The Final Word Last Posts of Steven Robert Boyd On The Digger Forum Guestbook February—October, 2004 MORE ABOUT ME Hobbies: No...I’m fine thanks. Latest News: You tell me and everyone will know. Favorite Quote: “Search Me” Bio: ...ah...degradable???? It’s a trick question, right? City: NYC and all points upward. Marital Status: I do.. I do for now. Occupation: Preoccupation www.diggers.org Draft Version #2, Nov. 18, 2004 San Francisco 1 Sun, Feb. 15, 2004, 23:23 Im'on!! Ah..that wasnt' so bad. So let me get this straight; this page will be "Spam" free? Hmm.. Im' sure we all could "Sell" somethin'. Hey Eric; w/ 20-20 hindsight I can now see why I may have ailenated and pissed off some of the more serious types,..but ya gotta understand where Im' commin' from: Its all up front with me. (I never blew up anything or robbed any banks). I dont give a fuck who knows where I live.. (at the moment)..As far as being "Up on it", Ive' picked up a few street sayings from the lower east side. It's not a "Capper" anymore...it's a "Mission". Also some weird lingo that Im' not into. I dont understand half of the jive and dont really care to. Folks ask me for sticks and chalk etc; I shin em' on; I dont know what the fuck they want. It's het "Bee", hooked up with a chicken-head who took her teeth out. Shit like that. Most of the Brothers call me "Bee" or "B". I fall in with the pld-school black cats but for the most part I pretty much stay away from the white "Youth" who the press seem to have dubbed the "Crusties". Its the fact that these "Poor Kids" have cell phones, lap tops and mom's credit card stashed in thier storage faciility that Irks me. Teen- age wasteland?. Homeless by choice??..Tracks from thier toe nails all the way up thier necks. Scary shit. Hey, Ive' been in KC for only a couple of weeks and am becoming "Rigid" already. Man, gone are the Guinise and Jamisons straight up. Its now Bud and Jim Beam. ("whatta' ya' mean ya' want yer beer in a glass???!!!" Hey, heres one from a cat who has real "Ethics"...we were standin' in a hallway in NYC and he says, (In reference to our mutual friend George-the-Clip).."Ya,.."I never clip shit,..never did clip shit. I dont clip shit...never did,..never will. Its just not in me. Now; put a gun in my hand, and I do get busy!". Just ramblin Eric. Later. Steven Robert Boyd Tue, Feb. 17, 2004, 21:46 I dont' really understand the TOPIC stuff or replying to the TOPIC etc. so maybe I should stick to the "OTHER" page unless called over here for on a lead of sorts. Or, maybe just buy some post cards. Really, I may be on the road for the better part of the year. This china cabinet is raising alot of hell in reference to yours' truelly getting into it as a side-line within the KC community and/or E- Bay. I dunno' if Im' ready to join Santa's helpers paintin' wooden toys yet. I got some high-grade livin' to do. "There's no sex like that with an EX". (I may make the rounds.) But no trading phone numbers. I trade only blood tests these days. Wow,.. the Rev. re-newed my confidence, (among other things). It goes great untill she starts reminiscing about the dark days we spent on and after 09-11-01 back on West 4th Street. She' having a tough time of it. Having to be so strong for so many, so long. Etc. In any event, I will return to NYC and make some real choices. Wow... the way I feel, (after the Rev. put 6 or 7 real fast pounds on me (I was down to street wieght).. Not even the crack of dawn will be safe!. Hey Rena; keep up the good work. As I said, will keep ya posted on my NYC M-27 antics. My travel to major cities for some street action. Fuck it. Hey, A while back a NYC Korean Evangelist who had been saved by Billy Grayham tried to recrute an army of 5000 homeless thugs ( I mean gentlemen)to march on the United Nations. It went real sour, real fast. No free booze etc. I was gonna join in on the Spiritual band-wagon as "Mutes For Christ's Sake" (dontcha' just love to swear in a cool way??.. I 86'd it after questioning my own motivations. Heres one thing that I love about NY'ers. If they are pricks, Its up front. No back-stabbing. Its fuck you! from the get go. I may work on that abit. Not here of course. Remember kids; "Saying FUCK NO to others, is saying Fuck Yes to your'self. Think about it. Later. SRB Steven Robert Boyd 2 Wed, Feb. 18, 2004, 17:32 McMing, you savage. How are ya. Hey JAG, I could swear that weve' met ..(In NYC??)..Ah... nothin' new at this end. Kentucky???...there was a commedian who got busted for smuggling books into Kentucky. (He got off due to the fact that the D.A.'s prosecutor couldnt' prove that they were books.) Hey, I had Kirkland kin in Panther County way back. Looking for some small digs in KC (North-East). Old Italian section before they all moved north over the bridge?. This area was more Mob infiltrated than Chicago ever was. (and thats sayin' something.) Clinton??.. Ah, my spies tell me that he's hold-up in Harlem where the blow jobs flow like water. Hmm... Bush?.. he dont' even fool the old folks. The 90 year old across the street wants to squish his ass. She's got yellow ribbons hanging on her tree out front. Which reminds me... the death-toll. Not much about that these days,.. oh; and did ya' hear that the economy is just swell???... It amazes me how fast we all got fucked on this one. It all unfolded before our eyes. I cant believe it. That fast. Man... It's one for the books. (or; another one for the books I should say). We (the people) will cover the tab right George?..right George???..Ahh..George??...you' there George??? Steven Robert Boyd Thu, Feb. 19, 2004, 22:00 Hey all; Just checked out the Photo page. Cool. Im' off from here to NYC and then up to Con- cord N.H. in order to clear up a fine so that I can get my motorcycle licence. N.H. had lifted the ban on me getting a valid licence (on a dead-beat-dad-rap) after they felt pretty damn bad for hindering me a lively-hood, as w/out wheels you are sunk in that neck of the woods. Thing is; I was haulin' Ol' Del around after he lost his for continued pile-ups due to sleep depravation. I was always riding shot-gun w/ him, and would be snoozing also, for lack of keeping up w/ his life-style. We (he) hit lots of parked (and stationary) objects. Lucky no one got killed. Once we were sighted cruising slowly down Main St. in Farmington, both snoozing away. Folks thought that that was the damnest thing. God protects fools and drunks. Oh, so after that, "we" kept putting about one junker a month in my name and running it until the sticker expired,..Ahh.. lots of them were towed etc. and after the Town Officials burnt Del's house down, some got ticketed for sure. Ah... last I heard was my old N.H. licence was pulled. Ahh...I dont know which state to set up "Residency".. a no-helmet law state would narrow it down a bit... any way: here's my point; while up there I will swing by my Daughter Devon's place and get some copies of the photos that I layed on her some years ago. Sweet Lorraine I on Dishonnest John's Pan Head, Me,Bro. Stan in Golden Gate park... etc. (I had hair then). Will report back. Oh, the Lady Rev. turned me on to her copy of the I CHING. I was delighted. Bottom Line: NOW AINT THE TIME!! Steven Robert Boyd Thu, Feb. 19, 2004, 23:12 Hi yer'self!...ya, funny how things work out. I gave mine away on the bus and was some-what relieved as I didnt know how the Rev. would cotton to Hokus-pokus. But it seems that she's way ahead of me. (by light years). She's a Cancer also and it's gettin' real mushy. I mean REAL mushy. She's a sinners' dream. Later all. (or all later)... Steven Robert Boyd 3 Thu, Feb. 19, 2004, 23:33 My last Hi-there was to Eileen,.. but Hi Donna. I was a Fella Hotel "Guest" myself. To this day I call it Fella Street. It was a dead end alley actually. Place??.. well; Il' buy that. I may have touched on this before; durring my "Stay" there I shared the bottom (basement) boot-legged apt. W/ Steve (Sonny) James. He had blown out with the Salt Lake boys. My running mate Bernardo was a "Usual" drop-in. A hermit lived in a utility room to the left (going down the corridor) and he was involved in a subteranian excavation project during that period.
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