THE SCROLL OF PHI DELTA THETA VOLUME XLIII Numbers i and 2 October and Decenil)fr, HJIS Numbers ^ and 4 Kebruary and .April. KjH) EDITOK .\MI .M\N\i:rK rilOMAS .VLEX.WKIR O.WIS .Kssisi \N I IJH IIM; W.M.II'R l!i;\.|.\MI\ r.M.MlR PUr.I.ISlIED r.V TIIK I'R.\TI'RMTV INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII (.'il.MlMI.ED ]:\ \\'\I,TER 1!. PAIMEK V.M-.E .\lumni Club^, Correspondence of 70, 201 .\lumni l)ay Topic, I<)l8 (l'oluinc .xliii) 3114 .\rena, The \]'a¡lir B. I'almer 27 Robert Freeman, Allegheny. '04 Wallcr B. Palmer 21) ^'. M. C. A. Director in France Klmer C. Ilenderson, W'estminster, '()3 James S. Morrison 5 l'resident of the General Council Gfor^c D. Kierulff, California, 'qb Tltomas .i. Da'c'is 6 Sccretary of the General Council Richard H. I.ittie, Illinois ¡¡'rslcyan. '()5 ^'. M. ('. A. Worker in France Edivard /". Bell in Chicago Xc.i's 3,^ John E. Meisenhelder, Gcttyshurg. 'qy George II. Kain 7 Historian of the General Council 1!) ríe J. Osborne, Miiinesala, '11 Walícr B. Palmer 28 Sky Pilot William L. Sli(lj;cr, .llleghcny. 'lo Wallcr B. Palmer 31 \. M. ('. .\. .Si'cretary in F'rance. I.Duis 11. Win Norman, C. C. \. Y., 'qi Cily College Quarlerly ^li Clnef División of Informatiím, War Trade Hoard .\enophon P. Wilflcy, Washington (St. I.ouis), \)q. .. .Wallcr B. Palmer 27 l'nited Stntes .Senator from Missouri .\rcna, The, Personal Xolcs Wallcr B. f'almcr 3; Canil W. Dolcn. 3;; Will II. llaves, ;;; Isaac R. Ilitt, 3:;; Edward D. Rich, 3?. Chaptcr Corresiiondence 41. 144 Chapter Finances Frcd R. Coioles 107 Clia|ilci' Grand, The, Riofjraphical .\o(cs Thcmas .1. Dai'is 12; Clifton R. Anderson, Centre. '75 f)ainnllc .\'. -iKs-faf, r 12; Millón McL. r>ard\\i-I!, .^f^rsissififii. 'o'i Ifarlford Herald 126 Josei)li C S. P>lackbHrn, C.-nlre. '57 Cineinnali Enqu'irer 127 liirnev Boardman Bosworth, Vermonl. 't)i l'ni-'erri/y .^fonllilv 1^7 Franklin Trving Rooth, C. C. .V. )'.. 'Sg Irihur .1/.' .\feC~illis 12S Cari lldward Chilberjj, U'as/niiglon Slale. '20. .. .IVilliam M. UrqiiliarI 121) Geor<;e E. DcGolia, California. '77 San Francisco Chronitle 130 William E. DeRiemer, í.aierenee. '62 Jl'ashinglon Slar 131 Milton R. Conlcy, Hfissouri. 'c)2 F,. M. Brown 131 Ttiriam C. Fisk, Slanford, '00 Miheaiikee Seiilinel 131 Pcrcy McG. Gcrwi.L,'. f'eniisyh'ania í^lale. "20 Belford /". Carpenler. John C. Ralslon, Jacob If. l'an .lernam 132 \V¡lli.im B. Ilardman, Mereer. 'S6 M¡i¡ule\- Gei'rgia BaptisI Com'enlion 132 Robert David Ilays, ]\'¡¡Uam.<:. 'n trthur G. Tingo 133 George Thomas Kelly, Wiseonsin. "04 Chicago Tnhnne 133 John C. Knox, l'nion. 'qo Seheuerlady Union-Slar 133 George McKinnon, .\¡'rlh Carolina. 'SS ¡-'red J. Co.xe 134 TIenry Clav Mabie, Chicago. '6S Chicago Tribune 134 ^'irginius E. Manor, Washington and /.,<•. '11 H'- ¿~' /,. .4nnual 134 Julicn G. Miller. ¡I'e.'lmin.tler. "o; Saulheasl .Missourian 134 .\rchio Oakes, .^f¡elngan, 'oq Thomas .1. Da''is 13; John F Philips, Ceñir,-. "5; f\'ansas City Slar 136 Edward E. Porter, WiUiain.í. 'i; Broohlyn Eagle T37 Xalhaniel B. Potter, C. C X. V .' "S,S V.K. York Times 137 Richard B. Scandrett, Wasliinglon and Jefferson. 'S5 Pillsburgh .llttmni Club 13S Cari C. Scarle, H'ashhurn. '13 Thomas .-!. Davis 140 THE SCROLL PACE Clinton B. Sebastian, Missouri, '76 E. M. Brown 140 William Taylor Stott, Franklin, '61 Yandell C. Cune 140 Everett K. Swasey, Vermonl, '15 George Af. Sabin 141 Helmus W. Thompson, Minnesota, '88 Porlland Journal 142 Shunzo Takaki, Pennsylvania. '08 Brookiyn Eagle 142 Columbus D. Whitehead, Wabash, '73 Mansas Cily Star 143 Harry P. Willis, Union, '97 Hornell Tribune-Times 143 Jay W. Wood, Washington (Seattle), 'ig Seatlle Post-Inlelligencer 143 Chapter Grand, Initiates of the Thomas A. Davis 115 Chapter Houses, see Missouri Alpha. Collegiana Wallcr B. Palmer 82 Brown University Adopts the All-Year Couxie.New York Evening Posl 83 Reported by Correspondents of Contemporaries Walter B. Palmer 84 Students' Army Training Corps Walter B. Palmer 82 War Problems of Universities Ke-w York Evening Globe 82 Editorial Thomas A. Davis 36 Four Problems Confronting Chapters Thomas .1. Davis 39 Eraternity Conditions at the Cióse of War Thomas A. Davis 37 Resumption of Peace 38 The General Council, Members of 3^" Founders' Day Topic, 1919, Our Returned Héroes 87 General Council Meeting, E.xcelsior Springs, Mo., 1918. .Thomas A. Davis 25 Hellenica Walter B. Palmer 75 A Decade of Inter-fraternity Comity. .Francis W. Shepardson, B 6 II loi Delta Tau Delta Catalogue, see Reviews. Inter-fraternity Conference, 1918 George Bania gg William H. P. Faunce 100 Editorial Dinner Frank F. Rogcrs, ATA 105 Reported by Correspondents of Contemporaries Waller B, Palmer 78 The Denizens of Greekland IValter B, Palmer 77 The March of the Greeks, Tgi5-i8 ]Valler B, Palmer 75 Williams College, Rushing Agreement at, Z "I' and A ^ Secede Williams College Record 106 Indiana Delta's Big Brother Plan Yandell C, Cline i? Missouri .\lpha's Chapter House Doyle íf. Collón T3 Missouri Beta's Members in War Work Charles F, Lamkin 86 New York Zeta Greeted Colgate Correspondence, 2 X Delta 87 Oklahoma .Alpha Greeted Oklahoma Correspondence, Bela Thela Pi 87 Oregon Beta Greeted Oregon Agricultura! Correspondence, Kappa Alpha Thela 87 Oregon Beta, Installation of Elmer C. Henderson 14 Our Eraternity Fred R. Caíales 17 Pennsylvania Iota Greeted. .Pittsburgh Correspondence, ATA Rainbow 86 Pittsburgh Correspondence, Phi Gamma Delta 86 Pennsylvania Kappa Greeted Swarthmore Correspondence, Kappa Alpha Thela 87 Plattsburg Camp, Phis at Edgar D. Ballard 72 Pyx Waller B. Palmer 86 SrROLL, THE. 1875-78 ]Valler P Palmer 86 Tennessee Alpha's Members in War Work Waller B. Palmer 86 United States Naval Academy, Phis at, igi8 Tohn A. Baker 70 University of Missouri, Historical .Sketch Doyle W. Collón 9 Venereal Diseases, Message from the Surgeon General Rupert Bine T13 Washington Gamma Greeted, Oregon State Correspondence Kappa Alpha Theta 87 Washington Ga.mma, Installation of Elmer C. Henderson 14 f.XDEX TO VOLUME XLIII ILLUSTRATIONS P.\(;E General í'ouncil, 1918 25 Interfraternily Conference, igiS i)S .Missouri Alpha's Chapter House 10, 12 Plattsburg Camj), Phis at, 1918 7."! l'ortraits, The Arena—Robert Freeman, 30; liyrle J. Osborne, 29; Wil­ liam L. Stidger, 32; Louis 11. \ an Norman, 34; Xenophon P. Wilfley, -"• . Portraits. Chapter Grand—Clifton R. .\n<ler'-on, 125 ; .\rchie Oakes. 135 ; Cari C. Searle, I3g ; William T. Stott, 141. Portraits. General Council—Elmer C. Henderson, 4; George D. KierullT, 6; John E. Mcisenhelder, 8. United States .Naval .'\cademy, Phis al, 1918 gS PROFESSIONAL CARDS, $1 PER YEAR. PROFESSIONAL DIEECTORY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - WASHINGTON CONGRESSION.\L INFORMATION BUREAU Furnishes any data or information desired from the National Capital. Transacts any business at Washington. CLAL'DE N BEN.N'ETT. Manager, Emory, *88 Bond Building, Washingron ALABAMA, B1RMIX(;H.\M INDIANA. RICIIMOND FR.XNK B. CL.ARK, CECIL L. CLARK, (Alabama, '05) (Indiana, '11) Can secure for you 7 per cent and 8 per ATTORNEY AT LAW cent interest on your money COLLECTIONS on first mortgage loans Second National Bank Building ALABAMA, BIRMINGH.\M LOUISIANA, NEW ORLEANS ROBERT G. TH.^CH, HER^L'\N^T B. GESSXER. M.D. (Thach & Underwood) GENERAL SURGERY ATTCRNEY AT LAW nos Maison Blanche, . New Orleans, La. 223-6 First Nati. Bank BIdg. CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO LOUISIANA, NEW ORLEANS EDWARD T. LANNON, ROBERT H. MARR, ATTORNEY AT LAW .\TTORNEY AT LAW Sefton Building San Diego, California No. 718 Hennen BIdg., New Orleans COLORADO. DENVER MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON CHARLES E. FRIl-.XD, EDWARD C. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ATTORNEY AT LAW (Colorado Beta, '11) 61 Court Street, Boston 903 Central Savings Bank MISSISSIPPI, CLEVELAND DISTRICT OF COLU.MBIA ROBERT X. SOMERVILLE, ISAAC R. HITT, ex T. G. C. .\BE D. SOMER\ILLE, ATTORNEY AT Liw (Somerville & Somerville) United States Commissioner ATTORNEY AT LAW Commissioner of IVecIs; Notary Public Cleveland, Missi^sippi Maryland Building Washington, D. C. MTSSOURI^ ST. LOUIS IDAIIO. MOSCOW KARL H. HODGE, WM. E. LEE. (Williams, 1914) Re^resenting Friedman-D'Oench Bond Co. LAWYER Moscow, Idaho MUNICIPAL BONOS 300 North Broadway St. Louis ILLIXOIS, CHICAGO WTLFRED C. LAÑE, XEW JERSEY, EAST ORANGE (Brown Ex-'OI) FRKDERICK P. SCHEXXK, .'\ttorney and Counsclor at Law Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights, Cor- COUNSELOR AT LAW, N. Y. AND N. J. porations, Bankruptcy (Syracuse, '95) 1520 Marquette Bldg. Representative of Hubbell's List New York Ofiice, 2 Rector Street INDIANA, FORT W.VYNE E. U. HULSE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK (TAYLOR & HULSE) PATENT CAUSES AND THOMAS H. BASKERVILLE, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW plekfron Bldg. Fort Wayne 31 Nassau Street New York, N. Y. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CONTINUED NEW YORK, NEW YORK PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA L. E. DRUMMOND, CLIFTON MALONEY, DRUMMOND'S DETECTIVE AGENCY (L. E. Drummond, New York Gamma, (Pennsylvania, '92) and A. L. Drummond, ex-Chief U. S. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Secret Service.J 405-6-7 Betz Building Philadelphia, Pa. Park Row and Ann Sts., New York, N. Y. CHARLES RAYMOND YOUNG NEW YORK, NEW YORK EUGENE PITOU, JR., ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC CIVIL ENGINEER & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Offices: West Chester, Pa.; Coatesville, Designs and Estimates for Improving and Pa. Dickinson, '09 Constructing the Grounds of City and Suburban Properties Phone, Barclay 6084. 229 Broadway, N. Y. SOUTH DAKOTA, IPSWICH HIRAM E. BEEBE, OHIO, eiNCINNATI (South Dakota, '07) CAMPBELL JOHNSTON \'ICE-PRESIDENT BANK OF IPSWICH (Miami, '10) 6% Farm Loans ATTORNEY AT LAW 816 Gwynne, Cinci'nnati, Ohio TEXAS, DALLAS OHIO, CLEVELAND ALEX POPE, WILLIAM R.
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