William Ames Assistant Professor of Chemistry William Ames joined the Juniata College faculty in 2013 as an assistant professor ofWilliam chemistry. Ames Previously, joined the heJuniata worked College as a visitingfaculty inassistant 2013 as professor an assistant of chemistry professor of chemistry. andPreviously, biochemistry he worked at Middlebury as a visiting College, assistant in Middlebury, professor Vt., offrom chemistry 2012 to 2013.and biochemistry at Middlebury College, in Middlebury, Vt., from 2012 to 2013. He earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics and chemistry in 2004 from MacalesterHe earned aCollege bachelor's in St.degree Paul, in Minn.,mathematics and went and onchemistry to earn ina 2004doctoral from degree Macalester in College in physicalSt. Paul, chemistryMinn., and in went 2009 on from to earnthe Universitya doctoral ofdegree Iowa, in in physical Iowa City, chemistry Iowa. inHe 2009 from the spentUniversity four yearsof Iowa, as ain postdoctoral Iowa City, Iowa.research He fellowspent fourat the years Max as Planck a postdoctoral Institute researchfor fellow at Bioinorganicthe Max Planck Chemistry, Institute in for Mulheim Bioinorganic an der Chemistry,Ruhr, Germany in Mulheim from 2009 an toder 20012. Ruhr, Germany from 2009 to 20012. Ames' research interests center on water oxidation and synthesizing non-natural compoundsAmes' research for interestsuse in acenter non-petroleum on water oxidationbased economy. and synthesizing He also non-naturalhas teaching compounds for experienceuse in a non-petroleum in such subjects based aseconomy. General HeChemistry, also has teachingPrinciples experience of Chemistry, in such subjects as PhysicalGeneral Chemistry,Chemistry, andPrinciples Quantum of Chemistry,Chemistry andPhysical Spectroscopy. Chemistry, and Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy. He has published research as a co-author in a variety of professional journals, includingHe has published Journal research of the asAmerican a co-author Chemical in a variety Society, of professional Inorganic journals,Chemistry, including Journal Encyclopediaof the American of AnalyticalChemical Society,Chemistry Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Chemistry Encyclopedia Chemical ofPhysics. Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the International EPR Society andHe isPi aMu member Epsilon, of thethe honor American society Chemical for mathematics. Society, the International EPR Society and Pi Mu Epsilon, the honor society for mathematics. Ames has extensive teaching experience, working as a graduate supervisor at the MaxAmes Planck has extensive Institute teachingfrom 2009 experience, to 2012 and working working as asa graduatea teaching supervisor assistant forat thea Max Planck varietyInstitute of from chemistry 2009 to courses 2012 andat the working University as a teachingof Iowa fromassistant 2005 for to a2009. variety of chemistry courses at the University of Iowa from 2005 to 2009. Bradley Andrew Associate Professor of EconomicsDirector of the International Studies Program A 1989 graduate of Framingham State College with a bachelor's degree in economics,A 1989 graduate Dr. Andrew of Framingham went on to Stateearn aCollege master's with degree a bachelor's in economics degree in 1992in economics, Dr. andAndrew a doctorate went on in to economics earn a master's in 2002, degree both infrom economics the University in 1992 of and Connecticut. a doctorate in economics in 2002, both from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Andrew came to Juniata in 2001 from Babson College, where he worked as a visitingDr. Andrew lecturer came during to Juniata the 2000-2001 in 2001 from academic Babson year. College, From where 1996 heto worked2000, he as also a visiting lecturer wasduring an theinstructor 2000-2001 for individualacademic year.economics From courses1996 to offered2000, he at also Babson was anCollege instructor and for individual Bentleyeconomics College. courses offered at Babson College and Bentley College. His teachingteaching interestsinterests includeinclude InternationalInternational Economics, Economics, Investing, Investing, Financial Financial Markets, Markets,International International Political Economy,Political Economy, Microeconomics Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. and Macroeconomics. Dr. Andrew's research Dr.focuses Andrew's on investing research strategies focuses onand investing teaching strategiesinnovations. and teaching innovations. Dr. AndrewAndrew becamebecame thethe ChairChair of of the the International International Studies Studies (IS) (IS) Department Department in in2002, and since 2002,then there and sincehas been then athere quadrupling has been in a quadruplingthe number ofin thestudents number with of ISstudents POEs. withIn the summer of IS2004, POEs. Dr. InAndrew the summer co-directed of 2004, an Dr.NEH-funded Andrew co-directed seminar titled an NEH-funded "The Role of seminar Film in International titledStudies" "The along Role with of FilmJim Roney, in International Russian professor Studies" andalong also with a member Jim Roney, of the Russian International Studies professorfaculty. The and goal also of a the member seminar of wasthe toInternational help Juniata Studies professors faculty. better The understand goal of the film, and how to seminaruse film wasas a topedagogical help Juniata tool. professors Dr. Andrew better is understandnow regularly film, integrates and how film to use and film economics music asvideos a pedagogical into his Principles tool. Dr. of Andrew Microeconomics is now regularly course. integrates film and economics music videos into his Principles of Microeconomics course. Dr. Andrew and Gabe Castro '12 won a Goodman Grant to research an investment strategy. Dr.Goodman Andrew Grants and Gabe fund Castrofaculty/student '12 won acollaborative Goodman Grant research to research projects. an Gabe investment Castro then went on strategy.to present Goodman or co-present Grants this researchfund faculty/student at five different collaborative venues, including research a veryprojects. competitive poster Gabepresentation Castro inthen DC went that onlyon to accepted present 8%or co-present of its applicants. this research Dr. Andrew at five counts different this experience as venues,one of the including highlights a very of his competitive career at Juniata. poster presentation in DC that only accepted 8% of its applicants. Dr. Andrew counts this experience as one of the highlights of hisIn 2007, career Dr. at Juniata.Andrew was promoted to tenured Associate Professor and in 2013 he was promoted to Full Professor. In 2007, Dr. Andrew was promoted to tenured Associate Professor and in 2013 he wasDr. Andrewpromoted is tomarried Full Professor. to Susan Andrew and has one son, Cameron. Dr. Andrew is married to Susan Andrew and has one son, Cameron. Peter Baran Associate Professor of Chemistry Dr. Peter Baran accepted a position as assistant professor of chemistry on the JuniataDr. Peter faculty Baran acceptedin 2004 aafter position working as assistant at several professor academic of chemistry positions on theat theJuniata faculty in University2004 after workingof Puerto at Ricoseveral in academicRio Piedras. positions At the at university, the University Baran of worked Puerto Ricoas an in Rio Piedras. affiliatedAt the university, researcher Baran from 2003worked to as2004 an andaffiliated worked researcher previously from as a 2003postdoctoral to 2004 and worked fellowpreviously and asvisiting a postdoctoral assistant professorfellow and from visiting 2000 assistant to 2003. professor from 2000 to 2003. Baran graduated from TheThe SlovakSlovak TechnicalTechnical UniversityUniversity inin Bratislava,Bratislava, Slovakia Slovakia in in 1986 where he 1986earned where the equivalent he earned of thea master's equivalent degree of ina Physicalmaster's anddegree Analytical in Physical Chemistry and and a minor Analyticaldegree in pedagogy.Chemistry Heand earneda minor a degreedoctoral in degree pedagogy. in Inorganic He earned Chemistry a doctoral from the same degreeuniversity in Inorganic in 1992. Chemistry from the same university in 1992. He started his careercareer asas aa researchresearch assistantassistant atat hishis alma alma mater mater in in 1986, 1986, interrupted interrupted by compulsory bymilitary compulsory service military in the Czechoslovak service in the ArmyCzechoslovak from 1986 Army to 1987.from 1986In 1992, to 1987. after Inhis Ph.D. thesis 1992,defense, after Baran his Ph.D.was offered thesis adefense, position Baran of assistant was offered professor a position at the ofDepartment assistant of Inorganic professorChemistry atat theThe Department Slovak Technical of Inorganic University Chemistry and worked at The there Slovak through Technical 1998. In 1998, he Universityquitted his andacademic worked position there throughin Bratislava 1998. and In moved1998, heto quittedindustry. his For academic almost two years he positionworked forin BratislavaAmylum Slovakiaand moved in toBoleraz, industry. where For healmost supervised two years the heinstrumental worked for analysis in the AmylumQuality assurance Slovakia laboratory.in Boleraz, Atwhere the samehe supervised time he maintainedthe instrumental a contact analysis with inacademia the via a part Qualitytime position assurance at Saints laboratory. Cyril andAt Methodiusthe same timeUniversity he maintained in Trnava, a contactSlovakia, with where he held a academiaresearch assistant via a part professor time
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