Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz and the Baltimore County Council Baltimore County Commission on Disabilities Resource Guide for Individuals with Disabilities in Baltimore County User: rmcdonald Time: 10-02-2015 10:58 Prod- uct: PHTabloid3 PubDate: 10-05-2015 Zone: DPPages Edi- tion: BCDisabilityGuide Page: T2 Color: MARK YOUR MILESTONE! Does your organization have an upcoming anniversary, grand opening or special event? We can customize a section like this just for that occasion. Contact Jake Schultz at [email protected] or 410-332-6306. User: rmcdonald Time: 10-02-2015 10:59 Prod- uct: PHTabloid3 PubDate: 10-05-2015 Zone: DPPages Edi- tion: BCDisabilityGuide Page: T3 Color: Welcome MeSSage from the MeSSage from Kevin Kamenetz, County Council the Baltimore County County Executive n behalf of our constituents, am proud to present the 4th Edition of the Resource Guide for Owe would like to thank the IIndividualS with Disabilities in Baltimore County prepared by Commission on Disabilities, the the Baltimore County CommiSSion on Disabilities, an agency Baltimore Sun Media Group, and the within the Department of Planning. More than 55,000 copies sponsors who supported thiS edition of the previous three editions of this guide have been diStrib- of the “Resource Guide for IndividualS uted throughout the county to our public and private schools, with Disabilities in Baltimore County.” health centers, doctors’ offices, universities, agencies that We know the Guide will be a valuable serve individualS with disabilities, and most importantly, to resource for those needing informa- people with disabilities and their families. tion on the programs and services in More than 155,000 citizens of Baltimore County are chal- the County which addresS the needs lenged with disabilities. It is important that we direct our of our citizens with disabilities. citizens to the services, programs, and organizationS that can help them participate fully in their communities. I believe thiS DISTRICT 1: Tom Quirk guide goeS a long way toward meeting that goal. DISTRICT 2: Vi cki Almond Finally, I would like to extend my appreciation to the busi- DISTRICT 3: Wade Kach neSSes and organizationS that saw the value of this guide and DISTRICT 4: Julian E. JoneS, Jr. supported it with their adS and sponsorships. I would also DISTRICT 5: David MarkS like to expresS my sincere thankS to the Baltimore Sun Media DISTRICT 6: Cathy Bevins Group for partnering with our Commission on Disabilities. Their DISTRICT 7: Todd K. Crandell expertise in publishing the Resource Guide waS invaluable in making the final product a succeSS. Baltimore County Commission on Disabilities 3 User: rmcdonald Time: 10-02-2015 11:05 Prod- uct: PHTabloid3 PubDate: 10-05-2015 Zone: DPPages Edi- tion: BCDisabilityGuide Page: T4 Color: Using this Guide Using Every effort has been made to ensure that the entries in this Guide are accurate and up-to-date. However, since this is a printed document thaT is this Guide updated every three years, we strongly urge you to make use of the Internet in geTTing additional in- formation about available resources for individuals The Baltimore County with disabilities and their families. Where it is avail- Commission on Disabilities able, we have included each resource’s website. The Baltimore County Commission on Disabilities is This Guide has been developed for use by the located within the Department of Planning. Mem- public. As such, we encourage you to copy and bers of the Commission include people with dis- share it with others. If you need additional copies, abilities, family members, representatives of public or if you need the Guide in an alternative format, and private service agencies, and staff from state contacT the Commission at 410-887-3580, or by and local government. The Commission sponsors email at [email protected]. work groups to address such issues as accessibility, education, public policy, and disability awareness. Disclaimer It is our hope that those who use this Guide will The Department of Planning, the Commission on benefiT from its information as well as contribute Disabilities and Baltimore County, Maryland do noT to its on-going update. endorse or recommend any organization or entity Commission meetings are open to the public listed in this Guide. The information provided in this and occur on the third Wednesday of every month Guide is presented solely in an effort to assist you (except the summer months and October, when we in locating helpful resources. Your decision to use have our Annual Awards Ceremony and Luncheon). any organization or entity contained herein is solely Meetings run from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Please call your decision and is made at your own risk. While the Commission at 410-887-3580 for the exacT reasonable efforts were made to verify the accu- date, time, and location of our monthly meetings, racy of information provided herein, the information and to request special accommodations. may contain errors and omissions and/or provider’s For more information on the Commission, and for information may change from time to time. additional copies of this Guide, please call or write: The Department of Planning, the Commission Commission on Disabilities on Disabilities and Baltimore County, Maryland Baltimore County Department of Planning make no representations or warranties as to Jefferson Building, Suite 201 quality of services that may be provided and 105 W. Chesapeake Avenue respectively disclaim any responsibility for errors, Towson, MD 21204 omissions or inaccuracies that may be contained in Phone: 410-887-3580 this Guide. Website: http://www.baltimore countymd.gov/Agencies/planning/disabilities/ Email: [email protected] This organization is not affiliated with Baltimore County Public Schools. 4 Baltimore County Commission on Disabilities User: rmcdonald Time: 10-02-2015 10:54 Prod- uct: PHTabloid3 PubDate: 10-05-2015 Zone: DPPages Edi- tion: BCDisabilityGuide Page: T5 Color: get to know us In 1947, the School of the Chimes was founded in Baltimore, Maryland serving five students with intellectual disabilities to help them achieve their fullest potential. This was the cornerstone and guiding spirit of the present organization. Currently Chimes provides services, Empowering People, supports and employment for over 19,000 people with disabilities. We are aleading EnrichingLives not-for-profit organization known for innovative, responsive and flexible Come visit us: solutions that are customer focused and 4815 Seton Drive •Baltimore, MD 21215 results oriented. Our array of educational, 410.358.6400 •www.chimes.org employment, vocational,residential, habilitative and behavioral health services Facebook: and supports are known internationally ChimesInternational for their quality.Besure to visit us online Twitter: ChimesInc or in person to learn more! Chimes assists people with disabilities by offering the following services: Residential •Educational •Supported Living •School to Work Transition •Job Coaching Respite Assistance •Day Habilitation •Behavioral Support •Career Assessment IndividualFamily Support •Vocational Training •Employment BALTIMORE MARRIOTT WATERFRONT•10.24.2015 GALAGA Presented by ththe ChimesFou ndationn THE FOUR TOPS &THE COMMODORES Honoring: Calvin G. Butler Jr. ChiefExecutiveOfficer BaltimoreGas and Electric Company(BGE) For Information: 410.358.7774orvisit www.chimes.org User: rmcdonald Time: 10-02-2015 11:06 Prod- uct: PHTabloid3 PubDate: 10-05-2015 Zone: DPPages Edi- tion: BCDisabilityGuide Page: T6 Color: Table of 8 ADA Information 8 Fair Housing Information Contents 8 Maryland Agencies of Importance 10 Baltimore County Agencies of Importance 11 Advocacy Agencies 14 Children’s Services 16 Developmental Disabilities Services 24 Education Services (includes Transitioning Services, Colleges and Universities) 30 Employment Services 32 Health Services 34 Home and Community Based Waivers Services (includes Crisis Support) 38 Housing Choices and Alternatives 42 Legal Resources 46 Mental Health Services 49 Recreation, Leisure, Camps and Vacation Opportunities 54 Respite Care Services 55 Senior Services 56 Support Groups/Services 57 Transportation Resources 58 Additional Resources 6 Baltimore County Commission on Disabilities User: rmcdonald Time: 10-02-2015 10:54 Prod- uct: PHTabloid3 PubDate: 10-05-2015 Zone: DPPages Edi- tion: BCDisabilityGuide Page: T7 Color: We’re Here for People of All Ages, in All Stages The Arc Baltimore provides advocacy and high quality,life-changing supports to thousands of people with intellectual and developmentaldisabilities and their families throughout their lifetimes. No matter what theneed, our talentedstaffis ready and willing to help. We provide needed resources to Whenever youneed us, we’rehere foryou. families, help navigating thesystem, With thehelp of our dedicated respiteand IEP advocacy.Young adults professionals, people livethe lifeoftheir graduating from school count on our dreams: at home, at work and during their supportastheytransition to theworld free time. In theprocess, they become of work.Our numerous employment their ownbestadvocates and active, and dayprograms aredesigned to contributing members of our community. meetall abilities and preferences. We Contact us to find out howwecan help people choose howtheywant to live—alone or witharoommate, in supportyou and your family. an apartment or home or withtheir families. Our offerings even include arangeofcommunity-based camp, recreational, volunteer and
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