April 12, 2010 WWW.UNEWS.COM Vol. 77, Issue 28 Finding diversity outside the box Alexia Stout-Lang Delta Rho sorority told to disband News Editor Story after story told in Swinney Recre- ation Center last Thursday came back to solv- Jason Patterson Staff Writer ing social problems by thinking outside of the box. n 1989, 13 Roos were un- A part of the 41st anniversary of the Robert happy with their Greek F. Kennedy Symposium at UMKC, the Stu- Life options. So, they dent Government Association hosted Soledad founded a local Sorority O’Brien, CNN anchor and special correspon- called Delta Rho. dent, as the keynote speaker. Now 21 years later, the Student O’Brien spoke about “Diversity: On TV, I Behind the Scenes and In Our Lives.” Life Office at UMKC recently told the sorority it has to disband. While introducing O’Brien, UMKC Chan- In September, Kari Murphy, co- cellor Leo Morton said hosting people like ordinator for Fraternity and Sorority O’Brien on campus is part of the university’s Affairs, and Angela Cottrell, direc- responsibility to educate young people. tor of Student Life, requested to have “Most of us get ideas about what we can be a meeting with Tara Nigh, president by observing what other people have done,” of Delta Rho. Morton said. “That’s why I am excited to Nigh said she was told UMKC hear what Ms. O’Brien will be talking about was not going to continue support- this evening because she will be talking about ing independent, local sororities and some good issues.” that Delta Rho needed to either af- By telling stories of her experiences work- filiate with a national sorority or dis- ing on documentaries like “Black in America” band completely. Photo courtesy DELTA RHO and “Latino in America,” O’Brien said, if you The sisters of Delta Rho were not Delta Rho placed first in the Watermelon Fest last year. think differently about problems, you are more happy about having to join a national likely to find the solutions. sorority because it meant they would Nigh said Delta Rho gathered all April 3, Nigh learned a decision U-News contacted the UMKC “Diversity of thought, all of our inputs, is have to give up all of their traditions, the requested documents and sub- had been made. administration to comment. The what will bring us here [to solutions],” she said. rituals and name. So, they filed an mitted them before the deadline. Tyler sent an e-mail stating he reporter was told Cottrell would be “It can’t just be one person in a room thinking.” appeal with Mel Tyler, vice chancel- Next, they met with Jennifer De- can’t support the Delta Rho Soror- commenting, but a comment was not She said she thinks about diversity in a lor of Student Affairs and Enroll- haemers, assistant vice chancellor ity as an independent organization received by press time. unique way. She said it goes beyond race and ment Management. of Student Affairs, to ensure all the on campus. The women are still working to comes down to bringing people from many During a meeting with Tyler requested information was received. “This is heartbreaking to the overturn this decision and keep the walks of life together to tackle issues. last fall, he requested additional in- Nigh said Dehaemers verified they woman of Delta Rho because we sorority active on campus. “Teams that consist of one type of per- formation concerning Delta Rho’s had enough information to make the have strived to be a great soror- Since its inception, the Delta Rho son are not necessarily diverse and less likely insurance policy, risk management decision. ity on UMKC’s campus and don’t Sorority has grown to 42 members. to come up with a wide range of solutions,” policies and 98 unanimous agree- She also verified the insurance believe we have fallen short in any Nigh said her sorority focuses on O’Brien said. “So if you think of team diver- ments. He gave them until the be- policy carried by the sorority was way,” Nigh said. “It’s very heart- the pillars of sisterhood, academics sity, a team that’s diverse, let’s not talk about ginning of the spring semester to adequate and a decision would be breaking that we don’t have the and philanthropy. provide it. made soon. support of the university.” [email protected] See SYMPOSIUM I page 5 Oak Place has new management Alexia Stout-Lang from 85 percent to 95 percent,” Saun- offered on four-bedroom apartments, News Editor ders said. “We operate our current a 10-month lease is now available and UMKC is the new property man- residential halls at an average of 98 parking is cheaper. ager of Oak Place Apartments effec- percent occupancy. So, with that lev- Under Place Properties’ manage- tive April 1. el of occupancy, we are able to do a ment, parking was $59 a month. It is Previously managed by Place number of things like offer lower rent now $140 a semester, compared to Properties, Oak Place was the only and keep our facility top notch.” $106 for a regular parking pass, and residence hall on campus not man- students can park anywhere on cam- aged by the university. “The main piece is looking pus in addition to the Oak Place Park- Paris Saunders, assistant vice at how this project impacts ing Garage. chancellor of Auxiliary Services, said “Since we are a not-for-profit in- this is a change that will impact the our strategic mission and stitution, profit does not necessarily entire university. university goals with the drive our motives, so when we have “The main piece is looking at opportunities through increased effi- how this project impacts our stra- number one goal being ciencies and things like that, we take tegic mission and university goals placing students at the those savings and apply them to the with the number one goal being plac- center.” students,” Saunders said. “So those ing students at the center,” Saunders things allow us to increase our com- said. “In order to have an appropriate PARIS SAUNDERS petitiveness with surrounding apart- level of input into the operations and Assistant Vice Chancellor of Auxiliary ments through reduction of our rent.” Photo NATHAN LANG those intended outcomes, we felt that Services Kristin Abell, associate director we could offer a better experience of Residential Life, said her office has UMKC is the new property manager of Oak Place Apartments. for students by submitting a property received positive feedback about the management proposal.” He said two tangible benefits for change in management. conducted two focus groups with that to a greater extent than Place Saunders said university manage- students include a comprehensive res- “One of the things we have seen in residents to find opportunities for im- Properties was.” ment will bring about changes that idential program, which would allow the past week is we have got a number provement. She added she and her staff are ex- will appeal to current and prospec- residents to communicate concerns of new contracts,” Abell said. “People “The piece we are really focus- cited to work with the residents. tive residents. While the occupancy directly with the university, and the are so excited that UMKC is going to ing on here is making this a student- The next change coming for resi- is currently at 85 percent, or 425 ability to have rent billed directly to be managing it that they are interested focused space,” Abell said. “It will dents of Oak Place Apartments will residents, that number is expected to student accounts. With direct billing, in living here now. So we have gotten a just be students able to lease and, of be the opening of two restaurants, increase. housing can be considered when de- lot of feedback through our office and course, faculty and staff. We are re- Larry’s Subs and Red Mango, in the “When you have a good experi- termining financial aid and thus pos- the front desk that, overall, students ally focused on not having a lot of ex- building at the beginning of the fall ence and you have a good program, sibly increasing award amounts. seem pretty excited we are here.” ternal renters. We have always tried semester. you are able to increase residents Additionally, discounts are being Last week, Institutional Research to do that. But UMKC is able to do [email protected] 2 News April 12, 2010 www.unews.com In search of the sounds of the world Kevin Bryce The recording system isn’t cheap Photo Editor but it’s durable. It’s a small, three mic, Complete silence rarely exists in six track system that Tooke can carry the world. around with him in his backpack. There is almost always a sound “When I was in the Sahara, all I had nearby you don’t realize you’re listen- was the small mics and a side bag,” ing to – the whir of a nearby computer, Tooke said of his time in Martania, the rush of wind outside your window Africa, where he captured the first or the hum from a distant road. ever camel race in that country. “The sand got in everything. I had to have “Film is not just a visible all my gear sent out to be profession- ally cleaned.” newspaper, it’s an art Everywhere Tooke goes, he’s try- form and it uses all of your ing to find that sweet spot. senses.” “A sweet spot is the best spot to listen to a sound in any given place,” Tooke said.
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