Lord, receive also our supplications at this Mode 2. (intoned) present time, and direct our lives according Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the to your commandments. Sanctify our souls; Holy Spirit purify our bodies; set our minds right; clear O Lord, if we did not have Your Saints up our thoughts, and deliver us from every as intercessors, and Your benevolence being sorrow, evil and distress. Surround us with compassionate towards us, how would we your holy Angels so that being guarded and dare to extol You, O Savior, whom the Angels guided by their presence, we may arrive at the bless unceasingly? O Master who know our unity of the faith and the knowledge of your hearts, we pray You to spare our souls. (SD) ineffable glory; for blessed are you unto the ages of ages. Amen. Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. O Theotokos, my offences are indeed very many. * To you I run, O Maiden pure, and I Glory to the Father and the Son and the pray for salvation. * Visit my infirm and ailing Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and to the ages soul, * and pray for me to your Son and our of ages. Amen. God, * to grant to me forgiveness for the evils I Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and have done, O only blessed Lady. (SD) in glory greater beyond compare than the CHOIR Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth Mode 2. to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. O all-holy Theotokos, during my lifetime, You do we magnify. I pray do not abandon me, nor entrust me to In the name of the Lord, Father, bless! merely human protection; rather you help me PRIEST yourself and have mercy on me. (SD) May God have compassion on us and O Mother of God, I have committed my bless us; may his face shine upon us and have every hope wholly unto you. Keep me under mercy on us. (SD) your shelter. READER READER Amen. Lord, have mercy. (40) PRIEST O Christ our God, who at all times and at Prayer of St. Ephraim every hour, both in heaven and on earth, are O Lord and Master of my life, do not worshipped and glorified, long suffering and permit the spirit of laziness and meddling, the plenteous in mercy and compassion; who love lust for power and idle talk to come into me. the just and show mercy to the sinners; who Instead, grant me, your servant, the spirit call all men to salvation through the promise of prudence, humility, patience and love. of the blessings to come: Do you, the same 13 Yes, Lord and King, give me the power Lord, have mercy. (12) to see my own faults and not to judge my Prayer to the Virgin brother. by Paul the Monk of the Monastery of Evergetis For you are blessed unto the ages of ages. O spotless, unstained, incorruptible, Amen. undefiled, pure Virgin, Lady Bride of God, READER who through your wondrous birth-giving Trisagion Prayers. united God the Word with mankind, and Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, linked the fallen nature of our human race have mercy on us. (3) with the heavenly; the only hope of the Glory to the Father and the Son and the hopeless and the help of the persecuted; the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and to the ages ready support of those who seek refuge in of ages. Amen. you, and the shelter of all the Christians: do not despise me, the wretched sinner who have All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. defiled myself with shameful thoughts and Lord, forgive our sins. Master, pardon our words and deeds, and through negligence of transgressions. Holy One, visit and heal our thought have become slave to the pleasures of infirmities for your name's sake. life. But as the Mother of our compassionate Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. God, and a friend of man, have compassion Lord, have mercy. on me the sinner and prodigal, and accept this Glory to the Father and the Son and the prayer from my impure lips; and using your Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and to the ages motherly standing, entreat your Son and our of ages. Amen. Master and Lord to open unto me the depths of his loving goodness and, overlooking Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed my innumerable faults, to return me to be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will repentance and make me a worthy servant of be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us his commandments. Stand by me forever; in this day our daily bread; and forgive us our this life as a merciful and compassionate and trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass good and lovingly warm protector and helper, against us. And lead us not into temptation, by repulsing the assaults of the adversary and but deliver us from evil. leading me toward salvation; and at the time PRIEST of my death, by embracing my miserable soul For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and driving far away from it the dark fares of and the glory, of the Father and of the Son and the evil demons; and at the awesome day of of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the judgment by redeeming me from eternal hell, ages of ages. and proclaiming me an heir of the ineffable READER glory of your Son and our God. May I enjoy Amen. such fate, my Lady, most-holy Theotokos, 14 through your intercession and protection; O Mother of God, I have committed my through the grace and love for mankind of every hope wholly unto you. Keep me under your only begotten Son, our Lord and God your shelter. and Savior Jesus Christ. To whom belong all PRIEST glory, honor and worship, together with his Peace be with all. beginningless Father, and the all holy and (And with your spirit.) good and life giving Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Let us bow our heads to the Lord. Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ (To You, O Lord.) by Antiochus, Monk of Pandektos Most merciful Master, Lord Jesus Christ And grant to us, Master, as we depart for our God, through the intercessions of our most pure Lady the Theotokos and ever- sleep, rest of body and soul, and preserve us Virgin Mary, the power of the precious from the gloomy slumber of sin, and from and life giving Cross, the protection of the every dark and nocturnal pleasure. Arrest honorable, bodiless Powers of heaven, the the drives of passion; extinguish the burning supplications of the honorable and glorious arrows of the Evil One which insidiously fly prophet, and forerunner John the Baptist, the in our direction; suppress the rebellions of our holy, glorious, and praiseworthy Apostles, our Fathers among the Saints, the great hierarchs flesh, and calm our every earthly and material and ecumenical teachers, Basil the Great, thought. And grant to us, O God, alert mind, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, prudent thinking, sober heart, light sleep free Athanasios, Cyril, and John the Merciful, of any satanic fantasy. Awaken us at the time patriarchs of Alexandria; Nicholas, bishop of prayer rooted in your commandments and of Myra, Spyridon, bishop of Trimythous, having unbroken within us the remembrance Nektarios of Pentapolis, the wonder-workers; of your ordinances. Grant that we may sing the holy, glorious great Martyrs George the Victorious, Demetrios the Myrobletes, your glory through the night by praising and Theodore the Teron, and Theodore the blessing and glorifying your most honorable General, Menas the Wonderworker, the and majestic name, of the Father and of the Hieromartyrs Haralambos and Eleftherios; Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and the holy, glorious, and victorious martyrs; to the ages of ages. Amen. the glorious great Martyr and all-laudable Euphemia; the holy and glorious Martyrs Most glorious, ever virgin, blessed Thecla, Barbara, Anastasia, Katherine, Theotokos, bring our prayer before your Son Kyriake, Fotene, Marina, Paraskeve and Irene; and our God, and entreat him, through you, to of our holy God-bearing Fathers; (local patron save our souls. saint); the holy and righteous ancestors of God Joachim and Anna; and of all your Saints. The Father is my hope, the Son is my Accept our prayer; grant us forgiveness refuge, the Holy Spirit is my shelter, Holy of our transgressions; protect us under the Trinity, glory to you. shelter of your wings; drive away from us every enemy and adversary; grant peace 15 to our life; Lord have mercy on us and on For those who are ill. your world; and save our souls as a good and Let us pray also for the abundance of the loving God. fruits of the earth. (Amen.) And for all our family and friends who READER have fallen asleep before us, the Orthodox Glory to the Father and the Son and the here and everywhere piously laid to sleep. Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and to the ages Let us also say for ourselves: Lord, have of ages. Amen. mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. CHOIR Lord, have mercy. Mode 2. Joseph took You down. All those who for refuge flee with faith Father, bless! * unto you, O good one, you shelter beneath PRIEST your mighty hand.
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