-..----------- -- - -- --- - ------- --------------------------------., THE OBSERVER sc vol. II, no. XLVII University of Notre Dame March 1, 1968 News In Brief: Smither's Hat In Ring Elect Chairmen The second organizational ca­ St.Mary's SBP Race Develops cuses for the 1968 Republican Mock Convention are scheduled BY FRAN SCHWARTZBERG other aspects of student government. She part of the candidates, is that the SMC for 7:00 and 8:00p.m. Sunday, sees her year's absence not as a handicap student does not feel that she is a part of Mar. 3. States listed alphebetic­ Two new candidates emerged late Wednes­ but as an asset. "We lived in a community the government. Davis added "She must be ally from Alabama to Missouri day night for SMC Student government posi­ which was very close to idea. Though -1 made to realize that it is the individual will meet in O'Shaughnessy Hall tions. They are Suzanne Smither, a junior · realize that 1500 students may not be able student who holds the power. All she has to at 7:00. The remainder of the , English major from Arlington Va. and Mary to attain the same degree of unity and do is use it." state delegations will meet at Kennedy, a physics major from South Bend, freedom as Angers' forty-five, there are - the later hour. Permanent dele­ Ind. Smither will oppose Therese Ambrusko, certain learning experiences which can be gation chairmen and representa­ previously announced SBP hopeful. Kennedy applied to this campus." 'Day Dogs?·' tives to the platform, rules, cre­ will oppose Sally Stoebel for the vice presi­ Smither views the roll of next year's dentials, and permanent organ­ dential slot. student government as a crucial one. "We ization committees will be elec­ Smither, present chairman of the ND- will be concerned with the Statement of C'mon, Te·d I . ted at these meetings. Student Rights and Responsibilities which The following letter was sent to I believe could eliminate the petty frustra­ Fr. Hesburgh by six offcampus officers J OEO Honors tions which distract so many students. When after the University president referred ND this is odne, the SMC student will be free to the offcampus students as "day to define her role as college student and as dogs" in a recent interview. The Office of Economic Op­ a woman." Dear Father Hesburgh: . portunity has awarded the Uni­ - Kennedy~ a Dean's List and Superior We, the undersigned, members of versity an Urban Service Award student, has served this year as chairman - various off campus organizatio.ns, wer.e for working to "alleviate the pro­ for the formulating committee of Student quite distressed to read your comments blems of the poor in America's Academic Rights. Commenting upon her concerning the off campus students, cities." The University is among last minute decision, she said, "It really as published in the February 23 issue the first to receive the newly wasn't a last minute thing. I had been con­ of the Scholastic. We consider it not Dame~s ur­ created award. Notre sidering it for quite sometime, but was wary only inaccurate, but also, uncompli­ ben poverty projects are under of the job; it seemed so time consuming." mentary, indeed, insulting, to label the the direction of the Center for Annouricemeni" of the new candidates off campus students as "day dogs." the Study Man in Contemporary caused comment from many of the pre­ In our collective experiences, we have Society. viously committed candidates. Junior Sally never heard the term "day dog" used Romney Backers Davis, running unopposed as Academic Com­ as a description for the off campus missioner feels that the lack of competition student, but we are aware of its un­ Go To Rocky is discouraging. "Students either feel aliena­ pleasant connotations. ted from student government or they feel The Notre Dame Students for Implicit in your use of the term that it is ineffective. I would rather believe I Romney in '68 are now support­ is that the off campus student merely they feel alienated because this can be ing Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of Suzanne Smither attends classes and returns to his little corrected by better communication on the New York, according to Chair­ SMC free University, returned this year from hovel to study or to "party." While man Mike Kelly. The decision a sophomore year in Angers, France. As a part of the officers and a greater delegation this might be true of a certain number to support Rockefeller for the member of SMC's Academic Commission, she of authority." - of the off campus students, it is by no GOP nomination was made after has been involved in Free University and General concensus of opinion, on the means a valid generalization. Romney announced Wednesday Off campus students are involved that he was withdrawing from the in every phase of student and univer­ race. Mardi Gras Committee sity life such as student government, Kelly said that the decision campus publications, Student Union, was made because he felt that the Honor Council and many, many Gov. Romney would now work Still Counting The Cash other organizations, In the general area to convince Gov. Rockefeller to By TOM EHRBAR reportedly well handled and attended. of South Bend-Notre Dame relations- enter the race. Gov. Rockefeller The gambling tables have been torn down For five days at Stephan Center the on the person.al level-it has been th~ was one of Gov. Romney's stron­ and the mini-skirted visitors have departed. gambling instincts of Notr' Dame students work of the Off Campus Judicial Ad­ gest supporters. Only last week, Notre Dame's Mardi Gras, "the nation's were tested and bested. The Carnival reached visory Board which has been most instrumental in improving them. If all Kelly received a letter from Gov. third biggest college weekend" _!las closed its peak Saturday night, then as the odds the . above is not contributing to the Rockefeller in which he accepted for another year. Although the final as­ dropped so did the attendance. All booths the position of Honorary Chair­ "university as a whole," then we do J sesment of profit won't be completed until were winners, but clearly topping the list not_ understand the meaning of the man of the Notre Dame group Friday, the consensus of the Mardi Gras in appeal and success were the Teddy Bear for Romney. word "contribute." staff is that the festivities netted a solid stand, Alpha Phi Omega concessions, and "I will do everything possible Exactly what has the University to help Rockefeller get the nomi­ financial success, passing last year's total St. Mary's booth. done to encourage participation in nation both at the Mock Conven­ of about $35,000. The Teddy Bear booth, a wheel-of-fortune university life by the off campus tion here, and at the Republican The return from the carnival itself, which operated by the Mardi Gras committee, was student? Parking lots are off limits or convention in Miami," Kelly said. reached $15,800 last year, is estimated by an added and highly J.>Opular feature this overcrowded. Communication of on Kelly intends to assist Jim Business Manager Jim Dean to be a slightly year. St. Mary's, as usual, depite a poor campus events or happenings is non­ Franczek, Rockefeller's Mock higher figure this year. Raffle ticket sales, showing Monday night, led the organizational existent except by telephone informa­ tion services. And unreasonable restric­ Convention Campaign manager, which have drifted in sporatically since groups. SMC spokesman Molly McNerney tions on types of housing for the off in any way that he can. He said Christmas Vacation, probably will show an credited their success as simply "having that he will attempt to hold the campus students are levied. It is true overall increase. The winner of the raffle, the best dealers and card players." Michigan delegation to a first that services for the off campus student ballot "favorite son" commit­ and a new Riviera was Mr. Brendan Flynn Mike Collings, chairman of the Indian­ have been improved, primarily through ment to Romney. He has told of Arlington Heights. The student prize, a apolis Club booth, explained how the various the efforts of student government, but supporters in other delegations 1968 Corvette, went to freshman James booths fit into the whole Mardi Gras scheme. they are still woefully inadequate and however, to vote for Rockefeller. Sheahan, 407 Cavanaugh, of Bellvue, Wash. After a hall or club had been granted a booth un derfinance d. The Marvin Gaye and Stone Poneys' by the Mardi Gras Committee, they were One fmal point concerning off cam­ Anointed Speak Concert, with some last minute shuffling supplied with lumber and cloth. They then 'pus students should be made. Many The Student Union Academic (Ann Bogan replacing Brenda Holloway) create their own set-up and tables were students like living off campus. A Commission will present the sec­ was labled, "a moderate success" by Social arranged; accomodating poker, blackjack, great number of students live together, ond of its facutly poetry readings Commissioner Tom Nelson. Nelson also com­ and over-under. Dealers were recruited and find despite stat~ments otherwise, enjoy Sun., March 3, at 8:00 in the mented on a particular joke by Marvin stratigies formulated. Once the carnival op­ ~ the advantages of living and meet­ Memorial Library Auditorium. ing with other students. Thus, even if Gaye which was not at all well received. ened each group was provided a starting Prof. Charles Matz of the SMC the University could eventually pro­ Nelson agreed that it was "in poor taste" but fund of cash-$50 per day.
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