-member households. parish center will be presented to Fr. Boyle. Fr. Sokol sard received, she said. Concerned scheduling lor i l h t l m . sites in Washington. Originally this was On the preliminary census form, she said that . , Ip addition. Fr. Sokol said that Fr Boyle will receive two and transportation for the educational programs.
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