January 3, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 29 This year, Brett Favre set a National money for Favre, 26. That means more work The resolution (S. Res. 207) was Football Conference record of 38 touch- for his family in Kiln. agreed to. down passes and 4,413 total yards pass- Bonita pays all the bills and takes care of The preamble was agreed to. all the accounts for Brett's three businesses: ing during the regular season. This is Favre Enterprises, Favre Agricultural Enter- f the third highest number of touchdown prises and Favre Property Management. REPORT ON THE CONTINUATION passes in a season in NFL history. He There are lawyers and accountants to help, OF LIBYAN EMERGENCYÐMES- threw three more touchdown passes in but Bonita handles the day-to-day finances. SAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTÐ Sunday's 37 to 20 first round playoff Irvin, Brett's dad, runs the agricultural PM 107 victory over the Atlanta Falcons. business, a 45-acre Black Angus farm behind Ironically, Brett was chosen for MVP the Favres' house. Scott, Brett's brother, The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- over another outstanding Mississippian runs the real estate business, which owns fore the Senate the following message residential and commercial property in Mis- from the President of the United and NFL star, Jerry Rice. Jerry Rice is sissippi and Tennessee. generally considered the best wide re- Brett handles the football. States, together with an accompanying ceiver and pass catcher in modern his- ``Being the MVP won't change Brett,'' report; which was referred to the Com- tory. His accomplishments were noted Irvin said. ``It'll change his lifestyle a bit. mittee on Banking, Housing, and when he was named MVP of the Super This'll complicate matters more. In the Urban Affairs. offseason, if you add all the days up (for his Bowl in 1987. To the Congress of the United States: Brett Favre's rise to the top of his current endorsements and charity appear- ances), it'd be a little over a month. How Section 202(d) of the National Emer- profession in four seasons is a testa- much that'll increase and how much he gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides ment not only to his ability, but to his wants that to increase, I don't know. He for the automatic termination of a na- courage and determination to excel. won't really have any off time. He'll be a tional emergency unless, prior to the Brett Favre has proven himself a lead- busy man, and Brett doesn't really like anniversary date of its declaration, the er and top performer in every capacity that.'' President publishes in the Federal Reg- and his achievements during the 1995 Brett set an NFC record with 38 touchdown passes and threw for 4,413 yards. He guided ister and transmits to the Congress a season were awesome. notice stating that the emergency is to I urge the Senate to join me in giving the Packers to an 11±5 record and their first NFC Central title in 23 years. continue in effect beyond the anniver- special recognition to this exception- The Packers beat the Atlanta Falcons in sary date. In accordance with this pro- ally talented young man and congratu- the opening round of the playoffs and face vision, I have sent the enclosed notice, lating him upon receiving one of the the 49ers Saturday at San Francisco. Gladys stating that the Libyan emergency is highest honors awarded in his profes- Haas will be watching that game on TV. to continue in effect beyond January 7, sion. ``I love to watch him throw that ball,'' said Haas, Favre's kindergarten teacher. ``His fa- 1996, to the Federal Register for publica- I ask unanimous consent that the ar- tion. ticle about him and his award that ap- ther said to me one time after things were going real nice for him, `Gladys, you started The crisis between the United States peared in the Clarion Ledger, January all of this.' He was a dear youngster just like and Libya that led to the declaration 2, 1996, be printed in the RECORD. all kindergartners are. Even at that age, I'd of a national emergency on January 7, There being no objection, the article say he was an up-and-going youngster.'' 1986, has not been resolved. The Gov- was ordered to be printed in the Favre was already a football prodigy by the time he got to Dedeaux's class at Han- ernment of Libya has continued its ac- RECORD, as follows: tions and policies in support of terror- [From the Clarion-Ledger, Jan. 2, 1996] cock North Central Elementary School. Favre won a Punt, Pass and Kick contest in ism, despite the calls by the United Na- FAVRE REACHES TOPÐEARNING NFL MVP Biloxi. Dedeaux watched Favre advance from tions Security Council, in Resolutions HONORS CAPS A LONG CLIMB FOR THE KID PeeWee to high school to Southern Mis- 731 (1992), 748 (1992), and 883 (1993) that FROM KILN sissippi to the pros. it demonstrate by concrete actions its (By Mike Knobler) ``Any teacher dreams of a star student,'' renunciation of such terrorism. Such Billy Ray Dedeaux remembers a time he Dedeaux said, ``Brett and many others have Libyan actions and policies pose a con- made that dream come true. He's a go-get- told his fourth-grade class to play touch tinuing unusual and extraordinary football. One boy made a tackle, and ter. He's always been very competitive, even Dedeaux paddled him for it. in elementary school.'' threat to the national security and Dedeaux had no way of knowing the boy Former high school math teacher Richard vital foreign policy interests of the was simply preparing himself to become the Streiff remembers Favre as the A student United States. For these reasons, the world's best football player. And that's ex- who sat in the center of the front row in national emergency declared on Janu- actly what Brett Favre has become. class. he also remembers Favre as an un- ary 7, 1986, and the measures adopted Favre was named the National Football likely candidate to become an MVP quarter- on January 7 and January 8, 1986, to back in the NFL. League's MVP Monday in a landslide vote deal with that emergency, must con- over fellow Mississippian Jerry Rice. Favre, ``I never dreamed he'd be a quarterback,'' the Green Bay Packers quarterback, got 69 Streiff said. ``I thought he'd wind up as a de- tinue in effect beyond January 7, 1996. of a possible 88 first-place votes from a panel fensive back at one of the major universities. I have determined that it is necessary of sports writers and broadcasters. Rice, the ``He's an excellent young man. I can't say to maintain in force the broad authori- San Francisco 49ers receiver, got 10. enough nice things about him as student and ties necessary to apply economic pres- ``It means everything,'' said Favre, who as a person.'' sure to the Government of Libya to re- just completed his fifthÐand by far his most Favre has a new teacher these days: Pack- ers coach Mike Holmgren. Favre admitted he duce its ability to support inter- successfulÐregular season in the NFL. ``It's national terrorism. like winning the Super Bowl, except it's an owes much of his success to Holmgren. WILLIAM J. CLINTON. individual honor. It's the National Football Holmgren admitted he owes much of his suc- League, which means it's the best player in cess to Favre. THE WHITE HOUSE, January 3, 1996. the whole world. In this game. And that's ``He does everything you can ask from a f quarterback, and he's still young and learn- awesome. REPORT CONCERNING EMIGRATION ``Think about all the great players you ing,'' Holmgren said. Last year, Favre nominated Dedeaux for play with and play against. It's overwhelm- LAWS AND POLICIES OF ROMA- the NFL's teacher of the month award. ing. It's hard to even explain how much that NIAÐMESSAGE FROM THE Dedeaux won and received $2,500, plus $5,000 means to win that and say, `God, MVP of the PRESIDENTÐPM 108 for the school Favre returns each spring and league.' '' signs autographs for sixth graders. The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- Back home on the Gulf Coast, Favre's fam- That gives Dedeaux the chance to tell his fore the Senate the following message ily and former teachers were pleased with story about the kid who disobeyed his teach- the honor but not surprised. They'd been from the President of the United er and went on to greatness. hearing and reading for weeks that he was a States, together with an accompany re- ``Sometimes that's what happens when you port; which was referred to the Com- leading candidate for the award. become hardheaded and don't listen,'' ``At first, when they started talking about Dedeaux said. ``He was just making himself mittee on Finance: it, you didn't think too much of it,'' said tough.'' Bonita Favre, Brett's mother ``But as the To the Congress of the United States: year went on, it didn't seem out of reach.'' The PRESIDING OFFICER. The On May 19, 1995, I determined and re- The MVP award carries with it the promise question is on agreeing to the resolu- ported to the Congress that Romania is of more endorsement contracts and more tion. in full compliance with the freedom of S 30 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 3, 1996 emigration criteria of sections 402 and visory Committee (CTRDAC), Office of the By Mr.
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