VOLUME 12 NUMBER 2&3, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2008 $5.50 SPECIAL DOUBLE IssUE : TABLE OF CONTENTS: Volume 12 Number 2&3, November/December 2008 CHESTERTON & THE JEWS by Dale Ahlquist, “I Am Fond of Jews” The Marconi Scandal beginning page 20 Features No Room for the Babe 51 | :OFF THE SHELF WITH MIKE FOSTER 37 |:JOGGING WITH G.K.: BY JAMES G. BRUEN JR. The Merchant of Venice Running From Home 6 |:EDITORIAL: BY ROBERT MOORE-JUMONVILLE 52 |:FEAR OF FILM: Chesterton and Anti-Semitism: 58 |:ENCORE!: A Personal Reflection The Bigot The Rosary on Celluloid 38 |:THE SIGNATURE OF MAN: BY ART LIVINGSTON BY DALE AHLQUIST, PRESIDENT OF THE AMERI- BY G.K. CHESTERTON Frank Brangwyn and The CAN CHESTERTON SOCIETY Daughters of Jerusalem Departments 54 |:CHESterton’S MAIL BAG: BY G.K. CHESTERTON 8 |:STRAWS IN THE WIND: Jews and Anti-Jews A Report on My Anti-Semitism 4 |:TREMENDOUS TRIFLES 40 |:THE BATTLE WITH THE DRAGON: 56 |:NEWS WITH VIEWS BY G.K. CHESTERTON “Those People” 5 |:LUNACY AND LETTERS BY KYRO R. LANTSBERGER 57 |:CLERIHEW CORNER 13 |:ALARMS & DISCURSIONS: 42 |: THE DETECTION CLUB: Interview with Robert Asch The Copy 41 |:ALL I SURVEY: BY DALE AHLQUIST Columns BY JOHN PETERSON A Shrine Out of Time BY David W. FAGERBERG The Chesterton Files 11 |:SCHALL ON CHESTERTON: 19 |:THE BALLAD OF GILBERT: THE SWORD OF WOOD On “Believing in Jews” “Mediaevalism” | BY JAMES V. SCHALL, S.J. 45 :ALL IS GRIST: Chesterton’s Bloodthirsty Heirs Love and Loyalty 18 |:A MISCELLANY OF MEN: BRIEF REVIEWS OF THE CONTEMPORARY BY JOE CAMPBELL Some of His Best Friends MYSTERY SCENE BY STEVE MILLER 34 |:THE FLYING INN: BY DALE AHLQUIST The Rule of Law | BY David BERESFORD 46 :THE DISTRIBUTIST: 48 |:BOOK REVIEWS: DISTRIBUTISM AND THE JEWS 30 |:THE ROLLING ROAD: Whatever You Do, Don’t by Dale Ahlquist More Real Than We Mention the Jews 35 |:THE FLYING STARS: Can Imagine REVIEWED BY BRADLEY ROTHSTEIN An Author Accused 47 |:CHESTERTON UNIVERSITY: BY KEVIN O’BRIEN BY NANCY CARPENTIER BROWN The Desire of the More Vindication from Everlasting Hills Chesterton’s “Last” Book 36 |:MANALIVE: 32 |:TALES OF THE SHORT BOW: REVIEWED BY SEAN P. DAILEY AS I WAS Saying An Accidental Death Changing the Culture in Good Pope, Bad Press BY JOHN PETERSON a Chestertonian Way REVIEWED BY CHRIS CHAN BY CHRIS CHAN PUBLISHER: Dale Ahlquist, President, ACS EdITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sean P. Dailey ART DIRECTOR: Ted Schluenderfritz LITERARY EDITOR: Therese Warmus COPY EDITOR: Mike Foster SENIOR WRITER: John Peterson CONTRIBUTING EdITORS: David Beresford, Sara Bowen, Nancy Brown, Joe Campbell, John C. Chalberg, Christopher Chan, David Paul Deavel, David W. Fagerberg, Mike Foster, Kyro Lantsberger, Art Livingston, Roy Moore, Robert Moore-Jumonville. James V. Schall, SJ “NEWS WITH VIEWS” EDITORS: Nathan Allen, Mark Pilon, Larry Pavlicek, Ted Olsen SUBSCRIPTIONS: (See Coupon Page 6) Credit Card Orders: call 1-800-343-2425 or fax 1-270-325-3091 LETTERS AND ARTICLES: Gilbert Magazine, American Chesterton Society, 4117 Pebblebrook Circle, Minneapolis, MN 55437 editor@gilbertmagazine.com www.gilbertmagazine.com. Letters to the editor may be edited for length or clarity. GILBERT MAGAZINE is published every six weeks by The American Chesterton Society, a non-profit corporation established under Paragraph 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Tax Code. Donations to the American Chesterton Society are tax-deductible in the United States. Your contributions help support the publication of Gilbert Magazine. Please send your donations to: The American Chesterton Society, 4117 Pebblebrook Circle, Minneapolis, MN 55437. The views expressed by Gilbert Magazine contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, the editors, or the American Chesterton Society. Copyright ©2008, by The American Chesterton Society. Gilbert Magazine Outlining Sanity 3 : TREMENDOUS TRIFLES: by Sean P. Dailey elcome to this special issue of Gilbert Magazine. After years of reflection, we have decided to deal Literary London was still buzzing from the in a thorough and forthright manner with the 100 publication of Orthodoxy. The book had been oft-repeated accusation against G.K. Chesterton, years ago reviewed in nearly every magazine and news- that he was an anti-Semite. It is a charge that paper, and The New Age asked Chesterton to respond to Wcontinues to resurface, despite all evidence to the contrary. one of the more extended criticisms of the book written by Chesterton dealt with it in his own lifetime (see his essay, “A E. Belfort Bax, which called Orthodoxy “a spiritual spoof.” Report on My Anti-Semitism” on page 8) and it has contin- Chesterton replied that Mr. Bax’s criticism demonstrated not ued to resurface in the decades since his death. But as GM publisher Dale Ahlquist writes in his lengthy essay beginning that Christianity was dead but that the nineteenth century on page 20, it is “a mean and wretched lie.” The charge attack on Christianity was utterly dead. alone, he points out, “is poisonous.” ¶ Just how poisonous and false this charge really is you on every chapter except the last two, which have yet to will see for yourself in the pages that follow. We scrutinize it appear. This is a real treasure—there are twelve essays on from all angles, beginning with a personal statement from “The Ethics of Elfland” alone!—and will be of use to schol- Dale on page 6. Dale then examines Chesterton’s boyhood ars, researchers, and anyone with an interest in Chesterton. friendships (page 18) and the infamous Marconi scandal (page 27). He also interviews Robert Asch, a Jew who ¶ Science fiction writer Jerry Pournelle has a blog, and on converted to Catholicism thanks to Chesterton, on page that blog he has an essay, “Distributism vs. Redistributism.” 13. Fr. James Schall weighs in on page 11. And through- Though both Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc would guffaw out this issue, in essays from our contributing editors, in at being described as “conservative capitalists,” Pournelle’s book reviews, movie reviews, essays on Jews and Distribut- article contains many fine observations, including this: ism, and of course with Chesterton’s own original writing The Regulatory State seems determined to restrict on the subject, we take the “mean and wretched lie” that America to two kinds of companies: those with fewer than 50 Chesterton was an anti-Semite, and tear the entrails out employees and giant corporations with thousands of employ- of it. Chesterton fans can now confront this lie head on, ees. No one in his right mind would expand a company…from and not be embarrassed when this false accusation arises. 49 to 51 employees. The instant one gets to 50 (or 51 depend- Chesterton in his lifetime was as loved by Jews as he was ing on the state) a huge panoply of regulations kick in, so loved by everyone else who knew him. many that even if one can afford to comply with them all, one will also need a compliance staff of several employees to make ¶ This issue’s cover shows Chesterton with Israel Zangwill sure one is in compliance. This means that up to 10 percent as they leave a hearing at the Select Committee on Censor- of one’s workforce does nothing productive except keep the owners out of jail. ship in 1910. Both Chesterton and Zangwill testified against government censorship of plays. Zangwill (1864–1926) It doesn’t make much sense, but that’s Hudge and Gudge was probably the most famous Jewish literary figure of the for you, who work together much more closely than either early twentieth century, and he and Chesterton had respect the Left or the Right will ever admit. Find Pournelle’s essay and admiration for one another. Chesterton called Zangwill at http://jerrypournelle.com/view/2008/Q4/view541.html “a great artist and a very earnest thinker,” and “a mystic #Distributism. and visionary Jew”; his plays include “The Children of the Ghetto” and “The Melting Pot.” Like Chesterton, he was a ¶ The revolution continues: there is a G.K. Chesterton Zionist, and like Chesterton, he was great with a one-liner: Theatre Company, headquartered in Santa Monica, Califor- “A man likes his wife to be just clever enough to appreci- nia. The company’s mission, as reported on the Chesterton ate his cleverness, and just stupid enough to admire it.” and Friends blog, “is to engage the Hollywood Culture and Zangwill reviewed Chesterton’s play “Magic” and said that put on great biographical works that will move and inspire although Chesterton was trying to “put the clock back in the audience.” The company’s first production, Malcolm philosophy” he was putting “the clock forward in drama.” and Teresa, about the conversion of Malcolm Muggeridge, ran through November 16. Visit them on the Web at www. ¶ Speaking of Orthodoxy, for all of 2008 Peter Flori- gkchestertontheatre.org. For information on future produc- ani (as Dr. Thursday) has been posting, every Thursday, tions call (310) 462-5141 or e-mail gkctheatre@yahoo.com. a chapter-by-chapter examination of that book on the American Chesterton Society blog. His “Index to the ¶ Parting Trifle: Season IV of theApostle of Common Thursdays of Orthodoxy” can be found at http://amer Sense is now available on DVD. Go to http://chesterton. icanchestertonsociety.blogspot.com/2008/09/index-to- org/acs/merchandise.htm to order your copy in time for thursdays-of-orthodoxy.html. The index has all his essays Christmas. 4 Volume 12 Number 2&3, November/December 2008 : LUNACY & LETTERS: from Gilbert Magazine Readers Dear Sean, I’m surprised that so many win- from an invasion by a large military ning entries in the 2008 clerihew power.
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