March 15, 1966 No. 11 Principal R. W. Pratt and students outline proposed new High School Building at Adelphian Academy. GOD HAS GIVEN US THE YOUTH... LET US GIVE THEM THE TOOLS OF LEARNING it MICHIGAN ACADEMY DEVELOPEMENT New Adelphian High School Building Described Old Administration Building The third boarding academy building project to be started auditorium from the music area are located two science this spring will be what is traditionally known as an admin- recitation rooms and a modern science laboratory. istration building. The 140 foot by 280 foot one-story Just outside of the administration offices, which face the structure will be erected at the Adelphian Academy campus. campus mall, is another landscaped patio with two separate It is scheduled to be started in May and to be completed in entrances, one on either side. time for school use the second semester of next year. In the east end of the building are six large classrooms, a The administrative portion of the unit represents but home economics class and work room, and the student about 6 per cent of the total floor area of the building. This association offices. The teachers will be especially pleased section of the building includes the offices of the principal, that every classroom has an individual office adjacent to it. registrar, and accountant as well as two specially constructed Don Kirkman, a Michigan-registered architect, has de- vaults to protect the student scholastic records and financial veloped a well-organized building plan that will provide con- papers. venience with utility. The fire-resistant structure has painted In the building committee we refer to this addition for block interior and brick on the weather side. The raised the Adelphian campus as the "high school building" which portion that you see at one end of the building pictured on actually more adequately describes its intended function in the cover is the higher roof over the assembly room. The modern language. Under one roof are seven distinct areas: final building and room arrangement is a cooperative proj- home economics, library, science, and music facilities, an ect of the Academy directors, teaching staff, and architect. Curriculum studies and individual teaching requirements auditorium, and classrooms, in addition to the business offices. for each course of study were investigated and the building designed to meet current and future needs of the school. Many are acquainted with the Adelphian campus. To help The requirements that the Michigan State Board of Educa- you visualize the building, imagine that you are standing on tion and the Bureau of School Services have are met in the AcadQ.rny Road and looking north. Directly ahead is the building. The basic plan has been submitted to the Michigan front of the proposed building. Beyond the building is the Conference Committee by the Academy Building Commit- open campus, flanked on the right by the boys' dormitory tee. This has been approved and is now being reviewed and and on the left or west side, by the girls' dormitory. To studied by the Lake Union and the General Conference the north of the mall is the cafeteria-gymnasium complex. building and educational committees. In the interim, the Returning to our position on Academy Road walk north design is being developed into a working plan with material across the grass and parking lot toward the front of the en- specifications by the architect. visioned building and look through a row of square decora- I wish that somehow I could impart to you the deep feeling tive columns that mark the building line, into a patio with that has developed in the committees that are guiding the natural plantings. Directly beyond the patio are the large building projects at the three academies. Each person is shaded windows of the library. There are two front en- dedicating his particular talents to make this a working trances, one on each side of the library. program. As I sit here and attempt to describe this building The east portion of the building contains the music rooms, to you, emotion rises within me and I confess that God a 475-seating capacity assembly room, and the science area. is leading on every hand. I believe it is His will that there The music space is separated by a hall that has baffles built be a new major structure at each of the boarding academy into it to prevent sound from penetrating the rest of the campuses a year from now. building. This music accommodation contains a large band If you are in the eighth grade or going to high school room with built-in permanent risers and an instrument now I want to ask you this question, "Wouldn't it be fun storage room. A group of smaller rooms may be entered by to go to academy next year?" passing through the reception room. Here are seven HAROLD W. MOLL, Chairman practice rooms and three studios. On the other side of the Academy Building Committee March 15, 1966, Vol. LVIII, No. 11 3 Subscribe Now to Israelite; First 11 Books of Bible Called Myth; Give March 19 for Jewish Evangelism Churches Split In 1905, the messenger of the Lord wrote: "There will The Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec and the be many converts from among the Jews, and these converts United Church of Canada have ended their joint publication will aid in preparing the way of the Lord, and making agreement. A payment of nearly $60,000 by the Baptists was straight in the des- the final transaction. ert a highway for The separation was a result of a controversy beginning in our God. Convert- 1964, when the Baptist Convention heard charges that the ed Jews are to have new curriculum being financed jointly denied the Virgin an important part Birth and referred to the first 11 books of the Bible as to act in the great "myth." The following year the Baptists voted to sever preparations to be their relationship with the United Church. Except for pub- made in the future lication of the Baptist hymnal, the joint agreement between to receive Christ, the two churches has ceased. our Prince."— Teachers' and student texts for the first and second years Evangelism, p. 579. of school will be offered for sale at regular prices, but the Are there tangi- rest of the religious texts will be destroyed, according to Dr. ble evidences avail- L. K. Daniel, chairman of the Christian education able today showing department. that Jews are ac- cepting full salva- tion through Jesus Christ? During 1965, over one thou- sand Israelites en- rolled in the Bible Correspondence Course for Jews and almost half of the en- rollees finished the course and received certificates. The high percentage of students who completed the course shows that Jews arc interested in the Word of God. Surely, the Bible lessons are accomplishing their God-given task, for the promise reads: "So shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Mc void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it." 13th Sabbath Offering to Build New Dorm In a special manner, however, the truth is to be presented NIRGUA means an academy for Venezuela where Adventist youth to the Jews during these latter days in an attractive 32-page may develop a faith in God and prepare for His service. It means future journal published quarterly, known as the Israelite. The Venezuelan ministers in this land where only 12 per cent of the minis- plan for 1966 is for each Adventist family to avail them- ters are Venezuelan. selves of this highly informative journal, study its pages in These photos show buildings being constructed for Nirgua. Above is a staff house under construction. Below is the new men's dormitory order to learn how better to present the truth to our Jewish site. This is exactly where your offering is needed. friends, and then to subscribe to Israelite for one year for Nirgua has 120 acres of beautiful fertile farm land with abundant their Jewish acquaintances in order to present the truth to water supply in the heart of Venezuela. The climate is ideal. Some them. The journal can be ordered through your church mis- buildings are being constructed, but your Thirteenth Sabbath offering sionary secretary or through your local Book and Bible will build the first dormitory making it possible for school to open next House for only $1 per year. Plan to have your subscriptions September. cared for in March. On Sabbath, March 19, a special offering will be taken in all the churches of North America, and the funds will help to send additional copies of Israelite to Jews living in large cities. Your thoughtful participation is greatly appreciated. A. R. MAzAT Periodical Manager Pacific Press Publishing Association Entered as second-class matter in the Post Office, Berrien Springs, Mich. Printed weekly, 50 times a year (omitting the weeks of July 4 and December 25) by the University Press, Berrien Springs, Mich. Yearly subscription price, $2.00. Postmasters: Send all notices to "Lake Union Herald," Box C, Berrien Springs, MI 49103. 4 LAKE UNION HERALD January Gains Encouraging The financial gains in all the conferences of the Lake Union were so very good in the month of January, I felt ao ACADEMY NEWS that we would like to share this good report with our mem- bers throughout the field. It is wonderful how the Lord is A.A.-Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich.; A.U.A.-Andrews University Academy, Berrien Springs, Mich.; B.C.A.-Battle Creek Academy, Battle blessing along every line, not only financially, but spiritually Creek, Mich.; B.V.A.-Broadview Academy, La Fox, Ill.; C.L.A.-Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake, Mich.; G.L.A.-Grand Ledge Academy, as well.
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